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Plutonic Panda
12-22-2023, 02:23 PM
People that speed aren't really the problem. The problem is people who speed + change lanes to maneuver through traffic. Slow cars staying out of the fast lane helps alleviate that issue.
This. Reckless driving is the main issue coupled with morons who aren’t paying attention. Giving out drivers licenses is like giving out candy in this country. I accidentally floated a stop sign in Edmond on my driving test and it was overlooked as was my changing lanes with no signal. He shouldn’t have passed me but he did. We need stricter requirements to get a drivers license.

12-22-2023, 03:04 PM
This. Reckless driving is the main issue coupled with morons who aren’t paying attention. Giving out drivers licenses is like giving out candy in this country. I accidentally floated a stop sign in Edmond on my driving test and it was overlooked as was my changing lanes with no signal. He shouldn’t have passed me but he did. We need stricter requirements to get a drivers license.

And re-exams every decade or so...

Plutonic Panda
12-22-2023, 03:31 PM
And re-exams every decade or so...

Dob Hooligan
12-22-2023, 06:52 PM
I think the United States Interstate Highway System was begun nearly 70 years ago, the speed limit for those modern roads was 70MPH in most areas, and the basic layout for all of them was to support a 70MPH limit. I'm not sure if all of Broadway Extension is part of I-235, but I'm sure it was all designed to Interstate standards. We have a road well designed for higher than 70MPH speeds and limits.

The biggest advancements in car performance over that same 70-ish years is not is safety! Wider and softer tires keep our cars stuck to the pavement. Massive disc brakes can make a car go from 70 to 0 in 1/3 (or less) the time and distance they did in 1960. Advances in steering, traction control and crash avoidance help a driver keep the car flat and connected at speed. Air bag and seat belt technology we take for granted today would be considered an unachievable Gift From God in 1965.

The Broadway Extension has never been better and safer that in is today, IMO.

12-23-2023, 02:27 PM
People always assume others reality should align with their own. I drive 60 on BWE, and 235. I want a relaxing drive to work and home.

12-26-2023, 11:47 AM
Drunk driving equals speeding lol okay

OT question.. you drive electric vehicles mostly, right? Do all the connectivity gadgets talk to your insurance providers about your driving habits? If they do and you're still going 100MPH, no problem, and haven't seen massive hikes on your insurance bill, I would guess that'd be as good an answer as any as to how actually dangerous to yourself and others this behavior is.

I do know triple digits in Oklahoma = pretty much an automatic reckless driving charge, which has to be equivalent or not quite as bad as a DUI for insurance purposes.

Plutonic Panda
12-26-2023, 01:09 PM
OT question.. you drive electric vehicles mostly, right? Do all the connectivity gadgets talk to your insurance providers about your driving habits? If they do and you're still going 100MPH, no problem, and haven't seen massive hikes on your insurance bill, I would guess that'd be as good an answer as any as to how actually dangerous to yourself and others this behavior is.

I do know triple digits in Oklahoma = pretty much an automatic reckless driving charge, which has to be equivalent or not quite as bad as a DUI for insurance purposes.
Well I’ve been pulled over for triple digits before in Oklahoma and though I have been cited with a reckless once all the other times I’ve been let go with less than that. Still got a tickets though. Now granted those times were at little to no traffic and that was probably factored in. Had I been racing(which I used to do when I young) it’d be worse. Probably an arrest. I have family in law enforcement.

I don’t let insurance companies monitor my driving habits. I also have only been involved in a single at fault wreck when I was going below the speed limit on a turn in inclement conditions when I was 20 and hit someone. I’m now 30 and haven’t been involved in anything else knock on wood.

I’m not going to sit here and argue about advocating for driving over 100. I do it when I feel it’s safe. Like it or don’t I couldn’t care less. Bitch about how dangerous I am I don’t care. Cars are inherently dangerous and there’s a lot of other drivers out there who abide by the speed limit you should worry about than me.

Yes I have a lot of tickets on my record. I have no animosity towards police officers. They are doing their job. I also don’t fault insurance even though I think they’re scams on some level I can see why they charge me higher rates and premiums than others who have better driving records than I do. FWIW I drove without a license for years.

Plutonic Panda
12-26-2023, 01:30 PM
Oh BTW I don’t drive mostly electric vehicles. I usually drive ICE cars.

12-26-2023, 02:22 PM
Well I’ve been pulled over for triple digits before in Oklahoma and though I have been cited with a reckless once all the other times I’ve been let go with less than that. Still got a tickets though. Now granted those times were at little to no traffic and that was probably factored in. Had I been racing(which I used to do when I young) it’d be worse. Probably an arrest. I have family in law enforcement.

I don’t let insurance companies monitor my driving habits. I also have only been involved in a single at fault wreck when I was going below the speed limit on a turn in inclement conditions when I was 20 and hit someone. I’m now 30 and haven’t been involved in anything else knock on wood.

