View Full Version : Spanking is bad??

11-21-2005, 01:11 PM
It's research like this that leads to undiscplined children, IMO. I don'y buy into any of this.

"Spanking children fuels aggression, anxiety By Megan Rauscher
2 hours, 27 minutes ago

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Children who are spanked when they misbehave are more likely to be anxious and aggressive than children who are disciplined in nonphysical ways, research shows. This is true even if spanking is the "cultural norm."

Whether parents should spank their children or use other forms of physical discipline is controversial. Some experts argue that children should not be spanked when they act out citing evidence that it leads to more, rather than fewer, behavior problems and it could escalate into physical abuse. There are data to support this argument.

Other experts, however, argue that the effects of spanking and physical discipline might depend on the characteristics of the child and family and the circumstances in which it is used.

To investigate the latter theory, researchers from questioned 336 mothers and their children in China, India, Italy, Kenya, the Philippines, and Thailand about cultural norms surrounding use of physical discipline and how it affected their children's behavior.

Jennifer Lansford, a research scientist from the Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke University spearheaded the survey. She told Reuters Health that "across the six countries studied, children who were physically disciplined more frequently were more aggressive and anxious than were children who were physically disciplined less frequently."

"However, in countries where the use of physical discipline was more common, being physically disciplined more frequently was not related as strongly to aggression and anxiety as it was in countries where physical discipline was less frequently used," she said.

Not surprisingly, in Thailand, a country where peace-promoting Buddhist teachings predominant, moms were least likely to spank their children or use other forms of physical discipline.

In Kenya, on the other hand, where use of physical discipline is common and considered normal for the most part, moms were most likely to spank or engage in similar disciplinary tactics. In a study conducted in Kenya in 2003, 57 percent of grandmothers reported caning, pinching, slapping, tying with a rope, hitting, beating, and kicking as forms of discipline they had used on their grandchildren.

One question the findings raise, according to Lansford, is whether being physically disciplined more frequently causes an increase in aggression and anxiety or whether children who are already aggressive and anxious are simply physically disciplined more often. "On the basis of other work conducted in the United States, the answer is probably some of each," Lansford said.

"Another question is whether physical discipline is appropriate in this day and age, regardless of how accepted it may be," she added."

11-21-2005, 05:21 PM
It's research like this that leads to undiscplined children, IMO. I don'y buy into any of this.

"Spanking children fuels aggression, anxiety By Megan Rauscher
2 hours, 27 minutes ago

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Children who are spanked when they misbehave are more likely to be anxious and aggressive than children who are disciplined in nonphysical ways, research shows. This is true even if spanking is the "cultural norm."

Whether parents should spank their children or use other forms of physical discipline is controversial. Some experts argue that children should not be spanked when they act out citing evidence that it leads to more, rather than fewer, behavior problems and it could escalate into physical abuse. There are data to support this argument.

Other experts, however, argue that the effects of spanking and physical discipline might depend on the characteristics of the child and family and the circumstances in which it is used.

To investigate the latter theory, researchers from questioned 336 mothers and their children in China, India, Italy, Kenya, the Philippines, and Thailand about cultural norms surrounding use of physical discipline and how it affected their children's behavior.

Jennifer Lansford, a research scientist from the Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke University spearheaded the survey. She told Reuters Health that "across the six countries studied, children who were physically disciplined more frequently were more aggressive and anxious than were children who were physically disciplined less frequently."

"However, in countries where the use of physical discipline was more common, being physically disciplined more frequently was not related as strongly to aggression and anxiety as it was in countries where physical discipline was less frequently used," she said.

Not surprisingly, in Thailand, a country where peace-promoting Buddhist teachings predominant, moms were least likely to spank their children or use other forms of physical discipline.

In Kenya, on the other hand, where use of physical discipline is common and considered normal for the most part, moms were most likely to spank or engage in similar disciplinary tactics. In a study conducted in Kenya in 2003, 57 percent of grandmothers reported caning, pinching, slapping, tying with a rope, hitting, beating, and kicking as forms of discipline they had used on their grandchildren.

One question the findings raise, according to Lansford, is whether being physically disciplined more frequently causes an increase in aggression and anxiety or whether children who are already aggressive and anxious are simply physically disciplined more often. "On the basis of other work conducted in the United States, the answer is probably some of each," Lansford said.

"Another question is whether physical discipline is appropriate in this day and age, regardless of how accepted it may be," she added."
I don't buy into this either. As long as the spankings are on the buttocks, then that type of physical discipline is appropriate. Hitting a child anywhere else is abuse.

