View Full Version : New City Manager Selected

02-01-2022, 02:47 PM
Copied and pasted from the email they just sent out.

During a special session today, City Council approved the hiring of Scot Rigby as the City Manager for the City of Edmond. Rigby will take over for Larry Stevens, who is retiring after serving as the City Manager in Edmond since March 2002.

Rigby is expected to officially step in this March.

Named the Assistant City Manager and Director of Development Services for the City of Wichita in July 2015, Rigby is responsible for economic and urban development, redevelopment and real estate programs and projects, the Metropolitan Area Planning and Area Building, and airports.

Rigby has a proven track record working with developers and major projects, partnering with the Downtown Wichita Association to attract nearly $400 million in private investment over a 5-year span all while fostering a strong relationship with businesses of all sizes by developing a thorough city-led business retention and expansion program.

Among the major projects Rigby shepherded were:

Led the establishment of the Greater Wichita Partnership, a group that fostered regional economic development. That group has helped attract more than 3,000 jobs and nearly $2 billion in private capital investment in the city.

Secured $22 million in state funding to develop a multi-sport youth that now serves a multi-state audience and generates more than 1 million in annual attendance.
Established a plan that attracted a minor league baseball franchise and secured $100 million in funding to build a new 10,000 seat stadium and 500 space multi-modal garage.

Rigby began his public service career with the City of Mesa in Arizona, where he worked in various roles for nearly 8 years. He was named Mesa’s senior project manager in 2012 and supervised a team of project managers who were responsible for citywide business attraction and retention. He was the lead in various high-profile projects, including infrastructure projects at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, an Apple manufacturing plant, a Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center and new spring training and stadium complexes for baseball’s Chicago Cubs and Oakland Athletics.

Rigby has a bachelor’s degree in political science from Brigham Young University and a master’s degree in public administration from Arizona State University.

Stevens has been the City Manager for Edmond for nearly 20 years, overseeing the steady growth of the City. Named the City Manager of the Year in 2007 by the City Management Association of Oklahoma, Stevens saw the population of Edmond grow to nearly 100,000 over that time and led the City’s response in growing and expanding services and programs to successfully encourage continued development while addressing the increased demand created by growth.

Plutonic Panda
02-01-2022, 09:35 PM
Mr. Stevens will be missed he was a great manager and very responsive! He deserves a nice retirement!