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OKC-based startup set to open first on-demand grocery store (
Founders of Jack Be aim to make picking up fresh groceries as easy as a fast-food drive-thru.
The Oklahoma City-based startup is set to start construction of its first retail store at NW 178 and May, but no customers will actually enter the 17,000 square foot building.
Instead, they will place their order on a phone or computer, drive to the store, scan a QR code when parked and a Jack Be employee will bring out the bagged items and place them in the car.
Jack Be CEO Alex Ruhter told OKCTalk the concept is different than anything currently available in the market because it's not home delivery (although that will be available from third-party operators like DoorDash) and pickup is truly on-demand. Customers place an order and by the time they arrive the order is likely to be ready. Or, orders can be placed after arriving at the store, taking only minutes to be completed.
There will be no minimum order and no additional fees for pickup.
The new company is headquartered in Oklahoma City and currently employs five full-time and two part-time employees. With one store set to start and two others in the area in the development stage and many more planned across the country, Jack Be has an aggressive growth strategy with a business model that is rapidly scalable.
Ruhter said the primary goal is to make grocery shopping easier for everyone, particularly families with small children. He and the company founders want people to eat healthier and hope to steer families back to the dinner table.
All the orders are to be handpicked (no robots) and no substitutions will be made.
The company has purchased 3.5 acres on the northwest corner of NW 178th and May and paid $3.5 million. On the same corner, construction is underway on a 7-Eleven, Taco Bell and Starbucks. On the northeast corner, work has started on The Winston, a Hal Smith Restaurant with one location in downtown Norman. The Winston features “classic meals with a modern flair and boasts an unmatched whiskey selection”.
Jack Be's development partner is local firm Ashton Gray which will be performing the construction.
See more about Jack Be here:
Jeepnokc 02-06-2022, 09:16 AM Heck of an investment in a start up. Wish them global success especially if they keep their HQ here in OKC
corwin1968 02-06-2022, 09:16 AM Disappointing.
We were really hoping for a regular grocery store to compete with Homeland.
We are also not impressed with the restaurant concept, but being a Hal Smith project, it will probably be pretty tasty.
Jeepnokc 02-06-2022, 09:19 AM Disappointing.
We were really hoping for a regular grocery store to compete with Homeland.
We are also not impressed with the restaurant concept, but being a Hal Smith project, it will probably be pretty tasty.
I have not eaten a the Winston in Norman but have heard nothing but good. Their whiskey selection is outstanding and they have done several barrel picks. The barrel picks have been amazing and I have several bottles in my collection.
boilerup35 02-06-2022, 09:27 AM This concept would seem to make more sense where density is higher and competition is low (urban core). The choice of buying the land is odd too because that ties up quite a bit of capital that could be used to run/expand the business. Best of luck to them but I'm guessing they'll be a footnote within 5 - 10 years
Their primary focus is young families, and this part of town is where they live.
Talk to any mother with young children trying to do grocery shopping.
boilerup35 02-06-2022, 09:44 AM I probably live in a bubble, but lots of young families from the Plaza to Lincoln Terrace and up to Crown Heights. I would guess higher income demographics too since that far North in Edmond has a lot of starter homes even though Rose creek is nearby. I'm open to any grocery store competition in the metro because our options are pretty terrible. For some reason people here put up with mediocre/average much more than anywhere else I've lived.
scottk 02-06-2022, 10:09 AM ^
Their primary focus is young families, and this part of town is where they live.
Talk to any mother with young children trying to do grocery shopping.
If this place is efficient and priced competitively (which it should be with no in-store facility to maintain) it will do extremely well.
I would prefer this over spending an hour at the Edmond Crest searching and navigating around carts and people.
Of course there are young families in the core, but virtually every home in far north OKC is a family with young children.
The percentage and concentration of their target market are the locations they are targeting.
BTW, I live near Penn Square and I'd say only about 5% of homes in my area have young children, and that's being generous. Near NW 178th and May, I bet it's close to 95%.
stlokc 02-06-2022, 10:15 AM As the parent of a 1-year-old, we have barely gone to a grocery store in the last year or two, and it's not fear of Covid. It's just so much easier to order on line and have it delivered. I do think delivery is the wave of the future rather than having to drive to a store, but it reads like that would be available from this concept as well through a delivery service. We do buy from Target an awful lot, and use their services that are similar to what is described here. Works well for them.
Count me in the bucket of entrepreneurship, of being inventive, of supplying options to people, of analyzing a market and looking for a way to provide a service. These people must have some money behind them and if this takes off and grows, could be great for OKC. I'll be rooting for them.
bhawes 02-06-2022, 10:33 AM I for one prefer to pick my own groceries along with the exercise I get walking
In store.