11-21-2005, 10:28 PM
You both are wrong. Where are your facts to support your cause? Studies show that spanking leads to aggression later in life. Those are the facts, plain and simple.

"Comprehensive study links spanking to aggression, behavior problems
DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer

After analyzing six decades of expert research on corporal punishment, a psychologist says parents who spank their children risk causing long-term harm that outweighs the short-term benefit of instant obedience.

The psychologist, Elizabeth Gershoff, found links between spanking and 10 negative behaviors or experiences, including aggression, anti-social behavior and mental health problems. The one positive result of spanking that she identified was quick compliance with parental demands.

"Americans need to re-evaluate why we believe it is reasonable to hit young, vulnerable children, when it is against the law to hit other adults, prisoners, and even animals," Gershoff writes in the new edition of the American Psychological Association's bimonthly journal.

Her analysis, one of the most comprehensive ever on the topic of spanking in America, was accompanied in the Psychological Bulletin by a critique from three other psychologists.

They defend mild to moderate spanking as a viable disciplinary option, especially for children 2 to 6, but advise parents with abusive tendencies to avoid spanking altogether.

Gershoff, a researcher at Columbia University's National Center for Children in Poverty, spent five years on her project, analyzing 88 studies of corporal punishment conducted since 1938. The studies tracked both the short- and long-term effects of spanking on children.

Gershoff stopped short of endorsing a legal ban on parental corporal punishment, saying the United States was unlikely to emulate a group of European countries in taking that step. However, she urged parents who spank to reconsider their options.

"When they're in a situation where they're considering spanking, think of something else to do -- leave the room, count to 10, and come back again," Gershoff said in an interview Tuesday. "The risk is just too great."

Several major national organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, have taken an official stand against corporal punishment by parents. The psychological association has not taken a stance, though it is on record opposing corporal punishment at schools and other institutions.

Robert Larzelere, a psychology professor at the Nebraska Medical Center, was one of the three experts critiquing Gershoff's findings. He noted that while she found links between spanking and negative behaviors, she did not assert categorically that spanking caused those behaviors.

Larzelere, in an interview, said he remains convinced that mild, non-abusive spanking can be an effective reinforcement of nonphysical disciplinary methods, particularly in dealing with defiant 2- to 6-year-olds. He shared concerns about spanking that is too severe or too frequent.

Gershoff cautioned that her findings do not imply that all children who are spanked turn out to be aggressive or delinquent. But she contended that corporal punishment, on its own, does not teach children right from wrong and may not deter them from misbehaving when their parents are absent.

"Until researchers, clinicians, and parents can definitively demonstrate the presence of positive effects of corporal punishment, including effectiveness in halting future misbehavior, not just the absence of negative effects, we as psychologists can not responsibly recommend its use," Gershoff wrote. "

11-22-2005, 08:58 AM
We've discussed this at length - for those who want to see a lot of heated opinions check out:

Patrick, I can't wait to talk to you after you bring your first bundle of joy home. Once you look into those innocent little eyes, you won't ever want to hurt your child.. at least I didn't.

I have one thing to say about spanking - it can lead to child abuse.. plain and simple. If you never start spanking - it can't happen.

Kelsey died Oct. 11 at her Meeker home. There are documented reports of an ongoing child abuse investigation from January until the date of her death.

I hope the monster that did this to this poor baby rots in hell... but before that I hope they get to him in prison first.

11-22-2005, 09:41 PM
I will love my child enough to do what's good for him/her.

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

11-23-2005, 06:02 AM
We've discussed this at length - for those who want to see a lot of heated opinions check out:

Patrick, I can't wait to talk to you after you bring your first bundle of joy home. Once you look into those innocent little eyes, you won't ever want to hurt your child.. at least I didn't.

I have one thing to say about spanking - it can lead to child abuse.. plain and simple. If you never start spanking - it can't happen.

Kelsey died Oct. 11 at her Meeker home. There are documented reports of an ongoing child abuse investigation from January until the date of her death.

I hope the monster that did this to this poor baby rots in hell... but before that I hope they get to him in prison first.
In my opinion, spanking a child on the behind will not lead to child abuse, however, if you spank them anywhere else, then I can see abuse happen.

11-23-2005, 10:18 AM
I think were most parents make the mistake when spanking is when they do it in the heat of anger or frustration.

You should only use spanking as a form of discpline not as a method to vent your anger.

If you ever find yourself angry at your child take a breather and then deal with the discpline problem.

11-23-2005, 12:09 PM
Most people that say spanking is bad are the first to say "Blame the parents" when the kids get into trouble. How about ignoring these rediculous studies and look around. Most people 90+% were spanked when they were kids and now they understand why.

