View Full Version : Exotic/Small Animal Pet Vets

Plutonic Panda
05-24-2022, 07:03 PM
Hi, I recently bought two Chinchillas in Edmond and I have a stepmother who has several Guinea Pigs. Does anyone have any person recommendations for vets that can treat these types of pets? Preferably around north OKC/Edmond but if I have to drive further I will.

05-24-2022, 08:34 PM
Hi, I recently bought two Chinchillas in Edmond and I have a stepmother who has several Guinea Pigs. Does anyone have any person recommendations for vets that can treat these types of pets? Preferably around north OKC/Edmond but if I have to drive further I will.

Only vet I know of that treats exotics is Neel on NW 28th/MacArthur, I believe they have one specific doctor that specializes in exotics, might talk to them to see if they have recommendations up your way, the vets I know are good about that...

05-25-2022, 12:06 PM
Hi, I recently bought two Chinchillas in Edmond and I have a stepmother who has several Guinea Pigs. Does anyone have any person recommendations for vets that can treat these types of pets? Preferably around north OKC/Edmond but if I have to drive further I will.

This woman in rural Stillwater runs a business based on stuff for chinchillas and knows a lot about them.