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03-10-2008, 12:13 AM
What is the nicest project / building in Bricktown that Brewer owns??

Is this a trick question? :dizzy:

03-10-2008, 01:31 PM
I am curious is Brewer really as bad of a property owner as it appears??

03-10-2008, 02:06 PM
Seeing is believing. Compare the Santa Fe station which is actully used as a train station to the Union Station that hasn't been used as a train station for 30 years. There is no comparison. Union Station is in much better condition.

03-10-2008, 02:48 PM
How does Brewer get away with it??

I understand he is one of the original bricktown developers and I do give him credit for being one of the few that got things started. Unless he is willing to give the proper attention to the properties that he owns, he needs to step aside. It is my opinion that at this point he is slowing down progress the way that he is operating to date.

08-23-2008, 12:40 PM
I noticed a sign for a business going in at the Santa Fe station, but couldn't read it at all due to the fact that the letters were in some gothic font and there was a lot going on behind them. I think the name started with an "e". Anyone know what it is?

08-23-2008, 02:59 PM
I noticed that too I took pics and will post them soon.

08-23-2008, 05:29 PM
Thanks for posting the pics, everyone.

My niece and I took the Heartland Flyer about 10 months ago and the station (at that time) still had a slighty skeevy vibe. Still feels kinda vagrant friendly - not alive and bustling. Maybe that has changed since then. I just know last year I was disappointed that it wasn't "nicer."

08-23-2008, 05:37 PM
Thanks for posting the pics, everyone.

My niece and I took the Heartland Flyer about 10 months ago and the station (at that time) still had a slighty skeevy vibe. Still feels kinda vagrant friendly - not alive and bustling. Maybe that has changed since then. I just know last year I was disappointed that it wasn't "nicer."

Santa Fe will see a big renovation and expansion once we approve commuter rail. It will be the primary downtown station and connection point for street-based light rail next to it on E.K. Gaylord as well as Amtrak. Hopefully this will be addressed in MAPS III.

08-23-2008, 06:56 PM
Perhaps it's the same as the banner on this page: Bricktown - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Dining, Shopping, Events (

I had been wondering about it. Of course, if so, it's not really in Bricktown (grrrrrrrrr)

08-23-2008, 07:26 PM
Not much of a site but here is a link.
Envy Collections (

08-23-2008, 08:06 PM
Ah, Envy. I was having trouble reading the sign. It's a collection of what?

08-23-2008, 11:28 PM
men's and women's clothing. I will post pics soon

08-24-2008, 07:01 PM
Sounds like it will go well with Lit and Firefly.

08-24-2008, 07:24 PM
Do you think they are going to replace the awnings? They look terrible currently. And, can the stone be cleaned? It's rather stained and dingy appearing as well. I thought both those things would be done before any retail went in to that location.

08-24-2008, 08:44 PM
Oh my, Envy looks cheesy. I don't have high hopes for it.

From most accounts I've heard, Jim Brewer is a fairly nice guy. He is, however, in over his head.

At a certain time in our history, Brewer may have been considered a lunatic, or even a visionary. But so much has happened in OKC since then that now he seems dated.

A lot of the "concepts" in Bricktown have been very amateurish. Brewer knows enough to know that something needs to be done, he just lacks that "last mile" ability to execute something in a cosmopolitan city.

There's still a good ole boy vibe with just about everything in Bricktown. This was charming at one time, but no longer so.

Brewer gets away with it because he has a lot of powerful people by the short hairs, and he has made himself a powerful person.

It is a shame that the "bigger" good ole boys don't call him on it and demand better results.

At one time, to question any aesthetic decision by a developer in OKC would have been considered radical, and even rude. Now, we have higher standards, and we have a sophisticated citizenry that demands more. Brewer is an annoying anachronism at this point.

08-24-2008, 09:28 PM

08-24-2008, 10:26 PM
Yes... I find clothing shops downtown the most important type of retail downtown can I have. Sure restaurants and gift shops are nice, but clothing makes downtown/bricktown a destination for a whole other reason. Most people go down there to eat, watch a movie, leisure, clubbing. But in the future people will go there to shop for clothing.

I want an Urban Outfitters darnit. lol.

08-24-2008, 10:43 PM
Yes... I find clothing shops downtown the most important type of retail downtown can I have. Sure restaurants and gift shops are nice, but clothing makes downtown/bricktown a destination for a whole other reason. Most people go down there to eat, watch a movie, leisure, clubbing. But in the future people will go there to shop for clothing.

I want an Urban Outfitters darnit. lol.

Order from their catalog or online then. I was told they and Anthropologie look at zip codes of people buying from them when considering new store locations. But, they no longer ask for the zip when you purchase something in a store, so the only way to get their attention is to shop online.

08-24-2008, 10:45 PM
I recently had a visitor ask where her teenage daughter could shop, and I was glad to be able to tell her about Lit and Firefly, as well as places like Shoe Gypsy. All local or regional, so it was something besides just the same old mall chain stores.

08-24-2008, 11:10 PM
I don't have the means to buy from online. I'm only 16. Trust me, if I could, I'd have a closet full. The only way I can buy UO is when I drive with friends to Dallas.

10-02-2008, 05:42 PM
I don't have the means to buy from online. I'm only 16. Trust me, if I could, I'd have a closet full. The only way I can buy UO is when I drive with friends to Dallas.

Ugh, I hear that. I'm tired of having to drive to Dallas or KC for good shopping. (I usually pick KC, even though it's further away. I love the city so much more than Dallas.) If DART went to the major shopping areas in Dallas, I might be convinced to take the train once in a while....

10-04-2008, 12:22 PM
Does this store have a website?

10-04-2008, 05:35 PM
They added an awning and outdoor landscaping yesterday. I took pics on my bike today while riding around. Will post soon.

10-04-2008, 06:15 PM
Does this store have a website?

Not yet.

10-04-2008, 10:52 PM
Actually they DID have a website (check back on page 3). It looks like their website is currently down, but I remember checking out their website several months ago: