07-11-2020, 01:46 PM
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TheTravellers 07-11-2020, 01:46 PM 16242 Bill Robertson 07-11-2020, 01:48 PM Too many anti-maskers out there for a mandate to work. You want the numbers to go down you want to get things under country. You shut thing down for 4 weeks. It will never happen but that is the only way we get this under control unless the virus keeps mutating and kills its self somehow.I would hope that the anti-maskers are a minority and that a mandate or ordinance would prompt most to wear masks. Plus maybe limiting group sizes and restaurant capacity again. Basically Phase 2 indefinitely. What makes you think a 4 week shut down would accomplish anything the first 4 or so week shut down didn’t. Why wouldn’t the same thing happen again when reopening from the second shut down? king183 07-11-2020, 02:15 PM The situation we are experiencing in Oklahoma is largely due to a governor who has no interest in making public health a priority. His lack of seriousness in prioritizing public health is evident by the people he initially appointed to positions of importance. His first Secretary of Health, for example, was an oilman who had no experience in health or public health and struggled from the beginning. Much time was lost as that person tried to learn—unsuccessfully—on the job. It’s an open secret among those closest to the pandemic response that they have little direction or support from the top because the governor finds the response efforts to be tedious and distracting from his other priorities. We won’t make progress until he takes the pandemic seriously or we get leadership who does. Edmond Hausfrau 07-11-2020, 02:29 PM I posted the whole story a number of pages ago. In a nutshell I had very minor symptoms in mid-March. Some of which weren’t listed yet as being COVID symptoms yet so I wondered but didn’t worry about it much. Then in late May I donated blood and got a call that I tested positive for antibodies. Their test isn’t the FDA approved one though. I had a second FDA approved test and it was positive also. I then got a call asking me to be listed on a register of recovered cases and to donate plasma, which I did and will continue to do as long as they say my antibodies are still high enough. Bill, thank you so much for donating your plasma. It can be a long and tedious process, but your willingness will help to move the science forward. From the bottom of my heart, thank you what you are giving us. Edmond Hausfrau 07-11-2020, 02:33 PM The situation we are experiencing in Oklahoma is largely due to a governor who has no interest in making public health a priority. His lack of seriousness in prioritizing public health is evident by the people he initially appointed to positions of importance. His first Secretary of Health, for example, was an oilman who had no experience in health or public health and struggled from the beginning. Much time was lost as that person tried to learn—unsuccessfully—on the job. It’s an open secret among those closest to the pandemic response that they have little direction or support from the top because the governor finds the response efforts to be tedious and distracting from his other priorities. We won’t make progress until he takes the pandemic seriously or we get leadership who does. As a business leader I thought he might have cared about Oklahomans basically getting travel bans (14-day quarantines). Maybe he presumes everyone has time and $$ to wait 2 weeks in NY before heading out the door. Pretty soon no other states will want us. TheTravellers 07-11-2020, 02:41 PM ... Pretty soon no other states will want us. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes... Bill Robertson 07-11-2020, 02:42 PM Bill, thank you so much for donating your plasma. It can be a long and tedious process, but your willingness will help to move the science forward. From the bottom of my heart, thank you what you are giving us. I don’t mind at all. Actually I was really glad it worked. After the Murrah building bombing they were begging for plasma donations and the machine just didn’t like me. The return cells just wouldn’t go back in. This time it worked fine. And I have the benefit of being the boss so the time is no problem. HangryHippo 07-11-2020, 02:43 PM Pennsylvania is now suggesting people who have come to OK, KS, or DE quarantine for 14 days. More good press! kukblue1 07-11-2020, 04:32 PM Atlanta just announced they're going back to phase 1 opening Pete 07-11-2020, 08:00 PM Today's #'s; new cases per 1 million population. We were #18 yesterday and #16 today. Florida, Louisana, Arizona and now South Carolina and Arkansas surging. Interesting that almost all the high percentages are in the South. 