View Full Version : S. Sooner Rd and E. I-240 Service Rd
Dafonso7 04-28-2022, 04:38 PM Hello There,
Does anyone know about this planning to build or under contractions equipment bulldoze, etc. open dirt next across to street McDonald's?
narrowexpanded 05-12-2022, 09:21 AM Hello There,
Does anyone know about this planning to build or under contractions equipment bulldoze, etc. open dirt next across to street McDonald's?
I came here to ask the same thing. With the apartment complex to the east getting built, the McDonalds/gas station getting renovated, and the overpass construction finally complete, our prayers for some kind of grocery/retail/restaurant are likely to continue to go unanswered. But still curious what the plans are for that area. There is A LOT of traffic on Sooner and it seems like a good location.
Where exactly is the dirt moving?
Which numbered area or provide a detailed description.
narrowexpanded 05-12-2022, 09:41 AM Is this the spot you are asking about? If so, that will be parking for the hospital.
If not, where exactly?
No. The parking lot there is already a completed project.
What we are referring to is on the EAST side of Sooner Road and Just North of the MacDonalds. They are building another 4 story apartment complex further to the east and they have graded out and done preliminary dirt work to the rest of the lot.
Its entirely possible its a continuation of the apartment complex. But that would be disappointing.
narrowexpanded 05-12-2022, 09:43 AM Where exactly is the dirt moving?
Which numbered area or provide a detailed description.
Its #1.
Just WEST of 3 is the four story apartment complex.
It will be a Starbucks.
But the hard corner will be another use and permits have yet to be filed for that parcel.
narrowexpanded 05-12-2022, 10:10 AM Oh wow.
Its 2022 and I shouldn't be this excited about a Starbucks least its something.
We've been waiting for some additional development over here for years.
As unrealistic as it is, I am still a little sad its not a grocery store.
I am guessing the hard corner parcel may eventually be fast food of some type. Thats makes the most sense.
Thank you Pete!
FYI, the parcel directly south of McDonald's (#4 in the aerial) is owned by a church.
narrowexpanded 05-12-2022, 10:21 AM FYI, the parcel directly south of McDonald's (#4 in the aerial) is owned by a church.
Yes, thats been the case for quite awhile. A pastor who lives just east of #4 has held onto it for what seems like forever.
We've been told the original plans were to build a church, and that may still be true? But we have also heard they were shopping it--but the ask has been too high.
(It looks perfectly sized for a grocery store to my untrained eye.)
G.Walker 05-12-2022, 10:34 AM Yes, I was wondering this as well. But looks like its going to be more than a Starbucks, because ALL that land west of the hotel/apartment complex is cleared off. Maybe a strip center?
narrowexpanded 05-12-2022, 11:26 AM Yes, I was wondering this as well. But looks like its going to be more than a Starbucks, because ALL that land west of the hotel/apartment complex is cleared off. Maybe a strip center?
I have been assuming its another apartment complex this whole time but you could be right; a hotel DOES make sense. Theres the extended stay off Sunnylane and I-240, but another hotel to service both the heart hospital and TAFB could be practical as well.
I kept wondering to myself, "are four story apartment complexes a thing now?" lol
bombermwc 05-13-2022, 06:30 PM Yes, thats been the case for quite awhile. A pastor who lives just east of #4 has held onto it for what seems like forever.
We've been told the original plans were to build a church, and that may still be true? But we have also heard they were shopping it--but the ask has been too high.
(It looks perfectly sized for a grocery store to my untrained eye.)
When I lived in the area, it was a great place to go fly a kite, throw a ball, etc with the kids. LOTS of flat grass land and no worries about the street or houses/etc. Every so often, im guess that pastor's church, has a big revival with big tents and games/rides/etc there for a few days. Looks like it was a fun little shindig for them.
I was dissapointed when Copper Creek or whatever it was fell through with crappy NorthStar Realty. It would have really been able to transform that area, and include a grocery store!!!! It was better, but not awesome when the neighborhood market went in just south of 44, but that's not the same as being 3 blocks away, right?
narrowexpanded 05-17-2022, 07:43 AM I have been assuming its another apartment complex this whole time but you could be right; a hotel DOES make sense. Theres the extended stay off Sunnylane and I-240, but another hotel to service both the heart hospital and TAFB could be practical as well.
I kept wondering to myself, "are four story apartment complexes a thing now?" lol
Its not a hotel. Sign nearby says "2 Bedroom apartments opening winter 2022."
narrowexpanded 05-17-2022, 07:51 AM When I lived in the area, it was a great place to go fly a kite, throw a ball, etc with the kids. LOTS of flat grass land and no worries about the street or houses/etc. Every so often, im guess that pastor's church, has a big revival with big tents and games/rides/etc there for a few days. Looks like it was a fun little shindig for them.
I was dissapointed when Copper Creek or whatever it was fell through with crappy NorthStar Realty. It would have really been able to transform that area, and include a grocery store!!!! It was better, but not awesome when the neighborhood market went in just south of 44, but that's not the same as being 3 blocks away, right?
Yes, the reality is the Neighborhood Market near 44th and Sooner Road is going to be the closest grocery store--and it is certainly better than nothing.
