10-27-2020, 11:57 AM
Power went out in my house, that is not how I wanted to spend my day off
I start my vacation today. FML.
I start my vacation today. FML.
View Full Version : October 2020 - General Weather Discussion Dustin 10-27-2020, 11:57 AM Power went out in my house, that is not how I wanted to spend my day off I start my vacation today. FML. Dustin 10-27-2020, 12:01 PM The sound of trees crashing to the ground all around my neighborhood is eerie. Ohwiseone 10-27-2020, 12:15 PM While I know we have one more round to go, We have kept power through most of this, I am hopeful it will stay that way. Libbymin 10-27-2020, 12:23 PM I'm just hoping these temperatures at least stay above freezing while it keeps raining. Bunty 10-27-2020, 12:26 PM Power outages affect 59% of Stillwater as of noon. Fortunately, streets there don't look as much as a war zone as it does in OKC. But definitely the worst ice storm in Stillwater since 2003. jn1780 10-27-2020, 12:45 PM OKC still struggling to get above freezing and really start some good melting. http://www.mesonet.org/data/public/mesonet/maps/realtime/current.TAIR.grad.png Bill Robertson 10-27-2020, 01:16 PM I was in the driveway scraping ice off the car windows in hopes not as much builds up overnight tonight. There is/was a tree across the street that was twice as tall as the house. By far the most noticeable tree in the addition. I don't know what kind but tall, not too big around and has long, stringy and kind of fuzzy "leaves". The center trunk is intact but about 3/4 of the limbs are broken off. d-usa 10-27-2020, 01:28 PM Our very young tree was bend over with the tip touching the ground, but it didn’t snap. I got a lot of ice knocked off and it’s about 2/3rds up right now. We’ll see if it survives... Plutonic Panda 10-27-2020, 02:09 PM Very sad https://news.yahoo.com/ice-storm-causes-damage-survivor-154821831.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cDovL20uZmFjZWJvb2suY29t&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAKS_0g00yjQNfMhjakb0WlAEnmj smmgoDxs5BZJbAOtqHJDp-iNTnQIJFkNhxbeHetEUdSGohkWrMSZ324J6sUFByDHuXRv4ktX lM8cDCLeJA0i_SSCSI4fJu2iT4TNIHZjsm3OtBoJHaJMaQssNX 9Oy9uL8ezEiEh1BBb33WSk Ohwiseone 10-27-2020, 02:19 PM It has now reached 32 degrees at my house, it’s also gotten a lot brighter outside and lots of stuff is starting to melt. Some stuff on my patio has water underneath the ice. Bits_Of_Real_Panther 10-27-2020, 02:24 PM Mesonet site not working Libbymin 10-27-2020, 02:59 PM This year just continues to get worse. Anonymous. 10-27-2020, 03:30 PM Temperatures in OKC are near to just above freezing on the E sides while W sides are at or slightly below freezing. With nightfall approaching, we will lose radiation melting in a few hours. At the same time persistent drizzle will plague the area until tonight when heavier precipitation moves in. As of now models are leaning toward OKC being about 33 degrees. However, there is hinting by HRRR of “refrigeration” effect from the accumulated ice that will keep the thin surface air cold enough for additional freezing. It is going to likely be extremely spotty and localized of freezing rain versus cold rain. It is probably a good guess to assume that more urban areas will be slightly warmer than rural areas. (Ice remains on vegetation longer) Here is a quick shot showing a pocket around Canadian county staying at freezing while surrounding areas warm up for rain. By morning, the forecast is for basically all of OK (except panhandle) to be above freezing and receiving cold rain. https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/hrrr/2020102719/hrrr_ref_frzn_scus_17.png emtefury 10-27-2020, 05:31 PM The lack of wind today helped with not as many trees in my area from breaking SoonersFan12 10-27-2020, 07:00 PM I finally got power back on, I go back to work tomorrow but I will work only for 6 hours instead of 8 hours so I can not complain Ohwiseone 10-27-2020, 08:41 PM My power has been relatively solid throughout all of this (surprisingly considering it goes out when the wind blows really hard) But, there are a few random small flickers that cause my stomach to lurch. Since we are above freezing, I know its not getting heavier, I think its just some trees falling, but.. I'm still a bit worried. Libbymin 