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01-21-2021, 03:22 PM
I’m currently listening to the dominance hour with Traber, Al, and Tony. Right now, Jim is really getting after Tony for his covid precautions. Does anybody else have a problem with this? I feel like this isn’t doing anything to help our current situation. Tony has a right to prepare how he wants to and the fact he is catching flack for it is pretty disgusting. I think they’re having fun with it to some degree, but Jim is dang near harassing him for it. Live and let live and stop alienating people for trying to be safe in their own way right now.

01-21-2021, 03:36 PM
What specifically was he calling out? Jim is a massive loudmouth.

01-21-2021, 03:54 PM
Not to mention possibly encouraging putting people in danger?

01-21-2021, 03:58 PM
^Definitely. I remember before everything got crazy last year but people were starting to worry, he was blabbering on about how he’s not going to stop going to restaurants or change his life in any way. Obviously that was when we didn’t know much about it, but some areas were starting to shut down and he couldn’t fathom why people would take precautions.

Jersey Boss
01-21-2021, 04:53 PM
His brother is an MD. I wonder what his opinion is. Traber is not even a graduate.

01-21-2021, 04:56 PM
What specifically was he calling out? Jim is a massive loudmouth.

He was grilling tony on his precautions. Tony is pretty safe when it comes to covid. He wears a mask most places. He’s very diligent about wiping down equipment with Lysol. Doesn’t go out to eat. Etc. Jim was grilling him today. Paraphrase below.

Jim - I found a perfect mask for you tony. I’ll send you a link...sends like of full hazmat suit thing...That should be perfect for you tony.

Tony - Laughs it off...Not bad Jim. I would wear that.
*somebody enters Tony’s room to fix equipment*

Jim - You hear that al? I swear I just hear tony pull his make further up over his nose and tighten it down...laughs.

Tony - Justifies his masks wearing...

Jim - Tony, how many times have you been out of the house since this started?

Tony - maybe less than 10.

Jim - What?! I would go crazy man. I can’t live like that! Tony, have you been in a restaurant?

Tony - I have been in a restaurant maybe once since this started.

Jim - What???!!! That’s insane!! I couldn’t live my life like that. Why don’t you get out.

Al - I eat out like 6 days a week...both laugh at tony.

Jim - How many people have been in your house?

Tony - Maybe 3.

Jim - Holy Moses. That’s unreal.

They were relentless and wouldn’t let up. They were essentially mocking him and tony handled it well. However, this is a terrible display by a station like this. You shouldn’t be mocking people. Everyone is handling this differently and has different risks.

01-21-2021, 04:57 PM
What specifically was he calling out? Jim is a massive loudmouth.

I see a lot of people calling Jim a loudmouth, but what do they actually mean by that? I've never understood that. Are people meaning that he is just generally loud? Which is true. Or that he is an asshole/dickhead/jerk? Because that is true as well.

01-21-2021, 05:26 PM
I see a lot of people calling Jim a loudmouth, but what do they actually mean by that? I've never understood that. Are people meaning that he is just generally loud? Which is true. Or that he is an asshole/dickhead/jerk? Because that is true as well.
lol. You’re on one tonight.

Bill Robertson
01-21-2021, 05:29 PM
I’m currently listening to the dominance hour with Traber, Al, and Tony. Right now, Jim is really getting after Tony for his covid precautions. Does anybody else have a problem with this? I feel like this isn’t doing anything to help our current situation. Tony has a right to prepare how he wants to and the fact he is catching flack for it is pretty disgusting. I think they’re having fun with it to some degree, but Jim is dang near harassing him for it. Live and let live and stop alienating people for trying to be safe in their own way right now.I heard a bit of it before changing channels. He does this to Tony a lot. I turn him off because that's better than a fist sized hole in my dash where the radio was. Traber obviously does not take the virus seriously. And for me today was a VERY bad day to listen to someone making fun of trying to be safe.

