View Full Version : Convergence (formerly Innovation Plaza)
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Top is the original rendering; not much has changed:
shavethewhales 12-15-2022, 10:38 AM It is still a development that will pay MAJOR dividends for OKC. Wheeler Labs is growing like a weed, and will have many high-paying jobs in these buildings. Just because it may not look pretty (100% blame inflation and interest rate hikes, but I won't post anything political beyond that) doesn't mean it won't have a major impact on OKC's future. Why let great be the enemy of good? It isn't your money they are spending.
This is very true. It's also true that the actual buildings in reality will probably look a bit better than these most recent renderings. The glitzy original renderings that were used to sell the project were pretty high quality and included a lot of extra details that were always going to drop off. I think these renders are more basic in a lot of ways, but the finished materials will look better in person. It's still a great project, but those earlier renderings definitely set the bar high as far as visuals are concerned.
G.Walker 12-15-2022, 02:53 PM KFOR shows some different images:
They will have to submit any revised plans to design review, so then we'll be able to see exactly what is planned.
Mississippi Blues 12-16-2022, 12:24 AM The new renderings aren’t as flashy and you can tell it’s scaled back but I don’t think it looks like a lost cause either. Perhaps scaling it back some will help it get established quicker and build up momentum for the rest of the immediate area to develop as the market presumably improves. At the very least, I’m willing to wait until the revised plans are submitted before overreacting about any changes.
ChrisHayes 12-16-2022, 04:25 AM The new renderings aren’t as flashy and you can tell it’s scaled back but I don’t think it looks like a lost cause either. Perhaps scaling it back some will help it get established quicker and build up momentum for the rest of the immediate area to develop as the market presumably improves. At the very least, I’m willing to wait until the revised plans are submitted before overreacting about any changes.
It's far from a lost cause. Just because it's not very flashy doesn't mean it's boring looking like a tilt wall building would be. It'll still be a nice looking and important addition to the area.
Top is the original rendering; not much has changed:
Is it just me or but it looks 10-15% smaller
^ The white building looks smaller, but the building on the right looks bigger.
The white building -- Innovation Hall -- is a MAPS 4 project.
IKnowThings 02-04-2023, 10:19 PM KFOR shows some different images:
They are making a lot of changes from what was permitted. They are going to go back to the city for an updated permit. Hotel will now be in a phase 2, and park on top of the pedestal has been deleted. They are also planning major changes to the office tower. It will be a lot more plain looking now. My guess is they are over budget.
HFAA Alum 02-05-2023, 09:42 PM Tragic. Upsetting that so much is being cut out for the sake of mediocrity. I wish they could've done things in more intricately managed phases instead of going back to the drawing board.
chssooner 02-05-2023, 10:19 PM Tragic. Upsetting that so much is being cut out for the sake of mediocrity. I wish they could've done things in more intricately managed phases instead of going back to the drawing board.
It's being cutback because of our beloved economy making things cost 40% more...
HFAA Alum 02-06-2023, 04:37 PM It's being cutback because of our beloved economy making things cost 40% more...
Yeah it sucks that the global economy is pretty bad right now.
soonerguru 02-08-2023, 12:43 PM Yeah it sucks that the global economy is pretty bad right now.
I think you are saying this in jest, right?
W8N2SKI 02-08-2023, 01:27 PM It's being cutback because of our beloved economy making things cost 40% more...
Yeah it sucks that the global economy is pretty bad right now.
Both of these sound like subtle political statements, which I don't believe need to be brought into this thread. Scale backs are expected on all projects, regardless of anyone's view on any economy. Period. I think the number of large-scale construction projects happening in the metro speak volumes.
Timshel 02-08-2023, 04:56 PM 40% inflation....who knew!
ManAboutTown 02-10-2023, 11:07 AM 40% inflation....who knew!
Rover 02-10-2023, 04:35 PM both of these sound like subtle political statements,
subtle? :)
They refiled the revised building permit application for the office building:
IKnowThings 02-22-2023, 02:38 PM They refiled the revised building permit application for the office building:
That's pathetic compared to what was promised.
