View Full Version : Waste to energy plant

02-05-2022, 06:03 AM
The post about the waste transfer station kind of inspired this post. One thing I really wish Oklahoma City would do is contract to build a waste to energy incineration plant. Tokyo and NYC use them to produce some of their electricity, and it's a far better way to get rid of useless garbage than just piling it up in a landfill. Part of that would have to be a line to get metals and other items that can be recycled. In my dream world that waste to energy plant would be so big that we begin moving trash from the landfills to the plant to incinerate, so with time their sizes are decreased.

02-05-2022, 02:27 PM
Tulsa has a waste to energy plant.

Plutonic Panda
02-05-2022, 03:08 PM
Yes this would be really cool. NYC has one that is really interesting. No pollution.