11-08-2005, 07:44 PM
Does anyone ever wonder what some people visiting for the first time might think of us?
I was cracking up today because on the left side- in about two seconds, we appeared to be a bunch of orgi loving, pot smoking, condom using dancing fools just surfing the net!
Sheesh, I thought CA was crazy! :tweeted:
11-08-2005, 08:03 PM
Does anyone ever wonder what some people visiting for the first time might think of us?
I was cracking up today because on the left side- in about two seconds, we appeared to be a bunch of orgi loving, pot smoking, condom using dancing fools just surfing the net!
Sheesh, I thought CA was crazy! :tweeted:
Well, at least it is a "controlled" cracking up.LOL
Does anyone ever wonder what some people visiting for the first time might think of us?
I was cracking up today because on the left side- in about two seconds, we appeared to be a bunch of orgi loving, pot smoking, condom using dancing fools just surfing the net!
Sheesh, I thought CA was crazy! :tweeted:
Hey..I have been on much worse sites that keep the people comming back for more :)
11-08-2005, 11:05 PM
we appeared to be a bunch of orgi loving, pot smoking, condom using dancing fools just surfing the net!
11-09-2005, 01:59 PM
Does anyone ever wonder what some people visiting for the first time might think of us?
I was cracking up today because on the left side- in about two seconds, we appeared to be a bunch of orgi loving, pot smoking, condom using dancing fools just surfing the net!
Sheesh, I thought CA was crazy! :tweeted:
I'll take part of the blame. I started the condom thread! lol! Hey, sometimes the strangest topics get the best response. :)
A lady and her daughter from a foreign urban city was visting my aunt in law. They pretty much thought we lived in the sticks.
A lot of international students feel that Oklahoma is too slow but a lot of them also like the slower pace.
As for the kids(including college age), they seem to pretty much think its a cow town and it just blows. I hear a lot of complaints in class..heh...its annoying.
oh yea my sister moved to Dallas but she noticed that there was a lot of positive change in the OKC metro from just a few years ago.
11-15-2005, 07:40 AM
rxis, that's a great idea for a new thread - visitor comments and reaction to our city ( I have friends coming the day after Thanksgiving )
I should have specified that this was about visiting our Talk forum for the first time - one day I just started laughing because all of the subjects were so risque!