View Full Version : Boardwalk at Bricktown / Dream Hotel

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12-19-2023, 01:26 PM
It’s funny how we’ve been anxiously awaiting the full plans and renderings for this development for 2 years and then suddenly a mammoth skyscraper steals the show to the point of little discussion on the other phase 1 towers. I recall original sketch plans of more aesthetically pleasing, sharper towers with trees and balconies throughout. The podium looks great but no shots at all of the lagoon. These renderings come as a disappointment to me. Now as far as THE TOWER is concerned, why would a developer even include it rendered if the first thing we’ll say is “no tower = failed development”. Clearly there is smoke of something massive, hopefully we get a full blaze fire. Maybe not 134 stories but even if it gets cut 1/3 then it’s a skyline changing tower. Lastly, we just got plans of a SUPERTALL in Bricktown while the city couldn’t release any plan regarding the new arena. I don’t care about political logistics, we should of been had an idea of what the arena COULD look like

12-19-2023, 01:41 PM
It’s funny how we’ve been anxiously awaiting the full plans and renderings for this development for 2 years and then suddenly a mammoth skyscraper steals the show to the point of little discussion on the other phase 1 towers. I recall original sketch plans of more aesthetically pleasing, sharper towers with trees and balconies throughout. The podium looks great but no shots at all of the lagoon. These renderings come as a disappointment to me. Now as far as THE TOWER is concerned, why would a developer even include it rendered if the first thing we’ll say is “no tower = failed development”. Clearly there is smoke of something massive, hopefully we get a full blaze fire. Maybe not 134 stories but even if it gets cut 1/3 then it’s a skyline changing tower. Lastly, we just got plans of a SUPERTALL in Bricktown while the city couldn’t release any plan regarding the new arena. I don’t care about political logistics, we should of been had an idea of what the arena COULD look like

The city was not allowed to spend money on plans and designs prior to the vote. Everyone wants to conflate the city's status in all this with that of a private developer. Why can't people understand that cities (and all government entities) are not companies.

12-19-2023, 01:51 PM
It’s funny how we’ve been anxiously awaiting the full plans and renderings for this development for 2 years and then suddenly a mammoth skyscraper steals the show to the point of little discussion on the other phase 1 towers. I recall original sketch plans of more aesthetically pleasing, sharper towers with trees and balconies throughout. The podium looks great but no shots at all of the lagoon. These renderings come as a disappointment to me. Now as far as THE TOWER is concerned, why would a developer even include it rendered if the first thing we’ll say is “no tower = failed development”. Clearly there is smoke of something massive, hopefully we get a full blaze fire. Maybe not 134 stories but even if it gets cut 1/3 then it’s a skyline changing tower. Lastly, we just got plans of a SUPERTALL in Bricktown while the city couldn’t release any plan regarding the new arena. I don’t care about political logistics, we should of been had an idea of what the arena COULD look like

And premature renderings released would have been merely conceptual and misleading ultimately. There's nothing nefarious at work in this regard. A private developer can put out whatever they want. Different circumstances for a publicly financed development.

12-19-2023, 02:02 PM
Just waiting now for the $1B+ TIF application to go with this thing.

Mr. Blue Sky
12-19-2023, 02:07 PM
Just waiting now for the $1B+ TIF application to go with this thing.

I think the TIF has already been decided?

12-19-2023, 02:16 PM
The city was not allowed to spend money on plans and designs prior to the vote. Everyone wants to conflate the city's status in all this with that of a private developer. Why can't people understand that cities (and all government entities) are not companies.

Populous released renderings for Milwaukee’s proposed arena as early as April 2015 while the senate vote was still months out. The city could’ve done something but chose not to. Which is fine. Didn’t mean to turn this thread into arena talk. My other points are far more important

12-19-2023, 02:17 PM
KFOR shared full detailed plans in their arcticle:

Note: They have the smaller towers topping out at 345FT, that is with the podium.

Ok, did they use Chat GPT to word this?

“But, they’re required to build at least 500-million dollars worth of development at least 9-hundred residential units in addition to that hotel and some of the other amenities.”

Lafferty Daniel
12-19-2023, 03:05 PM
I just wish the uHaul building would get bought by this group, they bulldoze it and reroute Oklahoma Ave to running straight south into the blvd. I hate that little detour so much.

Mississippi Blues
12-19-2023, 03:17 PM
There’s something about the video screens and LED lights all over the podium that takes away from the design to me. I think it’s what they used for the display, so it probably won’t really be an issue. When I try to imagine it without the screens or even just slightly muted colors that don’t contrast so much, it immediately takes the aesthetic of the structure at-large up a few levels.

Mississippi Blues
12-19-2023, 03:21 PM
I just wish the uHaul building would get bought by this group, they bulldoze it and reroute Oklahoma Ave to running straight south into the blvd. I hate that little detour so much.