10-27-2020, 08:52 PM Not looking forward to spending an arm and a leg on tree service. jn1780 10-27-2020, 10:16 PM The lack of wind today helped with not as many trees in my area from breaking I have noticed more limbs falling this evening as the wind picked up. Dustin 10-27-2020, 10:25 PM Lost power at 7am. Still without power. Hopefully I wake up to electricity. I don't think I'm OG&E's top priority though because I checked the outage map and only 10 people in my neighborhood are without power. I might be waiting a while... Bunty 10-27-2020, 10:50 PM Lost Internet service for a few hours Monday evening before being restored. Electrical power is 91% restored in Stillwater as of 10:30 pm. Electrical linemen are heroes. I'd hate to imagine what they go through to fix downed power, while a cold, sometimes freezing rain is going on. Bunty 10-27-2020, 10:52 PM Lost Internet service for a few hours Monday evening before being restored. Electrical power is 91% restored in Stillwater as of 10:30 pm. Electrical linemen are rare heroes. I'd hate to imagine what they go through to fix downed power, while a cold, sometimes freezing rain is going on. Pete 10-28-2020, 07:30 AM I lost power last night and it is *cold* and dark at my house. About 10PM, I heard a large bang and saw a big flash of light and then everything went dark. Our offices have been out for over 2 days now. Pete 10-28-2020, 08:41 AM just got an email from OG&E stating 253,000 are without power. That has to be some sort of record. GoGators 10-28-2020, 09:08 AM I lost power last night and it is *cold* and dark at my house. About 10PM, I heard a large bang and saw a big flash of light and then everything went dark. Our offices have been out for over 2 days now. My power went out at around the exact same time last night. I Had power the entire time up until that point. Thought i was going to luck out and make it through the storm without losing power. So close... BoulderSooner 10-28-2020, 09:12 AM My power went out at around the exact same time last night. I Had power the entire time up until that point. Thought i was going to luck out and make it through the storm without losing power. So close... we lost power around 1pm on Monday in Edmond and got it back around 8pm last night .. OSUPeterson 10-28-2020, 09:36 AM we lost power around 1pm on Monday in Edmond and got it back around 8pm last night .. Lost it about the same time on the eastern edge of midwest city. Still no power and the tree damage escalated significantly yesterday. Ohwiseone 10-28-2020, 09:36 AM I also lost power at about 10:30 last night. I was so close of getting through this. I am hopeful that it will come back sooner or later, but I am currently hunting down a hotel room just in case. My house is all electric with no fireplace, so No heat, Hot-water, or be able to cook anything. I saw a handful of electric trucks staging less than a block from my house, I am hopeful they were getting ready to start working, even if Across the street had power. snark0leptic 10-28-2020, 09:41 AM Via OG&E's System Watch Web App (https://www.oge.com/wps/portal/oge/outages/systemwatch/!ut/p/z1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjo8ziPQ3dLQxNvA38LVx9nA wCLT08Qn1dzY0MjEz1wwkpiAJKG-AAjgZQ_XgURBGyP4qQFRAFFkYGzgaeJkZe7t5GrgaO3i4ugaYB Loae5mYEFDiZ6BfkhkYYZHoqAgCW7BpG/dz/d5/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS80TmxFL1o2XzgyMEMwSTQySjAwQzUwQTJPTE 9STVIyMEc1/) Last Update: 10-28-2020 09:32:15 AM Total Customers Affected 262,872 This doesn’t reflect areas with less than 50 customers affected. Oklahoma City, OK - 156,613 Norman, OK - 12,413 Midwest City, OK - 8,023 Mustang, OK - 7,181 Enid, OK - 7,157 Bits_Of_Real_Panther 10-28-2020, 11:19 AM Where is a good place to go to charge a laptop, is leadership square open? Edmond Hausfrau 10-28-2020, 11:46 AM Where is a good place to go to charge a laptop, is leadership square open? Maybe Cox Convention center. City has opened it till 6pm as warming shelter. SoonersFan12 10-28-2020, 05:08 PM All I have seen is so much tree damage everywhere, it is crazy, I do not remember seeing that much tree damage.... Scott5114 10-28-2020, 05:32 PM The state and cities should really be leaning on the utilities to bury their electric lines wherever possible. Oklahoma gets enough