12-18-2023, 08:02 AM
Surely they're joking about that residential tower...
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therhett17 12-18-2023, 08:02 AM Surely they're joking about that residential tower... chssooner 12-18-2023, 08:09 AM Surely they're joking about that residential tower... Aspirational. Why dream small? I don't it happens, but he has plans for it. Doesn't mean it will get built. Focus on the 3 other towers that will. chssooner 12-18-2023, 08:10 AM Pete, which committee minutes are these going in front of? Nice to finally see some renderings. Paule4ou 12-18-2023, 08:15 AM I don’t see a tower of that size ever happening here if ‘based on demand’. That would be one helluva LED lighting system on that one…hopefully with better success than the Devon Tower. Considering the location and height if the tower happened it would also change the approach patter on aircraft coming up from the south and turning around for a 17L landing at WWRA as the currently fly right through that space when doing so. Anonymous. 12-18-2023, 08:16 AM This is like some weird clickbait tower hype for the development. The main takeaway is that this project is still coming in phases, which means the first units need to sell, or no more residential will come after. This dream tower wouldn't even be built in Dallas or Austin. I do like the futuristic style of the renderings. Rover 12-18-2023, 08:16 AM It’s clearly described as “aspirational” in the article. Even if it were scaled back to half of the height (or less) it would still be a wild addition to the skyline. The hope may be that showing the impressive tower creates demand for the part that IS likely to be built. Dreams draw people and investors. warreng88 12-18-2023, 08:22 AM Items of note in the article: Hogan said. “I believe the ultimate height of the second phase luxury tower will be determined by market demand of those units and the success of the first phase which is an absolutely beautiful design and program.” “There is no additional money, the deal (TIF) is done,” Tsoodle said. “It's capped at $200 million, and it’s pay-as-you-go. There will not be TIF changes. This is just them dreaming and planning. They want to do a statement piece.” HFAA Alum 12-18-2023, 08:37 AM A supertall, in OKC? Not that I'm against it because HELLO, but I'd pretty much like to think this is just a render passed on possibility and not in reality. It would come off as a bit of an eyesore with how it dominates everything within the immediate area, and then have absolutely nothing sitting in front of it. Granted a development like this could spur a height demand south of the avenue, but there's still the cleanup costs for each lot. Plus there are amenities that need to be invested in like localized grocery stores before this can be sensibly supported for the scale it presents. Will it bring a lot of attention to the city, yeah it would nationally but also bring a lot of scrutiny. I'm happy to get renders, just didn't think it would contain a vision for something so... ambitious. Also, I like how the renderings of this project are released right after the city's vote to keep the Thunder passed with such overwhelming margin. Guess we'll probably see a few more pie-in-the-sky renders coming in the near future. David 12-18-2023, 08:39 AM From the article: Matteson said he has letters of intent for most the commercial space. He said he has reservations for 25% of the branded hotel condominiums simply through word of mouth without any marketing. Matteson said he is sold on Oklahoma City’s future, noting its rising population, low unemployment, rising wages and the emergence of construction cranes throughout the city. So they have 25% of the reservations for the condo towers already in hand? Seems like a very good sign if I am reading that right. Also, I see that it wasn't just the few of us on this forum that were paying attention to all the recent construction cranes. CatholicSooner 12-18-2023, 08:39 AM The whole project, or the super tall tower? I agree if you mean the latter. sorry, I meant the tall tower. Who would want to live in something that tall? Seems like overkill chssooner 12-18-2023, 08:44 AM sorry, I meant the tall tower. Who would want to live in something that tall? Seems like overkill Agreed. I think splitting that in 2 would be amazing! But 134 story tower sounds much cooler. Pete 12-18-2023, 08:47 AM I would concentrate on everything other than the 134-story residential tower, which -- if built at all -- would be in a future phase. It's described as going last in the development and "aspirational". The hotel will be 35 stories and the two initial apartment buildings 32. Remember, hotel and apartment floors are usually significantly shorter than those in office buildings. HTTP:// HTTP:// HTTP:// HTTP:// HTTP:// HTTP:// HTTP:// bump stlokc 12-18-2023, 08:48 AM I love the density of the towers and the street presence looks interesting, better than before. I am a little concerned about the shopping and restaurants. My preference would be for less of that, so that we are not cannibalizing from the rest of the Bricktown area. But the renderings are a step forward. The tall tower? Gimme a break. I wouldn't want that even if there was market demand, which of course there wouldn't be. It would look like a complete joke on the skyline. Jake 12-18-2023, 08:50 AM Seems like the 3 towers have a relatively decent chance of happening and they look neat so I'm hopeful. ChrisHayes 12-18-2023, 