I was spanked and everyone I know my age was spanked as a kid and very few of them are agressive unless someone cuts them off on the freeway :) . I think we make too much out of this. People with common sense can tell whe there is abuse. Sometimes a kid needs a wake up call.


11-23-2005, 01:07 PM
I totally agree with you guys. There is a world of difference between swatting a kid on the rear end and beating them within an inch of their lives. My parents may have crossed the line a bit when I was a child (we got spanked with a belt sometimes), but I still understand why they did it. Plus, it was EFFECTIVE. My brother and I were pretty well behaved.

The one really good point is from OklaCity_75, though. I don't think you should spank a child in the heat of anger. I think it's best to relay your disappointment in their behaviour, and then spank them after you've cooled off.

I'm a big proponent of long as you're not taking it to an extreme.

11-23-2005, 07:48 PM
This baby is in jail because his parents refused to spank him. He got into a little trouble.

11-27-2005, 08:19 PM
I dont believe in spanking
it makes them think that violence is the way to solve problems.
Thats wrong IMO

11-27-2005, 10:42 PM
I understand where you coming from but, one thing I have noticed about parents that do not spank is there is no discipline at all. You are not going to get anywhere trying to be kid’s best friend. They have to know that for every action you take there is a consequence in return.

Not everyone is going to be nice to you when you screw up. You have to learn from a young age that if you screw up you will pay for it. Parents who do not enforce that rule might as well get used to the idea of having there kids always depend on them.

It is never a good thing to have your 30-year-old still living with you and depending on you for financial support.

Any parent who does not set rules might want to have a lawyer on a retainer. They will definitely need one once the kid or kids become teenagers and young adults. Kids who do not learn the rules will definitely have an encounter or two with the police eventually.

02-20-2006, 02:58 PM
I don't buy into this either. As long as the spankings are on the buttocks, then that type of physical discipline is appropriate. Hitting a child anywhere else is abuse.

Am I to understand that, in your mind, the only difference between acceptable correction for a child and downright abuse is the location on the body to where it is applied? OH MY! I just don't follow your thinking at all.

02-20-2006, 03:13 PM
I understand where you coming from but, one thing I have noticed about parents that do not spank is there is no discipline at all. You are not going to get anywhere trying to be kid’s best friend. They have to know that for every action you take there is a consequence in return.

Not everyone is going to be nice to you when you screw up. You have to learn from a young age that if you screw up you will pay for it. Parents who do not enforce that rule might as well get used to the idea of having there kids always depend on them.

It is never a good thing to have your 30-year-old still living with you and depending on you for financial support.

Any parent who does not set rules might want to have a lawyer on a retainer. They will definitely need one once the kid or kids become teenagers and young adults. Kids who do not learn the rules will definitely have an encounter or two with the police eventually.

Don't you think that teaching self discipline to your child is much more effective in helping create a healthy, creative and contributing adult than spanking? Spanking or any kind of physical punishment has been Proven, without a doubt, to help lower self esteem, destroy confidence and discourage compassion for others. Are we not to set an example of how one is to treat another living creature, whether it be human or othrwise? A child mimics his parents, whether he wants to or not, he just does. He will automatically use the same methods on his pets, childrens, etc as was taught to him during his childhood. If you cannot show respect to/for your child, you cannot expect to have "GENUINE" respect returned...I said genuine, not fear. You can poo poo all of the studies that you want, they are valid . Just because you don't want to accept the results, doesn't make them any less valid.

02-20-2006, 06:49 PM
Am I to understand that, in your mind, the only difference between acceptable correction for a child and downright abuse is the location on the body to where it is applied? OH MY! I just don't follow your thinking at all.
That is correct. A police officer told me that if a parent was caught spanking a child in public, as long as it was on the buttocks, then it was legal. If a parent hits a child anywhere else, it is considered abuse, and is a crime.

I was raised by wonderful parents that spanked me when I was in trouble, however, they always explained to me why they did it. It has stayed with me into adult hood, and I treat my children the same way. Because of the discipline that we enforced, they are both very respectable and well mannered kids. Spanking is the best way to discipline your children, and I have proof that it is effective.

02-20-2006, 06:49 PM
Am I to understand that, in your mind, the only difference between acceptable correction for a child and downright abuse is the location on the body to where it is applied? OH MY! I just don't follow your thinking at all.
That is correct. A police officer told me that if a parent was caught spanking a child in public, as long as it was on the buttocks, then it was legal. If a parent hits a child anywhere else, it is considered abuse, and is a crime.

