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03-14-2024, 05:53 PM
Why would Mattesion (sp) continue to ruin his own reputation? Doesn’t make sense.

Bill Robertson
03-14-2024, 05:57 PM
I sadly have to be on the this isn't going to happen side. I'll be very, extremely happy if I'm wrong. But I'd be really surprised.
So they applied for an FAA variance. Both of the facilities I'm responsible for had to have FAA approval during planning and have to maintain FAA approval anytime we change anything external. We had to change the plans for one building 3 times to please the FAA. It's paperwork but it's not a huge deal. Requests for variance from the city is also just paperwork. Not like they're investing tons of money to do either. It doesn't prove that they're completely committed to the project.

03-14-2024, 06:17 PM
Why would Mattesion (sp) continue to ruin his own reputation? Doesn’t make sense.

A Hail Mary to drive up interests?

03-14-2024, 06:46 PM
A little more insight today from the Journal Record, moreover, the reading suggests that the $1.5B is just for the Legends Tower, not the whole project:

Also, interesting quotes from Matteson:

"Occupancy in the first towers will dictate when construction on Legends Tower begins and how tall it will be, Matteson said."

“We’re just getting ready for these hearings to get our tower approved,” Matteson said. “If they don’t give the green light on the tower, we just go back to the plan already approved.”

03-14-2024, 06:59 PM
A little more insight today from the Journal Record, moreover, the reading suggests that the $1.5B is just for the Legends Tower, not the whole project:

This is exactly what the article says; I seriously doubt most would reach the same interpretation, especially because he's only ever mentioned $1.5 billion as the budget -- why on earth would he leave out the 3 buildings that would come first? Why would they say "project" rather than "building"?

OKLAHOMA CITY – The developer of The Boardwalk at Bricktown said this week his team is focused on winning approval to include the tallest skyscraper in the U.S. in the development.

Financing is in place for what is estimated to be a $1.5 billion project, said Scot Matteson, president and CEO of Matteson Capital in Newport Beach, California.

03-14-2024, 07:20 PM
The only entities I can find under the name of Matteson Capital both expired seven and eight years ago:



03-14-2024, 07:33 PM
I looked up street view of that address and there is some large offices there FWIW.

03-14-2024, 07:46 PM
I looked up street view of that address and there is some large offices there FWIW.

It's a multi-tenant office building where Centurian Partners leased space.

Centurian seems to no longer exist. No way to tell if Matteson is still leasing space in that building but a few years ago he was served with legal papers at an apartment he was renting.

03-14-2024, 08:25 PM
This is exactly what the article says; I seriously doubt most would reach the same interpretation, especially because he's only ever mentioned $1.5 billion as the budget -- why on earth would he leave out the 3 buildings that would come first? Why would they say "project" rather than "building"?

I don't know, maybe I am wrong. But in reading this, the "tallest skyscraper" is used in the same context in the paragraph as the project in which $1.5B is financed. Which definitely makes more sense, than only $1.5B for the first 3 towers and Legends Tower. The article rhetoric is focused just on Legends Tower, not the whole project.

And the title of the article reads: Here’s the latest on 1,907-foot OKC tower: Developer says he has financing

03-14-2024, 09:09 PM
The gymnastics some of you are trying to perform just to make this seem legit is fascinating. It’s akin to flat earthers.

03-14-2024, 09:26 PM
The gymnastics some of you are trying to perform just to make this seem legit is fascinating. It’s akin to flat earthers.

This is what I cannot understand. Why are some of you so invested in this being real, despite the evidence and common sense telling us otherwise? It is one of those things that is so obviously fake/scammy, but there’s a subset of the population dead set on believing it. It’s very odd.

03-14-2024, 09:38 PM

03-14-2024, 10:05 PM
I dare say I'm getting flashbacks to Pete's crusade against Teemco. I don't think were there, yet.......

03-14-2024, 10:25 PM
This is what I cannot understand. Why are some of you so invested in this being real, despite the evidence and common sense telling us otherwise? It is one of those things that is so obviously fake/scammy, but there’s a subset of the population dead set on believing it. It’s very odd.

Same here…it’s bizarre. I get really wanting it to happen and being optimistic is fine but the mental gymnastics and blind exuberance by some here has been a little strange. Especially when we’ve been give nothing to indicate that we should be anything other than extremely skeptical about the entire project. I guess if some of the people on this thread want to keep completely ignoring the evidence against this then go ahead…I suppose it’s entertaining at least.

