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07-24-2017, 03:51 PM
My apologies for resurrecting such an old thread, but it might be time to revisit this. With development in this area finally starting to pick up, I became curious about the current status of this building.

If I recall correctly, the previous discussion indicated little likelihood of this building being redeveloped anytime soon due to the ownership and the building's use for a religious-based nonprofit. However, I just noticed that the tenant that is indicated on Google Maps (In The Gap) has apparently moved their location to NW 23rd Street as of just last week (based on recent posts on their Facebook page, In the Gap is affiliated with Character First Education (per the history on their website,, which appears to be the organization that was referenced in the original post. Furthermore, looking at the Character First website (, I saw that their parent company was called Strata Leadership, and the website indicates that Strata's HQ is located in OKC at 11600 Broadway Ext., Ste 220.

If neither Strata HQ nor In The Gap are located within the old Holiday Inn building, is this building vacant now? Could this finally be the right time for someone to approach the owner about purchasing this real estate? Does anyone know anything more about the mysterious ownership?

Back a few months ago I had an Uber driver that was a resident and staff member at the Institute. He and his family had just moved out to the NW side of town because the organization was relocating. At the time he said that their were a few groups looking to purchase the building and that it would be converted back into a hotel. He didn't know the flag or when the deal would close but said it was only a matter of time. Haven't heard anything sense though.

07-24-2017, 03:54 PM
When I visited Wichita a while back, I knew nothing about its downtown. I stumbled on that building and all I could think of was our old courthouse. Old Town blows Bricktown away as far as architecture. If you plopped the historic district of Guthrie into Bricktown, that would give you an idea.

I think comparing Old Town to downtown Guthrie architecturally is a major stretch, but it is a really cool district.

07-24-2017, 04:07 PM
I've had my eye on this for a few months as it has been slowly clearing out.

Just this past weekend, there were only a few cars outside, where even when it had been really slow just a month ago there were still 10-20 or so. Plus trailers that were in the back are now gone.

I'm very sure it is under contract to a hotel operator and expect the sale to close soon.

As late as the mid-80's it had been reopened as a renovated Holiday Inn and was pretty decent. But it didn't last long.

Seems like it would be very straightforward to convert back to a modern hotel and be the only rooms in west downtown (unless you count 21c).

07-25-2017, 03:19 PM
One and the same.
Not at all.

08-29-2017, 09:04 AM

Looks like movement toward redevelopment.

08-29-2017, 09:09 AM
That article says they closed at the end of last year but there are still people in there, just not many.

Doug Loudenback
08-29-2017, 09:46 AM
Who would have thought that this old thread was still lurking around in the caverns of OKCTalk cyberspace! Amazing. Not to be picky, but, Steve's article in the Oklahoman today says that the former holiday inn building was the site of our old county courthouse, and that may have been said in this thread, as well. That's kinda true and kinda not. The old courthouse was located midway between grand and main and actually had no frontage on main street. No big deal. It certainly would be great to see the existing property restored to its original purpose.

08-29-2017, 10:28 AM
That article says they closed at the end of last year but there are still people in there, just not many.

I was wondering about that. I walk by all the time and there are always lights on in some of the rooms, so I was surprised to read that it was totally closed.

08-29-2017, 10:30 AM
It's not totally closed.

I've been going by there for some time to check on the place and there have always been people in there and some cars in the front and back.

08-29-2017, 11:39 AM
It looks like the Alliance agreement with Omni for the Convention Hotel might affect the redevelopment of this into a hotel:

"The 10-story institute at 520 W Main closed late last year and a representative confirmed Monday discussions are ongoing with potential buyers.

At least one of those buyers recently approached The Alliance for Economic Development of Oklahoma City with a pitch to spend $26.6 million converting the building into a 197-room Delta by Marriott with a restaurant, meeting and ballroom space.

That discussion ended, however, when alliance President Cathy O'Connor advised the group the project would not qualify for tax increment financing."

Do you think this is doable without public financing assistance? Not sure what kind of shape it is in.

