04-12-2024, 09:12 AM
I think it will eventually be built. If that doesn't happen, it doesn't really matter to me. They're not knocking down anything for this; it's always been empty land. Chill, guys!
View Full Version : Boardwalk at Bricktown / Dream Hotel Pages :
Oski 04-12-2024, 09:12 AM I think it will eventually be built. If that doesn't happen, it doesn't really matter to me. They're not knocking down anything for this; it's always been empty land. Chill, guys! ChrisHayes 04-12-2024, 09:40 AM Seeing the "sportsbook entrance" along with the full body, 4 sides of digital boards makes me think this is a development that was originally made for Vegas but never saw the light of day and is now being peddled on OKC. I wish I was more positive about it, but it just doesn't add up. Maybe, but at the same time, design for projects can change at any time. Even during the building process. OkieinGeorgia 04-12-2024, 09:50 AM Maybe, but at the same time, design for projects can change at any time. Even during the building process. Of course, but to already assume it will have a sportsbook seems to me as it's just an item they forgot to change when updating the plans from Vegas to OKC. Just sayin. Pete 04-12-2024, 10:03 AM Of course, but to already assume it will have a sportsbook seems to me as it's just an item they forgot to change when updating the plans from Vegas to OKC. Just sayin. Yes, very strange they included a "sportsbook lobby". Also if you look closely at the latest submission, what had been labeled Yard House is now just 'Brewery'. warreng88 04-12-2024, 10:05 AM I am still of the opinion that I hope the 35 story buildings will get built (from my understanding, that is still the case). If the Legends Tower gets built, I would be very surprised. Three 35 story buildings in that area would be a huge boom for BT/DT and taking an empty parking lot to a development is icing on the cake. For now, I am just ignoring all of the madness surrounding the Legends Tower in a believe it when I see it kind of thought process. warreng88 04-12-2024, 10:33 AM Oklahoman article published this morning. A couple of notes: The Oklahoma City Planning Commission on Thursday recommended the city council approve zoning for a proposed 1,907-foot-high tower but warned they do not like renderings showing extensive use of LED signage throughout the four-tower development. Two people voiced concerns about the development, specifically the height of the project’s Legends Tower and LED signage that appears on renderings to be at the same height of the nearby 50-story Devon Energy Center. “The billboards, the flashing lights, are a bit tacky for Oklahoma City,” Ciancarelli said. Matteson, who attended the meeting with local partners Randy and Brad Hogan, indicated the signage discussion was not a deal breaker for his project. Matteson said Thursday he still plans to start site work this summer on the first phase of the $1.2 billion development, which will consist of two towers, named Ruby and Emerald, that will be 23 stories above a parking and retail podium. The presentation showed the (Legends) tower will include 904 luxury residences, 352 Hyatt Hotel rooms, and 99 residences by Hyatt. jdg78 04-12-2024, 10:34 AM I have been to the Yard House out at Red Rock in Vegas. April in the Plaza 04-12-2024, 11:45 AM First off stop calling it Oklahoma City’s pipe dream!! The citizens of Oklahoma City are not financing any of this! How do you figure that? The City approved $200 million in TIF funds. HOT ROD 04-12-2024, 12:40 PM Maybe 'Yard House' was removed due to t'heir relizing 'The Yard' development being nearby. As for the Vegas elements shown in the recent renderings, the developer has always indicated this would be a Vegas-style development in OKC. .... Bowser214 04-12-2024, 12:48 PM I meant the citizens didn’t vote to use a one cent sales tax as part of a MAPS package. Yes the City government voted on a TIF package. HOT ROD 04-12-2024, 01:49 PM I'm so glad that the leaders don't fall for these very uninformed arguments about weather, natural and un-natural disasters, whetever comes to mind - arguments trying to kill development. It is very clear that skyscraper designs today have been enhanced to allow buildings to withstand just about any disaster, possibly including an unnatural plane attack. I think it was disgusting of the former NY resident to even bring that up, she opened the wounds not the developer. WTC was a completely different type of skyscraper, that was exposed during the attack. I hate to say it but WTC was a sitting duck for the type of unnatural attack - but towers are not built that way anymore. Why try to use that even to discourage a tower here? It'd almost be similar to saying someone could park a truck bomb near the tower and we'd have 1995 again. ... As for the light polution. You're downtown, there will be light and sound pollution - thats where we want it. The