Jeepnokc 02-06-2022, 10:41 AM I for one prefer to pick my own groceries along with the exercise I get walking
In store.
I like to walk the aisles and also look for sales items to stock up on. I really don't care if the corn is libby brand or del monte if one is cheaper. It also gives me ideas for cooking meals or looking for meat sales for something to throw in smoker because it is on sale. price on baby backs so lets do ribs this weekend. However.....I do not have a one year old in tow and this is perfect for them. I would use it when I forget something and just need 1-2 items and don't want the hassle of parking and going in.
king183 02-06-2022, 10:41 AM It seems a few posters here think every product needs to cater specifically to them and can’t comprehend others may hold different preferences or habits. I think it is fantastic that we have entrepreneurs like this team taking these risks and trying to innovate in a market that has been slow to do so until the last two years. As long as they are competent and customer focused, I think they are going to kill it with their target demographic and it’s going to force incumbents to adapt for the better. I would love for this concept to be located closer to me because I am the type of person who tries at all costs to avoid going into a grocery store because I simply don’t like the experience. Once I have a child, I am pretty sure that preference will not change. My wife is the opposite of me and, like Jeep, enjoys wandering the aisles to get ideas. So, whenever it’s my turn to shop, I’d much prefer the Jack Be option be available. The concept will also be beneficial for the older demographic who may have health-induced restrictions on their ability to shop in a grocery store.
Bowser214 02-06-2022, 10:48 AM Well for older adults this is a great option. WM has curbside pickup but there's a minimum and it usually takes hours to complete. It's too far from my casa but it's always nice to have options! IMO Options make a vibrant city.
PoliSciGuy 02-06-2022, 10:51 AM This is the farthest NW grocery store into a growing area. There’s a neighborhood Walmart on 164th/Western and uptown grocery on Covell and Kelly, so this location is well suited to grab all the development occurring in Deer Creek (though it remains to be seen if the Portland Power Plaza or whatever it’s called secures a grocery store). And as someone with a young family who lives in this area, this is a great idea, especially with the “no minimum” that differentiates them from Walmart pickup. Between this and the Kroger delivery service, we’re seeing some real changes in how grocery shopping is done.
SEMIweather 02-06-2022, 11:06 AM I for one prefer to pick my own groceries along with the exercise I get walking
In store.
Yep, feel this 100%. Guess I just have to accept that I’m getting old because I don’t understand the appeal of a place like this at all.
stlokc 02-06-2022, 11:17 AM King183 nailed it. Some of you may not be the market, and that's fine.
I don't like country music, but I'm certainly not against those artists or fans enjoying that product. I am not a vegan but I hope any good vegan eateries in OKC thrive.
It speaks well for a city, for a people, to have innovators that are willing to step up to the plate, introduce something new and challenge the status quo.
DowntownMan 02-06-2022, 01:27 PM FYI Walmart is or was piloting stores just like this. There is one in NWA near the HQ that is just a pick up facility. Not in store shopping. It is a lot like this layout.
Sooner.Arch 02-06-2022, 01:34 PM Yeah, this could be huge for okc. I presonally like grocery shopping and have time to do it, but there's definitely a lot of people that will use this. As long as it's reasonably priced and not crazy expensive, shoot I'd try it. This is basically supporting local too! It's a win win!!
FYI Walmart is or was piloting stores just like this. There is one in NWA near the HQ that is just a pick up facility. Not in store shopping. It is a lot like this layout.
These Walmart prototypes have a $30 minimum order and charge a pickup fee. You also have to give them several hours to have the order ready.
The Jack Be model is: available in minutes, with no minimum and no extra fees.
corwin1968 02-06-2022, 02:47 PM Pete, do you know if they will do on-site meat processing or if they plan to bring in pre-packaged meats?
Dob Hooligan 02-06-2022, 03:17 PM I wouldn't buy produce or non-packaged meat from a store like this. But I would be all over everything else. For my business. I hit the Family Dollar a block away every Saturday for a pretty specific group of staples. Cups, pet food, canned goods, cleaning supplies. etc. I buy based on what I know they stock and am usually in & out in 10-15 minutes. $50-60 a week. I don't do much impulse buying, so this seems like it would fill all of my grocery trips. The wife decides all the fresh stuff and I'm never gonna be the decider, so I don't try.
