View Full Version : OKC Talk Discord Please

11-24-2022, 09:39 PM
I wish OKC Talk had a Discord. It would be lots of fun :cool:

Jeremy Martin
11-28-2022, 06:51 PM
Isn't that what the politics forum here used to be?

11-29-2022, 10:38 AM
I figure that would just drive people off this site, which doesn't benefit OKC Talk.

11-29-2022, 01:14 PM
I figure that would just drive people off this site, which doesn't benefit OKC Talk.

It could work in conjunction with the site here.
News posts here could be linked in the Discord which would drive people back to the site.
Some of the more chatty comments are more suitable to a chat room than a forum.

You could even have bots that could tell people to move chats from the forum to Discord or move/copy pertinent chats to the forum.
You could actually do a lot more with bots too.

12-01-2022, 11:17 AM
I wish OKC Talk had a Discord. It would be lots of fun :cool:

They don't need the hassle here....just move over to the "new" Twitter. maybe make some kind of account for OKC political folks?

12-01-2022, 04:58 PM
I've ran a video game forum for almost 20 years and we moved our Xenforo forum to Discord this year. It worked really well. Discord absolutely doesn't work as well for long form posting. But they have a new forum feature that works decently. And you don't control the site or the software so you're at the purview of another company.

Though I do think Pete is going to have to look at something else eventually. Jelsoft and vBulletin have pretty well stagnated as has forums in general. Xenforo and IPB are still doing some development but even they have slowed down considerably.

Thomas Vu
12-06-2022, 12:21 AM
We could make a grassroots one.

12-07-2022, 11:46 AM
I guess I'm getting old... I really don't want to see OKCTalk migrate to Discord. Discord is awesome for chatting, both via text and voice - but it's *awful* as a forum replacement imo. I also would have concerns about the community becoming split between here and Discord.

12-07-2022, 11:56 AM
If we migrate at all, it would be to a wiki-style setup, with reference articles that could be updated and then attached discussion.

I tried to use an add-in for that but the subsequent forced updates were terrible so I pulled the plug.

12-07-2022, 01:17 PM
As an active Discord user I don't think it would be a good fit for what OKCTalk does at all, certainly not as a replacement. They're just prettied up IRC channels and while that has its place it's just not the same thing as a discussion forum with threads on very specific topics. It might have value as a supplement but I doubt Pete wants to take on the headache of moderating both that and this forum.

12-07-2022, 04:39 PM
As an active Discord user I don't think it would be a good fit for what OKCTalk does at all, certainly not as a replacement. They're just prettied up IRC channels and while that has its place it's just not the same thing as a discussion forum with threads on very specific topics. It might have value as a supplement but I doubt Pete wants to take on the headache of moderating both that and this forum.

I definitely don't see it as a replacement but more of supplement for a discussion/ sounding board. Gathering reactions on posts and instant feedback would be a plus IMO. I also agree, moderation would be difficult for only Pete, there would obviously have to be additional mods. Discord does have some auto mod / bots that can help with a lot of the issues. You can not allow certain words, slow the chat so people can't spam, etc.

12-09-2022, 01:48 PM
I definitely don't see it as a replacement but more of supplement for a discussion/ sounding board.
I agree - I don’t hate forums in general but this platform is pretty crusty and these days we have the infrastructure to offer complementary services like Discord for more immediate or less formal questions, O/T social chat, football rivalry back and forth on gameday, even suggestions for new site articles, etc.

Some things make sense to be kept in archives; others don’t.

Discord is a way to encourage more of a daily engagement without weighing down the forums with topics that aren’t of any value after a certain time. It encourages community in the sense that it allows for people to make quick plans to meet up for lunch, at shows, and / or other time-limited events.