08-29-2017, 04:03 PM

I believe the Omni thing doesn't kick in until they actually start or finish. But at any rate, it's not all official yet anyway.

I'm sure Cathy just told them they don't want to subsidize hotels, which she has pretty much told everyone else who has asked for that purpose, except First National.

That's the only 'qualifying' there is. There are almost no guidelines and who gets TIF and it comes completely down to Cathy recommending it upstream (with 100% approval rate) or not.

The only exception I can think of is the Wheeler District where after getting almost no help from the Alliance over a period of several years, the developers basically went around her and straight to City Council.

08-30-2017, 07:59 AM
No subsidy for hotels - other than, obviously, the Omni and First National - is excellent policy for he City at this point. The private sector is delivering downtown hotels - without incentive - at such a pace that there is industry concern that compression will start causing properties elsewhere in the city to fail. That helps nobody. Although this property is tempting due to its uniqueness - it already has the bones of a hotel - and the desirability of adaptive reuse for the building due to location, I understand the exclusion, even here.

Considering the fact that it is already configured and would most likely just need mechanicals, fixtures and new surfaces/decor, the economics surely work even without incentive. In which case, why would we want to do it?

09-01-2017, 03:11 PM

The phrase "did not qualify" is incorrect. There is nothing in the qualification guidelines that stop hotels from getting TIF or other incentives, it's merely Cathy O'Connor's decision they they should not get them... Broadly applied to hotels but who knows what else she deems unworthy.

Keep in mind when someone makes such an inquiry and gets rejected, there is no public record kept. It's an informal conversation that stops at Cathy's desk unless she decides it should go forward. We have no way of knowing which projects are met with this sort of rejection; we also don't know which ones get rejected and still get built.

Hugely important information because the *entire* basis of TIF is the 'but for' argument. That but for these incentives these projects would not get built. But there is no way to determine if this is remotely true because of the process OKC employs. I know all this from direct conversations with Cathy O'Connor and Brent Bryant.

Since TIF is based on proactively taking and redirecting tax dollars, the burden of proof should be on the people requesting money to be spent this way. And they absolutely, positively cannot prove the 'but for' argument. The process also makes it virtually impossible for anyone else to judge the merits of the program.

On another note, went by on Wednesday night and several rooms had lights on, cars were both out front and in back. Not exactly teeming with activity but this facility is also not closed.

09-01-2017, 03:48 PM
I understand your complaint with the process for TIF, and not really trying to debate that. I'm only saying that "hotels don't qualify" is pretty sound policy right now for OKC and I'm sure others besides Cathy had input in that. So long as new hotel product is coming to market without incentives and at such an aggressive pace - one that is possibly going to have negative ripple effects outside of the core - there is no good reason to incentivize any hotel construction other than the ones connected FNC and the CC, and those are worthy for reasons well beyond simply adding rooms to the market.

09-01-2017, 04:04 PM
But it's not a policy or guideline... It's all case by case and completely arbitrary.

Evidenced by the Skirvin, FNC and now the Omni. And maybe even the Spaghetti Warehouse building.

I'm just saying, implying that this project didn't qualify is completely misleading. It qualified, it's just that Cathy didn't deem it worthy of TIF for whatever reason.

And when that decision is made, it's done outside any public record or meeting, never documented and not passed upwards for any further review.

09-01-2017, 04:23 PM
Unwritten policy is still policy. While I know she has tons of discretion and latitude, I sincerely doubt that she unilaterally decided "no hotels." It is coming with input from other City officials (the ones who we elect to transact City business on our behalf with much discretion) and their appointees.

I think if the policy were written down it would read something like "no subsidy for hotels unless they are connected to projects that provide significant additional benefit to the City of Oklahoma City and downtown beyond the simple addition of hotel rooms. ;)

09-01-2017, 04:37 PM
Reminder that Cathy O'Connor as her role of administrator of all TIF's in OKC is not a City official, nor does she report to one. Nor are any TIF discussions, negotiations or anything involving those programs public record until such time they are passed upstream for approval.