I was raised by wonderful parents that spanked me when I was in trouble, however, they always explained to me why they did it. It has stayed with me into adult hood, and I treat my children the same way. Because of the discipline that we enforced, they are both very respectable and well mannered kids. Spanking is the best way to discipline your children, and I have proof that it is effective.

02-20-2006, 07:32 PM
Keith, as much as I love and respect you.. I have to disagree with your thinking. I feel the reason your kids turned out as well as they did had nothing to do with you spanking them.

You provided a loving and caring home with two parents who were involved and present. You can't know if you had used alternate forms of discipline that they wouldn't have turned out the same way - you had a solid family home with Christian beliefs that worked for you. I don't think you can attribute wonderful kids to physical discipline. I can tell you hundreds of stories of adults beating the crap out of kids their entire childhood and still having problems with them - not to mention doing unbelievable damage and harm to these children.

I can also tell you stories of families with awesome kids that never resorted to physical discipline.

The problem I have with it is this... some people will only read 'Spanking is the best way to discipline children" and not the rest - that's a very scary message to send to people who don't have the family values that your family does..

02-20-2006, 11:01 PM
That is correct. A police officer told me that if a parent was caught spanking a child in public, as long as it was on the buttocks, then it was legal. If a parent hits a child anywhere else, it is considered abuse, and is a crime.
I was raised by wonderful parents that spanked me when I was in trouble, however, they always explained to me why they did it. It has stayed with me into adult hood, and I treat my children the same way Because of the discipline that we enforced, they are both very respectable and well mannered kids.
Spanking is the best way to discipline your children, and I have proof that it is effective.

Legal does not make it right. It used to be legal to own slaves. It used to be legal to beat your wife or make her have sex with you without her consent. It used to be legal to prevent womem from voting.....need I go on? Someday, we just might evolve into humans that make it illegal to hit your child.

And yes, I agree, we do mimic our parents, unless we make a conscious effort not to.

Hey, I thought that we are supposed to be raising respectable and well mannered adults, not kids.

You have proof? You have proof? Your parents, you and your children..that makes, what 5 or 6 people? Studies with hundreds and thousands of cases make up statistics that cannot be denied

02-21-2006, 06:41 AM
Keith--you cannot make a blanket statement such as "spanking works for my kids, therefore it will work for ALL kids." I was NEVER spanked as a child, never roughly handled, never touched. And I hardly ever got in trouble, either! My older sister was the same way! Our parents taught us to respect them and others without ever having to spank us or physically discipline us in any way.

I'm a teacher--I'm not just some idiot off the street. I deal with discipline every day. I may not have children of my own, but I do have 100 students I consider to be my children and I would never lay a hand on them. While spanking may work for your family and your kids, it DOES NOT work for all so please, PLEASE, do not assume it will work for everyone!

And no, if I ever have children of my own, I will never spank them. Ever.

02-21-2006, 08:19 AM
I usually do not post on controversial topics so I can maintain a neutral position as the board admin. Since I have 4 kids though and 17 years of experience raising kids I find myself compelled to chime in.

I grew up in a home where spanking was the normal method of displiplene. Maybe the fact my siblings and I were raised by a single mom played a roll in the choice of discipline I can't say and don't really care.

I believe physically disciplining children is not a necessity. Sure, its quick and gets the point across but is it just a quick answer to a problem? There are many other methods of disipline that are effective that do take a little more time to work. I don't spank my children and hopefully they have learned to respect others "space" as adults and when they have children.

02-21-2006, 08:20 AM
By the way, just because its legal does not make it right.

02-21-2006, 10:11 AM
Spanking isn't my first choice on disclipline. With my son time-outs always worked when he was younger. Then as he got older taking away a toy, TV privelage, gameboy, etc.. worked as well.

However, I do believe when safety is an issue of the disobedience that it is okay to spank your child on the butt. ( This shows thim you mean business and it will also help them to remember not to do what they did again. But I don't mean to hurt your child or leave a mark on them by no means, just swat them hard enough to get their attention. Like running off from you in the store or even worse in a parking lot. I have only spanked my son a few times but each time it was a safety issue. Then I always sit down and have a talk with him about what he did and why he can't do it again. This has been a very effective approach for us.

He is almost 6 years old right now and I haven't had to "spank" him in a long time. I don't know if I ever will again either.

Adults should learn how to not lose their temper. They also need to learn that spanking isn't an answer to every problem. If you are doing this then you are teaching your child(ren) that it is okay to approach problems by yelling and hitting.