View Full Version : The Harlow (formerly 101 N. Broadway)
soonerguru 11-18-2022, 11:24 AM I think it's somewhat crazy that it seems possible that Tenenbaum will have at least one of these buildings ready to go before Boulevard Place and Alley's End. Not sure why it's taking those projects so long to get liftoff but it's very disappointing. The need is there for housing and it seems like most of the local developers here move at a glacial pace.
ManAboutTown 11-18-2022, 02:28 PM 17734
I know that Richard Tanenbaum and David Harlow are friends, so it's a possibility.
amocore 11-18-2022, 03:03 PM I think it's somewhat crazy that it seems possible that Tenenbaum will have at least one of these buildings ready to go before Boulevard Place and Alley's End. Not sure why it's taking those projects so long to get liftoff but it's very disappointing. The need is there for housing and it seems like most of the local developers here move at a glacial pace.
The boulevard place situation is so frustrating. We need things to go up to fill the no mans land of the area around the park. I dont understand the lack of movement on this one.
BG918 11-18-2022, 10:18 PM The boulevard place situation is so frustrating. We need things to go up to fill the no mans land of the area around the park. I dont understand the lack of movement on this one.
I work in RE development. It’s a long and painful process getting anything built. All of the different people involved and especially the financing and city approvals just takes a lot of time. I’d love to see more pre-designed buildings that are already permitted, that would definitely be an innovative approach by the city to encourage more developments.
Mississippi Blues 11-19-2022, 01:02 AM It seems this block is set to become the heartbeat of urban life in Oklahoma City, which has a degree of irony considering much of it sat in a picayune state for years.
This project is getting $4.2 million in TIF.
warreng88 05-19-2023, 03:11 PM This project is getting $4.2 million in TIF.
On just the one building or between both?
On just the one building or between both?
I believe both as the two buildings are collectively called The Harlow.
Edmond Hausfrau 05-20-2023, 01:07 PM Very in keeping with the Jean Harlow name, as she also married for money.
HOT ROD 05-21-2023, 01:20 AM This project is getting $4.2 million in TIF.
should be just enough to fully fund this redevelopment without any investment risk of the owner. Very nice gift of the city. ...
borchard 07-10-2023, 08:56 AM Just heard the ladies on Channel 9 mention this project this morning. Any updates?
BoulderSooner 07-10-2023, 09:56 AM should be just enough to fully fund this redevelopment without any investment risk of the owner. Very nice gift of the city. ...
lol it is a 60 million dollar project ..
Plutonic Panda 07-11-2023, 09:40 AM JR article: JQ5Mq-jA6Is6AG-Hvlg_aem_AU5v1Zv7xVRthQA2ar0zobStUPCH9RgUP7yUZ_zz9 lPF55Ngd06-6eFnfiabA2SvFcI
DowntownMan 08-21-2023, 03:25 PM It appears demolition has begun. I noticed a large pull off trash bin arrived today and the lobby was full of ceiling tile debris that had begun being taken out.
It appears demolition has begun. I noticed a large pull off trash bin arrived today and the lobby was full of ceiling tile debris that had begun being taken out.
Thanks, I'll go by there.
It seems they were waiting for the BRT station in front of the south building to be completed because that intersection was an incredible mess for quite a while.
DowntownMan 08-21-2023, 03:40 PM Couple Midwest demolition trucks sitting out front right now. This in the old bancfirst building. I haven’t seen much activity in the northern building yet.
Anonymous. 08-29-2023, 07:45 AM Construction fence is up this morning. Very exciting!
DowntownMan 08-29-2023, 10:40 AM Construction fence is up this morning. Very exciting!
And they left room to still get thru the sidewalks!
Appears they are focusing on the southern building first. (Old bancfirst) and no activity at northern building at this time.
100 Park -- the north building -- is getting a Starbucks with a small patio along Park Avenue (facing BC Clark).
This will also essentially be at the east end of the FNC concourse.
HOT ROD 09-04-2024, 04:03 PM OMG, this is so needed. Starbucks in the CBD has been sorely missing.
Like them or not, they bring a great deal of pedestrian interaction when located in urban areas storefronts. Shocking that it took to 2024 for this to be announced for the 20th largest city in the country. Happy nonetheless!
Anonymous. 09-04-2024, 04:05 PM I wonder if they will attempt weekends. Between Stella Nova, Gilded Acorn, Buzz, and now this - the coffee competition deep in the CBD is really brewing.
David 09-04-2024, 04:10 PM So this'll have an entranceway out into the FNC concourse in some fashion? That is really needed for that end of the hallway.
PhiAlpha 09-04-2024, 04:30 PM I wonder if they will attempt weekends. Between Stella Nova, Gilded Acorn, Buzz, and now this - the coffee competition deep in the CBD is really brewing.
I see you! Nice work lol.
So this'll have an entranceway out into the FNC concourse in some fashion? That is really needed for that end of the hallway.
Not exactly. There will be an entrance from the concourse into this building at ground level, and Starbucks will be just inside that point.
This view is facing north into 100 Park from the existing concourse and Starbucks would be just to the right, inside that entrance. Probably signage to direct people (along with the smell).
David 09-05-2024, 09:22 AM Not exactly. There will be an entrance from the concourse into this building at ground level, and Starbucks will be just inside that point.
This view is facing north into 100 Park from the existing concourse and Starbucks would be just to the right, inside that entrance. Probably signage to direct people (along with the smell).
Oh, even better than I was thinking. That sort of connection will be nice since it makes the multi-building complex into more of a cohesive whole.