03-14-2024, 10:28 PM
I dare say I'm getting flashbacks to Pete's crusade against Teemco. I don't think we’re there, yet.......

I’m not sure it was even against teemco than it was for the truth when none of our local journalist were even asking the questions. What a dumpster fire that whole thing was.

03-15-2024, 12:09 AM
This is what I cannot understand. Why are some of you so invested in this being real, despite the evidence and common sense telling us otherwise? It is one of those things that is so obviously fake/scammy, but there’s a subset of the population dead set on believing it. It’s very odd.


03-15-2024, 05:26 AM

You want Austin type development downtown you need to be an Austin type community. What’s the difference between the two cities? There is a reason skyscrapers grow on trees and just manifest themselves down there.

03-15-2024, 07:32 AM
I don't understand why some people on here don't think this project will happen. Forget about the Legends Tower for a moment, I do believe that the first phase of this project will happen. It's funny how people respond to a project that actually has momentum and support. This project has been in the works for at least 3 years on record, this is not just something came up over night.

I will admit that the addition of Legends Tower has soured the credibility of the first phase to make this whole thing seem like just a ruse. But we keep getting consistent updates on this project, and it continues to scale up and move forward. It would have a different perspective if we had no updates in a while, and no momentum like projects Boulevard Place and Alley's End. However, Matteson and Hogan keep reporting this project is a go, and haven't given any rhetoric to suggests otherwise.

03-15-2024, 08:05 AM
I don't understand why some people on here don't think this project will happen. Forget about the Legends Tower for a moment, I do believe that the first phase of this project will happen. It's funny how people respond to a project that actually has momentum and support. This project has been in the works for at least 3 years on record, this is not just something came up over night.

I will admit that the addition of Legends Tower has soured the credibility of the first phase to make this whole thing seem like just a ruse. But we keep getting consistent updates on this project, and it continues to scale up and move forward. It would have a different perspective if we had no updates in a while, and no momentum like projects Boulevard Place and Alley's End. However, Matteson and Hogan keep reporting this project is a go, and haven't given any rhetoric to suggests otherwise.

We don’t have the workforce necessary to support the apartments and condos. The lifestyle still falls short of being an “it” place so I’m not sure we can fill the hotel rooms. We are developer friendly which means we can be ripe for scamming if the city isn’t careful

03-15-2024, 08:25 AM
We don’t have the workforce necessary to support the apartments and condos. The lifestyle still falls short of being an “it” place so I’m not sure we can fill the hotel rooms. We are developer friendly which means we can be ripe for scamming if the city isn’t careful
What exactly is the “scam” you are referring to? It may be unrealistic. It may be unwise. But getting the gullible public gossipers all in a frenzy isn’t a scam. Applying for and getting approval for TIF by itself isn’t a scam. Getting the money transferred to them with false information or getting money up front on false pretenses would be a scam. Getting the investors to transfer money or value to them under false pretenses would be a scam. Issuing drawings, having meetings and going on a pr journey isn’t scamming. That’s done every day on lots of legitimate projects.

Now, buying everything they say and repeating it without investigating or considering the caution signs isn’t results of a scam’s just signs of an insecure and overly anxious audience who wants validation.

03-15-2024, 08:34 AM
We don’t have the workforce necessary to support the apartments and condos. The lifestyle still falls short of being an “it” place so I’m not sure we can fill the hotel rooms. We are developer friendly which means we can be ripe for scamming if the city isn’t careful

You are on the opposite side of the handful of people who keep blindly sunshine pumping this. There has been nothing to show that the city can’t support multiple additional hotels. The city does have the work force to support the apartments and condos, hence why we’ve had no issue filling the ones built and developers keep building them. It just can’t support 1-2 towers worth of them plus a 134 story tower in addition to that.

The demand is there for the 2-3 - 30 story buildings but that doesn’t mean anything if this guy if as full of sh*t as it appears and doesn’t actually have the funding to build them.

03-15-2024, 08:42 AM
We're in a nationwide housing crisis, a lack of people to move into these hypothetical residential towers seems like the least of this project's problems.

