11-18-2005, 09:13 AM
Hard to believe since I can't get any da** tickets! But, I'm a little worried that if the Hornet's don't do well ( even though we all knew this coming in) the fans will stop supporting the team.
I hope that even if they are still in the growing pain stages that we everyone should still show support.
We still need to show the NBA that we are a major league city and can support our own team if and when the Hornet's leave (boo, hoo - I can't think about it - I have to prepare myself - I'm already too attached)
Thoughts anyone?
11-18-2005, 10:42 AM
I completely agree. I think the newness factor and the fact that these games are just flat out fun to go to (even if the Hornets lose) will keep attendance up pretty high.
I think most assume that if a team does not do well attendance will fall off. It's not like the NBA isn't smart enough to know that. Season ticket sales and attendance so far already show that OKC can support an NBA team, and that's what is improtant here. No doubt you put a winning team on the floor in OKC and the support will be there. Now, if we support them despite a losing effort, then we really look good.
Basically, we have already shown that we are on even plane with at least the average NBA city and have the potential to be in the top in terms of support. Surely, the NBA now knows that if we had a competitive team or one with some star power, we will sell it out. It remains to be seen if we'll give any team support no matter how successful, but would we really want an organization to come because they thought performance doesn't matter to us? As much as we all want the NBA here, we also don't want an apathetic organization.
Doug Loudenback
11-18-2005, 03:49 PM
Hard to believe since I can't get any da** tickets! But, I'm a little worried that if the Hornet's don't do well ( even though we all knew this coming in) the fans will stop supporting the team.
I hope that even if they are still in the growing pain stages that we everyone should still show support.
We still need to show the NBA that we are a major league city and can support our own team if and when the Hornet's leave (boo, hoo - I can't think about it - I have to prepare myself - I'm already too attached)
Thoughts anyone?
1st, if you really want to go tonight, you will almost certainly find hawkers around the arena (I've gotten such tickets to 2 games so far, west of Ford Center, by the Ford dealorship, and they've both been slightly below "face" ticket price). You can probably go and get tickets even if you don't have one as we speak.
2nd, my crystal ball works no better than anyone else's, BUT, I really don't think that attendance is going to wane in this 1st year, even if the team doesn't improve on its "wins" -- we are such a "needful" city when it comes to major league sports and I don't see that sentiment diminishing this year. I think the city will do its job, and by "city" I mean "fans" like you and me.
3rd, if you really can't get tickets or don't want to take your chances outside the arena tonight, well, then, go to Buffalo Bills Wild Wings tonight, and meet ME, and any other OkcTalkers who might be there!
I'll be there for at least the 1st half of the game ... Mary Jo is joining me, but only on my promise that we could leave when she felt ready to do so! She's not been "hooked" as I have, but I'm hoping that will occur ... but since since she's not yet experienced the thrill of the actual game presence ... and that's a personal experience that probably only comes with "being there" ... I'm expecting that it will, or at least might, when she has that experience.
But, you don't get that on TV, I don't think. But, if you've got it, you can watch at BBWW and kinda-sorta enjoy the same thing, particular if you're surrounded by like-minded zealots, which I guess is what I've become!
Anyway, I'll be there at 7:00 pm in my Hornets cap, and I'll leave the light on!
And, I'm lovin' every minute!
11-18-2005, 03:55 PM
Tickets are available online right now. Also, Cox isn't broadcasting the game so I hope Buffalo Wild Wings can get the Atlanta feed.
Doug Loudenback
11-18-2005, 04:05 PM
I just (4:04 pm) called BBWW and they said probably, but they won't know until about 10 minutes before game time.
So, I'll be there, either to watch at least part of the game, or just have some wings!