View Full Version : YMCA Midwest City

12-10-2024, 04:30 PM
Been hearing a rumor from some family friends that The Y is looking at constructing a new location near Reno & Midwest Blvd and shuttering their current MWC location. Has anyone else heard anything about this? Supposedly this will be getting a formal announcement sometime soon.

12-11-2024, 12:56 PM
Yes, it will be built near the SSM Health St. Anthony hospital. It looks to be just north of the Winco.

12-11-2024, 07:15 PM
Midwest City leaders have agreed to fund a new $40 million YMCA facility, which will include state-of-the-art amenities and serve as a recreation, wellness and day care center. kXwRyI2YymibG1zpazS8oV-Y_mBkh6QCJE_aem_ZySZVz4jevrwIfqY6j4yTg

12-13-2024, 08:10 AM
It's definitely needed. Like the report says, we knew this 20 years ago but just didn't have a way to get it done. I find it very interesting that the city/mid-del schools/SSM all had to come together to get it done though.

Ever since Rose closed their pool. the Mid-Del swim teams have had to go all over to practice and didn't have a real "home" pool. It'll be nice to have one for them's been a long time.

I was an after school Y kid in elementary school for a while and that place was rocking with liter busloads of kids back then. I dont think it's really even a shadow of that they even do that anymore? The place just really ran out of room. It was nice to be able to swim on Tuesdays, movie fridays. We always had a good relationship with the workers. I remember the blue bus that the short lady drove that had the blocks on the pedals for her LOL. Then we got what we called the Partridge bus because it had so many mismatched color panels....but was nicer than the older ones we had before. Little did we realize how poor the place was with it's budget that this type of bus was all they could afford.

It'll be nice to have a larger weight area too. I was too young to use it when i was there, but I am told that it's been crammed for decades with hardly any room. Here in Moore, The Station acts as our Y and when they expanded, they also more than doubled the weight area for the same reason....and it's still busy.

It'll just be nice to see the place get the love it's really needed for a VERY long time. It's also some good infill on Parklawn. As the hospital has been buying up the land around it, it's been emptying out around there and feels a bit of a ghost town. This will put some life back in the area.

Any ideas what they might do with the old location?