1 Florida 482 2 Louisiana 466 3 South Carolina 443 4 Arizona 417 5 Arkansas 352 6 Idaho 323 7 Nevada 302 8 Georgia 300 9 Alabama 293 10 Texas 289 11 Mississippi 268 12 North Carolina 221 13 Tennessee 214 14 California 199 15 Utah 197 16 Oklahoma 174 17 Wisconsin 159 18 Iowa 154 19 Missouri 145 20 Minnesota 143 Bill Robertson 07-12-2020, 06:51 AM We move up this ranking but are moving down in the Rt ranking. I’m losing failure in the Rt meaning anything. pw405 07-12-2020, 10:11 AM The Slope of the Line We saw total people in the hospital fall from 497 on April 1 to 124 on June 1 (the all time low). A reduction of 6.2/day over a 60 day period. We saw total people in the hospital rise from 124 on June 1, to 499 on July 10. An increase of 9.4/day over a 40 day period. The increasing trend of 9.4/day from June 1 to July 10 didn't really seem to fit the daily totals well because the first two weeks of June were relatively flat. A better fit of a linear trend is the last 3 weeks, where we find that between June 18 and July 10, an increase of 13.1/day is observed. (Note, I chose June 18 because going with June 19 would have increased the rate cacl. a bit much since it was a lower day). I can't seem to get this question out of my mind: What does the other side of this trend look like? We can make some projections, assuming the rate of the last 3 weeks holds: August 1st - 761 in hospital September 1st - 1,167 in hospital October 1st - 1,560 in hospital November 1st - 1,966 in hospital If we assume that a certain % of all positive cases end up in the hospital, and there is a lag of X>1 days between diagnosis & hospitalization, then we should NOT expect the trend of 13.1/day to continue. Logically, hospitalizations should increase to a higher rate, since we've been finding more cases, and the % of positive cases within the collection of specimens has trended upwards. Using the case counts from the Weekly Epidemiological Survey, the 3 week total cases from June 5th to June 25th is 5,417 cases (258/day). The one week total from July 3 to July 9 is 4,624 cases (660/day). If we assume the average daily hospitalizations rises to 16/day, we can project the following: August 1st - 819 in hospital September 1st - 1,315 in hospital October 1st - 1,795 in hospital November 1st - 2,291 in hospital Please note - all of these are simple linear projections & trends. I have extensive experience working with data, but not epidemiological data. There are many more causal factors that I simply have not modeled, and do not have the expertise or tools to model accurately. Take this information with a grain of salt. *Created my own visualization with data downloaded from HangryHippo 07-12-2020, 10:30 AM PW, this is fantastic stuff. Thanks for your work! jdizzle 07-12-2020, 10:46 AM I wish there was a statistic for how long people in Oklahoma are STAYING in the hospital. That way the state and hospitals can better prepare reserve beds. I just mean solely for Covid-19. pw405 07-12-2020, 10:48 AM PW, this is fantastic stuff. Thanks for your work! Thanks! I wish I could find some data that is easier to work with. Right now, the only way is to go pull data out of the Daily/Weekly reports. I just want a spreadsheet with the following columns, by day: Total Tests Given | Total Positive Tests | Total Distinct Positive Tests | Total Covid Patients in Hospital | Total Covid Patients in ICU | Total Deaths |Average day Lag between collection date & reported date. If I had access to my BI Tools (Panopticon/Spotfire/PowerBI), I could really make some cool stuff! FighttheGoodFight 07-12-2020, 11:21 AM By the measure of ~2k in the hospital by November then I guess Stitt won’t have to do anything. Didn’t he say we have 5k ICU beds? soonerguru 07-12-2020, 11:24 AM I wish there was a statistic for how long people in Oklahoma are STAYING in the hospital. That way the state and hospitals can better prepare reserve beds. I just mean solely for Covid-19. I spoke with a reporter last week and he said the problem in Oklahoma is not just that ICU beds are dwindling, it is that we are running out of people to staff ICUs. This state is on the precipice of disaster. Meanwhile, our “leaders” do nothing. Literally, nothing besides some Tweets and worthless press conferences in which they minimize the scale of the disaster and hype red herring data sets. Pete 07-12-2020, 11:46 AM 456 new cases today, by far and away our biggest Sunday total. 1 additional death. Pete 07-12-2020, 11:48 AM Florida had 15,299 (!!!) new cases today. By far the most new cases there in one day. Their positive test rate is now running 19% for the entire state, and trending sharply up. floyd the barber 07-12-2020, 12:02 PM Florida had 15,299 (!!!) new cases today. By far the most new cases there in one day. Their positive test rate is now running 19% for the entire state, and trending sharply up. Insane. I guess we are going the herd immunity route. midtownokcer 07-12-2020, 12:44 PM 456 new cases today, by far and away our biggest Sunday total. 