View Full Version : New Downtown Arena

01-13-2024, 05:29 PM
I know we're early in the process, but any idea when we get to see what they have planned? I can't wait to see the renderings! Also, call me ignorant, but how many more seats will the new arena have than Paycom Center?

I wouldn’t expect any time soon. They didn’t even fully nail down the budget and funding until after the vote was taken so there hasn’t been a lot of time to work on them. Renderings themselves take a lot of time and money, especially for an arena. I’m eager to see them as soon as possible though!

01-13-2024, 06:24 PM
I know we're early in the process, but any idea when we get to see what they have planned? I can't wait to see the renderings! Also, call me ignorant, but how many more seats will the new arena have than Paycom Center?
Detailed renderings are more than a year away; possibly as much as two. That said I wouldn’t be surprised to see a high-level conceptual sometime this year. The site has to be formally selected first, although from what I understand it is indeed becoming a foregone conclusion that it will be the Myriad/Cox/PSM site, which would be a relief to me, personally. There will also need to be a selection process for the A&E firm of record.

Quite a bit of coordination will be required between the City of OKC and the Thunder, in order to make sure each party gets what they respectively need and most desire out of the project. There will also be one or more master consultants retained by the parties in order to help them navigate through the process. It’s possible that they could share such a consultant, but the City may want to have its own in order to protect its own interests. All of this takes time.

Regarding the seating, there will likely be very little change to the raw number of seats in the arena. It’s still likely to remain around 19K or just below. Again, the additional square footage is to accommodate not more butts in seats but rather a more comfortable and in many places more luxurious experience for those in attendance, with more revenue flowing to the team via those new premium experiences. More square footage also allows for reconfigurations down the road as new revenue opportunities emerge for teams in general. The new space will be much easier to flex.

01-15-2024, 08:13 AM
LA Clippers New Home - Intuit Dome

The $1.2B future home of the LA Clippers — the Intuit Dome — will have:

• Power at every seat
• An ACRE scoreboard
• Double the toilets of any NBA arena
• "The Wall" — no suites, just 51 rows and dedicated fans section

It's nearing completion — and is set to open next year.

01-16-2024, 07:45 AM
I'm both surprised and not surprised at the no suites thing. They have a huge population base there so they can't charge a lot more for seats and get away with it. I dont think we could do that in OKC though. I think we're going to need those boxes to get the higher dollars from those corporate folks.

But that is definitely a very cool design!

01-16-2024, 09:36 AM
I'm both surprised and not surprised at the no suites thing. They have a huge population base there so they can't charge a lot more for seats and get away with it. I dont think we could do that in OKC though. I think we're going to need those boxes to get the higher dollars from those corporate folks.

But that is definitely a very cool design!

The arena still has suites - 51 of them - but none on "The Wall," which is what they are calling one of the "ends" of the arena. That section is being marketed as a die-hard Clipper fan experience - more of a college basketball student section setting.

01-16-2024, 12:59 PM
Intuit Dome is very very impressive. I imagine the Thunder/OKC use a lot of what they did out there as an inspiration

01-16-2024, 01:02 PM
The arena still has suites - 51 of them - but none on "The Wall," which is what they are calling one of the "ends" of the arena. That section is being marketed as a die-hard Clipper fan experience - more of a college basketball student section setting.

It's a pretty innovative/cool idea. Here is a shot of "the wall"

01-16-2024, 01:40 PM
That's a huge scoreboard!

01-16-2024, 01:45 PM
That's a huge scoreboard!

I've heard that its not so much the size, but the circumference that's important

01-16-2024, 02:24 PM
Maybe I'm old school, but I actually don't love too big of scoreboards. To me, they just detract from the in-person experience when they take up too much visual space and focus. I don't like, for example, when my eyes start drifting to the scoreboard and away from the court. The scoreboard the Thunder has now is fine IMHO.

01-16-2024, 02:40 PM
Maybe I'm old school, but I actually don't love too big of scoreboards. To me, they just detract from the in-person experience when they take up too much visual space and focus. I don't like, for example, when my eyes start drifting to the scoreboard and away from the court. The scoreboard the Thunder has now is fine IMHO.

Looks like for anyone sitting on the very top, your either staring down looking down at the action or your up close and personal with the score board. Its a double sided board.

01-16-2024, 10:18 PM
Maybe I'm old school, but I actually don't love too big of scoreboards. To me, they just detract from the in-person experience when they take up too much visual space and focus. I don't like, for example, when my eyes start drifting to the scoreboard and away from the court. The scoreboard the Thunder has now is fine IMHO. I absolutely agree. That is how I felt when watching a football game at Jerry World.