David 02-06-2022, 03:47 PM Interesting idea, I wish them success.
oklip955 02-06-2022, 03:49 PM I'm older but live east of I 35. I think thats great. I am not doing anything that requires direct contact. That would be so much easier for me to use my phone and call in an order instead of having to use a computer. I dont understand the code thing. Wonder if you can just get an employee flagged down to go get your order. That is what i do at Sam's club. and then hold up a piece of paper to the window with instructions to put in bed of truck . I also have my name and pick up time. I tell them that I cannot bring my computer with me to the parking lot. I would not have internet.
oklip955 02-06-2022, 03:52 PM Low'es lets me call in my order and pick up and pay cash when I get there. I got attacked once too many by other customers while in the store and wearing a mask since I am one of the " luck ones" that cannot be vaccinated for legit medical reasons. Stupid guy hit me at a run wth his shopping cart and I am still dealing with the injury from that. No I did not sue. Just seems like I find all the covid idiots in Edmond.
catch22 02-06-2022, 05:54 PM I’m probably not their target demographic but I could certainly see the utility of it for others. I could see myself using it if one were near me, when I am on my way home after a long day of work and just need one or two things and not feeling like parking at a big store and walking around. Are the margins great enough on a gallon of milk and stick of butter for these smaller sales which will inevitably happen? The I feel like the major chains could crush this concept if it were ever grown large enough to be a threat to them. The name seems strange to me also.
Best of luck to them, I think if they are careful and can dance under the radar of the majors long enough to gain a foothold they may have a good business on their hands.
mugofbeer 02-06-2022, 06:05 PM The name seems strange to me also.
I see a new life for Piggly Wiggly!
fromdust 02-06-2022, 09:30 PM They named it after a nursery rhyme, lol.
unfundedrick 02-06-2022, 10:38 PM I truly hope they are a success but I'm among those who have no interest in this kind of concept unless I was just totally physically unable to shop for myself. If all I needed were staples, like canned goods, flour, sugar, soap, etc., that would be fine but there is absolutely no way I want someone else picking out my produce, meat (packaged or unpackaged), deli items, or bakery items. I normally don't make a decision about those kind of items until look them over to see what looks best.
jn1780 02-07-2022, 08:35 AM I imagine there are no "substitutions" because they only have room for one brand and size of each product in a building that size. So they don't have to worry about substitutions because no other option exists.
Cool concept, I just wonder if their target demographic would be large enough and if they will be priced competitively. If the prices are too high, their target demographic would just do delivery and not worry about putting the kids in the car at all.
GaryOKC6 02-07-2022, 09:24 AM I noticed yesterday that Walmart is now advertising grocery delivery. I am sure all the others will fall in line to compete.
Brett 02-07-2022, 09:37 AM It will be interesting to see the driver of a tractor trailer navigate to the dock with only one entrance/exit. I'm guessing only early morning deliveries.
eventide451 02-07-2022, 02:06 PM I live across the street from where this is going in. There was some rumblings about Wal-Mart optioning the site for another Neighborhood Market, but that allegedly fell through and this group bought half of the property that would've been Wal-Mart's.
While I think the concept is interesting, it's worth noting that NONE of the members of the board for this group appear to have any experience either in grocery or the logistics side of making something like this run.
I'm also with the above poster on that it's interesting they blew $3.5 million on real estate for an unproven concept when, given the small size of their building footprint, there were literally dozens of other spots in town that would've made far more sense in terms of testing the concept...ESPECIALLY with the fancy Homeland opening up a mile to the south.
corwin1968 02-07-2022, 03:28 PM I live across the street from where this is going in. There was some rumblings about Wal-Mart optioning the site for another Neighborhood Market, but that allegedly fell through and this group bought half of the property that would've been Wal-Mart's.
While I think the concept is interesting, it's worth noting that NONE of the members of the board for this group appear to have any experience either in grocery or the logistics side of making something like this run.
I'm also with the above poster on that it's interesting they blew $3.5 million on real estate for an unproven concept when, given the small size of their building footprint, there were literally dozens of other spots in town that would've made far more sense in terms of testing the concept...ESPECIALLY with the fancy Homeland opening up a mile to the south.
That link has another link to their website, complete with a cute animation of how their process works. Interesting.
whatitis 02-07-2022, 06:02 PM I like to walk the aisles and also look for sales items to stock up on. I really don't care if the corn is libby brand or del monte if one is cheaper. It also gives me ideas for cooking meals or looking for meat sales for something to throw in smoker because it is on sale. price on baby backs so lets do ribs this weekend. However.....I do not have a one year old in tow and this is perfect for them. I would use it when I forget something and just need 1-2 items and don't want the hassle of parking and going in.