The U-Haul building doesn’t even have to be razed. The parking lot for it just has to be torn up and Oklahoma Ave could continue south.

12-19-2023, 03:23 PM
I just wish the uHaul building would get bought by this group, they bulldoze it and reroute Oklahoma Ave to running straight south into the blvd. I hate that little detour so much.

UHaul actually has a pretty cool little history of that building with an old image of it.
U-Haul: U-Haul Moving & Storage of Bricktown ( (

12-19-2023, 03:33 PM
I mean…hidden underneath the tin skin of the U-Haul building is OKC’s best remaining example of an industrial building from the early 20th other than 21C - oops I mean the Fordson Hotel - but sure, let’s knock it down…


Mississippi Blues
12-19-2023, 03:40 PM
I mean…hidden underneath the tin skin of the U-Haul building is OKC’s best remaining example of an industrial building from the early 20th other than 21C - oops I mean the Fordson Hotel - but sure, let’s knock it down…


It’s one of a handful of buildings left in OKC that I’d legit riot if anything besides historical restoration happened to it.

12-19-2023, 04:18 PM
. The city could’ve done something but chose not to.

this is not correct at all ..

12-19-2023, 04:20 PM
but even if it gets cut 1/3 then it’s a skyline changing tower.

you don't think 3 of the tallest 10 buildings in OKC would be "skyline changing" ??

12-19-2023, 04:28 PM
They claim Larry Nichols and the downtown development board wouldn’t approve it because it would overshadow the Devon Tower. I call bullsh!t. They would approve it if it was seriously proposed and build permits submitted.

Furthermore they ask who would live in a building so high. Lots of people live in very tall buildings so I’d guess a lot of people would. Not only that it’ll still be the second tallest residential building in the world when built. I bet it’s successful if built. I will personally guarantee OKC as my second home here as opposed to Edmond if it’s built. I want a unit as high as possible.

If anyone here is ever been on a new modern super tall then you’ll know how fast these elevators move.

I may be wrong but the lost ogle appears to be mostly BS and satire :wink:

Lafferty Daniel
12-19-2023, 04:31 PM
The U-Haul building doesn’t even have to be razed. The parking lot for it just has to be torn up and Oklahoma Ave could continue south.

I mean…hidden underneath the tin skin of the U-Haul building is OKC’s best remaining example of an industrial building from the early 20th other than 21C - oops I mean the Fordson Hotel - but sure, let’s knock it down…

Had no idea. Pretty cool!

Well then yes, keep the building, remove the tin siding, tear up the parking lot and extend Oklahoma Ave.

Plutonic Panda
12-19-2023, 05:13 PM
I may be wrong but the lost ogle appears to be mostly BS and satire :wink:
For the most part id agree but some of the writers(or maybe just one) seems to kinda go back and fourth between blurring the line.

12-19-2023, 09:02 PM
Lol. Definitely an early Christmas for me this year

I can just see it .... the Panda - luxury living in the sky! :)

Plutonic Panda
12-19-2023, 09:09 PM
I can just see it .... the Panda - luxury living in the sky! :)
All I now is I-35 to be widened to 40 lanes so I can see it from southern window ;) If that happens I promise an OKCTalk party at the Devon tower all drinks on me!

12-19-2023, 09:20 PM
All I now is I-35 to be widened to 40 lanes so I can see it from southern window ;) If that happens I promise an OKCTalk party at the Devon tower all drinks on me! about an OKCTalk Party at the top of the new 1700+ ft tower?!

Plutonic Panda
12-19-2023, 10:07 PM about an OKCTalk Party at the top of the new 1700+ ft tower?!
Now we gotta wait for that but I’m absolutely down! Or up. No pun intended

12-20-2023, 01:37 AM
If construction on the new $5.5 billion refinery actually gets underway in Cushing in 2024, along with the $2+ billion amusement park in northeast Oklahoma, then it might make the 134-story tower seem more realistic or at least a scaled back version. Matteson has said plans can change to make the tower shorter if demand is lower than what he expects.

12-20-2023, 06:51 AM
Are we still looking at construction beginning in June? KOCO said they were told in the next 1 or 2 years

12-20-2023, 07:37 AM
Construction on the first phase is to start as soon as this summer. I think they were talking about the supertall. Remember all this is being built in phases. The twin apartment towers will be first since that is what the TIF was approved for. Followed by the hotel, then supertall.

12-20-2023, 10:28 AM
Construction on the first phase is to start as soon as this summer. I think they were talking about the supertall. Remember all this is being built in phases. The twin apartment towers will be first since that is what the TIF was approved for. Followed by the hotel, then supertall.

From here on out I am only going to refer to that building as "SuperTall"! Thanks! haha!

12-20-2023, 10:46 AM
From here on out I am only going to refer to that building as "SuperTall"! Thanks! haha!

