View Full Version : Prayer request

12-26-2005, 12:41 PM
On April 5, 1997 a little blonde ball of fur went home with me. It was a cool Saturday that I had visited PetSmart to look at the puppies Pets and People had for adoption. I took this puppy out of the cage, went to the back of the store, and the first thing she did was place her head in my lap. Immediatly, I decided she would go home. I always loved the name Holly and said if I had a daughter, she would be Holly. Since I never had that chance, this small Westhighland Terrier would forever be that Holly.

Over the years, we grew attatched. An attatchment that was beyond any other I had ever seen. Her tail wagged at the speed of sound as I walked in the door from work, or from a vacation. She would gently tap my shoulder when she wanted attention, and would understand every word I said. When I brought home fast food hamburgers, I saved the pickles for her as our special treat. When cutting carrots or tomatoes, she would eat the ends. But only if I gave them to her.

She would lay gently on my pillow as she led me to sleep, and would only allow me to let her out in the morning.

She was my boo-bear, my aminal (not animal), my doogie, my very special child.

This past September, while getting her annual dental exam, her vet saw something in her mouth. Upon examination, it was diagnosed as a tumor. Over the next three months, it grew. Today I learned the tumor is terminal and my little Holly, my little boo-bear will soon be with the Angels.

I Ask each of you to pray for her comfort as her time on earth draws to a close. And should you make a donation to an animal charity, please remember little Holly.

12-26-2005, 03:12 PM
Sorry to hear about Holly,'s so painful to lose a loved one -

I would make her last times as painfree and peaceful as you can... as hard as it may be, you'll show your love for her by letting her go without suffering.. my prayers are with you.

12-27-2005, 07:41 AM
The vet said as long as she is eating and acting fine, not to let her go, however, if she stops, then we may have to put her down.

I have made the decision that when she leaves me, I will cremate her and place her urn in a rock garden she liked to play on so she can play on her "mountain" forever. Should we eventually knock down the garden, I will remove the urn. Right now, she is resting. I never thought snoring would be music to my ears.

This is hard... Very hard. Every person who keeps us in their prayers is much appreciated as I never once thought I would take it this hard. Right now, I have trouble looking at what has become my favorite picture of her... The one I shared with all of you, in my gallery.

12-27-2005, 03:19 PM
I've already emailed you this, but you'll definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. I know Holly is a big part of your family!