1 additional death. I think we had 478 on Father's Day, which was on Sunday, 6/21. oklip955 07-12-2020, 01:16 PM That still is a lot. Add up the total for the week. ouch. I hate to see what the numbers will be in another week or two. I said that two weeks ago. kukblue1 07-12-2020, 01:40 PM 456 new cases today, by far and away our biggest Sunday total. 1 additional death. Over or Under 925 on Tuesday?. I'm going to take the Over How our leaders don't think this is out of control is unbelievable to me Bunty 07-12-2020, 02:08 PM Over or Under 925 on Tuesday?. I'm going to take the Over How our leaders don't think this is out of control is unbelievable to me It's not just the leaders. It's people in general not taking it seriously even though the media is regularly reporting how worse it's getting. Maybe we'd be surprised by the number of people who don't watch the news. Pete 07-12-2020, 02:19 PM It's not just the leaders. It's people in general not taking it seriously even though the media is regularly reporting how worse it's getting. Maybe we'd be surprised by the number of people who don't watch the news. Whether or not people are wearing masks has much more to do with WHAT 'news' they chose to consume more than anything else. Everyone is getting 'news' somewhere. Ronnie Jackson 07-12-2020, 02:24 PM It's not just the leaders. It's people in general not taking it seriously even though the media is regularly reporting how worse it's getting. Maybe we'd be surprised by the number of people who don't watch the news. Important to remember that these people are not leaders. They are Politicians. So they aren’t necessarily interested in doing the right thing. It is much more likely that they will do the popular thing. Fortunately, the mask evidence has become rather overwhelming, such that popular opinion—even among Conservatives—has begun to change. d-usa 07-12-2020, 02:25 PM I’m hoping that the widely shared pictures of a political figure wearing a mask will at least improve our mask numbers slightly. kukblue1 07-12-2020, 02:41 PM It's not just the leaders. It's people in general not taking it seriously even though the media is regularly reporting how worse it's getting. Maybe we'd be surprised by the number of people who don't watch the news. Good point. You can tell people mask help. You can prove mask work and there still be people not willing to wear a mask. RustytheBailiff 07-12-2020, 04:01 PM Important to remember that these people are not leaders. They are Politicians. So they aren’t necessarily interested in doing the right thing. It is much more likely that they will do the popular thing. Fortunately, the mask evidence has become rather overwhelming, such that popular opinion—even among Conservatives—has begun to change. Nothing fortunate about that, it's a shame our population is too stupid and disdainful of science, that we did little if anything to prepare for this. We watch China being engulfed by the virus, and did nothing, then we watched Europe become overtaken by the virus, and did nothing, then we watched England's epidemic and (I guess) we assumed we were somehow magically protected. Then came New York and the Northeast states, Washington and California all in March - did we do anything in Oklahoma to prepare? Not much. Now we are all surprised that we are in the midst of an uncontrollable pandemic. It could have been controlled very easily, but our half assed elected officials and our inbred macho image of ourself make us resistant to the simplest preventative measures, like wearing a mask. Yeah, we're fortunate all right....sigh WEAR A MASK THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE MINE. pw405 07-12-2020, 04:25 PM I wish there was a statistic for how long people in Oklahoma are STAYING in the hospital. That way the state and hospitals can better prepare reserve beds. I just mean solely for Covid-19. The closest measure of that we have is on the Weekly Epidemiology report: It seems that the overall average for survivors is 5 days in the hospital, with the range from 1-17 days. For those that die, the average is 8 days, but ranges from 2-24 days. Symptom onset to death averages to 14 days, ranging from 4-32 days. mugofbeer 07-12-2020, 04:25 PM Nothing fortunate about that, it's a shame our population is too stupid and disdainful of science, that we did little if anything to prepare for this. We watch China being engulfed by the virus, and did nothing, then we watched Europe become overtaken by the virus, and did nothing, then we watched England's epidemic and (I guess) we