View Full Version : MAPS 4 River improvements
There are three MAPS 4 river projects that are moving fast.
The first is the pedestrian bridge that will cross the river very near the OKANA hotel and just east of the starting line for 2K rowing races. They plan to drain the river in this area and start on the bridge by the end of the year.
Immediately adjacent will be an amphitheater which will also incorporate the OK River Cruise ferries.
And there will be a new low-water dam installed to the east of Eastern but west of Reno. Originally it had been reported this dam would be near Bryant which is considerably east, but it seems the priority now is having a controlled water channel in front of City-owned property on the east side of Eastern on the south shore. That property was recently included in a new TIF district and I'd be shocked if the Chickasaws don't end up developing it.
In that last group of bridge renderings, they were all done by the OKANA architect which tells me that's the design they want. It would still have to be approved of course.
I also believe that the MAPS 4 soccer stadium will be built on the west side of the museum and that they will rework the S. 15th exit off I-35 to facilitate traffic into and out of this complex.
This entire development is almost certain to cross $1 billion when it's all built out.
Here's an estimation of how this might lay out:
Its mind blowing how large this whole complex/development is. So ecstatic to see it all come together.
Canoe 05-03-2023, 08:30 AM The Oklahoma River carries a high sediment load. Is 4' deep in the new section adequate?
Bellaboo 05-03-2023, 08:37 AM 4 feet minimum.
So probably deeper at the dam.
king183 05-03-2023, 09:18 AM It would be nice if they incorporated some shade structures on that pedestrian bridge. I bet people would like to stand there and watch some of the rowing competitions or just stand there and looking at the river and the surrounding areas, and it's going to be very hot during those summer months.
OKCisOK4me 05-03-2023, 11:55 AM 1 in and out road to a stadium seems like a nightmare. Hopefully they connect into the road by the AFM.
1 in and out road to a stadium seems like a nightmare. Hopefully they connect into the road by the AFM.
There would also be access to Eastern and I-40.
amocore 05-03-2023, 12:16 PM Any information to back up the fact the stadium would be built there ?
I am all for a soccer\football stadium as voted in Maps but it is a bit disconnected from DT. The Coop would be better a better spot, I think
Nothing firm on the stadium but I know the Chickasaws are lobbying hard and I'd be surprised if they don't get it.
KHutch66 05-03-2023, 12:32 PM Would this mean the Chickasaws would be putting money towards the stadium as well? Also would the project potentially be restructured into a better product than the more basic stadium option that was chosen?
Similar to the comment about the pedestrian bridge, hopefully, if the Chickasaws get a hold of the stadium they could build it with some sort of shade structures/canopy. I seem to recall the option that was picked for MAPS was the cheaper option where the renderings left it out.
Oklahoma gets hot. Energy games were pretty brutal at times.
I suspect the Chickasaws would at least provide the infrastructure: the land, parking, etc.
Also, keep in mind that they will have a ton of restaurants and bars in Phase I alone with many more planned for Phase III on the west side of the museum.
I'm sure their pitch is: we already have a parking structure with more parking to come, tons of amenities including a hotel and access from both I-35 and I-40.
Would this mean the Chickasaws would be putting money towards the stadium as well? Also would the project potentially be restructured into a better product than the more basic stadium option that was chosen?
lol my thoughts exactly, worded better than my comment
Imagine OKANA and the stadium at the Coop site and the Wheeler District at Strawberry Fields.
It almost makes me cry to think about the missed opportunity especially since there are billions in public funds involved.
PoliSciGuy 05-03-2023, 01:11 PM It would be nice if they incorporated some shade structures on that pedestrian bridge. I bet people would like to stand there and watch some of the rowing competitions or just stand there and looking at the river and the surrounding areas, and it's going to be very hot during those summer months.
My thoughts as well, or at least incorporate misting stations or something.
Imagine OKANA and the stadium at the Coop site
I agree, I like the FAM's previous plan (the one with dance ground, RV park, artist/retail marketplace, etc.) much better. This development, although is more exciting, more fun and will make huge economic impact on OKC, it overshadows the museum, which is a pretty beautiful piece of art. Also, the previous plan better reflects the First American culture, this one is another Disneyland, Universal Studio.
Richard at Remax 05-03-2023, 08:14 PM ^
I suspect the Chickasaws would at least provide the infrastructure: the land, parking, etc.
Also, keep in mind that they will have a ton of restaurants and bars in Phase I alone with many more planned for Phase III on the west side of the museum.
I'm sure their pitch is: we already have a parking structure with more parking to come, tons of amenities including a hotel and access from both I-35 and I-40.
You'd think it's the least they would do after getting a $100+ mil gift
I like the lights on the bridge but the design is meh
TheTravellers 05-04-2023, 09:35 AM I like the lights on the bridge but the design is meh
Don't worry, it'll eventually be down-scaled/value-engineered, lol...
Plutonic Panda 05-04-2023, 09:41 AM Don't worry, it'll eventually be down-scaled/value-engineered, lol...
My thoughts exactly. “Bridge to go for bid but light installation to be scaled back”
jccouger 05-04-2023, 11:51 AM I'm worried about the use of piers for the bridge. Will we decide in 10-20 years that we needed this bridge to be suspension and have the waterway completely cleared?
I'm worried about the use of piers for the bridge. Will we decide in 10-20 years that we needed this bridge to be suspension and have the waterway completely cleared?
Don't think so because none of the big rowing competitions are longer than 2K.
BoulderSooner 05-04-2023, 11:58 AM i was thinking that new river damn would be much further east ..
BoulderSooner 05-04-2023, 11:59 AM Don't think so because none of the big rowing competitions are longer than 2K.
and the damn at eastern is not going away and they are not adding a new lock there
Snowman 05-05-2023, 02:43 AM Don't think so because none of the big rowing competitions are longer than 2K.
In sprints, there another format which basically goes basically the length of the basin. Though on that format there are several other bridges with columns that need avoided anyway, and these are basically around the average deck span, with the railroad bridge near the Chesapeake boathouse by far the worst with the spans around half the distance these look like.