01-21-2021, 09:04 PM
I see a lot of people calling Jim a loudmouth, but what do they actually mean by that? I've never understood that. Are people meaning that he is just generally loud? Which is true. Or that he is an asshole/dickhead/jerk? Because that is true as well.
I guess what I mean by loudmouth is A) he seems to say what he wants without putting a lot of thought into it and B) he says it with such CONVICTION. I know that it’s his job to talk, but the guy just seems to say a lot of things without any real introspection or analysis.

01-22-2021, 10:27 AM
I may be in the minority and this may seem harsh, but WWLS needs to let him go immediately. There is no excuse, no reason for this behavior. If someone doesn’t know the severity of the situation and thinks being some big bad bully is funny, well he simply doesn’t get it and likely never will.

I tested positive not too long ago. Both my employers have been wonderful. Even so, part of me feels bad being gone for days even though I and they know what is best. Can’t imagine them (and/or my fellow coworkers) making fun and ridiculing me over it.

01-22-2021, 10:54 AM
I may be in the minority and this may seem harsh, but WWLS needs to let him go immediately. There is no excuse, no reason for this behavior. If someone doesn’t know the severity of the situation and thinks being some big bad bully is funny, well he simply doesn’t get it and likely never will.

I tested positive not too long ago. Both my employers have been wonderful. Even so, part of me feels bad being gone for days even though I and they know what is best. Can’t imagine them (and/or my fellow coworkers) making fun and ridiculing me over it.

the segment is lighthearted and not serious

Bill Robertson
01-22-2021, 11:01 AM
the segment is lighthearted and not serious

Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.
In any other workplace I think it would qualify for workplace harrasment.

01-22-2021, 11:16 AM
Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.
In any other workplace I think it would qualify for workplace harrasment.

this wasn't some back room talk . ... it was an on air segment that in no way was "bullying or harassment"

Bill Robertson
01-22-2021, 11:41 AM
this wasn't some back room talk . ... it was an on air segment that in no way was "bullying or harassment"
You set a very low bar I think.

01-22-2021, 12:03 PM
this wasn't some back room talk . ... it was an on air segment that in no way was "bullying or harassment"
Genuinely confused as to how you came to this conclusion.

01-22-2021, 01:17 PM
this wasn't some back room talk . ... it was an on air segment that in no way was "bullying or harassment"

I think it was intended to be lighthearted, but it probably went too long. You know those people that make a joke and get a good laugh, but they keep going and going until everybody is silent and uncomfortable? That’s how it felt to me. Given the fact that people are dying daily from this virus AND people are so polarized about it, this probably isn’t the best way to handle the situation.

01-22-2021, 02:27 PM
Jim definitely is a huge ass, although I don't have a problem with him as many others do. He is definitely joking in these situations but it happens almost every day to some extent. Tony always just shrugs it off or plays along but I'm sure he's had his fill over the last 10 months.

01-22-2021, 04:57 PM
the segment is lighthearted and not serious

I didn't hear it, but if it was "lighthearted and not serious", that's probably what is confusing / concerning to people.

Jersey Boss
01-22-2021, 06:38 PM
I didn't hear it, but if it was "lighthearted and not serious", that's probably what is confusing / concerning to people.

If it was truly light hearted and not serious there wouldn't be any confusion.

01-23-2021, 08:05 AM
If it was truly light hearted and not serious there wouldn't be any confusion.

I listen to the Animal regularly and Jim routinely gives Tony a hard time for his caution. It isn't serious. I also think they're prepping for a new sponsor coming in that provides office cleaning/sterilization services. Traber has been "hard timing" him about it for a while now.

Always keep in mind that not *nearly* as much of what goes on on talk radio is as spontaneous as it may seem.

01-23-2021, 06:15 PM
If it was truly light hearted and not serious there wouldn't be any confusion.

