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11-09-2023, 01:06 PM

millions of people use it currently and that number keeps going up

Yes. I use the 130 turnpike 2x per year driving to SAT and since the turnpike opened, I can notice an increase in traffic with each trip.

11-09-2023, 02:25 PM
Yeah people fighting for their homes is a worthless endeavor. Give me a break.

that was not what it was about .. considering the final route wasn't even chosen .. it was norman NIBMY

11-09-2023, 06:08 PM
I think the East-West Connector will happen first, the south extension will happen later. there is also the possibility the south expanson gets pushed east of lake thunderbird and connects to I-35 South of Purcell

11-10-2023, 09:17 AM
I think the East-West Connector will happen first, the south extension will happen later. there is also the possibility the south expanson gets pushed east of lake thunderbird and connects to I-35 South of Purcell

the east-west connector from 35 to 44 needs to be one of the first things to happen. there has been a need for another and better way across the river for decades.

Jeremy Martin
11-10-2023, 11:11 PM
Totally agree with the above statement. I think just having the east/west connector in place could accomplish most of what they want the south expansion to do.

Plutonic Panda
11-11-2023, 07:42 PM
I think the East-West Connector will happen first, the south extension will happen later. there is also the possibility the south expanson gets pushed east of lake thunderbird and connects to I-35 South of Purcell
It’s not a possibility it’s the reality of the situation. That can and will happen. A Texas size 5 stack interchange is planned at I 35. This is also where a potential much talked about furniture retailer may locate their store next to. Without a doubt OTA’s main focus will be Oklahoma City and I 44 between Tulsa and OKC.

11-11-2023, 08:00 PM
It’s not a possibility it’s the reality of the situation. That can and will happen. A Texas size 5 stack interchange is planned at I 35. This is also where a potential much talked about furniture retailer may locate their store next to. Without a doubt OTA’s main focus will be Oklahoma City and I 44 between Tulsa and OKC.

So where exactly is the IKEA being built?

Plutonic Panda
11-11-2023, 08:23 PM
So where exactly is the IKEA being built?
Not sure. I don’t even know if it’s a done deal it’s still in negotiations from what I understand. But from what I was told if it does happen, it would be at the southwest corner of the interchange at I 35 where Indian Hills currently sits. That road will be converted into a one way service road.

There’s also a separate project to address the service roads from Moore to Norman along. I 35.

Once all of these projects are done, I would not be surprised to see HOV lanes proposed on I 35.

Plutonic Panda
11-11-2023, 08:27 PM
and sold at over 5% interest thanks to the worthless lawsuit that only delayed this it cost the OTA (are really the state/taxpayer) millions and millions of dollars in interest payments .. which will delay future turnpike expansion and upkeep.
Yep. Damn shame. Things like this happen in urban planning and as you pointed out we don’t even know how many homes will be taken for this freeway as an alignment hasn’t been formally selected at least publicly. The Oklahoman and all the NIMBYs were looking at a map of a proposed area where the freeway may be built and using that for a number of homes that would be taken which is pure BS.

11-12-2023, 09:11 PM
Yl was listening to the OU football postgame show last night and they announced it as "the oklahoma Turnpike Authority Post Game Show." This seems like a total waste of money by the OTA.

11-13-2023, 09:38 AM
Yl was listening to the OU football postgame show last night and they announced it as "the oklahoma Turnpike Authority Post Game Show." This seems like a total waste of money by the OTA.

the more people that use oklahoma turnpikes the more money it generates to fund it self .. ads for them are very appropriate

11-13-2023, 11:31 AM
People aren't going to go out and drive the turnpikes because they heard their name mentioned on a radio show... They shouldn't be trying to build the turnpike "brand". I agree, total mispend of money. In a perfect world, they would be focused on paying off the bonds, but the ruse is laid bare by antics like these.