01-17-2024, 07:48 AM
Have also heard the same thing

01-17-2024, 11:29 AM
It's a pretty innovative/cool idea. Here is a shot of "the wall"

Yeah, it's similar to OKC calling the upper deck "Loud City." Great marketing move to sell the cheapest seats in the house and even create a sense of pride about sitting in those seats. Good move.

01-17-2024, 11:37 AM
man the wall looks awesome. Take notes OKC

01-17-2024, 12:15 PM
Yeah, it's similar to OKC calling the upper deck "Loud City." Great marketing move to sell the cheapest seats in the house and even create a sense of pride about sitting in those seats. Good move.

“The Wall” includes standing room only behind the basket and continuous rows from bottom to top. Not just marketing but also a super unique arena build. OKC has time to look at new arenas and make ours unique in its own way

01-17-2024, 12:34 PM
It also has rules called the "wall code".

Clippers' new arena features fan section called ‘The Wall' with strict rules (

The Wall, which will hold up to 4,500 fans in total, has a strict set of rules, too. Those seated there won't be permitted to cheer for or wear the gear of opposing teams.

"This section is for Clippers fans only," the team's website says. "If you choose to be a part of The Wall, you (and your guests) can't cheer for the opposing team or wear any gear that supports our opponents."

01-17-2024, 01:10 PM
It also has rules called the "wall code".

Clippers' new arena features fan section called ‘The Wall' with strict rules (

Pretty cool

01-17-2024, 02:06 PM
“The Wall” includes standing room only behind the basket and continuous rows from bottom to top. Not just marketing but also a super unique arena build. OKC has time to look at new arenas and make ours unique in its own way

Great WWE Entry Song.

01-17-2024, 02:58 PM
Looks like for anyone sitting on the very top, your either staring down looking down at the action or your up close and personal with the score board. Its a double sided board.

From the article above about The Wall above:

It does look like it's pretty in your face from the upper sections. I'm sure the camera perspective / lens is exaggerating it some, but that will be a pretty big screen in close proximity to some fans.

01-17-2024, 03:05 PM
Pretty cool

Should create a student section vibe for NBA games. Will be cool if it works as intended.

You have to actually be a "certified clippers fan" to buy tickets in that section. A downside is that you can only sell them to another certified fan on the ticketmaster resell marketplace. They are adding a lot of value for behind-the-basket seats, though.

Bill Robertson
01-17-2024, 03:11 PM
Should create a student section vibe for NBA games. Will be cool if it works as intended.

You have to actually be a "certified clippers fan" to buy tickets in that section. A downside is that you can only sell them to another certified fan on the ticketmaster resell marketplace. They are adding a lot of value for behind-the-basket seats, though.
I like the idea.
The current arena GM was on the Animal a couple weeks ago and was talking about "common fan suites". A lounge type area that any group could buy single game couch type seating. That sounds good too. I'd like to see as many diverse options available as possible.

01-17-2024, 03:19 PM
From the article above about The Wall above:

It does look like it's pretty in your face from the upper sections. I'm sure the camera perspective / lens is exaggerating it some, but that will be a pretty big screen in close proximity to some fans.

OMG, reminds me of when we procrastinated and got bad tickets to the Johnny Depp version of Willy Wonka in IMAX, and we were in the second row, we had to bail 20 minutes in, it was just too much too close... Rescheduled for way further back, and it was a pretty interesting movie.

01-17-2024, 03:42 PM
One thing L.A. learned from Staples Center: huge rows of suites in the middle of the seating completely sucks the life out of an arena.

There, the lower bowl is relatively small, then tons and tons of suites which for atmosphere purposes might as well just be big blanks, then most the seating is above and very far removed from the court/ice/stage.

Looks like the Clippers are going a different route.

01-17-2024, 03:48 PM
When the new arena is completed, we should be in great position to host an NBA All-Star weekend, finally.

01-17-2024, 04:33 PM
I hope they take note of the wall and the wrap around scoreboard. It looks incredible.

April in the Plaza
01-17-2024, 04:58 PM
Should create a student section vibe for NBA games. Will be cool if it works as intended.

You have to actually be a "certified clippers fan" to buy tickets in that section. A downside is that you can only sell them to another certified fan on the ticketmaster resell marketplace. They are adding a lot of value for behind-the-basket seats, though.

Probably depends a great deal on the demographics. If you end up with too many McKinsey types in there, it definitely won’t work.

01-17-2024, 07:48 PM
Help me out ..... McKinsey types?

01-17-2024, 08:10 PM
Help me out ..... McKinsey types?

Uptight business consultant types.

01-18-2024, 08:11 AM
Should create a student section vibe for NBA games. Will be cool if it works as intended.

You have to actually be a "certified clippers fan" to buy tickets in that section. A downside is that you can only sell them to another certified fan on the ticketmaster resell marketplace. They are adding a lot of value for behind-the-basket seats, though.

this is much more about that NBA team controlling all resale of tickets .. and will likely lead to a lawsuit ..

the Thunder tried to ban all secondary ticket sales outside of their control long ago .. they failed .