08:55 AM bump Minus the supertall, are these renderings of what they have plan? chssooner 12-18-2023, 08:56 AM I love the density of the towers and the street presence looks interesting, better than before. I am a little concerned about the shopping and restaurants. My preference would be for less of that, so that we are not cannibalizing from the rest of the Bricktown area. But the renderings are a step forward. The tall tower? Gimme a break. I wouldn't want that even if there was market demand, which of course there wouldn't be. It would look like a complete joke on the skyline. This will have a different level of shopping and restaurants. I know it's a promo rendering, but seeing Yard House there seems intentional. I know the article mentioned having a lot of commercial LOIs already. dwellsokc 12-18-2023, 08:59 AM "Dream" is the right name... because that's exactly what it is. AO Architects have nothing close to the scale of this project in their portfolio. This project will die a merciful death unless they're partnering with a black-cape high rise architect (who they should credit ASAP). It's safe to say that a Devon scale high rise will NOT be happening. BoulderSooner 12-18-2023, 09:05 AM From the article: So they have 25% of the reservations for the condo towers already in hand? Seems like a very good sign if I am reading that right. Also, I see that it wasn't just the few of us on this forum that were paying attention to all the recent construction cranes. umm I would kill for a Yard House that would be amazing .. shavethewhales 12-18-2023, 09:06 AM I mean, it's cool to see something like this proposed, but it's absolutely a case of throwing something big and flashy out there to get attention before the real plans are finalized. Guessing this will get value engineered down quite a bit, as we are pretty much all saying. The wool has been pulled over the eyes of this board a few times too many apparently, lol. Reminds me of the giant tower that was recently proposed in Tulsa a few months before the developer group fell apart, or the Innovation district towers that have been scaled way back in size and grandeur. But hey, it means what actually gets built will still be pretty substantial and have a big impact on the OKC skyline. ABryant 12-18-2023, 09:08 AM Lower Bricktown 2.0. I laughed so hard at this, and very few people share my humor. Prove me wrong. LocoAko 12-18-2023, 09:08 AM I'm actually slightly cringing that those renderings were put forth. It's fun to dream, but many people will gloss over the "aspirational" aspect and it detracts from what is otherwise going to be a game-changing project for Lower Bricktown that would be a big deal on its own. Then we will deal with "disappointment" and cynicism when it inevitably falls through, at least among folks who pay attention to these things. It just strikes me as an unserious and unnecessary move, even though the rest of the project sounds promising. Fingers crossed at least that portion happens as rendered... the street-level massing looks great. ABryant 12-18-2023, 09:13 AM They didn't even know that we are the Oklahoma City Baseball Club now. BoulderSooner 12-18-2023, 09:22 AM Minus the supertall, are these renderings of what they have plan? should be we will find out very soon in their city application JAW 12-18-2023, 09:23 AM We need this lot developed, and towers are great, but that doesn't fit in much with Bricktown. Something like that, if built, fits in better next to the park. Heck, in the lot by Paycom and Myriad gardens. But it just seems jarring transition from that to bricks all around. And I still wish they could find a way to expand the canal in that lot and loop it to the bowling alley and movie theater, and then build the hotels and residential around the canal expansion. ABryant 12-18-2023, 09:44 AM 100% chance that if they build this ridiculous tower we get a downtown Whole Foods. G.Walker 12-18-2023, 10:02 AM I am sorry, although nice, that is just wayyyyy too tall and out of place, no reason for it to be that tall. Not sure why soonerguru 12-18-2023, 10:05 AM Well, that would certainly be insane. This will certainly get PluPan's blood pumping! soonerguru 12-18-2023, 10:17 AM I love the density of the towers and the street presence looks interesting, better than before. I am a little concerned about the shopping and restaurants. My preference would be for less of that, so that we are not cannibalizing from the rest of the Bricktown area. But the renderings are a step forward. The tall tower? Gimme a break. I wouldn't want that even if there was market demand, which of course there wouldn't be. It would look like a complete joke on the skyline. Again, the superl tower isn't likely to happen at that scale, but there's room for improvement in Bricktown for both retail shopping and restaurants. Also, this would be bringing a ton more permanent people into the district between the hotel and the residential towers. jn1780 12-18-2023, 10:30 AM What this rendering is trying to do is to tapped into the post arena vote momentum. The tall building is not even practical for OKC in any shape or form. Plenty of relatively cheap land to build on for towers a quarter of that size. Bellaboo 12-18-2023, 10:42 AM I'll be extremely happy with the 3 towers with recent upgrades. That's a real win. Any idea when the next bit of official information comes out ? sethsrott 12-18-2023, 10:44 AM While I think the tower will never happen, and honestly looks a