View Full Version : Oklahoma River Regatta

09-22-2004, 09:17 PM
I'm sure glad to hear about more and more rowing events coming to the Oklahoma River. This will be the second this year. Hopefully we'll only build on this.

I'm glad to see life back on the Oklahoma River once again.

"OCU rowers to compete in metro regatta

By Scott Coppenbarger

The following is a script from a NEWS 9 broadcast
You're looking at athletes from the Oklahoma City University rowing team. It won't be long before they face some tough competition in the first-ever Head of the Oklahoma Centennial Regatta.

Today, organizers announced details for the event. And it's shaping up to be quite a day on the river.

It's definitely one for the history books.

On this bridge, onlookers will be able to see a young team take on the Ivy League.

Don't expect them to roll over in the water.

On deck in one of those classic cases against the odds: Nina Zlebir and Shayna Isaacs, two members of the very young, somewhat inexperienced rowing team at Oklahoma City University.

Who would've known they'd be challenging some of the East Coast's finest in a race that could set a precedent? It could be one of Oklahoma City's premier events.

On Oct. 3, they'll close this bridge, set up bleachers and even set up a tent for the kids.

You'll see 28 races in the free event.

Organizers will also break ground on a new $2 million boathouse. That's how serious they are about the future of rowing here."

09-22-2004, 11:04 PM
Now THIS is exciting news. I'd love to go to this.

Haaaahvad (Harvard) will be in town for the event. Wonder what they'll think? The river isn't quite impressive...yet.

09-23-2004, 01:01 PM
What an awesome groundbreaking ceremony for the new OAR Boathouse as well!

Anyways, I hope we continue to have more and more of these events down there. Westarted with the OAR having their Riverfest event. Now we're adding this event. Bring it on!

I think I might just take a stroll down to the river on Sunday, Oct. 3rd.

09-23-2004, 02:00 PM
Here's the complete story from today's Oklahoman. Looks like we're going to be getting a lot of national recognition for this event. There's a lot of collegiate teams coming in from around the country. This is great news. This article details the date, times, etc. I encourage those that can, to try to make it.

"OCU to host first rowing event

By Beth Gollob
The Oklahoman

Oklahoma Centennial Regatta schedule

Schedule for the Head of the Oklahoma Centennial Regatta on Oct. 3. All activities will take place on the Oklahoma River, SW 4 and Byers Avenue:

8 a.m.: Riverfront chapel service.

8:30 a.m.: Opening ceremonies and boat christenings.

9 a.m.: Races begin.

4:30 p.m.: Closing ceremonies.

6 p.m. Festivities end.

Rowing crews from more than a dozen universities across the nation will race down the Oklahoma River next month during Oklahoma City University's inaugural Head of the Oklahoma Centennial Regatta.

OCU officials estimate more than 300 collegiate men and women rowers, from universities including Oklahoma State University, the University of Oklahoma and Harvard University, will join OCU in its first home regatta. The event is set Oct. 3.

OCU President Tom McDaniel said the regatta will be identified as an official Oklahoma Centennial event. Several local supporters, including Chesapeake Energy and civic leader Ray Ackerman, helped bring the idea to fruition, McDaniel said.

The free, public event will be held from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Regatta Park, SW 4 and Byers Avenue. In addition to collegiate rowing, the event will feature food, live entertainment and children's activities.

Bryan Volpenhein, rowing gold medalist on the U.S. Olympic men's rowing team, will offer a free rowing clinic to athletes during the regatta, and will be available to meet with fans and sign autographs. An art festival featuring work by American Indian artist Bert Seabourn also will be held.

Free parking will be offered east of Byers Bridge, officials said.

OCU crew coach Mike Knopp said a similar regatta is sponsored each year in Boston, and it attracts more than 300,000 people annually.

"We think it's something that will grow year in and year out, and we hope to attract more teams," Knopp said.

The 2½-mile course between Western and Eastern avenues will challenge rowers with several bridges that pose maneuvering challenges, Knopp said.

"The course has many obstacles, it's pretty difficult," said Lincoln Keck, a junior crew member from Ardmore.

OCU introduced men's and women's varsity rowing last year, at a time when university officials were considering making cuts to their athletic programs, McDaniel said. Since then, the program has grown to include about 30 athletes, with some from Europe.

David Livingstone, an OCU freshman rower from Oxford, England, has been rowing about nine years. He said he looks forward to rowing against Harvard.

"They're a very, very big crew, but I'm excited to compete against them," Livingstone said. "

10-03-2004, 12:18 AM
Show your support. Don't forget to go to the Regatta!

10-03-2004, 07:30 PM
If you went, please tell us how it was!!! Last time I was in the city, I attended the Rose Rock Regatta. An early morning rain kept crowds away, but the event was fantastic! Seeing all those shells was quite cool. I hope that event sticks around as well.

It's good to see corporate backing of groups like OAR. They provide the amenities people seek in a city. I commend Mike Knopp and the rest of OAR for making competitive rowing on the Oklahoma! a reality.

10-03-2004, 10:41 PM
I went at about 11:00 this morning. Had to park quite a ways away just because there were so many people.

This was the first time I had been to a rowing event. I was by myself and really didn't know how they raced. I don't think I saw any head to head races, just timed events. Many schools were represented from all over the United States. It was a great atmosphere with food and art booths - a mini Festival of the Arts. Overall very, very cool.

I hope there are more events like this.

10-04-2004, 01:28 AM
Thanks for the update Luke! Wish I could've gone...I went to Tulsa for the weekend! Sounds like there were quite a few people out there though......the stories on the news showed huge crowds. That's awsome!

10-04-2004, 01:32 AM
Here's a pic from the event. This is the Harvard team. By the way, the teams were: Baylor, Colorado, Creighton, Harvard, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma State, Rice, SMU, Texas, Texas A&M, Tulsa, Virginia, Wichita State.
It's great to have so many teams from out of town here. What great exposure for our city!