This is exactly how I feel about shopping. But I usually have 2 kids under 8 in tow. It can be rough but I still prefer it. My wife on the other hand hasn't stepped in a store to grocery shop in probably 5 years.
I would be very happy if I never had to go into a grocery store again.
I know exactly what I want but good luck finding one item or two in an absolute mountain of products on dozens of aisles. And absolutely no one to help you.
I don't like the idea of delivery either, because then you have to be home in a certain time window, like waiting for the cable guy every time you want groceries. And then there's the fees and minimums.
I really like this idea and while not for everyone, I bet they find plenty of customers. Other grocery outlets would be wise to offer a similar model.
Urbanized 02-07-2022, 09:25 PM ^^^^^^^
I’ll be considering it, at least for when I shop for my elderly mother. I was paying someone to shop for her and clean her house, but the lady I was paying to do so quit a bunch of her clients recently, including us. Mom’s building is secure, so negotiating grocery delivery location/time/entry with a stranger via an app is fraught with peril.
So instead I give up a couple of valuable hours each weekend to shop form Mom and bring her groceries to her. When I shop for myself I can do it in about 10-15 meetings, but shopping for her is much more involved. If I had the ability to order at a place like this via app and just swing throw and grab the stuff on the way to her place. Dropping the stuff off is the only part I enjoy, and if I didn’t have to do the shopping part I’d have more time to spend visiting with Mom instead of stressing over time lost.
HOT ROD 02-08-2022, 12:27 AM count me in as well. Amazon offers something similar here in the Seattle area, but I only best wishes to Jack Be amd OKC.
Urbanized 02-08-2022, 06:29 AM ^^^^^^^
I’ll be considering it, at least for when I shop for my elderly mother. I was paying someone to shop for her and clean her house, but the lady I was paying to do so quit a bunch of her clients recently, including us. Mom’s building is secure, so negotiating grocery delivery location/time/entry with a stranger via an app is fraught with peril.
So instead I give up a couple of valuable hours each weekend to shop form Mom and bring her groceries to her. When I shop for myself I can do it in about 10-15 meetings, but shopping for her is much more involved. If I had the ability to order at a place like this via app and just swing throw and grab the stuff on the way to her place. Dropping the stuff off is the only part I enjoy, and if I didn’t have to do the shopping part I’d have more time to spend visiting with Mom instead of stressing over time lost.
Good grief, the typos. 10-15 MINUTES, not meetings. Among other autocorrect debacles.
sgt. pepper 02-14-2022, 12:32 PM Since they are targeting young people. i will not shop there...i would rather pick my own fruits and vegetables...i know, i me old fashion!
Jersey Boss 02-14-2022, 08:07 PM Since they are targeting young people. i will not shop there...i would rather pick my own fruits and vegetables...i know, i me old fashion!
I know how it is "When I'm 64".
sgt. pepper 02-16-2022, 08:49 AM This whole order on-line pick up or have it delivered to you crap is for LAZY people..... lazy, lazy, excuses. this pandemic has changed a lot of things...and for the worse. If you think you are too busy :( or to out of shape :( to walk into a grocery store, then something is wrong that you need to change. How pathetic have we become to justify people bring food out to our cars?
runOKC 02-16-2022, 08:53 AM This whole order on-line pick up or have it delivered to you crap is for LAZY people..... lazy, lazy, excuses. this pandemic has changed a lot of things...and for the worse. If you think you are too busy :( or to out of shape :( to walk into a grocery store, then something is wrong that you need to change. How pathetic have we become to justify people bring food out to our cars?
Is this satire?
David 02-16-2022, 09:00 AM This whole order on-line pick up or have it delivered to you crap is for LAZY people..... lazy, lazy, excuses. this pandemic has changed a lot of things...and for the worse. If you think you are too busy :( or to out of shape :( to walk into a grocery store, then something is wrong that you need to change. How pathetic have we become to justify people bring food out to our cars?
How dare people use a drive through either, get out of your car and walk into the store like your ancestors did.
/s of course
Next thing you know, you'll be able to get pre-cooked food at drive-thru restaurants! Then, some will drive it right to your house! What's next... Stores that deliver through the mail??
And everybody should have to go inside to the pharmacy, dry cleaners and everything else!
David 02-16-2022, 09:05 AM And definitely don't get a pizza delivered, that genie needs to be put back into the bottle before it becomes a decades old American tradition.