assumed we were somehow magically protected. Then came New York and the Northeast states, Washington and California all in March - did we do anything in Oklahoma to prepare? Not much. Now we are all surprised that we are in the midst of an uncontrollable pandemic. It could have been controlled very easily, but our half assed elected officials and our inbred macho image of ourself make us resistant to the simplest preventative measures, like wearing a mask. Yeah, we're fortunate all right....sigh WEAR A MASK THE LIFE YOU SAVE MAY BE MINE. I say this in all seriousness. Some points you make are valid but have been made 50 times already. You complain we watched China be engulfed by the virus and did nothing. We were lied to by China, provided inferior and even faulty PPE by China, blamed for the virus by China and, according to the recently defected Wuhan infectious disease doctor, outright mislead by the Chinese. You complain we did nothing while Europe was getting hit hard. We didn't have any more knowledge of how to treat the virus or enough PPE for ourselves at the time, much less enough to supply Europe. I thought their wonderful, superior state run health care system was supposed to handle it? At this point, l don't see European countries offering the US much assistance. As far as an inbred macho image, speak for yourself. Maybe you are inbred and macho but that just isn't a characteristic of this country. Young people will always consider themselves as invincible but what is it you think they are reasonably going to do? The left has gotten so anti police, their not going to "mind the law" or be good citizens because it's the "right" thing to do. Suck it up and try to have a positive outlook and maybe you won't be so miserable. Go bbq something or read a good book. TheTravellers 07-12-2020, 04:52 PM ... Now we are all surprised that we are in the midst of an uncontrollable pandemic. It could have been controlled very easily, but our half assed elected officials and our inbred macho image of ourself make us resistant to the simplest preventative measures, like wearing a mask. ... What you mean "we", kemosabe? :) Most of us on OKCTalk aren't part of that "we/us", thankfully. RustytheBailiff 07-12-2020, 08:04 PM I say this in all seriousness. Some points you make are valid but have been made 50 times already. You complain we watched China be engulfed by the virus and did nothing. We were lied to by China, provided inferior and even faulty PPE by China, blamed for the virus by China and, according to the recently defected Wuhan infectious disease doctor, outright mislead by the Chinese. You complain we did nothing while Europe was getting hit hard. We didn't have any more knowledge of how to treat the virus or enough PPE for ourselves at the time, much less enough to supply Europe. I thought their wonderful, superior state run health care system was supposed to handle it? At this point, l don't see European countries offering the US much assistance. As far as an inbred macho image, speak for yourself. Maybe you are inbred and macho but that just isn't a characteristic of this country. Young people will always consider themselves as invincible but what is it you think they are reasonably going to do? The left has gotten so anti police, their not going to "mind the law" or be good citizens because it's the "right" thing to do. Suck it up and try to have a positive outlook and maybe you won't be so miserable. Go bbq something or read a good book. Yes suck it up and die because we have incompetents running this country. Not a very good answer. Apparently the administration knew of the virus as early as November. What did we do, well, we let Israel and NATO know, but nothing else (1). The idiot president blames china because they lied and then he calls it the Kung Flu (2). To blame it on China for lying is preposterous. Of course they lied, but we had CDC people working in the Wuhan, until we fired them (3). Regardless, we knew the existence of the virus long before they lied to us about it. We do maintain a spy network in China so to say they lied about it may be true, but we still knew of its existence and of it consequences. I read stories in late Feburary or early March about mobile crematoriums in Wuhan. We had time, we wasted it, except for those senators like James Inhofe and Kelly Loeffler who sold stocks. As far as "inbred macho image", I think my word choice was wrong, I did not mean that we are a bunch of inbreds, but rather that we are instilled from childhood to have a macho image of ourselves which prevents us from following common sense and wearing a mask. There are extremists on both sides, but to say the left is anti-police is just repeating the hogwash from trump's twitter and the crap spilled on Fox News. I