View Full Version : Domino C-store
Domino looks like they are stepping up its expansion to compete with OnCue and 7-Eleven.
This store looks to be the same layout as the one nearing completion at NW 50th & May.
I am not a fan of the name, it is confusing with Domino's Pizza
okatty 11-07-2022, 01:50 PM This company originated out in western Oklahoma (Clinton). They did fuel distribution and at some point they moved into convenience stores. I was in one the other day in Watonga. They are nice stores, and there are already several in the outlying metro (Yukon, Blanchard, Shawnee, etc).
The one at 50th & May (and I assume all the new stores going forward) is almost all brick in three different colors. Looks sharp.
Their hot food has a good reputation.
These newer c-stores with eat-in areas will lend themselves to moving more towards electric charging, as it gives patrons to go and eat while waiting, rather than just sitting in their car.
okatty 11-07-2022, 01:55 PM I didn’t realize there was one at 50th and May! I’ll have to check that one out sometime. Thanks.
I didn’t realize there was one at 50th and May! I’ll have to check that one out sometime. Thanks.
Under construction on the SE corner; part of the Mayfair redevelopment.
SEMIweather 11-07-2022, 01:59 PM The one at 50th/May isn’t done yet. Closest one to OKC at the moment is (I think) the one at 10th/Garth Brooks in Yukon. They are nice stores. When I’m out watching storms in Western OK, this place is a go-to along with Jiffy Trip and Hutch’s.
For the first time, I stopped in a Domino (NE 23rd in Choctaw) and was impressed.
The entry area is huge and wide open so you don't get congestion as you walk in.
There are several self-checkout stations as well as a cashier and lots of hot food options with an indoor seating area.
NW 50th & May:
soonergolfer 03-11-2023, 09:17 AM Is the new structure east of the convenience store a car wash?
Is the new structure east of the convenience store a car wash?
Yes, also to be operated by Domino.
Bellaboo 03-13-2023, 03:54 PM The Domino in Yukon has a car wash and free car vacuums.
Not a great picture but signage is going up and landscape is going in at NW 50th & May.
Most of the concrete work is done on the gas station property and they are slowly moving east to the car wash.
The way this is going they may open the c-store first while still finishing the car wash. The inside is pretty much complete. For what it is, they've done a nice job.
Stopped by the NW 50th & May location today and they told me they hope to open next week.
The carwash will open in about another month.
I will say I am surprised that Domino's pizza did not sue Domino gas station for the same name
They opened this morning (Tuesday) at NW 50th & May. Hours are 5:30 AM to Midnight.
MagzOK 04-11-2023, 09:35 AM This is fabulous for this area and that corner. When we lived down the street from there, that corner Shell was so busy with contractors and stuff and that was nothing at all compared to this. It looks nice and flows nice and has a bunch of stuff. I've always been impressed with Dominos I've stopped at out in western Oklahoma.
As you can see from the photos, the new Dominos are incredibly open -- the opposite of clutter.
Also, the employees actually seem happy to be there which tells me they are paid and treated well.
Really impressed with their operation.
Brett 04-16-2023, 09:00 AM I noticed at the Shell fuel pumps the 100% gasoline is plain old Regular and all of the other fuel grade options are 10% ethanol blend.
As you can see from the photos, the new Dominos are incredibly open -- the opposite of clutter.
Also, the employees actually seem happy to be there which tells me they are paid and treated well.
Really impressed with their operation.
I agree, it looks nice!
foodiefan 04-22-2023, 05:42 PM . . .was so looking forward using to their top tier fuel. . .disappointed that 100% gas is only 87 octane. 89/91 are 10% ethanol. Will have to stick with
On Cue or Valero.