View Full Version : Boulder placement near street?

07-26-2024, 12:46 PM
I have a problem with trucks (3-axle trucks, the ones in between a box truck and full-on semi) illegally driving down our completely residential streets, and turning on my corner and running over my yard, so I am planning on putting a large boulder on the corner to make sure that they don't do that any longer. As long as the boulder is inside the curb line, I don't think there are any regulations/codes/laws/statutes that prevent me from doing that, anybody know any different? Oh yeah, I'm in OKC. Thx...

Bill Robertson
07-26-2024, 02:24 PM
Technically I don't know. But I lived on a corner lot in Warr Acres that flooded often. Cars drove across my yard to get around the intersection. This was when railroad tie landscaping was popular. So I built a four tie high planter between the curb and a big old tree. A Warr Acres employee stopped one day that I was mowing and told me I couldn't have the planter there. But that was all I ever heard about it except rumors that neighbors were complaining.

07-26-2024, 02:43 PM
Technically, that's OKC right of way so if there was ever work need under that spot you'd probably get fined.

The only other possible snag is if someone complained. I'm sure the City could make you move it, they would just have to have a reason.

07-26-2024, 02:47 PM
I have a problem with trucks (3-axle trucks, the ones in between a box truck and full-on semi) illegally driving down our completely residential streets, and turning on my corner and running over my yard, so I am planning on putting a large boulder on the corner to make sure that they don't do that any longer. As long as the boulder is inside the curb line, I don't think there are any regulations/codes/laws/statutes that prevent me from doing that, anybody know any different? Oh yeah, I'm in OKC. Thx...

do you have sidewalks on your property?

07-26-2024, 04:29 PM
i totally get the motivation... but if it's in the right of way, then not only could you be fined (as pete said) but you could potentially be liable for the vehicle's damages.

07-26-2024, 04:50 PM
. . .might check with OKC Code Enforcement - bet they would know for sure.

07-27-2024, 12:01 AM
Just get a few pound-in-the-ground posts and some Yellow tape, either crime scene or caution, and wrap'er up.

Gee officer, I don't know, i figured you guys put it up...

07-29-2024, 10:12 AM
i totally get the motivation... but if it's in the right of way, then not only could you be fined (as pete said) but you could potentially be liable for the vehicle's damages.

Well, I would hope that the boulder would do its job and DETER anybody driving a 3+ axle truck from turning there, but with these kid idiots driving (I've talked to some, and they're all under 25, probably, and say things like "Well, the GPS said this was the way to go"), who knows, they might still try to go that way.

So my options are basically to let 3-axle trucks drive illegally on these streets and destroy part of my yard or do something against code, which I might or might not get called out on. Probably end up just going with the boulder and taking my chances. Oh, and no sidewalks and none planned in the foreseeable future. Thanks for the replies.

07-29-2024, 10:34 AM
Well, I would hope that the boulder would do its job and DETER anybody driving a 3+ axle truck from turning there, but with these kid idiots driving (I've talked to some, and they're all under 25, probably, and say things like "Well, the GPS said this was the way to go"), who knows, they might still try to go that way.

So my options are basically to let 3-axle trucks drive illegally on these streets and destroy part of my yard or do something against code, which I might or might not get called out on. Probably end up just going with the boulder and taking my chances. Oh, and no sidewalks and none planned in the foreseeable future. Thanks for the replies.

with no sidewalks .. I don't think you will have any issue with code enforcement .. and i would think the only possible issue you would ever have is them asking you to move the boulder ...

07-29-2024, 11:03 AM
with no sidewalks .. I don't think you will have any issue with code enforcement .. and i would think the only possible issue you would ever have is them asking you to move the boulder ...

Thx for the vote of confidence. :) For reference, I'm looking at an Espresso boulder from here, something along the lines of the one at the top of this page, but maybe not as large horizontally and possibly taller.

07-29-2024, 11:57 AM
with no sidewalks .. I don't think you will have any issue with code enforcement .. and i would think the only possible issue you would ever have is them asking you to move the boulder ...

I agree with this. My neighbor has a corner lot but its a sweeping corner, no intersection. People would often go into his yard. He put 10 boulders like you are talking about all along this curve. One morning on my way to work I noticed one boulder had been pushed and sort of turned from where it is. Needless to say it was obvious a car hit it, but my neighbor never heard a peep from anyone.

We do not have sidewalks in our neighborhood though, lots a little bit larger so it's not a requirement. We are also in OKC.

07-29-2024, 12:09 PM
I agree with this. My neighbor has a corner lot but its a sweeping corner, no intersection. People would often go into his yard. He put 10 boulders like you are talking about all along this curve. One morning on my way to work I noticed one boulder had been pushed and sort of turned from where it is. Needless to say it was obvious a car hit it, but my neighbor never heard a peep from anyone.

We do not have sidewalks in our neighborhood though, lots a little bit larger so it's not a requirement. We are also in OKC.

I live on a corner lot and have had people drive up in my yard too. Although it is usually because the intersection is right of way in one direction and yield in the other, so someone takes the yard to avoid being hit, or someone gets hit and ends up in the yard. Thankfully, they have all avoided the telephone pole right at the corner. Either way, it is at least a yearly event....