ice, thunderstorms, and wind that there's really no excuse for not having the lines better protected when stuff like this happens. It's not as if Oklahoma getting inclement weather is a surprise to anyone. I understand that buried lines are more expensive, but cheaping out when the end result of doing so is causing the whole city to shut down is really not acceptable. Plutonic Panda 10-28-2020, 05:43 PM I completely agree. Especially every time a major road construction project happens they should bury the utilities at the same time. SoonersFan12 10-28-2020, 06:31 PM I completely agree. Especially every time a major road construction project happens they should bury the utilities at the same time. Do not hold your breath on it, I am sure they will complain it will cost too much to bury the utilities so they are not going to do it OkiePoke 10-28-2020, 07:45 PM OGE has already stated it will cost $30 Billion to bury all the lines resulting in an increase of your utility bill by around $250/month. Seems like they provided the worst case scenario for sure. SoonersFan12 10-28-2020, 07:50 PM OGE has already stated it will cost $30 Billion to bury all the lines resulting in an increase of your utility bill by around $250/month. Seems like they provided the worst case scenario for sure. Really? Screw that! Scott514 and Plutonic Panda, you still want the lines buried increasing your utility bill to $250 a month? Bill Robertson 10-28-2020, 08:48 PM OGE has already stated it will cost $30 Billion to bury all the lines resulting in an increase of your utility bill by around $250/month. Seems like they provided the worst case scenario for sure.I doubt that that's a worst case scenario. The majority of houses/businesses are in areas where the buildings are smaller, on smaller lots so are more dense limiting access without tearing down fences, walls, etc. I don't think those that just throw out "bury the lines" have any idea what a colossal task we're talking about. Main lines would be an immense project themselves. Then every building with overhead service would have to be converted to underground. The latter being the responsibility of the building owner at a cost of about $800 per 100 amps of service size. This plus the additional charge from OG&E of the previously mentioned $250 a month for a long time to cover their expense. Average house is 100 or 200 amps. Average small business is 200 to 600 amps. It's just not going to happen anytime soon if ever. Edmond Hausfrau 10-28-2020, 09:34 PM Ours are buried and we still went down for 7-8 hours. If the substation goes down, you still lose power. But I agree, it's been very nice to have buried lines, my previous house downtown had above ground lines and it was a mess. Plutonic Panda 10-28-2020, 09:51 PM Really? Screw that! Scott514 and Plutonic Panda, you still want the lines buried increasing your utility bill to $250 a month? That is a scenario where they start rebuilding every single power underground and makes zero sense. It’s a ridiculous number thrown out to scare people so they can settle with imposing mediocrity on the city. sooner88 10-28-2020, 10:24 PM Our power has been out since Monday with no sign of it coming back. The damage done is devastating. 1654816548 jn1780 10-28-2020, 11:57 PM That is a scenario where they start rebuilding every single power underground and makes zero sense. It’s a ridiculous number thrown out to scare people so they can settle with imposing mediocrity on the city. What powerlines should be buried underground? Its not really the main lines that are causing people to be out of power for days. These get fixed relatively fast. Its the above ground lines going through older neighborhoods with a line going to each house where you find neighborhoods with power out for days. Burying all these lines are what would cost the most amount of money. Google couldn't even make fiber economical and that is a lot easier than burying an electric line. jn1780 10-29-2020, 12:10 AM Ours are buried and we still went down for 7-8 hours. If the substation goes down, you still lose power. But I agree, it's been very nice to have buried lines, my previous house downtown had above ground lines and it was a mess. My neighborhood is buried, but last major storm season I was out of