03-15-2024, 08:46 AM
We don’t have the workforce necessary to support the apartments and condos. The lifestyle still falls short of being an “it” place so I’m not sure we can fill the hotel rooms. We are developer friendly which means we can be ripe for scamming if the city isn’t careful

Hotel rooms are full all across the city. This hotel is the most stable part of the development, IMO.

Done if the housing, sure, it may not be able to support at these prices, especially in the supertall. But the hotel rooms will be full.

03-15-2024, 08:46 AM
Posted twice by mistake.

03-15-2024, 09:01 AM
We're in a nationwide housing crisis, a lack of people to move into these hypothetical residential towers seems like the least of this project's problems.

Affordability, is a big part of the equation. The housing crisis would be an easy problem to solve if didn't cost so dang much to build new homes. Building a large tower in a concentrated area isn't a new idea, its about making the economics work. Its a pretty straight forward decision in a large city where land is a lot more expensive and in short supply. That's what makes those economics work, people don't have a choice but to pay the increased costs for a skyscraper if it means paying less for land.

03-15-2024, 09:41 AM
What exactly is the “scam” you are referring to? It may be unrealistic. It may be unwise. But getting the gullible public gossipers all in a frenzy isn’t a scam. Applying for and getting approval for TIF by itself isn’t a scam. Getting the money transferred to them with false information or getting money up front on false pretenses would be a scam. Getting the investors to transfer money or value to them under false pretenses would be a scam. Issuing drawings, having meetings and going on a pr journey isn’t scamming. That’s done every day on lots of legitimate projects.

Now, buying everything they say and repeating it without investigating or considering the caution signs isn’t results of a scam’s just signs of an insecure and overly anxious audience who wants validation.

scams are really focused more towards investors. No online thread posters. He will more than likely get paid for “work” performed. This is NOT a development like Devon tower. This is investor scheme he will likely make some money off of people wanting to chip in. I seriously doubt any billionaire has signed a check for the guy. Probably just a “wink and handshake” commitment from these large “ investors”. I could call matteson now and tell him I have 10g in my savings and that I’d like to be involved or make a down payment for a condo I bet it’s a non refundable. This whole project reeks of celebrity endorsed steaks or for profit colleges. Take it from a guy who’s been duped before. Matteson is a huckster

03-15-2024, 10:10 AM
I'm not going to go back and read the last couple pages of posts (i'm lazy). The problem I see with the "tower will bring housing" argument, is that I guarantee it will never be "affordable housing". You can add towers, and do building conversions, and all sorts of stuff. There's just an unreasonability of pricing options to all these types of developments. When rent for a 1-2 bedroom apartment is more than the mortgage on a 1500sq foot house, then something is backwards, imo.

03-15-2024, 10:22 AM
Here is something else from that Journal Record article:

He has developed properties in California, Colorado, Texas, Florida and Italy that include high-rise condos, resorts, office buildings, as well as a 17 million-square-foot development on 10 city blocks in downtown Miami, which is just winding down after 15 years. It includes his tallest tower to date at 1,100 feet.

This is the project:

If you go through that website and research the entire project, there is nothing approaching 1,100 feet built, under construction or planned.

But more importantly, there is absolutely no reference to Matteson or Centurian Partners since 2011. It seems Centurian was involved in the initial purchase of the land in 2008, then a big equity partner (CIM) entered the picture in 2011, and that's the last Centurian is mentioned in 13 years of subsequent press releases, in any capacity.

Matteson certainly has not developed anything at the Miami World Center (I've read all 14 pages of press and press releases on their website) and it seems he and Centurian have no involvement since the initial land purchase.

Matteson keeps bringing up this big Miami project as proof of his development experience and seems to be purposely lying about his involvement.

03-15-2024, 10:33 AM
Here is something else from that Journal Record article:

This is the project:

If you go through that website and research the entire project, there is nothing approaching 1,100 feet built, under construction or planned.

But more importantly, there is absolutely no reference to Matteson or Centurian Partners since 2011. It seems Centurian was involved in the initial purchase of the land in 2008, then a big equity partner (CIM) entered the picture in 2011, and that's the last Centurian is mentioned in 13 years of subsequent press releases, in any capacity.

Matteson certainly has not developed anything at the Miami World Center (I've read all 14 pages of press and press releases on their website) and it seems he and Centurian have no involvement since the initial land purchase.

Matteson keeps bringing up this big Miami project as proof of his development experience and seems to be purposely lying about his involvement.

