View Full Version : God speaks to you?

11-21-2005, 11:15 PM
What do christians mean when they say that god speaks to them? Does he speak to you with intuitively? Does he use signs to jump start that intuition?
If I had told you that God speaks to me but I am not a true christian would you think that I was lying about God speaking to me?

11-22-2005, 12:40 AM
Well, there are many different ways in which God speaks to people.

1. God speaks to them through His word. For example, if someone is praying about whether to accept a new job, and in the person's daily scripture reading the next day, a verse states something to the affect that God is going to bless them with a new turn in their life, obviously, IMO, that would be God speaking to them.

2. Another example might be if a person has been praying for something for a long time, and a certain message at church hits them and relates to what they've been praying about. Or a person might provide advice that is Godly. I know God has used many people to speak to me. Thus, God speaks through the words of certain people or pastors.

3. Sometimes God does speak verbally to people. I've never heard Him speak verbally, but I believe it's possible.

4. God speaks to congregations through theuse of spiritual gifts....speaking in tongues and the interpretation of tongues.

5. Dreams....I had a friend once that had many dreams or nightmares, where he was entering hell. I had been trying to show him the light. I honestly believe God was trying to speak to him.

Here's a list from Charles Stanley of ways God speaks to people:

Dr. Stanley shares that some of the ways God chooses to speak to us are through direct revelation, dreams, written words, prophets, circumstances, angels, and through the Holy Spirit. Yet, he believes there are four basic ways that God speaks to us today. God uses His Word, the Holy Spirit, other people, and circumstances. I totally agree with his conclusion.

Check out this link:

11-22-2005, 12:41 AM
BTW, when people say God speaks to them, it usually isn't verbal. It's more the other things I mentioned. Sometimes the Holy Spirit simply lays things on people's hearts.