View Full Version : PC Schools Centennial Center

04-05-2024, 10:55 AM
The site of the old Central Middle School on 39th will become the Putnam City Schools Centennial Center.

It will have 47,000 square feet of administration offices at the south end and a 350-seat auditorium on the north side.

The large park will not be open to the public but will be available to rent.




04-05-2024, 12:56 PM
perhaps there's a valid reason that i'm not considering... but it just seems kind of crappy to have a park that's paid for by the public and not actually available to the public.

04-05-2024, 01:24 PM

Especially since the entire complex is funded by taxpayers.

04-07-2024, 02:35 PM
I'm just guessing the reason for the restricted access park is that Central Elementary School is literally right across Grove Ave. At one time there was talk of the district's daycare being included in the Centennial Center as well. Also traffic is horrible at Grove and 40th during school pick up and drop off time.

04-08-2024, 07:44 AM
So is this basically their new admin building?

07-29-2024, 02:46 PM
work started a couple of weeks ago on this, lots of dirt being moved. its a huge block

07-29-2024, 05:09 PM
Sounds like a lot of tax dollars meant for educating children being misused for administrators... no wonder our teachers don't make enough.

07-29-2024, 05:25 PM
Sounds like a lot of tax dollars meant for educating children being misused for administrators... no wonder our teachers don't make enough.

By state law, bond money (which this is) can't be used for salaries, only infrastructure.

07-30-2024, 07:42 AM
I see comments about a park, but it really looks like a crappy excuse to use up the space with an outdoor auditorium that will never get used.

So what is the purpose of the building? Is it a new admin building or is it for something else?

And for those worried about not being able to use it, is it going to be fenced off?

07-30-2024, 08:42 AM
i wish they'd have it accessible somewhat like a rec center, akin to jackie cooper/yukon rec center down the street on 39th.

07-31-2024, 01:45 PM
i wish they'd have it accessible somewhat like a rec center, akin to jackie cooper/yukon rec center down the street on 39th.

Yes and then when a rich developer tries to shut it down, a rag tag group of teens can save it by break dancing.

08-01-2024, 08:30 AM
Yes and then when a rich developer tries to shut it down, a rag tag group of teens can save it by break dancing.

Nice reference... Ozone!

12-21-2024, 10:11 PM
Hugg & Hall equipment Co posted; Construction is well underway at the new Putnam City Schools Centennial Center and Park!
This space will contain a new community park, outdoor amphitheater, fine arts auditorium, administrative offices, and more! The completion date is set for Fall 2025.

01-08-2025, 09:50 AM

01-15-2025, 07:54 AM
I see comments about a park, but it really looks like a crappy excuse to use up the space with an outdoor auditorium that will never get used.

So what is the purpose of the building? Is it a new admin building or is it for something else?

And for those worried about not being able to use it, is it going to be fenced off?

I still have these questions. What's the point of this place?

01-15-2025, 08:16 AM
I still have these questions. What's the point of this place?

Putnam City Patrons approved this project with their support of the 2014 Centennial Bond and further supported it by adding a Performing Arts Hall with the 2017 Momentum Bond. The Centennial Center will be a vibrant hub for our District, featuring areas dedicated to our rich history, crucial professional development, community events, school board meetings, performing arts, and administrative offices. Someone once said that Putnam City is “city” without a town square, a town hall. This facility will provide that place, by bringing the entire community together and being the torch of the flame to proudly represent and celebrate our rich heritage, for over 100 years!

Sounds like a general purpose admin building. The Performing Arts Hall is for any schools in the district that doesn't really have a good spot for drama activities. The amphitheater is most likely so they can get the whole admin and teacher staff throughout the district together for 'Town Halls".

01-16-2025, 07:45 AM
So that's interesting then because the high schools all have pretty good sized auditoriums. And the middle schools that feed into them already do events at the high schools (at least the music programs do).

If it's specific for drama, then that's cool. Middle School drama isn't creating a massive production that couldn't move around and maybe this way they can share props more and make it more cost effective? Although i dont know why they wouldn't do a similar thing with their own high school. It would be a lot easier to plan around just the 3 schools on a high schools' feeder, than 6 middle schools.

I betcha the amphitheater doesn't get used past the first year. Everywhere we build those in OKC, people immediately complain about the heat/cold/wind/etc.

Honestly, it feels a bit like a pet project for someone trying to "keep up with the jones'" except the Jones' aren't building this kind of thing. It's just weird. It's like someone said, "hey, now we have this big plot of land here and we need to do something with it....who has an idea?".

01-16-2025, 09:10 AM
I grew up in the Putnam City District. Putnam City North had a small amphitheater seating area at the front of the school. We would use it for lunch mostly, but there would be events held out there. I think this gives Putnam City the opportunity to have a place for any Staff or Students who want to hold an event. Mainly the park and amphitheater areas. There are a ton of student run clubs and events.

01-17-2025, 07:41 AM
Honest question, if you live around the PC North area, are you going to drive all the way to this place for a little gathering though?

01-17-2025, 08:11 AM
Honest question, if you live around the PC North area, are you going to drive all the way to this place for a little gathering though?

I can’t speak for modern students, but I did have to drive that far for events all the time. When I was in High School we shared a football field with PCO. The location of this building actually had a middle school football field we went to all the time. It isn’t really that far. I lived off North MacArthur and it was a straight shot to this area. Small gatherings might be a stretch, but there will be plenty of events where all the PC High schools get together at the same time.

01-20-2025, 08:47 AM
Fair point, now that all the middle schools are going to play at the new high schools (like Moore), at least the scheduling for all the games wont be quite as brutal as it used to be.