What's becoming clear is that the old newspapers are just selling ad space these days. No real journalism taking place. How do you not call out a 1,100 foot building that doesn't exist? crazy

03-15-2024, 10:39 AM
What's becoming clear is that the old newspapers are just selling ad space these days. No real journalism taking place. How do you not call out a 1,100 foot building that doesn't exist? crazy

That is truly bizarre.

Tallest building in Miami is 869 ft tall and tallest ever approved, but not built, was 1049.

03-15-2024, 10:41 AM
Even if half this project gets built, it will still be a win. If they just built 2 towers, 1 hotel &1 residential, that would be a good result. Anxious to see how this all unfolds, a lot of talk and speculation going on. But none of us really know what's really going on behind the scenes.

03-15-2024, 10:44 AM
What's becoming clear is that the old newspapers are just selling ad space these days. No real journalism taking place. How do you not call out a 1,100 foot building that doesn't exist? crazy

The wording of all these articles about him is incredibly irresponsible.

If you read what I posted from the JR, it states "he has developed" and then goes on to list all these grandiose projects. What it should say is: "Matteson CLAIMS to have developed x, y, and z. The JR has not been able to independently verify these claims".

What happens is you find all these old articles and now new ones from the JR and Oklahoman that state all these things as facts, then people start to take them as facts, when nothing has been independently confirmed. Exactly what happened with Teemco, Farmer's Bank and now Matteson and Sunset Amphitheater.

I've been unable to find anything that verifies Matteson's direct involvement in any of these big projects, other than his own words. And just as important, we do not have any verification of his personal stake.

Look, I've been around commercial real estate since 1982 when I started as a commercial broker. I think it's safe to say I've followed this business very closely my entire adult life and I understand the swashbuckling self-promotion that is part and parcel of this industry. But this guy is making all these huge claims and none of it can be verified, while at the same time it's been proven he's been bending the truth over and over again. Those are huge red flags, even if you factor in the bravado and ego that is almost always part of the developer mindset.

03-15-2024, 10:49 AM
What's becoming clear is that the old newspapers are just selling ad space these days. No real journalism taking place. How do you not call out a 1,100 foot building that doesn't exist? crazy

Maybe they meant 1100 square feet :wink:

03-15-2024, 10:53 AM
Even if half this project gets built, it will still be a win. If they just built 2 towers, 1 hotel &1 residential, that would be a good result. Anxious to see how this all unfolds, a lot of talk and speculation going on. But none of us really know what's really going on behind the scenes.

Involved in the project you have Randy Hogan, who hardcore botched the lower bricktown development (How the F do you not put anything on the actual canal when that was what you proposed and was the whole purpose of building along it?!), and a guy who doesn't really seem to have developed much of anything. It would almost be better if nothing at all was built if the gulf between what is proposed and what's actually built is anything similar to Lower Bricktown.

03-15-2024, 10:54 AM
Incorrect. The original submittal always included 4 towers, to be built in phases.

It's my understanding this is what was originally presented to the planning commission:

Did they leave out the 4th tower in this presentation or is this information incorrect?

03-15-2024, 11:19 AM
It's my understanding this is what was originally presented to the planning commission:

Did they leave out the 4th tower in this presentation or is this information incorrect?

Yes. Hence why they have to go to the commission in April for approval.

03-15-2024, 11:30 AM
It's my understanding this is what was originally presented to the planning commission:

Did they leave out the 4th tower in this presentation or is this information incorrect?

Correct, no 4th tower and an entirely different plan except for the three towers which were downsized to 14 stories at one point. One of those towers had a large pedestal so unless they were planning to build on top of that pedestal there was no 4th tower planned.

03-15-2024, 12:22 PM
I don't understand why some people on here don't think this project will happen. Forget about the Legends Tower for a moment, I do believe that the first phase of this project will happen. It's funny how people respond to a project that actually has momentum and support. This project has been in the works for at least 3 years on record, this is not just something came up over night.