I'm just saying that if I heard someone being light hearted and not serious about someone taking action, and making sacrifices, to help prevent the speared of a disease which is now the third leading cause of death by disease in the country, I'd be confused by that.

Why would Traber lightheartedly mock someone who was sacrificing in order to save lives lives? He should Thank that person and use his position as a media voice to hold them in high regard, right?

01-23-2021, 06:24 PM
Always keep in mind that not *nearly* as much of what goes on on talk radio is as spontaneous as it may seem.

Of course not.

But you are suggesting that 98.1 is concertedly profiting off of people's real suffering and others fear.

This Tony guy should be appreciated it for what he's done. Instead. you're saying that the station scripted a ridicule of him to sell ads to a company providing sanitation theatre?

And your position is that's cool.

That's why we are where we are.

Bill Robertson
01-23-2021, 06:47 PM
I'm just saying that if I heard someone being light hearted and not serious about someone taking action, and making sacrifices, to help prevent the speared of a disease which is now the third leading cause of death by disease in the country, I'd be confused by that.

Why would Traber lightheartedly mock someone who was sacrificing in order to save lives lives? He should Thank that person and use his position as a media voice to hold them in high regard, right?

Traber has made it clear since virus day one that "living life as usual" is more important than taking precautions.

Bill Robertson
01-23-2021, 06:51 PM
Of course not.

But you are suggesting that 98.1 is concertedly profiting off of people's real suffering and others fear.

This Tony guy should be appreciated it for what he's done. Instead. you're saying that the station scripted a ridicule of him to sell ads to a company providing sanitation theatre?

And your position is that's cool.

That's why we are where we are.
AMEN BROTHER! Also keep in mind this is on a station airing a commercial that says "We're ready to rip off these face diapers". The Animal seems to have taken the tack that male machismo is more important than public heath and welfare.

01-24-2021, 09:11 AM
Of course not.

But you are suggesting that 98.1 is concertedly profiting off of people's real suffering and others fear.

This Tony guy should be appreciated it for what he's done. Instead. you're saying that the station scripted a ridicule of him to sell ads to a company providing sanitation theatre?

And your position is that's cool.

That's why we are where we are.

You take sports radio way too seriously.

01-24-2021, 10:28 AM
You lost me at Jim Traber.

01-24-2021, 10:52 AM
You lost me at Jim Traber.

Also, I'm surprised people listen to "sports" radio.

01-24-2021, 04:23 PM
You take sports radio way too seriously.

But, they weren't talking about sports. They were talking about a deadly disease, specifically someone's efforts to prevent the spread of that disease in their community. So, if you're accusing me of thinking that is a serious topic and an odd one to use to serve up some light hearted banter, then cool. Because of course it is, and of course I think it's serious. I mean, if Traber was "light heartedly" mocking him, for, say, wearing a condom, scripted or not, I would think that's stupid, too. Because, of course it would be.

And, yes, I understand Jim Traber is a meat head. That's what he's there for. But usually he is a meat head about sports and I do not, as you say, take that seriously at all.

02-12-2021, 08:10 AM
I was listening again yesterday, and I felt like they were borderline unethical yet again. This may be ticky-tacky, btw. I guess Al has been having a really difficult time getting his second shot scheduled, and he has been getting really frustrated as he's leaving the country for this trip to columbia. Well, Jim was getting frustrated and said something like, "there's got to be somebody we could call and put in a word for Al and just get him scheduled like right now. I mean, there's got to be a way to get him on a list." So then they ask for people to start calling in with advice/tips on where to go for Al. A bit later, Jim said something to the effect of "we're going to get you that shot Al. we're going to reach out here and get it for you no matter what." They were reaching out all over the state.

I get it, Jim, and the station, are trying to help Al out, but what makes Al any more special than any other senior living in rural oklahoma who is also trying to get their shots? They're using their platform to get Al preferential treatment and that's just wrong, imo. Especially because Al did this to himself by scheduling that stupid trip before being fully vaccinated. Makes me mad and is borderline unethical, imo. I think I'm about done listening to this station...