01-18-2024, 08:20 AM
Not allowing non-clippers fans on the wall sounds like slippery slope territory to me. Expect at least one 'discrimination' lawsuit. They will have to be careful how they write the guidelines and fine print.

01-18-2024, 09:16 AM
Not allowing non-clippers fans on the wall sounds like slippery slope territory to me. Expect at least one 'discrimination' lawsuit. They will have to be careful how they write the guidelines and fine print.

lol i highly doubt it. Favorite NBA team isn't a protected class lol

the mentality of society is just mind blowing to me

01-18-2024, 09:18 AM
lol i highly doubt it. Favorite NBA team isn't a protected class lol

the mentality of society is just mind blowing to me

what message is on your clothing and what you say during a game are both free speech issues .. selling your ticket is a entire other can of worms ..

01-18-2024, 09:24 AM
what message is on your clothing and what you say during a game are both free speech issues .. selling your ticket is a entire other can of worms ..

i’m not sure free speech comes into play in a privately owned arena at an NBA team event. You can say and wear what you want but that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences (ie getting kicked out of the game) if you wear something or say something that is against the rules for the arena.

01-18-2024, 09:31 AM
privately owned arena
This will continue to annoy me for years to come. Our tax dollars went toward paying for over something around 90% of this building but it's the rich dudes who chipped in 5% who are going to control the space.

01-18-2024, 09:32 AM
Rereading this quote it makes sense now. Its going to apply to NBA logos and merchandise that NBA teams already licenses and control. So i doubt that any kind of color or other sayings on shirts will be banned.

The Wall, which will hold up to 4,500 fans in total, has a strict set of rules, too. Those seated there won't be permitted to cheer for or wear the gear of opposing teams.

"This section is for Clippers fans only," the team's website says. "If you choose to be a part of The Wall, you (and your guests) can't cheer for the opposing team or wear any gear that supports our opponents."

lol i highly doubt it. Favorite NBA team isn't a protected class lol

the mentality of society is just mind blowing to me

No, but it is very easily to accidently infringe on the rights of a protected class.

01-18-2024, 09:40 AM
From the article above about The Wall above:

It does look like it's pretty in your face from the upper sections. I'm sure the camera perspective / lens is exaggerating it some, but that will be a pretty big screen in close proximity to some fans.

Does that score board retract back into the rafters? It would be kind of distracting during concerts unless they incorporated into the act somehow?

01-18-2024, 09:40 AM
Not allowing non-clippers fans on the wall sounds like slippery slope territory to me. Expect at least one 'discrimination' lawsuit. They will have to be careful how they write the guidelines and fine print.

It's really just about joining a fan club that has perks, including access to a certain section of the arena, and the barrier to entry is minimal:

I'm not really sure anyone would take it seriously enough to bring a suit and try and prove damage. I do, however, think they have essentially created a challenge to opposing fans who will look at infiltrating the wall and receiving an ejection as a badge of honor. This will probably happen on day 1. lol

01-18-2024, 09:46 AM
This will continue to annoy me for years to come. Our tax dollars went toward paying for over something around 90% of this building but it's the rich dudes who chipped in 5% who are going to control the space.

Your tax dollars went toward paying for the clippers new arena? Because that’s what we’re referring to.

OKC’s arena and the new one will be publicly owned as has been stated 1000 times here.

01-18-2024, 09:48 AM
what message is on your clothing and what you say during a game are both free speech issues .. selling your ticket is a entire other can of worms ..

I'd assume that as long as they're selling comparable seats at comparable prices elsewhere in the arena, it would be harder to make an infringement case.

I do agree though, limiting how and to whom you can sell your tickets is legally questionable. And I'm all in favor of anyone who sues Ticketmaster. For any reason. Ha.

01-18-2024, 09:49 AM
Your tax dollars went toward paying for the clippers new arena? Because that’s what we’re referring to.

OKC’s arena and the new one will be publicly owned as has been stated 1000 times here.
Oh, this thread was for the new OKC arena, so I thought that's what we were talking about.

As for the publicly-owned thing, I can't believe I missed that! I'm happy to be proven wrong: this is a publicy-owned building. However, I think I should have expressed my sentiments a little more clearly.

01-18-2024, 09:59 AM
Oh, this thread was for the new OKC arena, so I thought that's what we were talking about.

As for the publicly-owned thing, I can't believe I missed that! I'm happy to be proven wrong: this is a publicy-owned building. However, I think I should have expressed my sentiments a little more clearly.

The vote passed. The City will own the arena. Sour grapes discussions belong elsewhere.