believe most people that lean left still recognize that a strong police force is required for crime prevention. But police need to be held accountable. It was not the left's fault that a Minneapolis police officer knelt on George Floyd's neck for nearly ten minutes, while three other office either aided in holding Floyd down or simply did nothing. The video of that disturbing and repulsive episode hit youtube whilst the nation is in the middle of a lock down. It was no surprise that people took to the street. No the left is about police reform, not elimination. Thanks for the warm wishes, but why do you thjink I am miserable? I am reading a good book, A Higher Loyalty by James Comey, but I have pre-ordered Mary Trump's Book so hopefully I can share some new material with you shortly.... (1) (2) As my family are Asian-Americans, I find the impotus's racism not only intolerable but also dangerous as now strangers are accusing my family of somehow being responsible for this disease. (3) STAY SAFE WEAR MASKS soonerguru 07-12-2020, 10:30 PM Over or Under 925 on Tuesday?. I'm going to take the Over How our leaders don't think this is out of control is unbelievable to me Our leaders have given up. They allow a vocal minority of Qanon conspiracy nuts to bully them into inaction. It is an unfolding catastrophe. I know two more people who tested positive today and awaiting results for a family member whom we are 99% convinced has it. jdizzle 07-13-2020, 08:12 AM Our leaders have given up. They allow a vocal minority of Qanon conspiracy nuts to bully them into inaction. It is an unfolding catastrophe. I know two more people who tested positive today and awaiting results for a family member whom we are 99% convinced has it. I think that, rather than overall #s of cases, we should look at overall hospitalizations at a GIVEN POINT IN TIME. Looking even at past hospitalizations does no good, and only serves to twist facts and manipulate. Days in which net hospitalizations go down should be looked at as positive. If I have it, but don't waste ER or ICU space, then I can self-quarantine and move on with life without being a burden on society. I know the limiting the spread is important, but it appears that for every 1 person who shows severe or moderate symptoms, 7 or 8 show nothing, if not an even greater discrepancy. If this truly is a weakened strain, than maybe now is the time for herd immunity (partial, not total, of course). I am not advocating going out and licking everyone or not wearing a mask. I will be wearing mine, and hope others do, as well. But if they won't, better now than in 4 months when the flu returns. mkjeeves 07-13-2020, 09:18 AM I think that, rather than overall #s of cases, we should look at overall hospitalizations at a GIVEN POINT IN TIME. Looking even at past hospitalizations does no good, and only serves to twist facts and manipulate. Days in which net hospitalizations go down should be looked at as positive. If I have it, but don't waste ER or ICU space, then I can self-quarantine and move on with life without being a burden on society. I know the limiting the spread is important, but it appears that for every 1 person who shows severe or moderate symptoms, 7 or 8 show nothing, if not an even greater discrepancy. If this truly is a weakened strain, than maybe now is the time for herd immunity (partial, not total, of course). I am not advocating going out and licking everyone or not wearing a mask. I will be wearing mine, and hope others do, as well. But if they won't, better now than in 4 months when the flu returns. It’s around 10 to one. And then there’s the people who have it but are still in the incubation period, are contagious but don’t know it yet. So 20 to 1 known cases? 30 to 1? Full on fail many citizens and our leaders haven’t taken steps to lesson the impact. Edmond Hausfrau 07-13-2020, 09:33 AM This is only one miniscule data point, but the hospital chain I am contracted with has doubled their total inpatient Covid 19 load in past 72 hours. Sadly, of the 30 patients total, 15 are in OKC and 13 are in Tulsa, the remaining 2 are in mountain states. Not very reassuring. pw405 07-13-2020, 10:44 AM READ THIS. Especially if you're a "but the death rate is low" trumpeteer. Pete 07-13-2020, 11:07 AM 510 new cases; a record for a Monday 2 additional people have died. Pete 07-13-2020, 11:07 AM 7-day rolling average is now 626, an all-time high. kukblue1 07-13-2020, 11:09 AM 510 new cases; a record for a Monday 2 additional people have died. Wooo Hooo. Beat Texas. #sarcasm Pete 07-13-2020, 11:55 AM I think that, rather than overall #s of cases, we should look at overall hospitalizations at a GIVEN POINT IN TIME. Looking even at past hospitalizations does no good, and only serves to twist facts