11-13-2023, 01:27 PM
People aren't going to go out and drive the turnpikes because they heard their name mentioned on a radio show... They shouldn't be trying to build the turnpike "brand". I agree, total mispend of money. In a perfect world, they would be focused on paying off the bonds, but the ruse is laid bare by antics like these.

OG&E and other effectively monopolies have done similar for years either physically around field/stadium/arena or on team affiliated media. Plus may be part of deals where organization negotiates consistently purchasing large blocks of tickets and/or suits for employee perks, granted this would only be if show was produced internally to OU.

Alternatively regardless of who the organization is, they likely have some travel that ends up on OTA roads. So it is also plausible they offered advertisement for reduces cost of travel, and that ends up pretty trivial expense for OTA.

Jersey Boss
11-13-2023, 02:16 PM
People aren't going to go out and drive the turnpikes because they heard their name mentioned on a radio show... They shouldn't be trying to build the turnpike "brand". I agree, total mispend of money. In a perfect world, they would be focused on paying off the bonds, but the ruse is laid bare by antics like these.

This +1. This is a prime example of misuse of funds. If you are listening tp local radio you are well aware of the availability of the turnpike.

11-13-2023, 02:39 PM
I can see advertising the PikePass, but turnpikes themselves? No.

11-13-2023, 09:24 PM
I could also see if the south OKC / Moore / Norman toll roads were nearing completion and there was a need to educate the public on them, but right now the sponsorship is a waste of $.

11-14-2023, 07:43 AM
I bet it's PR to try and make people think better of the OTA after all the bad publicity. As you said, they don't have to recruit people to their products. But they do need to work on their image in terms of being viewed as the bad guy. Teaming up with something like OU football, well that seems like an obvious "good guy" in Oklahoma to team yourself up with.

As far as Ikea, well the plot of land makes sense and the location is good. We'll see how that works out, I guess.

11-14-2023, 10:37 AM
I bet it's PR to try and make people think better of the OTA after all the bad publicity. As you said, they don't have to recruit people to their products. But they do need to work on their image in terms of being viewed as the bad guy. Teaming up with something like OU football, well that seems like an obvious "good guy" in Oklahoma to team yourself up with.

my first thoughts as well... it's a way to try and get some good PR for them

11-14-2023, 12:14 PM
and sold at over 5% interest thanks to the worthless lawsuit that only delayed this it cost the OTA (are really the state/taxpayer) millions and millions of dollars in interest payments .. which will delay future turnpike expansion and upkeep.

Ultimately, the fault lies with the OTA for not observing open meetings requirements which is what opened them up to that attack. In their defense, the last few Attorney Generals have been pretty worthless--more interested in climbing the political ladder than doing a good job doing the basic things an AG is supposed to do, such as ensuring political subdivisions remain compliant with the law.

11-14-2023, 01:16 PM
Ultimately, the fault lies with the OTA for not observing open meetings requirements which is what opened them up to that attack. In their defense, the last few Attorney Generals have been pretty worthless--more interested in climbing the political ladder than doing a good job doing the basic things an AG is supposed to do, such as ensuring political subdivisions remain compliant with the law.

that is fair ..

a process question if you don't mind?

I know the Oklahoma supreme court does what it wants but is there a thought as to why it took them so long to decide on what seemed to be a slam dunk issue

12-12-2023, 02:48 PM
First major project of Access Oklahoma approved.

12-13-2023, 07:56 AM
It's crazy to think how long its going to take them to get all the way to OKC at this rate. It'll be 20 years by the time they get there and we'll need another lane by then.

12-13-2023, 08:40 AM
It's crazy to think how long its going to take them to get all the way to OKC at this rate. It'll be 20 years by the time they get there and we'll need another lane by then.

IMO finishing the I-44 Turner Turnpike project should take precedence over all other turnpike projects.

12-13-2023, 08:52 AM
^Absolutely. I44 is the main artery of the state, and the primary money maker for OTA as well. It only makes sense to make it the focus of the system. I wish they were going faster too, but these are big jobs that involve a ton of excavation and full depth heavy duty concrete construction while keeping a massive roadway active. The added interchanges make it even more difficult. Looks like the majority of that $98 million to get to Bristow is being spent on a single new interchange.