bit ridiculous given its location and comparison to the rest of the skyline. I don't mind people seeing it, and it making developers around the country (who I would assume talk) look at Oklahoma City just to see 'what's all this about' and perhaps getting some speculative development around this project and the new arena. Maybe I'm just looking for silver linings, but I hope this has an effect on new investment and projects. PoliSciGuy 12-18-2023, 10:49 AM I doubt the huge tower will happen, but I appreciate the fact that some developers are at least thinking big (or tall) about what this city can support and offer. HFAA Alum 12-18-2023, 10:50 AM What this rendering is trying to do is to tapped into the post arena vote momentum. The tall building is not even practical for OKC in any shape or form. Plenty of relatively cheap land to build on for towers a quarter of that size. I just said this a second ago, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it. amocore 12-18-2023, 10:50 AM This development, even without the tower, would be amazing. Much needed density in the core. We need boulevard place to get going too, to link the area between the coop, brick town and the Omni/park area Richard at Remax 12-18-2023, 10:51 AM I don't know if this firm can ever be taken seriously now after releasing pics with that dream of a supertall included. What a joke. They lost all credibility with me and I somewhat feel sorry for Steve writing that piece about it. Tyson 12-18-2023, 10:54 AM Yeah this seems a little odd? My heart skipped a beat when I saw those pics. This would be the craziest and most wonderful thing. W8N2SKI 12-18-2023, 11:00 AM All of these are real businesses in the renderings, so these might be companies the developers have already signed LOIs for. Gives me confidence in this development. Yard House ( The Bungalow Kitchen ( Putt Shack ( Chronic Tacos ( chssooner 12-18-2023, 11:00 AM I don't know if this firm can ever be taken seriously now after releasing pics with that dream of a supertall included. What a joke. They lost all credibility with me and I somewhat feel sorry for Steve writing that piece about it. The other 3 towers are 100% realistic, and Matteson Capital has a long, well-documented history of successful projects. The super tall tower is well-noted as "aspirational". Quit being so negative and calling the whole project a joke just because of something that was admitted to be aspirational. Richard at Remax 12-18-2023, 11:05 AM The other 3 towers are 100% realistic, and Matteson Capital has a long, well-documented history of successful projects. The super tall tower is well-noted as "aspirational". Quit being so negative and calling the whole project a joke just because of something that was admitted to be aspirational. Releasing pics of a development we already knew to have 3 towers in it and just happen to throw in a "hey look at me 135 story residential tower" just because is stupid and was only intended for click bait. The actual development looks really cool and intriguing. Bored UCO Student 12-18-2023, 11:09 AM I don't know if this firm can ever be taken seriously now after releasing pics with that dream of a supertall included. What a joke. They lost all credibility with me and I somewhat feel sorry for Steve writing that piece about it. In actuality your average person isn't gonna remember the name of the firm who released it 3 hours after they read the article and most won't even go that far. However, they'll probably remember the picture of that monstrosity of a high-rise proposal for the next 20 years. I'm just gonna pretend it isn't there for the rest of my life and force myself to forget it ever happened. Would love to see it get maybe sliced into a third of what it is now, would fit much better and seem more realistic, even for a pet project. Really excited for everything else in this project, ready to see ground moving over the next couple years. jn1780 12-18-2023, 11:16 AM I just said this a second ago, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it. Yeah, I'm just going to say they were feeling overzealous after the positive vote. Should have took a deep breather or hopped onto okctalk and got it out of their system. They went overboard just 'a tad' bit :) Anonymous. 12-18-2023, 11:20 AM The article mentions AO Architecture as design and Hensel Phelps as contractor. Neither of those company's websites have mention of this project existing. Steve, even links to AO page, but it takes you to a Vegas hotel project that is alluded to earlier in the piece. I am going to ignore the supertall and say that the only way I see even the second residential tower getting built is if this project was actually a part of the entire PSM/CCC new arena's [likely] location proposal. G.Walker 12-18-2023, 11:22 AM I like the 3 tower development, though every new rendering we see it gets changed. Hopefully this is the last one. As far as the supertall, I would rather them spend the money building multiple smaller high rise towers and create density vs. one out of place supertall. PhiAlpha 12-18-2023, 11:23 AM I don't know if this firm can ever be taken seriously now after releasing pics with that dream of a supertall included. What a joke. They lost all credibility with me and I somewhat feel sorry for Steve writing that piece about it. Apparently he’s still searching desperately for the development that will make Dallas and KC jealous. Sean Kanaly 12-18-2023, 11:23 AM Unrealistic. No way anything over 600' is built. As for everything else, what an amazing proposal. CatholicSooner 12-18-2023, 11:24 AM All of these brings are real businesses, so these might be companies the developers have already signed LOIs for. Gives me confidence in this development. Yard House ( The Bungalow Kitchen ( Putt Shack ( Chronic Tacos ( how about a shake shack? BoulderSooner 12-18-2023, 11:25 AM I don't know if this firm can ever be taken seriously now after releasing pics with that dream of a supertall included. What a joke. They lost all credibility with me and I somewhat feel sorry for Steve writing that piece about it. how will they even sleep at night knowing that they lost credibility with you Anonymous. 