View Full Version : Pat Robertson: Ariel Sharon’s stroke occurred because he was “dividing God’s land”

01-05-2006, 03:08 PM
(Originally posted here ( (

From Media Matters (

On the January 5 edition of Christian Broadcasting Network’s (CBN) The 700 Club, host Pat Robertson suggested that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s recent stroke was the result of Sharon’s policy, which he claimed is “dividing God’s land.” Robertson admonished: “I would say woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the EU [European Union], the United Nations, or United States of America.” Although Robertson professed that “Sharon was personally a very likeable person,” he nonetheless declared that “God has enmity against those who, quote, ‘divide my land.’ ” Robertson called the 1995 assassination of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin “the same thing.” A previous CBN news article (, titled “Dividing the Land, Dishonoring God’s Covenant,” examined Sharon’s decision to return control of the Gaza strip to the Palestinian Authority.

> Watch video on Media Matters ( website

On a related note, earlier this week TalkLeft had a post wondering why is God mad at Oklahoma and Texas ( with all the wildfires burning in our states.

Fires are burning all around Oklahoma City ( In Texas (, whole towns were burned out. Pray tell us, Revs. Falwell and Robertson: What have these heathens done to bring the fires of hell upon them?

Robertson told us ( that Katrina's destroying New Orleans was retribution for the fabled Southern Decadence (, the "Gay Mardi Gras." Opps. It hit before the gays hit town, and could not kill them for you. Katrina missed San Francisco. What was HE (or is it SHE) thinking? Does God just have bad timing?

He also said that Florida Disney's 1998 Gay Days ( bring hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, meteors, and fires to Florida. A hurricane in Florida. Who could have anticipated that? I wonder. But Florida was stolen in 2000 for Bush. That can't be it. Florida is sacred ground, with Jeb in charge. Let's not get too far into that.

Now, the fires of Oklahoma City and Texas, in January? Our vengeful God must be mad about something. Let's see. What shall it be this week?

Both Oklahoma and Texas have adopted your stupid Defense of Marriage Act (, while having the 49th and 36th highest divorce rates ( Could that be it? The logic of "defending marriage" by barring gay unions still escapes me.

Legalized abortion? Robertson said that Katrina was linked to legalized abortion ( Oklahoma in 2004 elected a fanantical (read: actually nuts) antiabortionist to the U.S. Senate: Dr. Tom Coburn ( who advocates the death penalty for abortionists, while he admitted did them himself as a GP and GYN. Maybe God is mad that Oklahomans are stupid voters. It is, after all, a "Red State."

Texas gave us Tom DeLay, a bug exterminator turned politician turned money launderer (, and George W. Bush. What can we say about George W. Bush that hasn't already been said ( That's enough to rile up any person with a sense of justice and morality.

Falwell, with Robertson nodding in agreement, blamed ( 9/11 on the ACLU, abortionists, feminists, gays, and the People For the American way as sharing the blame for our being attacked.

But Falwell, ever the prescient sort, sensing building outrage or merely hearing the open questioning of his sanity, backed off ( a couple of days later.

Robertson ( and Falwell ( both talk about all this being the "end times." When the Rapture comes, can we have your TV networks and mailing lists? All those people left behind will come over to our side for being lied to.

As Bob Hope ( said: “The good news is that Jesus is coming back. The bad news is that he's really pissed off.” And guess who's pissing him off more? What Would Jesus Do? He told us ( to oust all our oppressive "leaders" because the oppressed will someday rule.

But, then again, maybe it's just dry weather from the myth of global warming?

It’s a fair point.


01-14-2006, 12:44 PM
This is ludicrous. Just another one of Pat Robertson's idiotic statements.

01-14-2006, 01:00 PM
And Robertson, quite predictably showed where his priorities lied when he apologized upon Israel pulling support for Robertson's Christian-based theme park in Israel.

Bobby H
01-14-2006, 03:44 PM
Pat Robertson needs to retire. I think he is growing senile or something with the increasing number of irresponsible, judgmental remarks.

When he shoots his mouth off he gives good Christians a bad name. It's already bad enough that people of faith are viewed as fundamentalist, intolerant nut jobs by lots of people on both coasts. Robertson's remarks help bolster that stereotype.

01-14-2006, 04:00 PM
I agree, I think Pat Robertson is having the opposite effect of bringing people to Christ with his 'off the cuff' remarks.. he needs to have a three second delay on his TV show.. and a censor/PR person in the back editing as he goes..

01-14-2006, 04:34 PM
I agree, I think Pat Robertson is having the opposite effect of bringing people to Christ with his 'off the cuff' remarks.. he needs to have a three second delay on his TV show.. and a censor/PR person in the back editing as he goes..
Quoted for truth.

01-16-2006, 08:03 AM
Robertson represents a real group of people. I don't surround myself with them, I don't personally know any, but like members of the Klan, etc. I don't have to personally know them to know that they exist. They are to Christianity as Wahhabi is to Islam.

Censor them? No. Point and laugh as a society? Oh heck yes.

01-16-2006, 12:09 PM
Funny how people blame these occurrences on Pat's age. Billy Graham is up there in the years, and even suffers from Parkinson's Disease, and he doesn't make stupid remarks. Although, his son does at times.

01-22-2006, 09:39 PM
Pat Robertson is a nutcase.