and manipulate. Hospitalizations on any given day are strongly trending up, just like new cases and new hospitalizations by day. Is this where we then go to deaths and I post a graph that shows that starting to trend up as well? All the data says the exact same thing and does not 'twist facts and manipulate'. LocoAko 07-13-2020, 01:02 PM So this Thursday's city council meeting doesn't even have a vote. It's just informational. A vote COULD be called for some time next week. I am utterly exasperated. So many of us have been urging action for weeks and we have to wait (at minimum) another week? kukblue1 07-13-2020, 01:17 PM So this Thursday's city council meeting doesn't even have a vote. It's just informational. A vote COULD be called for some time next week. I am utterly exasperated. So many of us have been urging action for weeks and we have to wait (at minimum) another week? Maybe we need to have a march on the Capital with signs that say Our Health Matters. Take Action Now. Back to Phase 1? We should demand a meeting also that worked for BLM. This is crazy. I do see up to about 20 states now require a mask but our Governor has already said that won't every happen so we are pretty much doomed at this point. FighttheGoodFight 07-13-2020, 01:18 PM So this Thursday's city council meeting doesn't even have a vote. It's just informational. A vote COULD be called for some time next week. I am utterly exasperated. So many of us have been urging action for weeks and we have to wait (at minimum) another week? Do they have the rule where it has to be read at one meeting then voted the next? A lot of cities are like that. Pete 07-13-2020, 01:21 PM Do they have the rule where it has to be read at one meeting then voted the next? A lot of cities are like that. No. The Thursday meeting was always meant to be purely informational. The agenda specifically states that no action will be taken, even a preliminary introduction of a possible ordinance. I posted all this upthread. LocoAko 07-13-2020, 02:31 PM Looks like California is basically shutting most (indoor) things down again in a big rollback. 0-07-13T19%3A28%3A32&utm_medium=social&utm_term=link&utm_source=twCNN California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered Monday all counties in the state to close indoor activities at restaurants, bars, wineries, tasting rooms, movie theaters, family entertainment centers, zoos, and museums. In addition, 30 counties have to also shut down fitness centers, places of worship, offices for non-critical sectors, personal care services, hair salons and barbershops, and malls. TheTravellers 07-13-2020, 03:07 PM Looks like California is basically shutting most (indoor) things down again in a big rollback. 0-07-13T19%3A28%3A32&utm_medium=social&utm_term=link&utm_source=twCNN In addition, 30 counties have to also shut down fitness centers, places of worship, offices for non-critical sectors, personal care services, hair salons and barbershops, and malls. Meanwhile, OK will not ever have a mask mandate, and our city council is just screwing around and apparently is going to just sit and blather on 7/16. You're doing fine, Oklahoma, NO YOU'RE NOT... kukblue1 07-13-2020, 03:33 PM Meanwhile, OK will not ever have a mask mandate, and our city council is just screwing around and apparently is going to just sit and blather on 7/16. You're doing fine, Oklahoma, NO YOU'RE NOT... We will be the new hot spot shortly. We are the next Florida, Texas, Arizona. We just have a small population so to many it won't seem as bad. Oh they only have 2,000 new cases a day it's not bad there. But in terms of population that will be bad very bad. Oh and good for California. We need a National Shut down like this again for 3 weeks. We can't be having test results talking 8 days to get back to people. There are too many people to contract trace. We need even just 2 weeks to get things caught up a little bit. Libbymin 07-13-2020, 03:47 PM What's even the point of an "informational meeting"? soonerguru 07-13-2020, 03:52 PM I think that, rather than overall #s of cases, we should look at overall hospitalizations at a GIVEN POINT IN TIME. Looking even at past hospitalizations does no good, and only serves to twist facts and manipulate. Days in which net hospitalizations go down should be looked at as positive. If I have it, but don't waste ER or ICU space, then I can self-quarantine and move on with life without being a burden on society. I know the limiting the spread is important, but it appears that for every 1 person who shows severe or moderate symptoms, 7 or 8 show nothing, if not an even greater discrepancy. If this truly is a weakened strain, than maybe now is the time for herd immunity (partial, not total, of course). I am not advocating going out and