They need to start working from the other end at the same time. They also need to start thinking about the Will Rogers turnpike on the other end of I44. Unfortunately I doubt we'll see a major expansion push on it until Turner is much farther along.

12-13-2023, 09:48 AM
It's crazy to think how long its going to take them to get all the way to OKC at this rate. It'll be 20 years by the time they get there and we'll need another lane by then.

Given the lead time of this type of project, this probably was something that was technically in the pipeline before the increased funding was passed, future projects will probably happen with more frequency.

12-13-2023, 11:40 AM
I wonder how many overpasses they'll have to replace like this one on the Turner between OKC and Bristow?

12-13-2023, 12:02 PM
I wonder how many overpasses they'll have to replace like this one on the Turner between OKC and Bristow?

for this specific project only the route 66 bridge over 44 ..

12-13-2023, 01:31 PM
It's crazy to think how long its going to take them to get all the way to OKC at this rate. It'll be 20 years by the time they get there and we'll need another lane by then.

This is just the first project awarded related to widening. They may not necessary wait for total completion before awarding the next section. The biggest hurdle in OK road construction is financing and OTA has that.

12-13-2023, 02:21 PM
This is just the first project awarded related to widening. They may not necessary wait for total completion before awarding the next section. The biggest hurdle in OK road construction is financing and OTA has that.

this is correct ... there will be multiple contracts to multiple different companies

12-14-2023, 08:18 AM
Well that's good to hear. Those small bridges were cheap to build way back, but don't help for future construction. I just hope that they put a little better thought into how they are constructed, for future expansion ability. Maybe it wont ever be 4 lanes, but who knows....maybe we want a rail line down the middle one day???? Just saying, we shouldn't build the new stuff with such small space tolerances.

For Will Rogers, do you think that the traffic on that side warrants that compared to say HE Baily? I just haven't noticed that once you pass Claremore, that the Will Rogers has just that much traffic. Maybe I was just at the wrong times of day though???

12-14-2023, 09:35 AM
Well that's good to hear. Those small bridges were cheap to build way back, but don't help for future construction. I just hope that they put a little better thought into how they are constructed, for future expansion ability. Maybe it wont ever be 4 lanes, but who knows....maybe we want a rail line down the middle one day???? Just saying, we shouldn't build the new stuff with such small space tolerances.

For Will Rogers, do you think that the traffic on that side warrants that compared to say HE Baily? I just haven't noticed that once you pass Claremore, that the Will Rogers has just that much traffic. Maybe I was just at the wrong times of day though???

The plan currently is only to widen the Will Rogers to Claremore where traffic counts are 28k-31k. But even beyond that section Will Rogers is much busier. From Claremore to Joplin traffic counts range from a low of 19k to a high of 22k. The overall high for the Bailey is 22k at Chickasha, which is close to the low for entire Will Rogers. The Bailey section from Chickasha to Lawton only sees 13k cars and south of Lawton only 7k.

The Will Rogers isn't all that much lower than the Turner except near Sapulpa.

Mesta Parker
01-05-2024, 11:44 AM
A lot of K-rails being stockpiled just east of the Bristow exit on the south side of I-44

01-05-2024, 12:03 PM
A lot of K-rails being stockpiled just east of the Bristow exit on the south side of I-44

bristow to the completed part of I44 starts soon contract is already awarded .. new interchange at 66 will be the biggest pain ..

01-05-2024, 05:23 PM
for this specific project only the route 66 bridge over 44 ..

Are you referring to the Kellyville bridge? It was replaced during the last widening. There aren't any other roads with overpasses of 44 until you get to the decrepit OK16 bridge west of the Bristow exit.

01-08-2024, 09:19 AM
Are you referring to the Kellyville bridge? It was replaced during the last widening. There aren't any other roads with overpasses of 44 until you get to the decrepit OK16 bridge west of the Bristow exit.

maybe they won't replace that bridge but the is becoming a full interchange ??