100% of the TIF awards that have met Cathy's approval have received the money and in the amounts she stipulated. Of course those that don't meet her approval are 100% denied because they end there and then.

More importantly, we will never know if her making any such decisions are unilateral or not because there is no public record kept on such matters.

TIF collections (and disbursements) will soon pass the $1 Billion mark.

09-01-2017, 05:05 PM
Reminder that Cathy O'Connor as her role of administrator of all TIF's in OKC is not a City official, nor does she report to one...

Of course I am aware of the structure. And actually she DOES report to one City official, as Jim Couch is on her Board of Directors. Also on her board is the president of the Chamber, who is keenly aware of the hotel situation and whose organization is closely connected to the Convention and Visitors' bureau.

I am saying there is zero chance that this particular point (TIF for hotels) has not been discussed with these and other individuals, and if she made a decision like this that was counter to the strategies of the City and the Chamber she would certainly be redirected by her board.

09-01-2017, 05:09 PM
A reminder that - though she does wield much power and influence - Cathy is a staff member of a not-for-profit organization and as such answers to a board and a board president:

People should not be getting (or be given) the impression that she and she alone makes all of the decisions based on personal whims.

Also worth noting is that they work very closely with these groups:

09-01-2017, 07:34 PM
Of course I am aware of the structure. And actually she DOES report to one City official, as Jim Couch is on her Board of Directors. Also on her board is the president of the Chamber, who is keenly aware of the hotel situation and whose organization is closely connected to the Convention and Visitors' bureau.

I am saying there is zero chance that this particular point (TIF for hotels) has not been discussed with these and other individuals, and if she made a decision like this that was counter to the strategies of the City and the Chamber she would certainly be redirected by her board.

Honest yes or no question...when Jim Couch sits on the board of this org, does he officially represent the City of OKC in that position?

I surmise the answer is no, that would pose all sorts of problems with the closed door, on the down low way this is set up to prevent any accountability to the public. But if yes, it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.

09-02-2017, 07:41 AM
Oops I didn't even check my own link; I forgot that David Greenwell is also on that board, so in actuality she reports to TWO City officials. Pat Ryan serves too, so I guess before he retired from City Council there were three.

mkjeeves, not sure I understand your question; what would constitute official representation of the City vs not? I'd think as City Manager he represents the City's interests as he understands and interprets them to be on every board or trust on which he serves. The same being true for the Mayor and Council.

09-02-2017, 09:00 AM
Yes, there is a Board of Directors but you and nobody else knows the nature of their supervision, how often they meet, who actually attends, what they discuss, etc.

The Alliance was formed specifically at the behest of Larry Nichols and I can assure you that he is the person that provides the overall direction and given his unrelenting involvement in the convention center and convention hotel, if there is some sort of unspoken policy against assisting any other hotels (the dealings of the Alliance are private until such things as TIF requests are kicked upstream for 100% approval) we'll never know, nor do they have to tell anyone because they operate outside open meetings and records laws.

I know for a fact that people go to speak to Cathy, she shakes her head 'no', and that's the end of it. I've been told so by multiple developers. It's also fact they don't keep any record of such meetings or the results. This had to have been the process for this project because the request did not leave Cathy's office and appear on any public record.

To say this project "didn't qualify of TIF" is simply incorrect; it was in the boundaries of TIF #2, there is plenty of money in that TIF, commercial projects of all types are allowed, other hotels have received TIF, etc. What is correct is that Cathy O'Connor merely told them no and it's very unlikely she consulted anyone else in that specific decision.

And a reminder this is the basis for how $1 Billion in tax dollars are distributed, with plenty more to come.

09-02-2017, 09:28 AM
I'm president of a company I own in partnership with my wife. When I'm acting on behalf of the company the company is both bound to my commitments and subject to liability to the fullest extent of the law but it all stops there. I represent through action and signature over my title to make it clear I'm acting for the company.