Now, if you want to discuss this arena we're about to build, let's hear it!

01-18-2024, 10:09 AM
what message is on your clothing and what you say during a game are both free speech issues .. selling your ticket is a entire other can of worms ..

No they aren't free speech issues. The Clippers aren't the US government, they can absolutely regulate what speech is said at their private event. The First Amendment starts with "Congress shall make no law...", not "Steve Ballmer shall make no law..."

01-18-2024, 10:44 AM
I'd assume that as long as they're selling comparable seats at comparable prices elsewhere in the arena, it would be harder to make an infringement case.

I do agree though, limiting how and to whom you can sell your tickets is legally questionable. And I'm all in favor of anyone who sues Ticketmaster. For any reason. Ha.

I don't think they would be limiting who you sell your ticket to. They would be limiting what you can wear in a certain area.
I guess dress codes at restaurants or golf courses are an infringment too?

01-18-2024, 10:46 AM
I don't think they would be limiting who you sell your ticket to. They would be limiting what you can wear in a certain area.
I guess dress codes at restaurants or golf courses are an infringment too?

no they are going to try to limit who you can sell a ticket to only those preapproved and only in the clippers ecosystem ..

01-18-2024, 10:49 AM
no they are going to try to limit who you can sell a ticket to only those preapproved and only in the clippers ecosystem ..

And they can do that, because they are a private company. If it hurts their bottom line in the long run, they either change or don't.

01-18-2024, 10:54 AM
And they can do that, because they are a private company. If it hurts their bottom line in the long run, they either change or don't.

maybe maybe not ... a court will likely decide

01-18-2024, 11:21 AM
It's decision time; let's get the location and some preliminary designs released; much like we did with the Bricktown Ballpark.

01-18-2024, 11:24 AM
It's decision time; let's get the location and some preliminary designs released; much like we did with the Bricktown Ballpark.

You won't get all of that until next year, or at least the last quarter of this year. Might get the location, though. If you are holding your breath to get designs released, you will be holding it for a while.

01-18-2024, 11:26 AM
maybe maybe not ... a court will likely decide

I mean I try never to underestimate the stupidity of the general public…but why? Just purchase tickets somewhere else in the arena if you want to go. There will be 13,500 other seats that fans of any team can purchase and an entire upper deck that is probably in a similar or lower price range. Highly doubt this ever ends up in any court.

01-18-2024, 11:37 AM
I mean I try never to underestimate the stupidity of the general public…but why? Just purchase tickets somewhere else in the arena if you want to go. There will be 13,500 other seats that fans of any team can purchase and an entire upper deck that is probably in a similar or lower price range. Highly doubt this ever ends up in any court.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

01-18-2024, 11:39 AM
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

I kid you not I had a t-shirt that said this quote.

01-18-2024, 11:50 AM
no they are going to try to limit who you can sell a ticket to only those preapproved and only in the clippers ecosystem ..

I still see no issues with it

01-18-2024, 11:51 AM
maybe maybe not ... a court will likely decide

I really really doubt it

01-18-2024, 11:52 AM
You won't get all of that until next year, or at least the last quarter of this year. Might get the location, though. If you are holding your breath to get designs released, you will be holding it for a while.

So where do you guys think the new arena will be?

01-18-2024, 12:00 PM
So where do you guys think the new arena will be?

Prairie Surf Media (Old Myriad Convention Center (4 square blocks of prime land) in downtown. They will need to
clear this site and build from the garage basement parking up.

01-18-2024, 01:40 PM
Prairie Surf Media (Old Myriad Convention Center (4 square blocks of prime land) in downtown. They will need to
clear this site and build from the garage basement parking up.

I'd put my money there as well.

Bill Robertson
01-23-2024, 02:25 PM
I was just told by someone who "knows" that the Mayor has decided to use the arena funds for other things and do a new arena campaign/vote. Oh, and they're going to leave the old fairgrounds arena and have two side by side.
Where does this kind of stuff get started?

01-23-2024, 02:33 PM
I was just told by someone who "knows" that the Mayor has decided to use the arena funds for other things and do a new arena campaign/vote. Oh, and they're going to leave the old fairgrounds arena and have two side by side.
Where does this kind of stuff get started?

What in the Qanon is that guy smoking?

01-23-2024, 02:34 PM
I was just told by someone who "knows" that the Mayor has decided to use the arena funds for other things and do a new arena campaign/vote. Oh, and they're going to leave the old fairgrounds arena and have two side by side.
Where does this kind of stuff get started?

This made me laugh. OKC seems to hold many who hate their own city, which is really sad and quite unreasonable, and make up falsehood like this to influence how others see the city. I hear disinformation and complaints about OKC at work far too frequently. Obviously we can't expect everyone to be fully knowledgeable of city developments but the straight up lies are sad to me.