View Full Version : May 2023 - General Weather Discussion
kukblue1 05-19-2023, 12:42 PM Back to the Chaser thing for a minute. I'll never understand well I do understand (rating and hype) but why were the chasers out at 4pm when storms were not even moving into the the state until after midnight and the risk was pretty much non existent yesterday.
I had another 1 3/4" in my rain gauge this morning. That puts me at about 13" total for the month at my location. I mowed my yard Wednesday evening and was still mowing through wet grass.
BG918 05-19-2023, 02:50 PM I had another 1 3/4" in my rain gauge this morning. That puts me at about 13" total for the month at my location. I mowed my yard Wednesday evening and was still mowing through wet grass.
Interesting, are you in Logan County? That has been one of the wetter locations over the past 30 days
Overall much of the state is still below normal for the year but the gap is narrowing. Osage County still has a pretty significant deficit 5688201
No. 39th and Meridian area. About 1/4 mile away from that.
kukblue1 05-20-2023, 05:08 PM Storm Season picks up the first week of June however might be a Panhandle thing and more Kansas thing. Stay Tuned.
kukblue1 05-21-2023, 01:13 PM Wish I can edit my other post . Still far out but severe weather for the Southern High Plains picks up middle of next week first week of June.
BG918 05-22-2023, 02:48 PM GFS forecasted rain totals through the weekend. Hopefully this pans out for Western OK and the Panhandle
BG918 05-25-2023, 06:02 AM Western OK and the Panhandle will continue to pick up needed rainfall as MCS from Colorado move southeast. Central OK could see some activity but mainly west. Holiday weekend looks mostly dry and warm.
Anonymous. 05-25-2023, 04:03 PM I just wanna go on record and say the 180 the weather has done in the last two months is amazing. This has turned out to be one of the best springs in OKC that I can remember in years.
This goes to show you how much of a difference the moisture and storm pattern can make on an area. Not having 30mph winds out of the south everytime it is 80 degrees is honestly my dream weather.
Also, by early June last year, it was not only incredibly dry but blazing hot and stayed that way all summer.
OkiePoke 05-25-2023, 04:38 PM I agree with the spring temps. Unfortunately, I need some heat acclimation. I've been searching for saunas... I was thinking about joining Lifetime for a month. Are there any other options (gyms/spas) where I can get a short membership that isn't as expensive as Lifetime?
Anonymous. 05-25-2023, 05:11 PM
FighttheGoodFight 05-26-2023, 09:54 AM I like those two pictures :)
SEMIweather 05-26-2023, 04:55 PM This has been one of the most persistent weather patterns I can remember seeing in OKC. Even the death ridges in July/August tend to break down from time to time.
BG918 05-26-2023, 06:36 PM The persistent high pressure over the Ohio River valley is unusual for this time of year but has really been great for the drought-plagued High Plains. Denver also has had one of its wettest springs in years thanks to this pattern. As the high shifts east the MCS from CO/KS should start to shift more across Oklahoma toward the end of next week, with increasing humidity.
chssooner 05-26-2023, 07:53 PM I need this humidity to go away. 75% humidity while playing sand volleyball is not fun.
SEMIweather 05-27-2023, 02:02 AM Just about the only way to get low humidity in OKC between Memorial Day and Labor Day is if we're pushing triple digits with downslope flow from the Desert SW allowing dewpoints to mix out during peak heating hours. In terms of comfort, I actually prefer those days to our 91 degree summer days with Gulf Coast levels of humidity, though the latter tends to result in more interesting weather.
chssooner 05-27-2023, 11:10 AM Just about the only way to get low humidity in OKC between Memorial Day and Labor Day is if we're pushing triple digits with downslope flow from the Desert SW allowing dewpoints to mix out during peak heating hours. In terms of comfort, I actually prefer those days to our 91 degree summer days with Gulf Coast levels of humidity, though the latter tends to result in more interesting weather.
Same. Give me hot with low humidity. Heck, we don't even need the Phoenix-level 115 or so Temps for that.
Teo9969 05-27-2023, 11:17 PM That was the redeeming thing about lady summer: at least it was dry and the mosquitoes were under control. I've probably had 25% of the bites O had last year and it's not even June yet.
kukblue1 05-28-2023, 01:51 PM Things should pick up closer to OKC starting end of this week. Still some question if this pattern can break but look at Eastern New Mexico the last 4 days. Storms everyday. This should push further east and maybe a tad bit north by the end of this week first of June. SPC doesn't want to highlight anything cause not sure of the pattern change and everything is small scale they might be day of events.
chssooner 05-28-2023, 03:12 PM The storm weakens coming to OKC, and stronger part goes south to miss OKC. Seems like a repeat of most of the past year.