When my employees are working, they represent the company. They subject the company to liability and make commitments that are binding, even in the simplest form. That does not extend to them personally. When they aren't at work, they don't represent the company.

I've been on the board and president of a trade association related to my industry. It's required by the bylaws board members represent and be heads of companies working in the trade. So when on that board, attending meetings, participating in activities, I was and am 100% acting in my official capacity, with all ramifications listed above and others.

I've also served other organizations, an example would be on a committee of an arts organization. That has absolutely nothing to do with my business entity, there is no requirement to be in a trade, head of a business, etc. and I never represented I was there on behalf of my company.

I have seen committees and boards member requirements for various entities that spelled out the profile, such as one member from business management, one member from a union, one member from local government two citizens.

It's a simple legal question, is he serving in an official capacity as City Manager or not? Is there a requirement in their bylaws the city manager and/or council members be on the board in official capacity?

09-02-2017, 09:47 AM
It's a simple legal question, is he serving in an official capacity as City Manager or not? Is there a requirement in their bylaws the city manager and/or council members be on the board in official capacity?

It's a good question because if they served in an official reps of the City, their involvement in the meetings and records could open the door to open records requests.

This whole thing is very blurry. I've heard City officials say they don't even keep Alliance files on their City computers for this reason, but in practical terms, even O'Connor herself works directly for the City in her role as head of OCURA. So does Larry Nichols, for that matter, as he is board chair of that organization as well. Brent Bryant is a City employee and handles all the financial dealings and number crunching for economic development programs, including TIF.

I suppose if I really wanted to press this through an attorney I could, but it would take that in order to gain access to lots of information that is intentionally kept from the public.

BTW, the Alliance was formed specifically to avoid being subject to public records. The claim was this was needed in order to operate in secrecy to better negotiate economic incentives for various businesses. However, I am not aware of any prior public record request that was even made in this regard, let alone one that somehow compromised any negotiations.

If I'm skeptical it's because 1) that's the job of a journalist when it comes to matters of public interest when information is being withheld; 2) this organization was formed specifically to aid secrecy; and 3) I've asked direct questions in the past and have received answers that were intentionally incomplete and even misleading; 4) it seems no one else in town is willing to ask questions or do their own research on these matters.

09-02-2017, 09:52 AM
That's my understanding. I'll all in the gray area by design, until they end up in court. The answer to all questions is what suits the agenda at the time. No, he's not serving in official capacity, he's a citizen serving an independent private entity. Yes, she answers to the board, which is made up of City Officials, etc.

09-02-2017, 10:15 AM
That's my understanding. I'll all in the gray area by design, until they end up in court. The answer to all questions is what suits the agenda at the time. No, he's not serving in official capacity, he's a citizen serving an independent private entity. Yes, she answers to the board, which is made up of City Officials, etc.

And it's way more complicated for Brent, Cathy and Larry Nichols.

They all serve OCURA and other City functions, but then can use the Alliance as a shield any time it suits them.

In reality, there is no real separation in their duties but they can merely deny open records requests and hold private meetings as it serves them. The only recourse is for someone to hire an attorney then take on the City in court.

None of this is to imply corruption, just a way of forwarding agendas they believe are right without the hassle of public input and oversight. And in my mind -- especially with the huge sums of tax dollars involved -- contrary to the basic principles of a democracy.

10-15-2017, 07:35 AM
It seems this building has been completely vacated now.

10-15-2017, 09:47 AM
It seems this building has been completely vacated now.

Creepy... please confirm no mass suicide.

10-15-2017, 10:38 AM
Any clue what kind of shape it is in inside? Has anyone been in it lately?

10-15-2017, 11:27 AM
Around 1984 or 1985 this hotel underwent a huge renovation and was featured in Architectural Digest.

10-15-2017, 03:52 PM
Any clue what kind of shape it is in inside? Has anyone been in it lately?

Peeking inside, it looks like it hasn't been touched since the Holiday Inn renovation in the mid-80's.

Lots of brass fixtures and maroon.

