02-06-2024, 06:16 AM
Do you mispronounce Fentanyl? Is it just Okies or the uneducated that that pronounce Fentanyl as FEN-TAN-NALL?
View Full Version : Fentanyl Pronunciation Brett 02-06-2024, 06:16 AM Do you mispronounce Fentanyl? Is it just Okies or the uneducated that that pronounce Fentanyl as FEN-TAN-NALL? Rover 02-06-2024, 08:38 AM Do you mispronounce Fentanyl? Is it just Okies or the uneducated that that pronounce Fentanyl as FEN-TAN-NALL? Most everyone pronounces with a mostly silent y, not the exaggerated one this ai voice uses. Guess you are just wanting to make assumptions and diss Oklahomans. Because you didn’t know how to pronounce it doesn’t mean the rest of us didn’t. Good try though. Snowman 02-06-2024, 08:49 AM Do you mispronounce Fentanyl? Is it just Okies or the uneducated that that pronounce Fentanyl as FEN-TAN-NALL? It is not like English is set in stone or even has an equivalent to Académie Française; which has a role in usages, vocabulary, and grammar of the French language. People can pronounce words differently without it being wrong, plus naturally varies by different dialects of English. An individual can have a claim on how their name is pronounced, but even the same spelling of names can have multiple pronunciations. FighttheGoodFight 02-06-2024, 08:55 AM I am pretty sure everyone pronounces it Fen-Ten-Nall? Fox News example UC Davis Medical Director CNN Example Pete 02-06-2024, 08:56 AM I've seen several documentaries that pronounce it -NALL vs. -NILL. Urbanized 02-06-2024, 09:03 AM Oxford, Merriam-Webster and are all consistent in their pronunciation guides and examples. Fen-te-nil. Click the pronunciation sample link on this page ( Midtowner 02-06-2024, 09:50 AM Oxford, Merriam-Webster and are all consistent in their pronunciation guides and examples. Fen-te-nil. Click the pronunciation sample link on this page ( I hope I've been pronouncing it right in court when describing people who died of fen-te-nil overdoses. mugofbeer 02-06-2024, 12:22 PM I've never heard it pronounced with a -NAL. i'm not sure how you get -NAL out of ....nyl. Jersey Boss 02-06-2024, 12:24 PM Slow news day? Tyson 02-06-2024, 12:58 PM Slow news day? That's what I was thinking. When Reddit threads get started on here you know it's slow. CatholicSooner 02-07-2024, 01:00 PM I've never heard it pronounced with a -NAL. i'm not sure how you get -NAL out of ....nyl. Really? I only hear NAL in oklahoma. the yl can make the al sound. Think of ethylene weird thread |