Bill Robertson
02-12-2021, 08:24 AM
That was just another thing they made over dramatic which is their thing. A few times Al has mentioned that all he really has to do is get a negative test result within 48 hours of boarding the plane in order to get in Columbia.

02-12-2021, 08:29 AM
That was just another thing they made over dramatic which is their thing. A few times Al has mentioned that all he really has to do is get a negative test result within 48 hours of boarding the plane in order to get in Columbia.

It's probably a peace-of-mind things for Al, but if he wants that peace of mind, why schedule the trip until you're vaccinated? Honestly just wish the guy would stay home. Sounds like he caught covid when it first went around. Hate to see him catch it again or get stuck over there in columbia. Also, who travels to columbia anyway?

02-12-2021, 10:02 AM
Also, who travels to columbia anyway?

Bill Robertson
02-12-2021, 10:25 AM
It's probably a peace-of-mind things for Al, but if he wants that peace of mind, why schedule the trip until you're vaccinated? Honestly just wish the guy would stay home. Sounds like he caught covid when it first went around. Hate to see him catch it again or get stuck over there in columbia. Also, who travels to columbia anyway?I'm pretty sure he leaves next week. The second shot wouldn't even provide full immunity until after he returns. I agree he should just stay home for awhile.

Bill Robertson
02-12-2021, 10:30 AM
Some interesting stuff in that article. Al just went there a few weeks ago. He said so much stuff is closed that his itinerary consisted pretty much of hanging out at one or two bar/restaurants that were open. I really don't know why he's in such a hurry to go back. I sometimes think he wants his trips to create outlandish radio material more than he's interested in the trip itself.

02-12-2021, 10:33 AM
We all know why Al travels to these places and it’s not for the food or booze.


Bill Robertson
02-12-2021, 10:35 AM
We all know why Al travels to these places and it’s not for the food or booze.


02-18-2021, 01:48 PM
We all know why Al travels to these places and it’s not for the food or booze.


Um, what do we "all know?" I've seen all sorts of bizarre comments on message boards about Al but I have never seen anything remotely resembling proof of anything. This kind of innuendo is gross.

Bill Robertson
02-18-2021, 04:28 PM
Um, what do we "all know?" I've seen all sorts of bizarre comments on message boards about Al but I have never seen anything remotely resembling proof of anything. This kind of innuendo is gross.Al is the one guilty of innuendo. Almost every trip he talks about young girls that he hit on.

03-10-2021, 10:38 AM
Anybody catch the new commercials running on the station? It’s that testosterone place I think. I’m paraphrasing:

“We’re aware our commercials have bothered some people. But. Our commercials and services are for MEN. Oklahoma MEN. Not wimpy soy-boys.”

Between this nonsense and traber, I’m officially done with this station. If it were about any other thing than a deadly pandemic, I may not care as much, but this is serious for many people.

03-10-2021, 11:05 AM
Macho-ism comes off really poorly.

03-10-2021, 11:13 AM
It shows you the mindset of their average listener, otherwise there would be a backlash and they would stop selling them ads.

Bill Robertson
03-10-2021, 04:39 PM
I've hated listening to the disgusting commercials and personalities that think they're funny but not. But today I took The Animal off my presets. Traber has said lots of inaccurate things about the virus and it's very obvious he doesn't take it seriously. But Tony was having after effects from getting the first shot today and Traber went off on a tangent of how people are dying after getting the second shot. I'm officially done with The Animal.

Bill Robertson
03-11-2021, 03:06 PM
Today was my first day at work without The Animal on the radio in my office. I listened to K-Love part of the day and KMGL the rest of the time. I came home relaxed and in a good mood because I didn't get pissed off at the radio once. I should have done this a long time ago.

03-11-2021, 03:56 PM
Then you come on this forum how is that relaxing.? Oh and by the way But like the story says it's very very rare and hard to prove.