10-15-2017, 05:17 PM
Is it unsecured? A recipe for disaster if so.

10-15-2017, 05:51 PM
Is it unsecured? A recipe for disaster if so.

No, it's secured.

That open door is inside a locked door.

10-15-2017, 08:56 PM
Maybe it could be an 80s-themed retro flashback boutique hotel! The staff could all dress the part, and the TVs could only get a few channels, and there'd be no Internet or cell phones.

Ha ha just kidding.

01-12-2018, 10:44 AM
Former downtown OKC Holiday Inn attracts buyer interest

By: Molly M. Fleming The Journal Record January 11, 2018

OKLAHOMA CITY – A former hotel on the west side of downtown is for sale, and the sellers have already seen interest from multiple potential buyers.

The Institute in Basic Life Principles owns the former Holiday Inn, 520 W. Main St. The organization is looking for a buyer, but is in no hurry, said Peter Holmes, broker with HotelBrokerOne. The company has the property listed.

The building sits on 1.5 acres and is listed for $9.7 million.

“In recent weeks, a number of national brand (representatives) have visited the hotel in conjunction with potential purchasers,” said Holmes. “It’s all been very positive.”

The Holiday Inn was built with 212 rooms, but the institute changed it to 167 rooms, with meeting space, classrooms, and offices. Holmes said the redeveloper would likely make it into 185 to 200 rooms.

But the property doesn’t have to become a hotel, and it doesn’t have to remain standing. Holmes said it could be renovated into apartments. The institute also doesn’t have a mandate that the building be remodeled.

“The institute has no opinion on what the best use is, nor are they tying any part of the sale to any particular manner,” he said.

The property sits in the city’s Arts District and is a block south of the Civic Center Music Hall and also near the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Both venues bring in outside visitors.

In 2016, OKCMOA’s Matisse in His Time exhibit, which ran for three months, attracted more than 62,000 visitors from all 50 states and 13 countries. The estimated economic impact was $5.6 million. Many of the visitors stayed the night in the city, which in total generated an estimated $1.8 million.

In 2017, the Civic Center had 272 shows in its main hall, which includes events by the Oklahoma City Philharmonic Orchestra, the ballet, and OKC Broadway.

Holmes said if the 520 W. Main property is renovated, it will likely be a soft brand. Examples of soft brands include the Curio, Tapestry, and the Autograph Collection. He said if the building is renovated, room rates won’t be the highest downtown, but they’ll come in at a tier lower than the 21c Museum Hotel or The Colcord.

“Someone could buy it and convert it to a midmarket franchise,” he said. “But the most successful hotel rooms seem to be at the top. There’s a lot of competition in the middle.”

Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau President Mike Carrier said it will take a lot of investment to bring the property to modern standards. But if someone spent the money and made it into a full-service luxury property, it would fill a gap in the market.

He said it could serve as an overflow hotel for convention guests staying at the Omni. But other downtown properties will be on the streetcar line, like the Omni, while this property is not on the line at this time.

“It will be interesting to see who might buy it and their willingness to do all the things that need to be done to make it an investment that’s worth it,” he said.

Holmes said there’s no call-for-offers date, yet. The property nearly sold last year, but the investment group changed directions, which had nothing to do with the Oklahoma City market.

He said his company is working closely with the Institute in Basic Life Principles to prequalify a buyer and help the organization find a new owner that is likely to complete the sale.

He said having a new owner will also put the property back on people’s radar. With no signage and a deep setback from Main Street, it has fallen off some people’s radars.

“The activity (from buyers) level has been extremely high, from the foremost players in the U.S.,” he said. “We look forward to seeing what will happen with it.”

01-12-2018, 12:12 PM
I was just just driving by this building the other day and thinking that it'd be great if it became a hotel again. Film Row is booming and will be the focal point of west downtown and a hotel other than 21C would fit well. Also proximity to Devon, BOK tower, and city hall would be great for business travelers associated with those entities.

01-12-2018, 12:16 PM
This property last sold in 1999 for $2.3 million and they've done very little to it and are now asking $9.7 million. That would be a nice little profit.