billboards, if approved, will likely follow the same restrictions as the other skyscrapers in OKC - they'd have to turn off at midnight or whever Devon and BOKPP turn theirs off. I suspect they may even need to follow First National - especially since it is the current benchmark for OKC/Luxury Highrise - when they turn theirs off at 10:30ish. Arguing over seeing the tower in Del City - yes you will be. But the lights wont be much different in intensity than the Devon Tower, and IMO it's part of the allure of the tower. Now, should there be so many lights/billboards; probably not. But to use many false pretenses (Oklahoma weather, tornadoes, earthquakes, terrorism??, lights/billboards) to me just speaks of nymbiasm moreso than a real concern that the building shouldn't be built. Laramie 04-12-2024, 01:50 PM How do you figure that? The City approved $200 million in TIF funds. ^ ^ ^ Thanks for pointing that out. Everything comes with a price tag including the TIF funds given when benchmarks are met. Like many of you, just get the three 345' tall buildings under construction; upon completion they will add more height and horizon to the skyline. Laramie 04-12-2024, 02:08 PM List of tallest buildings in Oklahoma City: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_buildings_in_Oklahoma_City Scroll down v near the bottom (Approved and proposed buildings), surprised to see Legends Tower listed with ground breaking in 2026. Midtowner 04-12-2024, 02:08 PM I think something serious will be built. At least it seems further along in the news over whether the $5.5 billion new refinery will really be built in Cushing. My family is originally from Cushing. Great Great grandfather came there and started the furniture store which is still downtown. Cherry Street is named after his cherry orchard. Cushing is a strange place. If you were to plop a refinery in the middle of 99% of U.S. towns, people would scream bloody murder. In Cushing, it would be welcome. It's not just home to those folks unless you have the odor of petrochemicals in the air. bison34 04-12-2024, 03:02 PM List of tallest buildings in Oklahoma City: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_buildings_in_Oklahoma_City Scroll down v near the bottom (Approved and proposed buildings), surprised to see Legends Tower listed with ground breaking in 2026. Haha, anyone can edit Wikipedia pages. Hard to take a lot of stock in wiki. But it is weird it has its on Wikipedia page. HOT ROD 04-12-2024, 04:29 PM In all fairness, the wiki author(s) cite sources on Legends Tower and the rest of the development. Ironically, they got the naming of the other two towers wrong; they say 'Dream Hotel project' 'Res 1 tower', 'Res 2 tower' when the developer/source(s) have already noted the towers as 'Emerald' and 'Ruby' towers of the 'Boardwalk at Bricktown'. Laramie 04-12-2024, 04:46 PM Haha, anyone can edit Wikipedia pages. Hard to take a lot of stock in wiki. But it is weird it has its on Wikipedia page. Have you tried to edit anything on Wikipedia. Only saw one item on the tallest buildings in OKC that raised an eyebrow, that was the info listed about the Legends Tower in 2026; I've never edited anything in Wikipedia; however I know they have to be approved. IIFC when OKC completed BOK Park Plaza it wasn't listed until several posters addressed the issue calling it to Wikipedia's attention. Swake 04-12-2024, 05:21 PM Have you tried to edit anything on Wikipedia. Only saw one item on the tallest buildings in OKC that raised an eyebrow, that was the info listed about the Legends Tower in 2026; I've never edited anything in Wikipedia; however I know they have to be approved. IIFC when OKC completed BOK Park Plaza it wasn't listed until several posters addressed the issue calling it to Wikipedia's attention. There's an edit button on the top right of every wiki page where you can edit the page, right then, no waiting. Laramie 04-12-2024, 05:34 PM There's an edit button on the top right of every wiki page where you can edit the page, right then, no waiting. Familiar with the edit button, I've never attempted to edit anything on Wiki; does the edit show up on everyone's page. Edit something like the height of a building, and see if the changes are made universally. Example: Try editing the height of Devon Tower from 844 to 921. Let's see if any changes are made or does Wiki validate or proof the edit. Swake 04-12-2024, 05:54 PM Familiar with the edit button, I've never attempted to edit anything on Wiki; does the edit show up on everyone's page. Edit something like the height of a building, and see if the changes are made universally. Example: Try editing the height of Devon Tower from 844 to 921. Let's see if any changes are made or does Wiki validate or proof the edit. Your edit will show globally. But, if you don't follow the rules or cite your changes wiki editors may remove your change. Laramie 04-12-2024, 06:09 PM Your edit