View Full Version : Governor's Mansion

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Bored UCO Student
10-17-2022, 09:32 AM
Sorry for bumping this thread, however, feel like this needs to be placed here as somebody touched on the serious issues in the mansion earlier, such as the mold, but I don't believe it was brought up again.

However, knowing someone very well-placed to this specific situation, feel like it is worth noting that one/multiple of Stitt's kids does have some current health complications. Can't remember which but I also do know these health issues were either exacerbated or created by certain conditions in the household. At least one is still receiving treatment to my knowledge. This is also confirmed by his response in the following article that people neglected to post after creating this thread.

I'm not voting for Stitt and I dislike him as much as the next sane Oklahoman but this was straw grasping by the reporter.

10-17-2022, 10:12 AM
That follow-up article hardly helps the Stitt perspective in this matter since it just shows more of their lies. Lies about the NDA not existing, lies about the wheelchair accessibility (see for the debunking on that bit), etc.

10-17-2022, 10:18 AM
It's also very strange that they have an active website for Friends of the Mansion where they are soliciting donations but there is no mention at all of a new residence; just the renovation of the existing one.

It's not so much the plan, it's the secrecy and subterfuge.

10-17-2022, 10:52 AM
That follow-up article hardly helps the Stitt perspective in this matter since it just shows more of their lies. Lies about the NDA not existing, lies about the wheelchair accessibility (see for the debunking on that bit), etc.

When do you think the last time Walters was in the mansion? Doubt its been during the Stitt era, possibly not even for Fallin's 8 years as well. So it might have been since like 2010. Guessing there have been some changings made in the past 10 years but i guess Walters knows all according to his twitter.

10-17-2022, 10:54 AM
I'm not voting for Stitt and I dislike him as much as the next sane Oklahoman but this was straw grasping by the reporter.

yep it was a hit piece plain and simple ..

10-17-2022, 02:13 PM
When do you think the last time Walters was in the mansion? Doubt its been during the Stitt era, possibly not even for Fallin's 8 years as well. So it might have been since like 2010. Guessing there have been some changings made in the past 10 years but i guess Walters knows all according to his twitter.

Well, did they rip the ramp out that former governor Walters remembers being at the mansion and has photographic evidence of and can remember his brother using? A ramp that is pictured in the tweet he offered up as evidence?

10-17-2022, 02:40 PM
When do you think the last time Walters was in the mansion? Doubt its been during the Stitt era, possibly not even for Fallin's 8 years as well. So it might have been since like 2010. Guessing there have been some changings made in the past 10 years but i guess Walters knows all according to his twitter.

And we for sure know Stitt's current home is ADA compliant? What pictures I've found of it show some steps to the front door.

Not saying this story is a big deal, just some weird excuses and secrecy. Biggest thing to me is why not put $6 million towards renovating the current awesome looking governors mansion?

Jersey Boss
10-17-2022, 02:42 PM
When do you think the last time Walters was in the mansion? Doubt its been during the Stitt era, possibly not even for Fallin's 8 years as well. So it might have been since like 2010. Guessing there have been some changings made in the past 10 years but i guess Walters knows all according to his twitter.

One would imagine that when Stitt met with the 4 former Governors in 2019 to gain their approval the meeting was held at the mansion. So Walters would have been there within the last 4.

10-17-2022, 03:54 PM
One would imagine that when Stitt met with the 4 former Governors in 2019 to gain their approval the meeting was held at the mansion. So Walters would have been there within the last 4.

So now you are speculating that Walters might have been there once in the past 10 years. Was his brother with him? Did he notice any changes to the mansion or was everything the same?

Seems like more and more i notice that old politicians remember things in the past to fit their agenda.

10-17-2022, 04:00 PM
So now you are speculating that Walters might have been there once in the past 10 years. Was his brother with him? Did he notice any changes to the mansion or was everything the same?

Seems like more and more i notice that old politicians remember things in the past to fit their agenda.

How is he remembering things in the past to fit his agenda? He literally posted a picture of the wheelchair ramp!

10-17-2022, 05:23 PM
So now you are speculating that Walters might have been there once in the past 10 years. Was his brother with him? Did he notice any changes to the mansion or was everything the same?

Seems like more and more i notice that old politicians remember things in the past to fit their agenda.

I really don't see it being legal to take an ADA compliant public building and making changes so that it no longer compliant.

10-17-2022, 08:25 PM
It's also very strange that they have an active website for Friends of the Mansion where they are soliciting donations but there is no mention at all of a new residence; just the renovation of the existing one.

It's not so much the plan, it's the secrecy and subterfuge.

Yes, the reason people keep secrets and have people sign NDAs is because they don't really want the public to know.

The Devils Architect
10-18-2022, 07:45 AM
Private residences are not required to be, so in general, unless specifically designed to be, they typically are not

The Devils Architect
10-18-2022, 07:45 AM
It is certainly not legal

10-18-2022, 04:42 PM
It is certainly not legal

You remind me of a poster who used to do that, i.e., post conclusions without any sort of supporting information.

I'd be interested to know how the ADA applies to a private residence or how you don't consider the Governor's Mansion where the Governor's family is supposed to reside to be a private residence--or how the ADA applies to a State-owned building. Or how the ADA applies to a building built in 1928.

All of those would be interesting to hear about.