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11-15-2005, 05:57 PM
FOX shows top "worst" list

Four Fox network programs top the list of the 10 worst shows for family viewing on prime-time broadcast television, according to an annual report by the Parents Television Council measuring series' appropriateness for family audiences.

"The War at Home," "The Family Guy," "American Dad," and "The OC," lead the list of shows the council warns about.

Such analysis is done as a guide for parents who lack the time to monitor all shows themselves, said Brent Bozell, president of PTC. Bozell said the council was alarmed to find, that three of the worst shows are packaged as family shows.

Family shows? These shows are nothing but trash.

11-16-2005, 03:25 AM
Family Guy and American Dad are not family cartoons their animated adult sitcoms.

I do not know why someone would think these shows are children's shows. If you have ever seen any episodes of Family Guy or American Dad. You would know the writers parody different social and political issues on each episode.

I love Family Guy its hilarious. Nothing in the show is aimed at children its 100% adult humor.

Besides it comes on at 8 when most of the little tykes should be in bed anyway.

I will agree the War at Home and the OC are just plain trash. OC especially some of the stuff I have seen on that show is borderline Cinemax porno.

In my opinion every parent should monitor what their kid watches on TV. If you think its inappropriate tell them to watch something else, if they don't take the TV privileges away.

Televisions are not babysitters.

You would not let your child operate your chainsaw unsupervised so why should you let them watch tv unsupervised.

Sure a TV will not maim them like a chainsaw will but, it will seriously alter their judgment when it comes to the social choices they make.

El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
11-16-2005, 10:25 AM
I agree...Family Guy is halarious! I don't see how anyone could confuse that (or it's subsequent rip-off American Dad for that matter) as "family" programs, unless they were judging a book by its cover.

11-16-2005, 04:08 PM
I agree...Family Guy is halarious! I don't see how anyone could confuse that (or it's subsequent rip-off American Dad for that matter) as "family" programs, unless they were judging a book by its cover.
Well, "family" programming is usually aired between 7-9 PM. I don't know anybody that has their kids in bed by 8 PM. I would say (just a guess) that around 80% of kids watch TV unsupervised. It's a good babysitter for the parents.

11-17-2005, 01:38 PM
Well, "family" programming is usually aired between 7-9 PM. I don't know anybody that has their kids in bed by 8 PM. I would say (just a guess) that around 80% of kids watch TV unsupervised. It's a good babysitter for the parents.

Any parent who uses television as a babysitter for more than just a few minutes at a time has questionable parenting skills in that area, in my opinion.

"Arrested Development" was on this same list a year ago. This is the funniest show on TV in years, by the way. FOX (in it's "wisdom") has cut this season's episode order, which means it will likely not be on next fall's schedule. Yet, crappy shows like "According To Jim" and "Still Standing" stay on the air. I don't blame the networks, really. I blame the viewing public, who apparently needs a canned laugh track to know when something is funny. But, I digress.