ChaseDweller 09-05-2024, 01:39 PM My dad (RIP) would be amused that his old pharmacy is going to be a Starbucks. His other downtown location is now McNellie's.
My dad (RIP) would be amused that his old pharmacy is going to be a Starbucks. His other downtown location is now McNellie's.
When was his pharmacy in operation downtown?
I started working downtown in 1982.
Urbanized 09-05-2024, 05:00 PM Newspaper archives show Gilliam Prescription Shop in that building as early as 1946 and as late as 1968. There is also a news article from 1989 detailing a bank robbery in that building and mentioning a vacant pharmacy in passing, so seems like something was likely in that space until some time in the late 1970s or early 1980s. Can't imagine the space would have remained vacant for much longer than a decade...until the eighties rolled around.
ChaseDweller 09-06-2024, 10:31 AM When was his pharmacy in operation downtown?
I started working downtown in 1982.
He died in 1986. I think Gilliam pharmacy was open until about then or a little after. Same with Plaza Court in the McNellie's space. He also operated a gift shop called The Berry Patch across from the old SWBT building in the Kerr McGee complex. It was very successful until SWBT moved all the live operators out of that building.
Edit: OK Pharmacy records show Gilliam was open until August 1988.
When the huge, front-page article in the Oklahoman is a Starbucks story we ran twelve days ago:
ManAboutTown 09-16-2024, 08:19 AM :lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2:
HOT ROD 09-16-2024, 09:35 PM esp when this isn't the first Starbucks in downtown. Wasnt there one in Bricktown in the Centinneal Plaza? And, didn't one of the downtown hotels have a Starbucks kiosk for some time?
Not one mention of this in the paper. Yes, this is the CBD's first Starbucks flagship store. But it is not the first Starbucks downtown.
BoulderSooner 09-17-2024, 08:37 AM esp when this isn't the first Starbucks in downtown. Wasnt there one in Bricktown in the Centinneal Plaza? And, didn't one of the downtown hotels have a Starbucks kiosk for some time?
Not one mention of this in the paper. Yes, this is the CBD's first Starbucks flagship store. But it is not the first Starbucks downtown.
the bricktown starbucks is still open .. and in fact there are 2 starbucks in bricktown ..
macchiato 09-17-2024, 04:05 PM And, didn't one of the downtown hotels have a Starbucks kiosk for some time?
Calling it a kiosk is giving that location too much credit. Another example of Starbucks licensing out it's brand and image. I would consider this the first proper Starbucks in the CBD and long overdue.
There is a Starbucks in the Centennial building in Lower Bricktown and another in the Marriott Renaissance in the heart of Bricktown.
And there is one in Midtown (St. Anthony) and Updtown (23rd) and pretty much everywhere else, of course.
soonerguru 09-17-2024, 04:08 PM 100 Park -- the north building -- is getting a Starbucks with a small patio along Park Avenue (facing BC Clark).
This will also essentially be at the east end of the FNC concourse.
We would have loved that when we worked in the FNC back in the day.
DowntownMan 01-13-2025, 09:34 AM They have had the lights on the past few mornings and you can see it is getting close to completions. You can see the kitchen cabinets in all the units are installed. I think the southern building will be finished first (old bancfirst)
Urbanized 01-13-2025, 10:10 AM ^^^^^^^^^
Almost certainly will be. They were installing drywall in that building while they were still doing demo inside 100 Park Avenue. The former BancFirst HQ was several months ahead of the other.
I peeked into the future Starbucks location a couple of weeks ago and they had yet to start work.
DowntownMan 01-30-2025, 07:22 PM Signage was going up on the corner of the old bank building today
DowntownMan 02-27-2025, 08:11 AM Signage was going up on the corner of the old bank building today
Finishing this sign today. It’s sitting on trailer right now. Looks exactly like the rendering showed.
rayvaflav 02-27-2025, 09:05 AM Does anyone remember, to the west of the new Starbuck's, methinks that there was a tiny bar nestled in there? No real storefront that was visible from the street, just a door that you kinda sorta had to look for?
Urbanized 02-27-2025, 09:12 AM ^^^^^^^^^^
Yes, it was called Over the Counter, and had a nondescript entrance on Park Avenue plus an entrance in the corridor shared by FNB and the 100 Park Avenue building, once known as the Medical Arts Building. It was a dark, smoky place that was a getaway lunch location for some downtown workers and a day drinking spot for others. Cigarette smoke hung in the air like a fog. I had a solitary beer there once in the very early nineties (possibly the very late eighties); felt like a fish out of water the whole time I was in there. Total dive.
jbsemtner 02-27-2025, 09:28 PM Looks nice at night.
Just learned tours will start on 3/1 with the first move-ins June 1.
They have updated their website:
bison34 02-28-2025, 01:20 PM I know the $1,005 will be for Studios, but that isn't bad, for a building and location like this!
OkieBerto 02-28-2025, 01:27 PM I know the $1,005 will be for Studios, but that isn't bad, for a building and location like this!
That is a great price for all those amenities. Only down side is the lack of parking inside the building. You will have to find a monthly spot or just ditch the car altogether.
Mississippi Blues 02-28-2025, 01:52 PM I know the $1,005 will be for Studios, but that isn't bad, for a building and location like this!
I’m not seeing the unit sq ft for The Harlow listed anywhere but for reference, the cheapest studio option at First National is $1755 for 653 sq ft.
bison34 02-28-2025, 02:08 PM I’m not seeing the unit sq ft for The Harlow listed anywhere but for reference, the cheapest studio option at First National is $1755 for 653 sq ft.
I don't think it is out there yet. But the website mentions that starting price. Would make sense. The building is significantly smaller, so less overall investment to have to recoup.