will show globally. But, if you don't follow the rules or cite your changes wiki editors may remove your change. Okay, I thought there was more to making an edit than anyone simply being able to make Global changes. Ryan 04-14-2024, 09:31 AM Your edit will show globally. But, if you don't follow the rules or cite your changes wiki editors may remove your change. Not necessarily the city place tower is 440ft tall but it’s listed on Wikipedia as 391ft. And it uses a thread like this one as a source. . You can visibly discern from seeing the first Natl and city place across the street that they’re virtually the same height. And the information on height is easily found on search. So I don’t think Wikipedia is too reliable or the information is vetted too well Laramie 04-14-2024, 10:21 AM ^ ^ ^ So true, but do they count the antenna atop a build as height. . . If so, that would account for the difference in height between First National (443) and City Place (391). If they exclude the antenna, and use the shoulders' of the building--there's very little height difference between the two. List of tallest buildings in Oklahoma City: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_buildings_in_Oklahoma_City . PhiAlpha 04-14-2024, 01:10 PM Not necessarily the city place tower is 440ft tall but it’s listed on Wikipedia as 391ft. And it uses a thread like this one as a source. . You can visibly discern from seeing the first Natl and city place across the street that they’re virtually the same height. And the information on height is easily found on search. So I don’t think Wikipedia is too reliable or the information is vetted too well Depends on what standard they’re using for building height. Ryan 04-14-2024, 02:31 PM ^ ^ ^ So true, but do they count the antenna atop a build as height. . . If so, that would account for the difference in height between First National (443) and City Place (391). If they exclude the antenna, and use the shoulders' of the building--there's very little height difference between the two. List of tallest buildings in Oklahoma City: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_buildings_in_Oklahoma_City . With the antennae first national is 496’ it is 443’ foot to the top of the roof. Ryan 04-14-2024, 02:35 PM https://www.highrises.com/buildings/oklahoma-city_ok/city-place_131-park-ave_4968 Ryan 04-14-2024, 02:37 PM With the antennae first national is 456 it is 443’ foot to the top of the roof. Hold that thought. I found multiple sites reporting different heights. Ryan 04-14-2024, 02:54 PM First national is 456’ to the beacon. Doesn’t state to the top of the beacon. I thought it was unclear. The only thing that is clear is that two building heights on Wikipedia are factually and demonstrably incorrect. The other buildings appear to be legit KayneMo 04-14-2024, 09:27 PM Original drawings of First National show that it is 405'-6" to the top of the roof, and 443'-3" to the top of the spire (not including the beacon and antenna). When viewed at/near eye level, like in this video (https://www.shutterstock.com/video/clip-1052964617-oklahoma-city-usa-aerial-downtown-skyline-sunrise), you can see there is quite a difference in height between FNC and City Place. I think the 440' figure for City Place is way off and the 391' figure is more accurate. The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat reflect these numbers for FNC and City Place (https://www.skyscrapercenter.com/city/oklahoma-city). Also, building height can be figured on Google Earth and after doing some subtraction, those numbers come pretty close to CTBUH's, and I would expect Google Earth to be fairly accurate given the nature of the scanning technology and the resulting depth map. Bunty 04-15-2024, 01:04 AM My family is originally from Cushing. Great Great grandfather came there and started the furniture store which is still downtown. Cherry Street is named after his cherry orchard. Cushing is a strange place. If you were to plop a refinery in the middle of 99% of U.S. towns, people would scream bloody murder. In Cushing, it would be welcome. It's not just home to those folks unless you have the odor of petrochemicals in the air. From my mother's side of the family my great grandparents settled in the rural Cushing area around 1910. My great-great grandparents stayed behind in Missouri. My uncle in Cushing worked for Hudson. Cushing will always have a fond place in my memory from in the past having so many relatives living there and going there to visit them. I still remember the smell of the refinery being in the air. Interesting how ancestors on both sides of my family kept moving west starting from the east coastal states until nearly all of them decided to stay put in Oklahoma around 1910. The only one who left was one aunt who left Oklahoma because her husband said Chicago was the place to be. Can't find anything on the Internet since 2023 how the new refinery in