I’m not going to sit here and argue about advocating for driving over 100. I do it when I feel it’s safe. Like it or don’t I couldn’t care less. Bitch about how dangerous I am I don’t care. Cars are inherently dangerous and there’s a lot of other drivers out there who abide by the speed limit you should worry about than me.

Yes I have a lot of tickets on my record. I have no animosity towards police officers. They are doing their job. I also don’t fault insurance even though I think they’re scams on some level I can see why they charge me higher rates and premiums than others who have better driving records than I do. FWIW I drove without a license for years.

Genuine curiosity/no judgment. I'm being good serving a deferred sentence on a 97 in a 65 ticket I got between Lawton and Chickasha. I was told triple digits = a reckless in most Oklahoma jurisdictions and the Troopers who pulled me over had a good long discussion as to whether to ring me up for reckless.. But in the middle of nowhere, say, driving from Beaver to Guymon, 100MPH + is the flow of traffic.

12-26-2023, 06:56 PM
I was going to 100 in a 65 today and was passed by cars and I passed others. Big deal. OKC drivers as extremely slow. 85 is nothing. Come to LA or head south to Dallas and go 80. It’ll feel like you’re the a hole for holding everyone else up lol

You must be talking about me. I drive the speed limit except for 1. Going to Lawton in the 80 mph zone, I go 70 to 75 depending if day or night. 2. on rural roads at night I will go 30 why to be able to stop if there is wild life in the road. I care about them. I will stop and get out day or night to get them off the road, traffic or no. I have bad knees so people will have to wait for me or hit me. And yes I had a jerk a few years ago near my house, no traffic, I stopped and moved a turtle to the other side. The guy did nt see me do this, just saw me walking back to my truck and ran up on me to scare me. I cannot run and made an effort, stepped on a rock and fell. He ran his large 4 wd truck tires up to about 6 in to my body and then spun out his tires. I cannot just jump up. I layed their. Then he backed up and ran up on me again and again braking just inches from me. He finally got tired of the game and backed up at a high rate of speed and turned around and left. Jerk. Jerk Jerk. No respect for older ladies. Their is a speed limit for a reason. I choose to follow the law. I also at red lights when it turns green look both ways to make sure there is not someone flying through trying to make the light even after its been red for a while. end of rant.

12-27-2023, 08:30 AM
You must be talking about me. I drive the speed limit except for 1. Going to Lawton in the 80 mph zone, I go 70 to 75 depending if day or night. 2. on rural roads at night I will go 30 why to be able to stop if there is wild life in the road. I care about them. I will stop and get out day or night to get them off the road, traffic or no. I have bad knees so people will have to wait for me or hit me. And yes I had a jerk a few years ago near my house, no traffic, I stopped and moved a turtle to the other side. The guy did nt see me do this, just saw me walking back to my truck and ran up on me to scare me. I cannot run and made an effort, stepped on a rock and fell. He ran his large 4 wd truck tires up to about 6 in to my body and then spun out his tires. I cannot just jump up. I layed their. Then he backed up and ran up on me again and again braking just inches from me. He finally got tired of the game and backed up at a high rate of speed and turned around and left. Jerk. Jerk Jerk. No respect for older ladies. Their is a speed limit for a reason. I choose to follow the law. I also at red lights when it turns green look both ways to make sure there is not someone flying through trying to make the light even after its been red for a while. end of rant.

if you are going 30 on a 55/65 MPH rural road at night ... you are going to be the CAUSE of a big wreck ..

12-27-2023, 08:31 AM
Genuine curiosity/no judgment. I'm being good serving a deferred sentence on a 97 in a 65 ticket I got between Lawton and Chickasha. I was told triple digits = a reckless in most Oklahoma jurisdictions and the Troopers who pulled me over had a good long discussion as to whether to ring me up for reckless.. But in the middle of nowhere, say, driving from Beaver to Guymon, 100MPH + is the flow of traffic.

is it correct that 20 over speeding can be a reckless if the officer wants it to be

Dob Hooligan
12-27-2023, 10:00 AM
You must be talking about me. I drive the speed limit except for 1. Going to Lawton in the 80 mph zone, I go 70 to 75 depending if day or night. 2. on rural roads at night I will go 30 why to be able to stop if there is wild life in the road. I care about them. I will stop and get out day or night to get them off the road, traffic or no. I have bad knees so people will have to wait for me or hit me. And yes I had a jerk a few years ago near my house, no traffic, I stopped and moved a turtle to the other side. The guy did nt see me do this, just saw me walking back to my truck and ran up on me to scare me. I cannot run and made an effort, stepped on a rock and fell. He ran his large 4 wd truck tires up to about 6 in to my body and then spun out his tires. I cannot just jump up. I layed their. Then he backed up and ran up on me again and again braking just inches from me. He finally got tired of the game and backed up at a high rate of speed and turned around and left. Jerk. Jerk Jerk. No respect for older ladies. Their is a speed limit for a reason. I choose to follow the law. I also at red lights when it turns green look both ways to make sure there is not someone flying through trying to make the light even after its been red for a while. end of rant.