licking everyone or not wearing a mask. I will be wearing mine, and hope others do, as well. But if they won't, better now than in 4 months when the flu returns. Update: my family member has it, is young with no underlying conditions, and is very, very sick. Honestly, I'm wary of your deflection on the topic. To your point, hospitalizations are way up and going up dramatically. Time to think of something else to BS about. Thank you for wearing a mask. soonerguru 07-13-2020, 03:55 PM So this Thursday's city council meeting doesn't even have a vote. It's just informational. A vote COULD be called for some time next week. I am utterly exasperated. So many of us have been urging action for weeks and we have to wait (at minimum) another week? Call your council member and the mayor. jdizzle 07-13-2020, 04:07 PM Update: my family member has it, is young with no underlying conditions, and is very, very sick. Honestly, I'm wary of your deflection on the topic. To your point, hospitalizations are way up and going up dramatically. Time to think of something else to BS about. Thank you for wearing a mask. So how am I supposed to handle it? I am sorry about your family member, and I hope they recover very quickly! But am I supposed to live in terror of this? I am careful, and advocate for others to be careful, as well. I just don't think that manipulation and fear-mongering are the best ways to do that. But I will pick a new topic to BS about, since my opinion goes against the masses on this board. Pete 07-13-2020, 06:00 PM +47 net increase in hospitalizations since Friday (they don't report on the weekend). Puts us at 546, second only to March 31st when the number was 562. kukblue1 07-13-2020, 06:05 PM +47 net increase in hospitalizations since Friday (they don't report on the weekend). Puts us at 546, second only to March 31st when the number was 562. I give up. Our leaders have. Too many people that still believe it's a Hoax our only hope is if the virus kills its self. We shut down for far worse in April and it worked and worked well. Now we break some kind of new record everyday and sit back and do nothing. BS jerrywall 07-13-2020, 06:37 PM Looks like the big idea out of the Edmond City Council is to require businesses to put up signage of their mask policy on the door. So great, now all the antimaskers can more easily find each other and congregate. Mott 07-13-2020, 07:46 PM Looks like the big idea out of the Edmond City Council is to require businesses to put up signage of their mask policy on the door. So great, now all the antimaskers can more easily find each other and congregate. Went to Edmond Natural Grocers Friday, and at least 40%+ of the customers were not wearing masks. The irony is why go shopping in a store for organic healthier products, and not wear a mask ( like all staff and over half of the customers )? Sorta like going to Doctors office, with pneumonia and smoking in the examination room. emtefury 07-13-2020, 08:11 PM I have yet to see/find any data on whether or wearing or not wearing a mask prevented or did not prevent a COVID positive test. I don’t mean wear a mask because x person says so. I mean data what shows x many people got COViD because they didn’t wear a mark or x many people got COVID that wore a mask. emtefury 07-13-2020, 08:15 PM Kids have been out of school since March. The virus is spreading much faster now than when schools closed. Do you honestly believe that school closures haven't been directly responsible for kids not getting sick? This is absurd. Since reopening cases have gone through the roof and it was only slowed by the closures. This is what I am talking about in only talking numerator numbers. What is the ratio of kids who get COVID to hospitalized and die?. It is lower than the flu. Yes kids will get it in school, but the risk right now according to ratios is lower than the flu for children. That remains the question. Are we going to shutdown school every year from November to April during flu season? Rover 07-13-2020, 08:28 PM This is what I am talking about in only talking numerator numbers. What is the ratio of kids who get COVID to hospitalized and die?. It is lower than the flu. Yes kids will get it in school, but the risk right now according to ratios is lower than the flu for children. That remains the question. Are we going to shutdown school every year from November to April during flu season? This is the spin that the right is pushing ... to keep calling it the flu. Problem is, that’s a wholly ignorant comparison. It is far more contagious, far more deadly, and the numbers prove it out. There aren’t any respectable medical experts who claim this is only like the flu. But it hasn’t kept a certain slice of Americans from promoting the idea for political reasons. |