But the news of a Starbucks coming there on the service road is intriguing. Just as intriguing are the additional lots to the east and west. Could be a tiny strip mall? And could be additional fast food locations--like Taco Bell? Time will tell.
NavySeabee 05-25-2022, 03:21 AM its going to be an apartment complex for seniors 55 and older.
bombermwc 05-26-2022, 07:51 AM Something larger than Starbucks is going in. They just torn up the dirt between this "hotel/apartment whatever it is" all the way to Sooner. Erosion control barriers are up all the way around. Maybe they're just prepping a larger development and Starbucks is just the first actual tenant?
narrowexpanded 05-30-2022, 10:44 AM Something larger than Starbucks is going in. They just torn up the dirt between this "hotel/apartment whatever it is" all the way to Sooner. Erosion control barriers are up all the way around. Maybe they're just prepping a larger development and Starbucks is just the first actual tenant?
Yup, thats what it looks like. The lots on both the east and west side of the proposed Starbucks are bigger than the SB lot.
We are excited to see what eventually goes in. Assume it will be another fast food spot. Worried it will be another mini strip mall/doctors office.
They are probably just prepping the sites on either side of Starbucks for future lease/sale.
There have been no building permit applications for those two sites as yet.
narrowexpanded 07-22-2022, 08:46 AM The Starbucks construction has finally begun.
A portable building and 2 port-a-potties have been delivered and a fence has been erected around the perimeter. We'll be sipping' americanos in no time!
Still see no movement on the surrounding lots though.
Roger S 07-22-2022, 09:04 AM We'll be sipping' americanos in no time!
Drive a couple of miles north and get one at Jitters.
chssooner 01-20-2023, 07:35 PM Starbucks is fairly close to being ready to open, it looks like.
Which begs the question: is anything else planned for this area? Living here, I hate that the only food options are McDonalds and a very, VERY slow Popeyes.
Will Dearborn 03-01-2023, 09:12 PM Pretty wild that between Tinker and Boeing that no restaurants have gone in nearby... anything north on Sooner or 29th is a clown show.
bombermwc 03-02-2023, 08:16 AM Well you can blame a lot of that on Atkinson and his failed Copper Creek development on this same land. North Star Real Estate failed to develop it (like they fail every project they touch) and ended up having the place sit empty and unused.
That development had a grocery store, an Olive Garden (hate it or keep it, but it was a real restaurant) as well as plenty of other shops. They claimed the downturn in the economy for stopping the project, but during that same time, Wal Mart opened their neighborhood market 2 miles up the road, MWC continued to develop 29th and then did the whole Sooner Rose work on 15th. Moore continues to develop to the south. So i've never bought North Star's excuses. He's just a terrible business man trying to live in the Atkinson name shadow. All of these things would have been primed to serve all of the apartment and corporate growth that came in during the same time. But alas.
So now we're seeing little pieces being built in what will surely be a disconnected hodge podge with no connective design concept.
narrowexpanded 03-13-2023, 01:13 PM Starbucks is fairly close to being ready to open, it looks like.
Which begs the question: is anything else planned for this area? Living here, I hate that the only food options are McDonalds and a very, VERY slow Popeyes.
A little birdie told me look for a late APR/early MAY opening date for the Starbucks.
G.Walker 03-13-2023, 01:25 PM You would think Mercy Hospital would drive more development on this corner. But with the new 500 acre industrial park opening up the road, might spur some more development in the area.
NavySeabee 05-20-2023, 08:29 AM You would think Mercy Hospital would drive more development on this corner. But with the new 500 acre industrial park opening up the road, might spur some more development in the area.
Mercy/OK Heart has room to expand a doctor with OK Heart owns the land all the way to the neighborhood to the west. I assume that’s for expansion for at least outpatient clinics and what not.
bombermwc 05-22-2023, 08:14 AM Well they have to put a more substantial garage in if theyr'e going to do much of anything else. They've landlocked themselves in. If they ever had much of a masterplan, i would say they grossly underestimated their needs. Buying near the Mid-America Industrial area would have been a better fit. I'm thinking they probably with the original structure had been taller now.
Plutonic Panda 05-22-2023, 07:42 PM I can’t believe with all this development I-240 isn’t even on the 8yr plan to be upgraded. ODOT has it on their radar but it’s still not funded.
bombermwc 05-23-2023, 07:54 AM I can’t believe with all this development I-240 isn’t even on the 8yr plan to be upgraded. ODOT has it on their radar but it’s still not funded.
Well it's really not needed. Even with the I-40 traffic this weekend, it handled things fine (the flow was still 75 with many going 80-85). You would have to see quite a big influx of traffic to warrant 6 lanes. I'm on this thing all the time and once you pass I-35 going East, it really clears a lot. And each mile marker you go, it drops more (Eastern/Bryant/Sunnylane/Sooner). Especially after Sooner, it drops like crazy. There isn't much traffic between Sooner and the 40 merge.
narrowexpanded 05-29-2023, 10:24 AM I guess the real question is: What is next?
Starbucks is open.
Who buys the lot to the west of it and what gets developed?
Any scuttlebutt?