01-24-2024, 02:28 PM
I've heard talk about a service road possibly being added between Bristow and Sapulpa on the North side of the turnpike. I'm not sure if this would be part of the turnpike projects or separate. Anyone know anything about this?

01-24-2024, 03:12 PM
Not all the way to Sapulpa, just on both sides of I44 going through Bristow. If you scroll down to the map on this page it will give you an idea:

Have they started constructing the section to Bristow yet? I haven't been down the turnpike in the last 2 months, but I know they completed most of the ROW work and were ready to start moving dirt this month.

01-24-2024, 03:42 PM
Not all the way to Sapulpa, just on both sides of I44 going through Bristow. If you scroll down to the map on this page it will give you an idea:

Have they started constructing the section to Bristow yet? I haven't been down the turnpike in the last 2 months, but I know they completed most of the ROW work and were ready to start moving dirt this month.

they were staging concrete barriers last time i was up that way .. (around Christmas)

Richard at Remax
01-24-2024, 03:58 PM
I didn't realize they were adding a post Rd interchange. Nice!

01-24-2024, 05:32 PM
they were staging concrete barriers last time i was up that way .. (around Christmas)

They've started work on reconfiguring the Bristow interchange. The only thing going on the mainlanes is continued tree removal. The new fence lines are well established.

02-07-2024, 09:17 AM
I think this is the right thread, if not, feel free to move it:

Turner Turnpike to be closed Saturday from 7pm through 7am Sunday from mile marker 166 and Stroud for the removal of the old Stroud Road Bridge

02-07-2024, 10:17 PM
I think this is the right thread, if not, feel free to move it:

Turner Turnpike to be closed Saturday from 7pm through 7am Sunday from mile marker 166 and Stroud for the removal of the old Stroud Road Bridge

That's about mm 178. It has to come down so they can start the new Stroud service area.

02-09-2024, 07:38 AM
I think this is the right thread, if not, feel free to move it:

Turner Turnpike to be closed Saturday from 7pm through 7am Sunday from mile marker 166 and Stroud for the removal of the old Stroud Road Bridge

Is it closed or just down to one lane in each direction ?

02-09-2024, 08:57 AM
Is it closed or just down to one lane in each direction ?

It will be closed entirely in both directions. Turnpike traffic will be diverted to Route 66. At least that is what they said on NPR this AM.

Mesta Parker
02-16-2024, 02:35 PM
Work will begin Mar 11 on the Turner Turnpike expansion at Bristow per a construction sign on the turnpike.

02-19-2024, 09:54 PM
any updates on the east west connector other than it being in the design phase?

02-20-2024, 07:20 AM
Looks like the first Access project in the OKC metro has been added to OTA's bid schedule. The widening of the JKT between Eastern & I-35 is (tentatively) scheduled for an August Bid / September Award.

03-04-2024, 03:02 PM
Not sure. I don’t even know if it’s a done deal it’s still in negotiations from what I understand. But from what I was told if it does happen, it would be at the southwest corner of the interchange at I 35 where Indian Hills currently sits. That road will be converted into a one way service road.

There’s also a separate project to address the service roads from Moore to Norman along. I 35.

Once all of these projects are done, I would not be surprised to see HOV lanes proposed on I 35.

Do you think this will address the addition of a service road in Moore from 19th up to 4th, as proposed in the corridor study from a few years ago?

03-09-2024, 08:33 AM
Drove down today and the tree clearing on the sides of the turners turnpike east of Bristow has started.

03-09-2024, 10:11 AM


03-09-2024, 04:51 PM


Google Maps Shows the Kickapoo as Interstate 335 Currently doesn't show the Kilpatrick as I 344 Yet

03-09-2024, 06:36 PM
The east side of the changes at least make sense when you think about it in concert with the Access Oklahoma turnpikes. 335 can eventually continue down to 35 south of Norman and that feels like a rational way to number that spur.