12-18-2023, 11:29 AM In actuality your average person isn't gonna remember the name of the firm who released it 3 hours after they read the article and most won't even go that far. However, they'll probably remember the picture of that monstrosity of a high-rise proposal for the next 20 years. I'm just gonna pretend it isn't there for the rest of my life and force myself to forget it ever happened. Would love to see it get maybe sliced into a third of what it is now, would fit much better and seem more realistic, even for a pet project. Really excited for everything else in this project, ready to see ground moving over the next couple years. My entire FB feed is people sharing this today. As of typing this looks like Oklahoman has about 25 shares. OKCTalk is approaching 2K. So yea, this is already pretty much a meme. Waiting for the Oklahoma-meme IG pages and Lost Ogle to start making the jokes later today. G.Walker 12-18-2023, 11:29 AM The reason why supertalls are built in NYC is because there is not enough space to build out. Downtown OKC has plenty of space, no need for something this tall. Three 500ft residential towers near downtown would be more impressive. Bellaboo 12-18-2023, 11:30 AM how will they even sleep at night knowing that they lost credibility with you Yep, half of this board act like they have skin in the game... lol Richard at Remax 12-18-2023, 11:32 AM how will they even sleep at night knowing that they lost credibility with you I didn't realize so many would be upset with me calling a reputable firm out for being silly and unrealistic building unrealistic. Bellaboo 12-18-2023, 11:37 AM I didn't realize so many would be upset with me calling a reputable firm out for being silly and unrealistic building unrealistic. Not sure 'upset' is the correct word..... BoulderSooner 12-18-2023, 11:42 AM I didn't realize so many would be upset with me calling a reputable firm out for being silly and unrealistic building unrealistic. it is almost like you didn't even read their comments about the project .. chssooner 12-18-2023, 11:44 AM I didn't realize so many would be upset with me calling a reputable firm out for being silly and unrealistic building unrealistic. Not upset. You were the one upset, saying the firm and whole project team lost your respect (not that they care). But you were bashing the whole project, when 3 of the towers are fully realistic, yet you tried to be edgy and cool and bash the whole thing. Richard at Remax 12-18-2023, 11:47 AM Lol! Richard at Remax 12-18-2023, 11:50 AM Not upset. You were the one upset, saying the firm and whole project team lost your respect (not that they care). But you were bashing the whole project, when 3 of the towers are fully realistic, yet you tried to be edgy and cool and bash the whole thing. For the record see post 879 "The actual development looks really cool and intriguing." HOT ROD 12-18-2023, 11:51 AM It’s clearly described as “aspirational” in the article. Even if it were scaled back to half of the height (or less) it would still be a wild addition to the skyline. exactly, and of note that it took the arena vote to convince the developer OKC was serious about being a permanent member of the TIER II major city club. He's willing to take the risk where others haven't, on OKC. And as Urbanized alludes, even if Tower 3 is half as tall, that's still very aspirational AND it looks like the rest of the complex towers will be 35 floors including Dream Hotel now with almost 500 rooms. ... Appears to be a HUGE win for OKC, esp with construction set to begin in a few months and we might get a supertall out of it. BoulderSooner 12-18-2023, 11:59 AM t looks like the rest of the complex towers will be 35 floors including Dream Hotel now with almost 500 rooms. .... Omni OKC is 17 stories and 214 feet tall .. at 35 floors that would make the Dream Hotel over 430 feet tall .. pretty much in the range of First National and BOK Park Plaza ... the 3rd and 4th tallest buildings in OKC W8N2SKI 12-18-2023, 11:59 AM how about a shake shack? I don't see a Shake Shack logo in the renderings, am I just missing it? Rover 12-18-2023, 12:03 PM The reason why supertalls are built in NYC is because there is not enough space to build out. Downtown OKC has plenty of space, no need for something this tall. Three 500ft residential towers near downtown would be more impressive. It isn't the ONLY reason. Go to Dubai sometime... there's plenty of land but they want the prestige of going UP. Tall buildings are a symbol of prosperity and progress. This rendering is most likely aspirational, as they say themselves. But anything that is a signature tall building would be the sign of a new era in OKC. Look at Austin when they announced the 50+ floor residential. Others followed quickly. |