Plutonic Panda 02-22-2023, 02:51 PM The building in the center of the 2nd photo (with the yellow balcony) is a proposed hotel/convention center:
More renderings:
So I’m having a hard time understanding what has changed. Have we went from what I just quoted…
For now, they are only doing the slightly modified office building.
The hotel will likely come in a future phase.
The Innovation Hall was always a part of MAPS 4.
Plutonic Panda 02-22-2023, 02:52 PM To this?
They refiled the revised building permit application for the office building:
Plutonic Panda 02-22-2023, 02:54 PM For now, they are only doing the slightly modified office building.
The hotel will likely come in a future phase.
The Innovation Hall was always a part of MAPS 4.
Right I was on my phone it was hard to edit out the other pictures because I’m in a rush right now. But regarding the office building on the corner can we get some comparison photos of the original proposal to what we have now? I’ll do it myself when I get time.
G.Walker 02-22-2023, 04:46 PM The issue I have with this is that they got awarded almost $14M in TIF for the original proposal. Now that the plans have been watered down, they don't get less TIF money?
There needs to be some checks and balances re if the amount of TIF money is still valid if the development doesn't get built as proposed when TIF was requested/awarded.
chssooner 02-22-2023, 06:06 PM The issue I have with this is that they got awarded almost $14M in TIF for the original proposal. Now that the plans have been watered down, they don't get less TIF money?
There needs to be some checks and balances re if the amount of TIF money is still valid if the development doesn't get built as proposed when TIF was requested/awarded.
The work-around is that none of it has been cancelled, and the cost is even higher than when the TIF was approved. The hotel is still tentatively scheduled to be built, so until it is cancelled, there likely is no recourse to lower the TIF funding.
gaeddert2 02-27-2023, 02:46 PM Convergence project in the Innovation District Drone view on Youtube
Convergence project in the Innovation District Drone view on Youtube
Long been a big fan of your photography and videos!
Bits_Of_Real_Panther 03-05-2023, 03:47 PM I have absolutely zero substance to this and I promise I am not being libelous but only a series of spidey senses going off. Is this guy going to be on American Greed? It follows the same script as every single one of those episodes, a relatively unknown guy rises up through the ranks of a city's corporate world, funding all sorts of big ideas and tries to make a huge impression in the city. Only to be found with 5 cents to his name and millions of dollars in debt to hundreds of different investors.
Is this guy legit? Pokes sounds like you know of him well.
Was downtown today and remembered this building being echo energy. What's the deal with this place?
This website feels scammy and full of bs buzzwords.
and somehow they are involved in some vague way with the data science department at OU?
chssooner 04-16-2023, 01:00 PM They aren't messing around!
Laramie 04-16-2023, 02:21 PM Looks like the continuous saga of steel crane in our city. Welcome signs of progress. Thanks again for the pics, Pete.
HFAA Alum 04-16-2023, 10:29 PM You gotta build down before you see upward progress, and as cheesy as that sounds, i am happy to see there being so many projects needing that plunge downward to give the city some much-needed verticality.
HFAA Alum 04-17-2023, 11:47 AM Also, what's the time table for this one?
bucktalk 04-17-2023, 08:11 PM You gotta build down before you see upward progress, and as cheesy as that sounds, i am happy to see there being so many projects needing that plunge downward to give the city some much-needed verticality.
I live nearby. I have watched the construction site pour concrete at 5am for weeks and weeks. I cannot imagine how much concrete they've already poured at this site.
G.Walker 04-30-2023, 06:49 PM Is it just me, or does it still look like they are building the hotel? Because I see elevator shafts going up.
warreng88 05-01-2023, 10:24 AM Is it just me, or does it still look like they are building the hotel? Because I see elevator shafts going up.
Maybe for the parking garage? Good question though.
I'm sure they are just put in now for the future hotel.
