View Full Version : Cox Internet Only in OKC

06-20-2020, 05:52 PM
So it was coming up time for me to renew with Cox for Internet only service. I was expecting to have to haggle and end up paying more than I have for the past 2 years which was $59.99 a month for the Preferred 150 tier. I asked if I could get it for another 2 years at the $59.99 price locked in and he said I can give it to you for $58.99 for the next 2 years till 2022. I said ok change it to that. I know how cable reps lie about stuff so I waited a bit and called back in to the cancelation dept and got a difffern't rep this time and I asked her about my account details and she said she showed it at $58.99 for 2 years so that confirmed it for me. I have paid $59.99 for the past 6 years. I asked what the non promotional price was for Preferred 150 and they said it is $87.00 So I feel like I am getting good deals.

06-21-2020, 08:46 AM
Anyone know what the Gigablast only internet price is ? Thanks

Richard at Remax
06-21-2020, 09:54 AM
Interesting. I pay $84.99/month for 300 GB. I found it extremely beneficial to actually go to a store and talk to someone. Never got anywhere over the phone.

06-21-2020, 09:54 AM
Gigablast is $109. I think you can get it down to 90 with a promo price.

I had it for a while and switched. It still has bad upload speed and the normal data cap. I just moved to 500/30 and am paying 80.

06-21-2020, 02:33 PM
We had COX for 16 years and after having various packages we finished out with 150mbps internet for around $70 a month. We moved late last year and the house we moved into already had ATT Fiber going into the house and COX was never installed, just a dangling coax cable on the exterior of the house. To speed things up, we just went with the existing ATT service installed since they could mail us a modem and we could self install.

We now have ATT Gigabit, no data caps, 1000 mbps down and 1000 mbps up, very low latency/ping all for $49.99 a month (promotion price) and then it jumps to $69.99 at the end of the promo in March 2021. No extra hidden fees or taxes, it's a flat $49.99. Also, we have noticed no slow speed issues when compared with COX where our speeds would vary depending on the time of day and neighborhood network traffic.

I know certain places in OKC only have COX, or live in a complex where COX is the only option, if you live in an ATT fiber neighborhood, I would recommend looking into to the pricing differences and really look into it if you need a fast upload speed .

Bill Robertson
06-21-2020, 05:34 PM
We’ve got COX Preferred now but I watch for ATT Fiber to be installed and when it happens we’ll change.

06-21-2020, 05:45 PM
If you have Att fiber get that.

I get 1000mbps for 39.99 and that’s what I pay exactly. Not additional fees or taxes added to that price. This is for 12 months but they will always extend their deals if you call and say you want it to stay at that price. Never once have I had it raised. Only lowered as time has gone on

My price is because I have bundled pricing since I also had wireless. Had to ask for this pricing on phone

Thomas Vu
06-22-2020, 01:05 AM
ATT gigablast also comes with hbo max, heads up.

06-23-2020, 08:30 AM
I switched from AT&T to Cox for Gigabit. $69.99/month total, with wifi modem/router, price guaranteed for 2 years, no contract. I'm happy with it.