A supertall is defined as a skyscraper with a height of 300 m (984 ft) to 599 m (1,965 ft), so it's a real thing lol. Megatalls are 600+ m.

12-20-2023, 10:48 AM
A supertall is defined as a skyscraper with a height of 300 m (984 ft) to 599 m (1,965 ft), so it's a real thing lol. Megatalls are 600+ m.

Just got sent this photo in a work email. So maybe we can call it a SuperHaul!


12-20-2023, 11:58 AM
Construction on the first phase is to start as soon as this summer. I think they were talking about the supertall. Remember all this is being built in phases. The twin apartment towers will be first since that is what the TIF was approved for. Followed by the hotel, then supertall.

In my opinion. None of this is being built. Do not set yourself up for disappointment.

12-20-2023, 12:02 PM
Just got sent this photo in a work email. So maybe we can call it a SuperHaul!



12-20-2023, 12:10 PM
In my opinion. None of this is being built. Do not set yourself up for disappointment.

Yes, you have repeatedly asserted this. We get it. As always, your self-appointed role here - as a guest on an OKC message board - is to pimp your own hometown and to trash OKC. If anyone doubts this they can just check out your posting history here.

I think very few people on this board believe the supertall will happen as described. Even city officials and co-developers referred to this as "aspirational." But if you think none of what has been described is going to happen you're quite mistaken. These are capable developers with a track record, with capital, AND a $200 million dollar TIF pledge from the City of OKC. This development has been in the works for a few years already, and likely has millions already spent in design fees. Go bark up a different tree.

12-20-2023, 12:19 PM
yes, you have repeatedly asserted this. We get it. As always, your self-appointed role here - as a guest on an okc message board - is to pimp your own hometown and to trash okc. If anyone doubts this they can just check out your posting history here.

I think very few people on this board believe the supertall will happen as described. Even city officials and co-developers referred to this as "aspirational." but if you think none of what has been described is going to happen you're quite mistaken. These are capable developers with a track record, with capital, and a $200 million dollar tif pledge from the city of okc. This development has been in the works for a few years already, and likely has millions already spent in design fees. Go bark up a different tree.Exactly.

12-20-2023, 12:43 PM
In my opinion. None of this is being built. Do not set yourself up for disappointment.

12-20-2023, 12:54 PM
In my opinion. None of this is being built. Do not set yourself up for disappointment.

So not one building, or just the super tall? I get your schtick is to poopoo on anything in OKC, but that is a horrid stretch. I don't want you throwing your back out on this one.

Jersey Boss
12-20-2023, 01:28 PM

The second coming of Howard Hughes

12-20-2023, 01:47 PM
Can I just mention how many people on Instagram are complaining that a building this tall would blow over in the wind so we shouldn’t build it for everyone’s safety…? When has this ever happened and why is everyone a construction expert lol?

12-20-2023, 01:51 PM
Are we still looking at construction beginning in June? KOCO said they were told in the next 1 or 2 years

An insider told me they hope to start digging by the end of next year. Most of this will commence in 2025

12-20-2023, 01:52 PM
Can I just mention how many people on Instagram are complaining that a building this tall would blow over in the wind so we shouldn’t build it for everyone’s safety…? When has this ever happened and why is everyone a construction expert lol?

Someone else kept saying over and over that our clay soils and bedrock aren't capable of supporting a building that tall. The person, notably, is not a structural engineer. People are absolute blooming idiots.

12-20-2023, 01:54 PM
In my opinion. None of this is being built. Do not set yourself up for disappointment.

I will bet you $10 that you're wrong.

12-20-2023, 01:55 PM
Someone else kept saying over and over that our clay soils and bedrock aren't capable of supporting a building that tall. The person, notably, is not a structural engineer. People are absolute blooming idiots.

Yeah… they’re going to look at the stunning, massive, decade old Devon Tower standing strong and simultaneously claim that our soil would prevent it haha. Can’t expect everyone to be an expert (I’m certainly not) but if just makes me laugh.

12-20-2023, 01:56 PM
I will bet you $10 that you're wrong.

Make it $11

12-20-2023, 02:20 PM

Strange, found this pic of Oklahoma City dated as far back as January 6, 2023

Are my eyes deceiving me are does anyone see that huge Skyscraper in the pick above.


12-20-2023, 02:40 PM
Someone else kept saying over and over that our clay soils and bedrock aren't capable of supporting a building that tall. The person, notably, is not a structural engineer. People are absolute blooming idiots.

Yeah, and the sands of Dubai can support the most unbelievably massive structure the world has ever seen.

People are just insane.