I will admit that the addition of Legends Tower has soured the credibility of the first phase to make this whole thing seem like just a ruse. But we keep getting consistent updates on this project, and it continues to scale up and move forward. It would have a different perspective if we had no updates in a while, and no momentum like projects Boulevard Place and Alley's End. However, Matteson and Hogan keep reporting this project is a go, and haven't given any rhetoric to suggests otherwise.

it is quite interesting how people defend projects like BP and AE, which there's NO movement and no evidence of an actual project/plan. Yet those same people are trashing Boardwalk forgetting what we all discussed just 6 months ago - long before Legends Tower. im so confused, Boardwalk has and is completing logical steps towards a launch yet it's dismissed as sketchy yet BP and AE have done nothing but delay and when I or others raise concern we're rebutted as not being in OKC or lending BP developer credibility because of what they're doing in another market. ...

I stand by my opinion, that this project is moving forward. They're going through the process and given the approval of the original design - I expect Phase 1 will proceed. If the FAA approves and the city gives variance in June, then one would expect permitting and a start thereafter if the funds are there.

03-15-2024, 12:40 PM
If you consider the post below, #683 from Swake, it shows 3 residential towers including tower 3, which at that time was basically envisioned the same as the other two. There was ALWAYS a hotel tower, in addition, that is purposefully being carved out due to the TIF. So, although you see 3 towers below; there's actually always 4 but tower 4 was always intended to be built with the twin towers 1 and 2, and tower 3 (now upguaged to supertall and known as Legends Tower) was in the plan and was a second phase based on performance of towers 1 and 2. They can't put hotel tower in the plan to the city due to Omni restrictions on the TIF. Therefore, the plan presented shows 3 residential towers only, no hotel tower even though it is always part of the plan and obviously is what they truly want to build.

The residential towers are in three phases, they are slated to start one year after the previous phase, but I can tell you that is what the very best case that developer hopes for and phases two and three will start as demand allows. What is the current absorption rate in Oklahoma City for premium high rise apartments? Is there a precedent that shows the market can take on 300+ units per year?

03-15-2024, 12:45 PM
I found this site plan.

It shows they plan to convert all the remaining parking to the west of Harkins to valet.


here is the original site plan, note there's 4 towers and tower 3 (now known as Legends Tower supertall) is oriented to Reno Ave with the twins at the RR and hotel unchanged at Reno and Oklahoma.

I'm still wondering why the scrutiny now on 'sneaking' in a 4th tower when it was always there as a future phase, as I pointed out known as tower 3. Tower 4 is the hotel and was always there just not in city plans when referencing TIF (due to Omni). The only changes have been the heights, the placements of the towers (twins moved towards Reno, Tower 3 moved to OKC blvd, and Tower 3 being a supertall known as Legends.

Good thing print/documentation exists.

03-15-2024, 12:46 PM
The FAA approval is just a stunt.

It's a minor procedural thing that usually only takes a few weeks. IMO, the fact Matteson is doing this now -- long before he has even submitted plans for the first phase -- is just another way of seeking publicity, which he seems to love.

03-15-2024, 12:53 PM
you may be right Pete, but wouldn't that also be a due diligence step someone also seeking a variance from the city would take? Wouldn't it be more skeptical if he was seeking a variance from the city and DIDN'T also seek from the FAA? Didn't Devon do the exact same thing?

We may be on different sides of this fence, where you're appearing to be looking for the negative/skeptic on this developer/project, but I think we should be fair in our findings particularly if it is common or procedural - rather than presupposing a position in order to support other findings you've discovered.

I have no choice but to agree with you on some of the funding aspect of Legends Tower, but I could still see that phase 1 was announced at $736 million, maybe it might make sense $76X could build Legends Tower. IDK but I'm not going to say his FAA app is a PR stunt, it's a natural step and why not do it now for the whole site.

03-15-2024, 12:54 PM
This is what I cannot understand. Why are some of you so invested in this being real, despite the evidence and common sense telling us otherwise? It is one of those things that is so obviously fake/scammy, but there’s a subset of the population dead set on believing it. It’s very odd.

This is an internet phenomenon.

Typically, someone posts something in writing and can't deny what they said or didn't say. Often, that original stance is from the hip and reflects some bias and/or the desire to prove someone wrong whom they have battled with in the past. Also, it's sometimes obvious someone is just in a crappy, negative mood and wants to vent without any real basis in fact.

So, it starts with something not very well thought out and often completely wrong, this person gets called on it, then starts a defense that can last for years and often takes off on numerous tangents in increasingly wild attempts to save face, while in actuality they are destroying all credibility.