If you are out after dark and drive 20 MPH under the speed limit, then you should take precautions to keep other people safe. Drive with your flashers on, because you are a potential hazard at that low speed. If you stop for any reason, be sure to carry a warning flashlight to wave at any approaching cars, and ALWAYS wear light and brightly colored clothing, including jackets. When/if you are an impediment to the normal flow of traffic then you should assume all other drivers are either drunk or distracted and do all you can to avoid getting hit.

Plutonic Panda
12-27-2023, 11:22 PM
is it correct that 20 over speeding can be a reckless if the officer wants it to be
They can also tie in multiple traffic offenses in one stop to a careless or reckless driving IIRC.

Plutonic Panda
12-27-2023, 11:28 PM
Genuine curiosity/no judgment. I'm being good serving a deferred sentence on a 97 in a 65 ticket I got between Lawton and Chickasha. I was told triple digits = a reckless in most Oklahoma jurisdictions and the Troopers who pulled me over had a good long discussion as to whether to ring me up for reckless.. But in the middle of nowhere, say, driving from Beaver to Guymon, 100MPH + is the flow of traffic.
I don’t usually drive too fast as I used to. But I don’t like speed limits that are too low and society’s perception 100 is something not even to be considered. It just looks fast on paper. I was driving an Escalade a couple years back from Laguna beach to Vegas and I hit 120 and barely noticed it as there was as no one around me either when I caught up to traffic everyone else was going 80-95 with a mix of slower drivers in the left lanes going 70. It’s a joke. But when I slowed down in traffic I felt like I was going soooooo slow.

I will say going faster definitely hurts your pocket book. I’ve driven I-40 from Barstow to OKC more than I can remember and you can save quite a bit(less fuel stops), going 85-90 versus 70-75. As of late I’ve just explored different routes and only really gun it if it’s an empty off interstate road and I can see the horizon.

12-28-2023, 08:58 AM
^^ Driving faster should burn more fuel, resulting in more fuel stops. Bathroom stops OTOH...

Driving that fast in the city is pretty pointless. Over 15 miles, the time savings from AVERAGING 65mph vs 80mph is 2.5 minutes (13.8 min vs 11.3 min). Averaging that is tough with all the natural slowdowns of traffic, left lane campers, etc. There are too many variables where that 2.5 minutes could be realistically only a minute (stop light at your exit). So, if you like the sensation of speeding past everyone, go for it. But the time savings is really a minor point.

Now, over large distances, the time savings can be quite impactful. 100 miles, that's about 17 minutes. OKC to Den reduces by 1.5 hours.

12-28-2023, 10:49 AM
If l tried to drive those speeds every car l saw would be a cop with a radar gun. I'm still angry about getting stopped in Stratford, TX @ 3mph over the limit. I was able to get just a warning but it's the principle.

Plutonic Panda
12-29-2023, 03:24 PM
If l tried to drive those speeds every car l saw would be a cop with a radar gun. I'm still angry about getting stopped in Stratford, TX @ 3mph over the limit. I was able to get just a warning but it's the principle.
Hell, if I were police officer I’d my ass up for half of the sh!t I did. But 3 MPH is ridiculous. I’m no stranger to being court for speeding and in Edmond I can’t believe some of the cases I hear. Turn left into a right lane at 3am. Going 10MPH over the limit down a steep hill. Going 5 MPH over the limit. Going the limit during a storm due to some legal term like too fast for conditions or something.

Personally I’m always respectful and say yes sir/ma'am. Against attorneys advice if it’s a minor traffic infraction I always admit to what I did. So if an officer pulls me over for going 95 in a 75 I’ll tell them straight up sorry sir I just have a heavy foot most of the time they’re cool and let me off with a 9 over ticket so it doesn’t go on my record and is cheaper. Being nice with LEOs can get you a long way.

12-30-2023, 11:07 AM
I am talking about mile section roads with a speed limit of 45mph and yes some fools do go 70 on it. I will drive my 30 so as to protect the wild life and no I dont have much light colored clothing since it show up dirt and when you live on 10 ac that matters. I guess I will just take the risk to try to protect wild life. and usually when I stop to protect wild life I dont have time to go look and grab a flash light. Just watch out for me on the roads.

Dob Hooligan
12-30-2023, 12:36 PM
I am talking about mile section roads with a speed limit of 45mph and yes some fools do go 70 on it. I will drive my 30 so as to protect the wild life and no I dont have much light colored clothing since it show up dirt and when you live on 10 ac that matters. I guess I will just take the risk to try to protect wild life. and usually when I stop to protect wild life I dont have time to go look and grab a flash light. Just watch out for me on the roads.

Driving is a privilege. It is not a God given right. Seems like you are willing to risk human life in order to protect wildlife. If you stop on the road after dark without flashers on and someone hits your car, or swerves to miss your car and crashes, causing death or injury, then you are probably at fault. If you are on foot on the road after dark and get hit, you are dead, regardless of fault.

I recall you are mature and used to be a volunteer firefighter? Haven't you been trained on proper road etiquette in order to avoid causing injury and death to other humans?