View Full Version : WEST & former Hideaway Buildings

12-15-2023, 11:25 AM
I've noticed that these two buildings have been vacant for years. What could be the reason behind this extended vacancy? It's a great location. Why hasn't anyone moved in? I know Hideaway moved into their own building to the south, but what was wrong with WEST?

12-15-2023, 11:52 AM
Both are owned by Jeff Records / Midfirst.

Both have been empty for years and it's clear they aren't very motivated because there have been a bunch of new restaurants in that area recently.

Same group owns the old Deep Fork property and everything north before the Grand/Western intersection. Zero happening there either.

12-16-2023, 06:03 PM
I’ve seen them offered on commercial real estate sites, interiors are in good shape. I can see how a bank CEO wouldn’t have much interest in such small properties.

12-17-2023, 10:15 AM
Both are owned by Jeff Records / Midfirst.

Both have been empty for years and it's clear they aren't very motivated because there have been a bunch of new restaurants in that area recently.

Same group owns the old Deep Fork property and everything north before the Grand/Western intersection. Zero happening there either.

Thanks, Pete!

12-17-2023, 12:48 PM
Both are owned by Jeff Records / Midfirst.

Both have been empty for years and it's clear they aren't very motivated because there have been a bunch of new restaurants in that area recently.

Same group owns the old Deep Fork property and everything north before the Grand/Western intersection. Zero happening there either.

Wasn't there plans to build a breakfast restaurant on the former site of Deep Fork Grill? Did that fall through?

12-17-2023, 12:54 PM
Wasn't there plans to build a breakfast restaurant on the former site of Deep Fork Grill? Did that fall through?

That was yet another Jeff Rogers venture, who passed away before it ever came close to happening.

I suspect it may have come off regardless.

12-17-2023, 08:40 PM
That was yet another Jeff Rogers venture, who passed away before it ever came close to happening.

I suspect it may have come off regardless.

I am hearing "Jeff Rogers" and "Jeff Records" --- are those two different people?

12-17-2023, 10:07 PM
Jeff Records is MidFirst Bank. Isn’t Jeff Rogers the Pink Parrot guy who died?

12-18-2023, 01:30 PM
Both are owned by Jeff Records / Midfirst.

Both have been empty for years and it's clear they aren't very motivated because there have been a bunch of new restaurants in that area recently.

Same group owns the old Deep Fork property and everything north before the Grand/Western intersection. Zero happening there either.

Situations like this are annoying and frustrating, and thats not getting into the inside sales job Records got when buying some of these properties along western from Chesapeake.

Records owning Western Ave. properties have been bad for the area as far as development goes. He asks way above market rates in regards to rents or sale prices, and nothing happens other than properties staying vacant and inactive.

01-06-2024, 10:18 AM
You would think Jeff Records/MF would be cognizant of this area and know the market rate for this area. I know Panera Bread closed down on Western before I even moved back, plus these two vacant restaurant places, there seems to be a lot of failed concepts. Maybe a Eatzi's or LaMadelines concept?

01-06-2024, 10:53 AM
Yes Eatzis!!! We don’t have anything like that.