The 344/240 bit on SH-152 has no excuse though, that is still silly.

03-09-2024, 06:45 PM
The east side of the changes at least make sense when you think about it in concert with the Access Oklahoma turnpikes. 335 can eventually continue down to 35 south of Norman and that feels like a rational way to number that spur.

The 344/240 bit on SH-152 has no excuse though, that is still silly.

I still prefer this to both 344 and 335 having the same number. Plus 344/Kilpatrick is also planned to be extended in this round of turnpike expansion, in it's case will extend starting around the name change and connect back with 44 south of the airport. With connections on both ends to 44 it makes sense for it to have a number association with 44, which leaves 240 the next best option for Airport Road, which could help people identify/remember which segments are tolled/free.

03-09-2024, 07:08 PM
I still prefer this to both 344 and 335 having the same number. Plus 344/Kilpatrick is also planned to be extended in this round of turnpike expansion, in it's case will extend starting around the name change and connect back with 44 south of the airport. With connections on both ends to 44 it makes sense for it to have an association with 44, which leaves 240 the next best option for Airport Road, which also can help people identify/remember which segments are tolled/free.

Oh, you are right, I was forgetting that part of the projects. That does make sense for a future additional bit of 344, and you could even have it run with 44 down to the where the east/west turnpike will be built and use 344 for that bit too to hook over to the future 335.

03-10-2024, 05:58 PM


I had a random question while driving on the new I-335 today. Isn't it weird that the exits/mile markers are numbered as if the road goes all the way to the state line? I feel like the exits/mile markers are numbered on most bypasses as to the end of that road. The exit numbers basically line up with those of I-35. It's like on I-240, the exits are numbered from 1 to 14.

I am also guessing that since I-240 exit 1 is at the termination at I-44, they will have to renumber exits to extend it to the I-344 interchange. I guess matching the bypass exit numbers to the main route exit numbers eliminates the risk of having to renumber all the exits in the case of future expansions?


03-10-2024, 06:45 PM
I had a random question while driving on the new I-335 today. Isn't it weird that the exits/mile markers are numbered as if the road goes all the way to the state line? I feel like the exits/mile markers are numbered on most bypasses as to the end of that road. The exit numbers basically line up with those of I-35. It's like on I-240, the exits are numbered from 1 to 14.

I am also guessing that since I-240 exit 1 is at the termination at I-44, they will have to renumber exits to extend it to the I-344 interchange. I guess matching the bypass exit numbers to the main route exit numbers eliminates the risk of having to renumber all the exits in the case of future expansions?


It looks like they did similar on 344, basically continuing the exiting numbers from 44/Turner Turnpike, though in that case it basically is the mainline continuing on like it were one turnpike, which for their mantence purposes it practically is. Since 44 was not really build as one road, as 35 and 40 had been, but badging a few ring road segments and multiple turnpikes to look like a planned long route so it has to exit onto itself multiple times in OKC and a couple times in Tulsa. Ironically if 44 had not happened at the time, may have ended up called our whole inner ring 240 decades before trying it with the mostly turnpike ring more recently.

Also it google update maps, so 344 is now showing up north of 40, though does not have either 344 south of 40 or the 240 extension.

03-11-2024, 05:42 AM
Google Maps Shows the Kickapoo as Interstate 335 Currently doesn't show the Kilpatrick as I 344 Yet

I344 Now Shows in Google Maps. the I240 Expansion is yet to show

Mesta Parker
05-25-2024, 09:23 AM
Construction signs going up at the Wellston exit on the Turner. An Access Oklahoma project or something else?

05-25-2024, 09:28 PM
Construction signs going up at the Wellston exit on the Turner. An Access Oklahoma project or something else?

A little of both. The OK66 overpass was scheduled to be replaced. When ACCESS OK came along, they were able to accelerate the project and add ramp improvements.

06-07-2024, 09:29 PM
Access oklahoma just Added 57 additional construction eprojects