I bet they stop at ground level for the time being.
chssooner 05-01-2023, 11:28 AM The hotel was never canceled. Only delayed, if I remember correctly. So it would make sense to have that ready to go when it is developed (which I believe it will be, in the end).
The Innovation Hall that is part of this project and funded by MAPS 4 has been scaled back from 2 stories to 1.
They will have to refile for design approval.
EtanEiko 05-03-2023, 01:10 PM The Innovation Hall that is part of this project and funded by MAPS 4 has been scaled back from 2 stories to 1.
They will have to refile for design approval.
I know knee jerk reaction to this will be negative but what is your opinion of this being scaled back.
I know knee jerk reaction to this will be negative but what is your opinion of this being scaled back.
No idea what to think at this point other than the developers of the neighboring office building and the future hotel got a sweet deal.
stlokc 05-03-2023, 01:49 PM What I find strange about this is that one would think the original plans for the Innovation Hall were based on some idea of the programming, the scope of their business, etc.
This is not like a hotel, or office building, or apartments, where one can decide to lop off a floor or two to save some money. I would have thought the original size of this would have had something to do with what they were planning. It seems like a "scale back" is a bigger deal in this instance than just a reaction to construction costs, etc.
I guess I may not be entirely clear what the Innovation Hall is all about.
Just the facts 05-03-2023, 02:00 PM MAPS has lost its way. Should have stuck with just funding large City-owned capital projects.
Plutonic Panda 05-03-2023, 02:06 PM More renderings:
Just a friendly reminder of what we were originally fed. It’s gonna be interesting to compare the final product to these renderings.
G.Walker 05-03-2023, 02:43 PM I think this will eventually be built to scale, just in phases. It will be a work in progress and might be developed better as the office market demands.
soonerguru 05-03-2023, 05:19 PM What I find strange about this is that one would think the original plans for the Innovation Hall were based on some idea of the programming, the scope of their business, etc.
This is not like a hotel, or office building, or apartments, where one can decide to lop off a floor or two to save some money. I would have thought the original size of this would have had something to do with what they were planning. It seems like a "scale back" is a bigger deal in this instance than just a reaction to construction costs, etc.
I guess I may not be entirely clear what the Innovation Hall is all about.
This was never clear to me at all how this building would be programmed or utilized. Just a sop to the chamber.
HOT ROD 05-04-2023, 12:55 AM exadtly, everybody else got something why not the chamber and create yet another "district".
I predict this to be the final nail in the coffin for MAPS as it was previously known. Not that the brand will go away, but it will be one or a handful of specific projects rather than a "free for all" based on conceptual renderings that are promised but (often, recently) under-delivered. There is no reason on God's given earth for the Innovation Plaza to be downscaled; it's a MAPS project - fully funded. Why build it if it will be half-a$$, perhaps the chamber doesn't need an Innovation Hall nor an "Innovation District" but instead OKC should build projects based on effective master planning and businesses ready to relocate/expand.
Makes one wonder, would the rest of convergence survive/exist without the MAPS Innovation Hall + TIF? This appears to be just like Pete indicates, a gift to the Hotel and Office components, IF they're even built. And once again, MAPS has shown it can't be built to what was promised. Bait and Switch, with OKC characteristics.
They can't even build the Innovation Hall to spec/promise of the so-called Innovation District??? This is the end of MAPS as we've known it, future MAPS will be smaller in scale/# of projects which actually is a good thing IMO.
G.Walker 05-04-2023, 08:41 AM Huh, I am sorry but what district? I don't think we have credibility to call it an Innovation District just yet, hardly anything there?
David 05-04-2023, 08:44 AM exadtly, everybody else got something why not the chamber and create yet another "district".
I predict this to be the final nail in the coffin for MAPS as it was previously known. Not that the brand will go away, but it will be one or a handful of specific projects rather than a "free for all" based on conceptual renderings that are promised but (often, recently) under-delivered. There is no reason on God's given earth for the Innovation Plaza to be downscaled; it's a MAPS project - fully funded. Why build it if it will be half-a$$, perhaps the chamber doesn't need an Innovation Hall nor an "Innovation District" but instead OKC should build projects based on effective master planning and businesses ready to relocate/expand.