How many times do people say here (let alone other discussion forums that don't have a tiny fraction of our decorum), "My bad. I was wrong. Thanks for the info." It happens some here but mostly you just get an endless pissing contest where the person on the back foot probably doesn't even believe what they are posting. And therefore, no amount of facts and evidence will do anything but prompt more illogical argument.

A quick and obvious example of this is a few people who insist on bashing Penn Square Mall. An uninformed and negative post is made without a lot of thought (it hasn't been renovated in 30 years, it's always empty, all the stores are leaving), lots of people present a long list of facts that prove them wrong, and all these defensive people do is lie in wait for anything that might remotely support their previous assertations and then start all over again.

03-15-2024, 01:12 PM
you're appearing to be looking for the negative/skeptic on this developer/project, but I think we should be fair in our findings particularly if it is common or procedural - rather than presupposing a position in order to support other findings you've discovered.

It should be obvious that SOMEONE in this city has to do real work to ask questions and to verify things that seem to defy common sense.

The local papers and news stations do nothing but aid people attempting to scam by giving them endless promotion, printing whatever they say, and not even being willing or prepared in advance to ask obvious questions.

So, I feel compelled to counter some of this craziness, especially because several times in the past I've help expose some really bad things.

I only take this stance when we get the crazy local media hype combined with facts that are in obvious conflict. There are hundreds if not thousands of developments I've covered and maybe 5-6 where I've played devil's advocate. In every instance once these things play out, there are serious problems revealed; we're seeing that now with Strawberry Fields. And given the weird culture in OKC, I catch a lot of crap for not being a blind cheerleader -- or more correctly, a Useful Idiot.

03-15-2024, 01:23 PM
I'm still wondering why the scrutiny now on 'sneaking' in a 4th tower when it was always there as a future phase, as I pointed out known as tower 3.

Good thing print/documentation exists.

This is the original plan that what was shown to the Planning Commission 6 months before the posts you referenced:

No one is saying anything about "sneaking" anything in. Just clarifying what was originally presented to the city: 3 towers, comprised of 2 hotel and one residential tower.

No reason to assume any malice.

03-15-2024, 01:31 PM
The residential towers are in three phases, they are slated to start one year after the previous phase, but I can tell you that is what the very best case that developer hopes for and phases two and three will start as demand allows. What is the current absorption rate in Oklahoma City for premium high rise apartments? Is there a precedent that shows the market can take on 300+ units per year?

So to recap there was a cautious realistic " best case scenario" timeline for three towers less than a year ago, but now the developer is talking like he has funding for everything and a 4th tallest residential tower is just around the corner. Pending FAA approval of course.

03-15-2024, 01:41 PM
We may be on different sides of this fence, where you're appearing to be looking for the negative/skeptic on this developer/project, .

I think it's more of a matter that he's the only one really looking into the claims surrounding the developer. I'm sure if there was an 1100 ft building in Miami that Matteson spearheaded, Pete would have gladly shared that information with us. But not only did Matteson not develop such a building, no such building exists. It's not "negative/skeptical" to refute bogus claims. it's just factual reporting.

03-15-2024, 01:51 PM
I think it's more of a matter that he's the only one really looking into the claims surrounding the developer. I'm sure if there was an 1100 ft building in Miami that Matteson spearheaded, Pete would have gladly shared that information with us. But not only did Matteson not develop such a building, no such building exists. It's not "negative/skeptical" to refute bogus claims. it's just factual reporting.

Right, and once you catch someone in an obvious lie, they have invited scrutiny.

I was suspicious before this was even announced in its far more humble scope. I had talked to several local people behind the scenes who had been approached about this project and all felt like it was unrealistic. And this was back when it was three towers, two hotels, and infinitely more modest. All of them passed and to this day I haven't heard of anyone in OKC who has opted in.

Then, I immediately started to research Matteson. I would have been thrilled to find all these amazing projects with his role clearly defined, but I couldn't find anything recent at all and then he started to claim projects as 'his' when he was clearly taking credit for the work of other people.

That is a lot of red flags long before things got really crazy.

03-15-2024, 02:25 PM
]it is quite interesting how people defend projects like BP and AE[/B], which there's NO movement and no evidence of an actual project/plan. Yet those same people are trashing Boardwalk forgetting what we all discussed just 6 months ago - long before Legends Tower. im so confused, Boardwalk has and is completing logical steps towards a launch yet it's dismissed as sketchy yet BP and AE have done nothing but delay and when I or others raise concern we're rebutted as not being in OKC or lending BP developer credibility because of what they're doing in another market. ...