Cushing is progressing or not. Mesta Parker 04-17-2024, 08:45 AM Article in The Wall Street Journal this morning. https://www.wsj.com/us-news/oklahoma-skyscraper-americas-tallest-eaae69d2?st=waeky93hrwnib51&reflink=article_copyURL_share Jake 04-17-2024, 08:50 AM "...overlooking sprawl and farmland." Notable farming powerhouse, OKC. TheTravellers 04-17-2024, 09:22 AM "...overlooking sprawl and farmland." Notable farming powerhouse, OKC. From that high up, you could probably see quite a bit of farmland. And there is farming either in OKC limits or right up next to it, drive Eastern north of 63rd, there's wheat there, I believe. Mesta Parker 04-17-2024, 09:32 AM From that high up, you could probably see quite a bit of farmland. And there is farming either in OKC limits or right up next to it, drive Eastern north of 63rd, there's wheat there, I believe. One of those statements that journalist make that while factually true, don't tell the whole story and are meant to prejudice the reader one way or another. The writer could just as easily called out Okana, the Oaks and the many other projects in progress across the area as being visible which would leave the reader with the impression of a growing city. Jake 04-17-2024, 09:40 AM One of those statements that journalist make that while factually true, don't tell the whole story and are meant to prejudice the reader one way or another. The writer could just as easily called out Okana, the Oaks and the many other projects in progress across the area as being visible which would leave the reader with the impression of a growing city. The whole project is so bizarre so I think he just means to punctuate how out of place this thing is. Which it definitely is. Don't think it's malicious, just funny. He probably assumes we grow corn here. Pete 04-17-2024, 09:40 AM This is the image included with that WSJ article: HTTP://www.okctalk.com/images/pete/boardwalk041724a.jpg SagerMichael 04-17-2024, 09:45 AM 18772 Jake 04-17-2024, 09:47 AM This is the image included with that WSJ article: HTTP://www.okctalk.com/images/pete/boardwalk041724a.jpg Had this proposal been to just match the height of Devon, that alone would have made me think, "whoa, that's crazy! I don't know, we'll see..." traxx 04-17-2024, 09:57 AM He probably assumes we grow corn here. Well, it is as high as an elephant's eye. Meanwhile, everything's up to date in Kansas City. LocoAko 04-17-2024, 10:56 AM Meeting at City Hall, commissioners had already approved zoning for a carwash for tractor tailors by the time they reached the skyscraper project... Barr also wonders about the rationale for an observation deck. “I’ve never been to Oklahoma City, but what do you see when you go to the observatory? Prairie or whatever? I can’t imagine that’s something that would draw a lot of people,” he said. “LMAOOOOO,” tweeted Hayden Clarkin, a New York-based transportation consultant who goes by the Transit Guy on social media, after seeing how the building would tower over the vast expanse of the city, with a few much smaller buildings peeking up from downtown. It was a fairly nice piece about Oklahoma City in general, despite the obvious pitying snark in many of the included quotes and anecdotes regarding this specific project. Not too many big believers in this project out there, it seems, lol. Ryan 04-17-2024, 11:07 AM The whole project is so bizarre so I think he just means to punctuate how out of place this thing is. Which it definitely is. Don't think it's malicious, just funny. He probably assumes we grow corn here. Not gonna lie I haven’t seen corn in Oklahoma. Haven’t tried to miss it. But wouldn’t it burn up? We get a little bit hot don’t we? Jake 04-17-2024, 11:22 AM Not gonna lie I haven’t seen corn in Oklahoma. Haven’t tried to miss it. But wouldn’t it burn up? We get a little bit hot don’t we? Think it's grown here but I don't think it's really done in a mass scale like in other states. Think OK is more of a cattle/wheat state. Although, I'm possibly the worst person to ask about this topic. PS: feel free to delete this post, mods. I don't want to derail things. Tyson 04-17-2024, 01:28 PM Imagine they built that proposed high rise on the Lumberyard site right next to this. More height in the direct surrounding area would help with the out of place look from certain angles. Pete 04-17-2024, 01:35 PM Imagine they built that proposed high rise on the Lumberyard site right next to this. More height in the direct surrounding area would help with the out of place look from certain angles. Even more so on the land between the Myriad Gardens and Scissortail Park. Jersey Boss 04-17-2024, 01:49 PM Not gonna lie I haven’t seen corn in Oklahoma. Haven’t tried to miss it. But wouldn’t it burn up? We get a little bit hot don’t we? These folks have a thriving corn growing operation and have for a number of years. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=967570569940772 CaptDave 04-17-2024, 01:59 PM Even more so on the land between the Myriad Gardens and Scissortail Park. In my opinion (which carries as much weight as the amount of $$$ I've put into this project) this entire development makes much more sense at that site. If I were the city, I might try to broker some kind of swap deal between the parties that hold those properties. That's a fairly naive and simplistic idea, but if doable would seem to work well. BoulderSooner 04-17-2024, 02:04 PM These folks have a thriving corn growing operation and have for a number of years. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=967570569940772 their corn is fantastic and has been for decades .. Rover 04-17-2024, 08:27 PM This is the image included with that WSJ article: HTTP://www.okctalk.com/images/pete/boardwalk041724a.jpg Yes, of course they use the most unflattering pic of the city they could find. There are many intellectually honest ways to approach an honest article looking at its unlikelihood, but the outsiders choose instead to demean and mock. They don’t seem to be making fun of the proposal as much as of Oklahoma City. Urbanized 04-17-2024, 09:03 PM ^^^^^^^ 100% unfundedrick 04-17-2024, 11:04 PM Not gonna lie I haven’t seen corn in Oklahoma. Haven’t tried to miss it. But wouldn’t it burn up? We get a little bit hot don’t we? I also don't want to derail this thread, but we grew field corn on our family farm when I was growing up. I spent hours there with a hoe chopping weeds. Bellaboo 04-18-2024, 06:29 AM 18772 Nice angle, fits right in. Mesta Parker 04-18-2024, 09:11 AM The article is on the front page of the WSJ print edition today. Urbanized 04-18-2024, 09:26 AM Even the photos later in the story seem to be framed to show the most unflattering angles possible. The one above crops the bulk of the existing skyline completely out of the photo, and this one manages to be taken from a rarely-seen angle that fools the eye; it causes the Devon Tower to seem to be similar in height to BancFirst, when in reality it’s nearly twice the height, while FNC and City Place look to be half the height of BancFirst. Beyond that, taken from an angle that downplays the existing density. Definite shenanigans in the photo editing. 18773 David 04-18-2024, 09:38 AM Yes, of course they use the most unflattering pic of the city they could find. There are many intellectually honest ways to approach an honest article looking at its unlikelihood, but the outsiders choose instead to demean and mock. They don’t seem to be making fun of the proposal as much as of Oklahoma City. Thus what I was saying a few pages ago. Tyson 04-18-2024, 09:58 AM Yeah, also the headline just had to say “in… Oklahoma” as if OKC wasn’t one of the fastest growing metropolitans in the country. I understand the questioning and the doubts but it really doesn’t help to exaggerate your point. jccouger 04-18-2024, 10:22 AM It is a new york magazine after all. I'm sure they aren't too keen to the idea of a rural right leaning state building a taller tower than they would have. The worst part of this is knowing the very small chance this thing even gets built and knowing they will unleash hell on us when that day comes that it was somehow our fault because we are some pretender city or something along those lines. bison34 04-18-2024, 10:29 AM It is a new york magazine after all. I'm sure they aren't too keen to the idea of a rural right leaning state building a taller tower than they would have. The worst part of this is knowing the very small chance this thing even gets built and knowing they will unleash hell on us when that day comes that it was somehow our fault because we are some pretender city or something along those lines. No they won't. If this doesn't get built, no one will care in a year or so. citywokchinesefood 04-18-2024, 01:41 PM It is a new york magazine after all. I'm sure they aren't too keen to the idea of a rural right leaning state building a taller tower than they would have. The worst part of this is knowing the very small chance this thing even gets built and knowing they will unleash hell on us when that day comes that it was somehow our fault because we are some pretender city or something along those lines. lol, you actually believe this... Mr. Blue Sky 04-18-2024, 02:00 PM It is a new york magazine after all. The Wall Street Journal is not a magazine, it’s a daily newspaper. It’s also not a NY-centric newspaper, it’s considered a national publication and is well-read by many important people in business. This whole thing is just embarrassing all the way around. bison34 04-18-2024, 02:04 PM The Wall Street Journal is not a magazine, it’s a daily newspaper. It’s also not a NY-centric newspaper, it’s considered a national publication and is well-read by many important people in business. This whole thing is just embarrassing all the way around. Yeah, but people won't care either way in 6 months. |