View Full Version : 12.2.05 Cheap Seats Pics

Doug Loudenback
12-03-2005, 10:45 AM
Well, my 1st trip to the Cheap Seats (Section 317) was OK! Of course, winning against Philly helped make it so. But, the seats aren't bad at all (even though remembering to bring your binoculars into the arena from your car ... i.e., I forgot, even though I had 'em in the back seat) would have helped A LOT!

You get a different perspective from the cheap seats ($10 tickets), which maybe the following pics will illustrate. The original pics fromy camera are 2048 x 1536, but I generally reduce them down to 800 x 600 for my web pages.

The next 4 pics are all from the same original image ... the 1st is reduced to 800 x 600, but the next 3 are "slices" of 2048 x 600 to show panorama views of the furtherst away (high), the middle, and the closest to where I was sitting. But, since I don't have a "fisheye" lens (or any other than the fixed lens on the camera), you don't quite get the actual impression since peripheral areas are not shown. But, the following give the idea.

I did see much of a need to post the other images here, but there are 10 pics altogether at