From the photos I've seen it has not changed much on the inside and if anything they have removed some of the hotel amenities in favor of their own unique use.

I believe this property was under contract and that fell out, which prompted the open listing.

Hope it sells to a responsible hotel operator as it's a key property for west downtown.

12-01-2018, 07:03 AM
Oklahoman reporting this property has sold to Jonahtan Russell for $6.15 million with plans to convert to either hotel or housing with possibly putting housing in the south parking lot:

I've known this was brewing because in early October, Russell filed to split the deed whereby the south parking lot (South Tract below) and old hotel would be separated. That's a very strong indication he plans to flip one or both properties.

Also, I noticed this property on the most recent TIF report, which means there have been active negotiations. Reminder that due to the incentive deal with the Omni, downtown hotel projects are no longer eligible for TIF funds.

Good to see some movement here but Russell is much more of a speculator than developer.

12-13-2018, 08:44 AM
The sale has hit the County Assessor site.

Sales price is shown as $5.15 million, not $6.15 million as reported by the Oklahoman.

Russell actually formed a 2nd LLC and the ownership is split 55/45, which supports the idea he plans to divide the property in some way.

As previously mentioned, according to the Alliance for Economic Development reports, he is actively negotiating for TIF funds which, due to the Omni deal, are not available for downtown hotel projects.

I suspect the vacant lot will be developed for housing or some other non-hotel use. Or at least, that is the deal they are trying to put together.

12-13-2018, 09:21 AM
The sale has hit the County Assessor site.

Sales price is shown as $5.15 million, not $6.15 million as reported by the Oklahoman.

Russell actually formed a 2nd LLC and the ownership is split 55/45, which supports the idea he plans to divide the property in some way.

As previously mentioned, according to the Alliance for Economic Development reports, he is actively negotiating for TIF funds which, due to the Omni deal, are not available for downtown hotel projects.

I suspect the vacant lot will be developed for housing or some other non-hotel use. Or at least, that is the deal they are trying to put together.

It will be nice if and when the wall comes down on the sw corner of the property (NE corner of sheridan and Dewey) that something is built that interacts with the street instead of being closed off. Right now walking east from this intersection, it is almost two blocks of non interaction due to the wall and then two side by side parking garages. Creates a barrier between film row and downtown.

12-13-2018, 10:43 AM
There is also tons of parking directly adjacent, both at the Sheridan/Walker Garage and the Arts District Garage.

And that's not even counting the two BOK Park Plaza garages that are virtually empty and the rash of surface lots just to the west.

12-13-2018, 11:35 AM
I would love for the old court house to be rebuilt, but thats just dreams.

T. Jamison
12-13-2018, 11:42 AM
The sale has hit the County Assessor site.

Sales price is shown as $5.15 million, not $6.15 million as reported by the Oklahoman.

Russell actually formed a 2nd LLC and the ownership is split 55/45, which supports the idea he plans to divide the property in some way.

As previously mentioned, according to the Alliance for Economic Development reports, he is actively negotiating for TIF funds which, due to the Omni deal, are not available for downtown hotel projects.

I suspect the vacant lot will be developed for housing or some other non-hotel use. Or at least, that is the deal they are trying to put together.

You're only partially right. The $5.15 million deed (Book 13899, page 902) is for the north tract which is split between the two LLC's. The other deed is $1,000,000 (Book 13899, page 905) which is the deed for the south tract is only to LBR6 Street, LLC.

12-13-2018, 12:29 PM
You're only partially right. The $5.15 million deed (Book 13899, page 902) is for the north tract which is split between the two LLC's. The other deed is $1,000,000 (Book 13899, page 905) which is the deed for the south tract is only to LBR6 Street, LLC.


Just furthers the background on the fact this property is likely to be split.

04-18-2020, 07:22 AM
Absolutely nothing happening here, but a big chunk of the top facade has come loose; this seems very dangerous:

04-18-2020, 08:39 AM of these windy/stormy days that is going to take flight

04-18-2020, 10:40 AM
Hope their insurance covers the buildings' repairs.