It does bring up an interesting point though, in theory any future tower will be built on top of the already existing podium. The engineering of what is built initially for the podium is going to have to be able to support a taller tower if there is any serious consideration in eventually constructing that part. I'd think we'll know how serious we are with initial plans

12-20-2023, 02:42 PM

Strange, found this pic of Oklahoma City dated as far back as January 6, 2023

Are my eyes deceiving me are does anyone see that huge Skyscraper in the pick above.


Ha! I forgot those lights were installed around Scissortail park...

Plutonic Panda
12-20-2023, 02:45 PM
Yeah well, that’s just like, your opinion man

Plutonic Panda
12-20-2023, 02:46 PM
Make it $11
Make it $14.69

12-20-2023, 03:19 PM
I will bet you $10 that you're wrong.

I am honestly confident enough to take that bet. I’ve seen this far too many times. Grandiose plans from someone who has never done or been close to executing anything of that scale. I’m not just taking the super tall. I mean that entire proposal. Will something get built on that site? Probably. Will it be what was proposed? Imo, no. None of it.

Plutonic Panda
12-20-2023, 03:23 PM
I am honestly confident enough to take that bet. I’ve seen this far too many times. Grandiose plans from someone who has never done or been close to executing anything of that scale. I’m not just taking the super tall. I mean that entire proposal. Will something get built on that site? Probably. Will it be what was proposed? Imo, no. None of it.
So how we doing this? Cashapp? In person?

12-20-2023, 03:42 PM
It does bring up an interesting point though, in theory any future tower will be built on top of the already existing podium. The engineering of what is built initially for the podium is going to have to be able to support a taller tower if there is any serious consideration in eventually constructing that part. I'd think we'll know how serious we are with initial plans

from the plans it looks like the 4th tower is fully separate and will "attach" to the existing podium

12-20-2023, 03:58 PM
Can I just mention how many people on Instagram are complaining that a building this tall would blow over in the wind so we shouldn’t build it for everyone’s safety…? When has this ever happened and why is everyone a construction expert lol?

Most people are idiots. Look no further than Facebook/Instagram post comments for verification.

12-20-2023, 04:24 PM
So how we doing this? Cashapp? In person?

He's leaving it too general. The way he's worded it if anything, however slight, is different from the final product than this render he can say that it fits into "something was built but not what was proposed".

12-20-2023, 04:44 PM
So how we doing this? Cashapp? In person?

I will hand deliver my contribution.

12-20-2023, 05:11 PM
What I would like to see is them just build all 4 towers at the 345FT. When those are completed, look for a location closer in the downtown core, and build 600-700FT tower. Let's say the old Stage Center site. OG&E is not going to build on it, might as well sell it to someone who will.

12-20-2023, 06:47 PM
What I would like to see is them just build all 4 towers at the 345FT. When those are completed, look for a location closer in the downtown core, and build 600-700FT tower. Let's say the old Stage Center site. OG&E is not going to build on it, might as well sell it to someone who will.

Agree 100%

However, OG&E is going to sit on the Stage Center parcel until it becomes time to crack that piggy-bank open and gut
Mr. Pigg for every cent in sight. They blew their opportunity with the 4-tower Clayco Development and choose to redo
their historical building.

Now it's time for OG&E to move on; get out of the way of Oklahoma City's future development.

12-20-2023, 08:03 PM
My heart breaks every time I drive past Hudson & Sheridan. Losing the Stage Center is bad enough but those Clayco renderings were so good. The Art deco inspired look would’ve brought much needed juice to the western end of the skyline

Plutonic Panda
12-20-2023, 08:29 PM
My heart breaks every time I drive past Hudson & Sheridan. Losing the Stage Center is bad enough but those Clayco renderings were so good. The Art deco inspired look would’ve brought much needed juice to the western end of the skyline
I completely agree. A little part of me hopes maybe they’ll get built there one day.

12-21-2023, 05:32 AM
I completely agree. A little part of me hopes maybe they’ll get built there one day.

I remember how excited this whole thread was. Still feels like a punch in the kidneys

12-21-2023, 08:50 AM
I remember how excited this whole thread was. Still feels like a punch in the kidneys
This thread?

12-21-2023, 11:54 AM
I'm finding it hilarious the amount of wiener envy that is going on with the skyscraperpage forums on this. If nothing else, the proposal has created a buzz. People are talking and discussing the site and the city. What's the adage? There's no such thing as bad publicity?

Do I think this thing will be built anything like this proposal? No. But hey, it's causing a lot of people to talk about OKC, so that's great!

12-21-2023, 12:32 PM
Yes and no.
When the tone is: this particular building won’t happen but look at the activity and momentum in OKC, that’s fine.

When the tone is mocking/laughter, it actually makes OKC look desperate for attention.

I would have loved to see the rest of the proposal (minus the super tall) get introduced and discussed. That’s ambitious but reasonable and shows us in a positive light. The addition of the 134 stories makes the proposal look unserious. Why not a 200 story in Wichita or a 300 story in Des Moines?