I stand by my opinion, that this project is moving forward. They're going through the process and given the approval of the original design - I expect Phase 1 will proceed. If the FAA approves and the city gives variance in June, then one would expect permitting and a start thereafter if the funds are there.

OMG, that's because the people behind those projects are reputable developers with deep pockets and a solid track record who, as a bonus, many of us here know personally. How the hell is that even a relevant comparison to some random guy from California who no one had heard of, that constantly exaggerates, said he's going to build the tallest building in america here, apparently has no track record and is working with a guy that people have lambasted here for massively under delivering on several of his developments?

You guys are wild.

03-15-2024, 02:31 PM
here is the original site plan, note there's 4 towers and tower 3 (now known as Legends Tower supertall) is oriented to Reno Ave with the twins at the RR and hotel unchanged at Reno and Oklahoma.

I'm still wondering why the scrutiny now on 'sneaking' in a 4th tower when it was always there as a future phase, as I pointed out known as tower 3. Tower 4 is the hotel and was always there just not in city plans when referencing TIF (due to Omni). The only changes have been the heights, the placements of the towers (twins moved towards Reno, Tower 3 moved to OKC blvd, and Tower 3 being a supertall known as Legends.

Good thing print/documentation exists.

You're proving our point. This post shows 3 towers. Where are you seeing 4 proposed towers?

Richard at Remax
03-15-2024, 02:51 PM
I think two lines of thoughts are perfectly OK to have at the same time:

1) you really would love for this to come to fruition and think it's awesome to see proposals like this
2) you also realize none of this is adding up and 1000% absurd and (the supertall) is not going to happen in our lifetime

Thinking #1 but not #2, you are just setting yourself up for massive disappointment and egg on your face by dying on that hill.

03-15-2024, 03:04 PM
I think two lines of thoughts are perfectly OK to have at the same time:

1) you really would love for this to come to fruition and think it's awesome to see proposals like this
2) you also realize none of this is adding up and 1000% absurd and not going to happen in our lifetime

Thinking #1 but not #2, you are just setting yourself up for massive disappointment and egg on your face by dying on that hill.

I think #2 isn't 100% fair, because I think the shorter towers are going to happen. But the supertall is not. Something may come of it. But it will be downsized considerably.

But part x being wrong doesn't mean parts a through w are also wrong. I think he went about it wrong by bringing up the tower so soon. I agree with everyone on that.

Richard at Remax
03-15-2024, 03:15 PM
^ I edited the comment to reflect the supertall. But still very iffy on everything else. I don't care about the $200mil gift, it just all smells to me.

03-15-2024, 03:26 PM
An involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy was filed against Matteson in 2020 for a large sum owed to an attorney, amounts that had been previously set through two court judgments. Ultimately, it looks like the matter was settled out of court. The address shown for Matteson is in an apartment complex.

Also, Matteson lists a development in Aspen on his resume but fails to mention that in 2016 a subsidiary of Centurian formed to build a hotel nearby went into bankruptcy and was forced to sell the land.



03-15-2024, 03:37 PM
Centurion Partners leading the lodging charge

03-15-2024, 03:41 PM
Centurion Partners leading the lodging charge

That's another "I'm gonna" article from 10 years before they had to declare bankruptcy (the article I posted above yours) on one of the sites.

It does appear the group completed the one 34-suite timeshare project, but in that same article Matteson talks about a bunch more projects that never happened (2nd condo tower in San Diego, a golf course development in Cancun, basically everything else in Aspen but the one timeshare).

03-15-2024, 04:02 PM
Condo Developer Centurion Busy in Aspen, San Diego

03-15-2024, 04:06 PM
Hotel Icon deal a slam-dunk

03-15-2024, 04:26 PM
I think #2 isn't 100% fair, because I think the shorter towers are going to happen. But the supertall is not. Something may come of it. But it will be downsized considerably.

But part x being wrong doesn't mean parts a through w are also wrong. I think he went about it wrong by bringing up the tower so soon. I agree with everyone on that.

Again, based on what?

03-15-2024, 04:29 PM
Newport Beach Builder Signs on to $20B Miami Project