Institute in Basic Life Principles Training Center:

07-28-2020, 05:37 PM
Somebody posted this on Facebook; the original Holiday Inn in the 60's:

07-28-2020, 06:24 PM
It's almost identical to Tulsa's downtown Holiday Inn,

here's a photo of it when it was a Ramada Inn (it was originally a Holiday Inn) and even the windows are the same:
A postcard photo from when it opened

It's been rebuilt and is a Holiday Inn again:

07-29-2020, 07:30 AM
It's almost identical to Tulsa's downtown Holiday Inn,

here's a photo of it when it was a Ramada Inn (it was originally a Holiday Inn) and even the windows are the same:
A postcard photo from when it opened

It's been rebuilt and is a Holiday Inn again:

It would be nice to see that blue color freshened up on the buildings to match back to the post card

Edmond Hausfrau
07-29-2020, 08:16 AM
Interesting that Kimray would be involved with Gothard and makes perfect sense. Kimray is a LONGTIME supporter and local benefactor of the John Birch Society.
The thread bump caused me to read this, then caused eyeballs to pop out of head.
Is this still true about Kimray? And if so, WTF? (Sorry I know it wasn't the point of the thread, but good lord...)

10-16-2020, 11:33 AM
There has been some recent activity inside and they cut down all the trees on the perimeter.

Found this on Facebook:


Dob Hooligan
10-16-2020, 12:28 PM
There has been some recent activity inside and they cut down all the trees on the perimeter.

Found this on Facebook:


I mean no disrespect, but the Homeless Military Veterans Facebook group needs to get a better spokesperson, IMO. That repetitive, run on sentence makes me doubt the professionalism and organization of the group.

10-17-2020, 01:22 AM
Seems ambitious based on the public charity information that's available for Homeless Military Veterans. They've filed an IRS Form 990-N, which is viewable here ( The 990-N is for small tax-exempt organizations whose annual gross receipts are $50K or less. HMV's tax exempt status was granted by the IRS on April 1, 2019 according to the Determination Letter linked on that page.

They have a Yelp page (

The mailing address on the 990-N is 11833 SE 74th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73150. Here's what Google Street View shows at that address. (

The principal officer's address is 4801 Wood Dale Ave., Norman, OK 73026. Here's Google Street View for that address. (

HMV's website at ( is a GoDaddy website template with lots of photos borrowed from other websites. A few examples:

This photo (,h:640,cg:true,m/cr=w:1120,h:640,a:cc) on Homeless Military Veterans' website was taken from an April 2, 2020 press release ( put out by the Maryland National Guard.
This photo (,h:640,cg:true,m/cr=w:1120,h:640,a:cc) on HMV's website originally appeared in a 2017 Stars and Stripes article ( The dog handlers in the photo are in Qatar.
This photo (,h:800) in HMV's About Us ( photo gallery was taken from a 2012 article in the UK's Daily Mail ( about a horse in the British army's Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment who can hold a broom in his mouth and sweep his own stable.

Caveat emptor, potential donors.

10-17-2020, 01:27 AM
I mean no disrespect, but the Homeless Military Veterans Facebook group needs to get a better spokesperson, IMO. That repetitive, run on sentence makes me doubt the professionalism and organization of the group.

But are the plans set in stone?

10-17-2020, 01:39 PM
Looks very much like a grift operation to me.

01-22-2021, 08:12 AM
This property is now up for sale:

01-22-2021, 11:00 AM
Hope this doesnt end up like the gold dome or those couple properties along Broadway. Land Run buys it, maybe going to redevelop, doesnt, then puts it up for sale and keeps increasing the purchase price every year and it sits vacant for years.

01-22-2021, 11:28 AM
Landrun is a speculator, not a developer.

01-22-2021, 11:48 AM
Landrun is a speculator, not a developer.

what was landrun's involvement in 'the rise' on 23rd? i thought they were the developer.