Makes one wonder, would the rest of convergence survive/exist without the MAPS Innovation Hall + TIF? This appears to be just like Pete indicates, a gift to the Hotel and Office components, IF they're even built. And once again, MAPS has shown it can't be built to what was promised. Bait and Switch, with OKC characteristics.
They can't even build the Innovation Hall to spec/promise of the so-called Innovation District??? This is the end of MAPS as we've known it, future MAPS will be smaller in scale/# of projects which actually is a good thing IMO.
The number of people that would change their MAPS 5 vote on account of this single disappointing project is vanishingly small and probably consists entirely of people who read this forum. The rest of the city is going to drive by on I-235, look up at the shiny new development, and think "neat".
Dr Beard Face 05-04-2023, 09:05 AM I hope they keep the facade 2 stories, because that really pulls my eyes to the area in these renderings and I LOVE the overhang being high up between the buildings!
G.Walker 05-04-2023, 10:43 AM The number of people that would change their MAPS 5 vote on account of this single disappointing project is vanishingly small and probably consists entirely of people who read this forum. The rest of the city is going to drive by on I-235, look up at the shiny new development, and think "neat".
True, there is a handful of people like us that actually keeps up with this stuff. I have talked to people at work about OKANA, Convergence, and some of the bigger projects, and they don't have a clue what I am talking about.
BoulderSooner 05-04-2023, 12:03 PM What I find strange about this is that one would think the original plans for the Innovation Hall were based on some idea of the programming, the scope of their business, etc.
This is not like a hotel, or office building, or apartments, where one can decide to lop off a floor or two to save some money. I would have thought the original size of this would have had something to do with what they were planning. It seems like a "scale back" is a bigger deal in this instance than just a reaction to construction costs, etc.
I guess I may not be entirely clear what the Innovation Hall is all about.
the money is what the money is that is how maps works
kevin lee 05-04-2023, 12:51 PM exadtly, everybody else got something why not the chamber and create yet another "district".
I predict this to be the final nail in the coffin for MAPS as it was previously known. Not that the brand will go away, but it will be one or a handful of specific projects rather than a "free for all" based on conceptual renderings that are promised but (often, recently) under-delivered. There is no reason on God's given earth for the Innovation Plaza to be downscaled; it's a MAPS project - fully funded. Why build it if it will be half-a$$, perhaps the chamber doesn't need an Innovation Hall nor an "Innovation District" but instead OKC should build projects based on effective master planning and businesses ready to relocate/expand.
Makes one wonder, would the rest of convergence survive/exist without the MAPS Innovation Hall + TIF? This appears to be just like Pete indicates, a gift to the Hotel and Office components, IF they're even built. And once again, MAPS has shown it can't be built to what was promised. Bait and Switch, with OKC characteristics.
They can't even build the Innovation Hall to spec/promise of the so-called Innovation District??? This is the end of MAPS as we've known it, future MAPS will be smaller in scale/# of projects which actually is a good thing IMO.
You really think that? I don't think many people even remember what is was supposed to look like in the first place. I could go as far to say if this project was cancelled today and the rest of the projects moved forward, most people would still vote for the next MAPS sight unseen. Too many people remember what life in OKC was before MAPS (it was a hot mess), and there's too many projects going on around this city to let them forget.
EtanEiko 05-04-2023, 02:21 PM You really think that? I don't think many people even remember what is was supposed to look like in the first place. I could go as far to say if this project was cancelled today and the rest of the projects moved forward, most people would still vote for the next MAPS sight unseen. Too many people remember what life in OKC was before MAPS (it was a hot mess), and there's too many projects going on around this city to let them forget.
THIS!!!! Just because A part of one of the projects isn't happening exactly as we WANT doesn't mean MAPS is in shambles or not worthy of future MAPS projects. Yikes, I'd hate to see how one bad day affects y'alls lives.