View Full Version : OG&E Rate Hike

04-08-2022, 01:35 PM

I seem to remember the Corporation Commission rejecting a rate increase proposal 5 or 6 years ago, heck maybe it was longer than that, when OG&E was wanting to build at least one coal plan as part of the plan. This was just as renewables were really taking off, and the CC finally did something right.

I dont recall a rate hike really in quite a while other than related to last year's winter debacle. Can someone remind me on that? As much as I don't like a lot of how OG&E operates, i do want to be fair and raising rates once every 10 years seems fair. Now raising it 10% (excuse me, 9%) at that time means basically you're looking for for 1% a year. And, hey, is that still fair? Going 1% each year would probably be an easier rate to absorb than a 10% shock for lower income folks. Thoughts?

04-09-2022, 09:49 AM
Energy costs go up about 1.8%/year in most places. And you can always opt out if you own a home with a roof that gets good sunlight. I'm not really concerned with OG&E making a big profit. They make some profit and get to be a monopoly. That in itself is a pretty cool gig. It'll be interesting to see how they justify the rate increase.

04-09-2022, 11:00 AM
Energy costs go up about 1.8%/year in most places. And you can always opt out if you own a home with a roof that gets good sunlight. I'm not really concerned with OG&E making a big profit. They make some profit and get to be a monopoly. That in itself is a pretty cool gig. It'll be interesting to see how they justify the rate increase.

Do they really need to justify it, isn't the OCC just going to vote unanimously in favor of it (isn't that pretty much what they do)? I haven't really paid attention, how have they justified them in the past?