electricity for over a day. A handful of transformers on the ground had to be replaced by OGE. Burying lines: great for ice and wind protection, not so much for flood. I think the buried lines lose their protective coding after awhile and you need to completely replace. Pete 10-29-2020, 07:04 AM Thankfully, last night I had my power restored. Even with my gas fireplace, my thermostat was showing 55 which is crazy cold for inside a house. My office at 36th & Shartel is still dark and most of the traffic lights along Classen, 23rd and the surrounding areas were completely out as of last night. It seems every single tree in OKC experience some sort of damage and many were completely lost. What an incredible mess. I can't remember a natural disaster as devastating. d-usa 10-29-2020, 07:14 AM Drove past Myriad Gardens in the dark, but it didn’t look good. d-usa 10-29-2020, 07:26 AM Drove past Myriad Gardens in the dark, but it didn’t look good. SoonersFan12 10-29-2020, 08:00 AM Thankfully, last night I had my power restored. Even with my gas fireplace, my thermostat was showing 55 which is crazy cold for inside a house. My office at 36th & Shartel is still dark and most of the traffic lights along Classen, 23rd and the surrounding areas were completely out as of last night. It seems every single tree in OKC experience some sort of damage and many were completely lost. What an incredible mess. I can't remember a natural disaster as devastating. It will get worse when winter starts Anonymous. 10-29-2020, 11:20 AM Gusty winds will die down as we head through our Thursday. Fog will likely develop tonight, and with temperatures getting to near freezing - elevated surfaces in some areas will be slick by Friday morning. We will then quickly warm up to near 60F in OKC, and Saturday looks fantastic as well. Looking into the first week of November, beautiful fall weather on tap with highs in lower 70s and lows in 40s. Silver lining to the winter storm that just moved through, many areas across C OK received 4-5" of rain, with much of W OK getting 2-3". SoonersFan12 10-29-2020, 11:53 AM I am glad we are finally getting some sun, the rain got old Libbymin 10-29-2020, 12:12 PM It was catastrophic in my neighborhood. Lots of big old trees had fallen over and blocked the street going both ways. Some of those trees were probably older than me. Very sad to see as it was part of the charm of our area. We had power for a while and then lost it Tuesday night but it came back Wednesday afternoon. Also, a BIG limb from my neighbor's tree fell on the roof of my house. Really freaking loud and really fun to chop up and get off of there yesterday. So far it doesn't look like it poked a hole in the roof, but it did mess up the gutter. Ice sucks. Period. Bobby821 10-29-2020, 01:18 PM Looks like we might be looking at more winter weather around the 11th of November give or take. Celebrator 10-29-2020, 01:23 PM Thankfully, last night I had my power restored. Even with my gas fireplace, my thermostat was showing 55 which is crazy cold for inside a house. My office at 36th & Shartel is still dark and most of the traffic lights along Classen, 23rd and the surrounding areas were completely out as of last night. It seems every single tree in OKC experience some sort of damage and many were completely lost. What an incredible mess. I can't remember a natural disaster as devastating. True while most trees sustained damage, driving around today I was struck with how many trees are still upright and just need to have the broken limbs pruned out for a new lease on life. Of course, ones that were uprooted like happen in major wind events won't survive this, but the majority will! We will have lots of ugly trees for a the next 3-5 years, but they are tough and want to push out new growth to survive. The area's canopy took a hit to be sure, but it will be back in time. Ohwiseone 10-29-2020, 03:30 PM I lost power this morning after getting it back the previous afternoon. I think a transformer blew not far from me. I am hoping I get it back sooner or later, but OG&E is saying it might be next week before everyone in OKC area gets power back. I am convinced that I am going to move my family to a relatives house and then it will come back on. TheTravellers 10-29-2020, 07:59 PM