OkiePoke 02-16-2022, 09:17 AM This whole order on-line pick up or have it delivered to you crap is for LAZY people..... lazy, lazy, excuses. this pandemic has changed a lot of things...and for the worse. If you think you are too busy :( or to out of shape :( to walk into a grocery store, then something is wrong that you need to change. How pathetic have we become to justify people bring food out to our cars?
Sgt. Pepper - Sometimes a product isn't meant for you. As I'm getting older and kids are doing things I wouldn't do, I have to ask myself if I'm just yelling at clouds or not. Chalk this one up to this business won't serve you and move on. You will live a happier life.
Sgt. Pepper - Sometimes a product isn't meant for you. As I'm getting older and kids are doing things I wouldn't do, I have to ask myself if I'm just yelling at clouds or not. Chalk this one up to this business won't serve you and move on. You will live a happier life.
baralheia 02-16-2022, 09:25 AM This whole order on-line pick up or have it delivered to you crap is for LAZY people..... lazy, lazy, excuses. this pandemic has changed a lot of things...and for the worse. If you think you are too busy :( or to out of shape :( to walk into a grocery store, then something is wrong that you need to change. How pathetic have we become to justify people bring food out to our cars?
Also don't forget that physical and mental disabilities are absolutely a thing that can prevent a person from walking into a store to do their own grocery shopping - whether they be temporary or permanent.
sgt. pepper 02-16-2022, 09:26 AM LOL...i knew i would get a lot of flack over guys know what i mean. Times change, you can choose to change with them or not. I stand by my comments. BTW..i don't like drives thru not use them at the pharmacy, definitely not at the dry i never have pizza delivered. I have an opinion like everybody else. You have to agree that people are getting lazy...been getting lazy for hundreds of years. Choices are good, you can choose to stay in your car, or get out and get some good excercise.
We're just giving you a hard time.
As they say, sitting is the new smoking.
Roger S 02-16-2022, 09:34 AM LOL...i knew i would get a lot of flack over guys know what i mean. Times change, you can choose to change with them or not. I stand by my comments. BTW..i don't like drives thru not use them at the pharmacy, definitely not at the dry i never have pizza delivered. I have an opinion like everybody else. You have to agree that people are getting lazy...been getting lazy for hundreds of years. Choices are good, you can choose to stay in your car, or get out and get some good excercise.
How do you feel about mail? Do you go to the post office every day or are you to "lazy" for that? ;)
TheTravellers 02-16-2022, 09:46 AM LOL...i knew i would get a lot of flack over guys know what i mean. Times change, you can choose to change with them or not. I stand by my comments. BTW..i don't like drives thru not use them at the pharmacy, definitely not at the dry i never have pizza delivered. I have an opinion like everybody else. You have to agree that people are getting lazy...been getting lazy for hundreds of years. Choices are good, you can choose to stay in your car, or get out and get some good excercise.
Actually, I mostly agree with you on the drive-thru opinion - we never use them unless we absolutely have to, and only at restaurants/coffee shops, never anyplace else. But having said that, there are *tons* of people that have to use them or delivery, as baralheia said.
sgt. pepper 02-16-2022, 09:52 AM How do you feel about mail? Do you go to the post office every day or are you to "lazy" for that? ;)
I walk to my mail box :)
sgt. pepper 02-16-2022, 09:57 AM ^
We're just giving you a hard time.
As they say, sitting is the new smoking.
True Pete, I am of the older generation (not yet 60) just trying to stay active. i know things change of course. Nothing wrong with drive thrus and pizza deliveries and such of course. I am not saying we need to walk down to the river to fetch our is just a pet peeve of mine.
Bill Robertson 02-16-2022, 10:31 AM And there are those of us that have things delivered for self preservation. I go grocery shopping and for most other things. But cat litter, cases of bottled water, many things that weigh over 25 or 30 pounds or so get delivered to the porch where I can slide them onto a 2 wheeler and roll them into the house. Lugging them in and out of carts and my car could be the thing that changes my life as I know it.
Roger S 02-16-2022, 10:50 AM I walk to my mail box :)
So you do use delivery! You blasphemer!
scottk 02-16-2022, 07:40 PM I noticed on Jack Be's page, they describe themselves as a "faith based grocery company"?
Can someone explain what that means?
Will they not do grocery pickup on Sunday's? No Beer Wine Sales?
sgt. pepper 02-17-2022, 06:36 AM Maybe that means they will be closed on Sunday?
jeremy_patrick 03-21-2022, 10:57 AM I noticed on Jack Be's page, they describe themselves as a "faith based grocery company"?
Where are you seeing that comment? I see a statement about them being "app based" but can't find the faith based statement.