View Full Version : Cornish Jerkhouse

06-17-2022, 02:24 PM
I was told today that the people behind Cornish Smokehouse are going to open Cornish Jerkhouse at 122nd & Penn. I'm not sure of the exact location or a scheduled opening date though.

Roger S
06-17-2022, 02:48 PM
I was told today that the people behind Cornish Smokehouse are going to open Cornish Jerkhouse at 122nd & Penn. I'm not sure of the exact location or a scheduled opening date though.

I wonder if that's the same location the Smokehouse was originally supposed to go in..... I don't remember the address as it's been a few years but they were originally going to open on the north side but ran into some issues with the building they were moving into and ended up moving south when Billy Sim's failed in the location they are in now.

06-19-2022, 08:58 AM
12600 N. Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, Oklahoma is their address