Bill Robertson
03-11-2021, 06:38 PM
I usually find this forum very relaxing. Not everyone agrees all the time but that's the whole point of discussing viewpoints on subjects.

Thomas Vu
03-11-2021, 10:35 PM
Is it safe to assume they do typical sports radio? Dime a dozen those people.

Bill Robertson
03-12-2021, 09:26 AM
Is it safe to assume they do typical sports radio? Dime a dozen those people.Anymore from 10 to 2 it's sports talk radio. Outside of that it's more "attempt at comedy" radio and they fail miserably.

03-12-2021, 10:09 AM
HAHA - Man some of you guys need to RELAX a little bit! Kind of surprised to see such sensitive older guys on here! You're really getting that upset about a commercial? Lol!

And you do realize that half of what Jim says is an act, right?? His whole persona is part of the "Show" and it draws listeners and that's why his show is one of the top Sports Talk Shows in the NATION! You have to put him in a category with guys like Stephen A. Smith, Collin Cowherd..

As for some of the accusations earlier about Al, that's just ridiculous to be throwing that kind of stuff out there without major concrete evidence.

03-12-2021, 10:45 AM
In the nation? lulz

03-12-2021, 11:13 AM
Traber rated #6 by Barrett Sports Media for mid market afternoon shows.

Morning Animals #8 for morning
Monsters #9 for midday

03-12-2021, 12:11 PM
And you do realize that half of what Jim says is an act, right?? His whole persona is part of the "Show" and it draws listeners and that's why his show is one of the top Sports Talk Shows in the NATION! You have to put him in a category with guys like Stephen A. Smith, Collin Cowherd..

Traber burner account?

Bill Robertson
03-12-2021, 12:24 PM
I understand Traber's being an a-hole and Eschbach's being a pervert is schtick. So Stephen A. Smith and Colin Cowherd no. Maybe Howard Stern and Don Imus.

03-12-2021, 01:38 PM
Traber rated #6 by Barrett Sports Media for mid market afternoon shows.

Morning Animals #8 for morning
Monsters #9 for midday

For mid markets

Jersey Boss
03-12-2021, 02:54 PM
I understand Traber's being an a-hole and Eschbach's being a pervert is schtick. So Stephen A. Smith and Colin Cowherd no. Maybe Howard Stern and Don Imus.
Imus has been dead for a few years. Just sain

Bill Robertson
03-12-2021, 04:19 PM
Imus has been dead for a few years. Just sain

That has nothing to do with his radio persona when he was on air. Which I think was obviously my point.

Jersey Boss
03-12-2021, 09:35 PM
That has nothing to do with his radio persona when he was on air. Which I think was obviously my point.

Sorry Bill as you were discussing 2 live guys in OKC to two guys in NYC. Totally different markets as well as different norms. As far as I know neither Imus or Stern were carried on any local affiliate in OKC. I doubt many on here listened to Imus.

Bill Robertson
03-13-2021, 03:05 AM
Sorry Bill as you were discussing 2 live guys in OKC to two guys in NYC. Totally different markets as well as different norms. As far as I know neither Imus or Stern were carried on any local affiliate in OKC. I doubt many on here listened to Imus.
Since you're overcomplicating this I'll simplify. Jim and Al 's schtick is closer to "shock jock" than "sports radio personality".

03-17-2021, 12:20 PM
His whole persona is part of the "Show" and it draws listeners and that's why his show is one of the top Sports Talk Shows in the NATION! You have to put him in a category with guys like Stephen A. Smith, Collin Cowherd..

Hi Jim.

03-18-2021, 12:11 PM
"Most listened to" does not equal "best". Remember the social attitudes of the kinds of listeners in OKC. That is why Jim and Al are popular. They reflect the attitudes of their listeners. Right wing and crazy plays well in OKC.

Also, Traber lists well in "mid" market, not top markets. He in no way compares to the national guys.