Thankfully, last night I had my power restored. Even with my gas fireplace, my thermostat was showing 55 which is crazy cold for inside a house. My office at 36th & Shartel is still dark and most of the traffic lights along Classen, 23rd and the surrounding areas were completely out as of last night. It seems every single tree in OKC experience some sort of damage and many were completely lost. What an incredible mess. I can't remember a natural disaster as devastating. We got down to 51 last night, still no power, glad to see the sun today and for a while, and our median is insanely bad - 50+ year old sycamores and bald cypresses just shorn. We're in Venice. Bill Robertson 10-29-2020, 08:23 PM We got down to 51 last night, still no power, glad to see the sun today and for a while, and our median is insanely bad - 50+ year old sycamores and bald cypresses just shorn. We're in Venice. I know from previous posts that you're near where I grew up. I need to go by our old house and see how the tree in the front yard is doing. It has sentimental value because it came from a seedling from a tree I planted in the front yard of the house I had lived in that blew up on New Years a few years ago. The explosion destroyed the parent tree. I hope the ice didn't do the child tree in. Also, I don't remember what year but dad was alive so before 2016 there was a similar ice storm and that area was without power for a week or so. My sister and I both tried to get mom & dad to stay with one of us but dad wouldn't hear of leaving home so we got a kerosene heater for them to at least stay warm. TheTravellers 10-30-2020, 11:23 AM I know from previous posts that you're near where I grew up. I need to go by our old house and see how the tree in the front yard is doing. It has sentimental value because it came from a seedling from a tree I planted in the front yard of the house I had lived in that blew up on New Years a few years ago. The explosion destroyed the parent tree. I hope the ice didn't do the child tree in. Also, I don't remember what year but dad was alive so before 2016 there was a similar ice storm and that area was without power for a week or so. My sister and I both tried to get mom & dad to stay with one of us but dad wouldn't hear of leaving home so we got a kerosene heater for them to at least stay warm. Younger trees have fared pretty decent through this, so hopefully it's OK. Saw 3 out-of-state trucks drive down 35th this morning, one carrying a pole, but it was the opposite direction of where our power lines come from. :( sooner88 10-30-2020, 11:27 AM Younger trees have fared pretty decent through this, so hopefully it's OK. Saw 3 out-of-state trucks drive down 35th this morning, one carrying a pole, but it was the opposite direction of where our power lines come from. :( There were a lot of Par Energy Services (out of KC) trucks driving / working near Crown Heights and Edgemere yesterday. Hoping that this is a good sign for everybody still without power. Roger S 10-30-2020, 11:31 AM The crew that got my neighborhood back on the grid was from Alabama. Wondering if they have already headed back SE to deal with the Zeta aftermath in that part of the country. TheTravellers 10-30-2020, 11:38 AM The crew that got my neighborhood back on the grid was from Alabama. Wondering if they have already headed back SE to deal with the Zeta aftermath in that part of the country. OG&E's Twitter said they had crews from 10 states working here and it's stretched thin because of Zeta, so, yeah,, big mess all over the mid-south-ish region. Bill Robertson 10-30-2020, 03:12 PM System Watch shows under 200,000 for the first time since the storm got bad. Bill Robertson 10-30-2020, 04:15 PM Younger trees have fared pretty decent through this, so hopefully it's OK. Saw 3 out-of-state trucks drive down 35th this morning, one carrying a pole, but it was the opposite direction of where our power lines come from. :(I just went by my childhood house. The tree is probably 25ish years old. There are trees all up and down the street that are destroyed! This is Miller between 36th and 39th. "My" tree has a couple branches down but looks really good. And it's a very full tree that had to catch a LOT of ice. It very happy. I feel a lot odd being exited about a tree but I am! |