View Full Version : Covid-19 in OKC (coronavirus)

07-01-2020, 02:52 AM
After studying the data a bit further, I believe I have sorted out my confusion.

The EOR lists "total positive specimens," and immediately qualifies that number with a note it does not indicate unique individuals. In the lower summary section, it lists daily cases as "newly reported." That tells me the daily number is unique individuals, not repeated testers. Just clarifying what I think the report is conveying.cTook a few rereads and comparisons for th light bulb to go on.

We have known for quite some time that individuals take multiple tests. My coworker trated positivein mid-March, had horrific symptoms despite no underlying conditions, and then proceeded to spend hu of dollars on tests, to ensure she was clear. She personally took five tests, so it us obvious that people will take multiple trats. Maybe this explains the discrepancy in your numbrts woth actual health professionals who do this for a living.

07-01-2020, 06:36 AM
If we combined this thread with Hamilton it would look like this:

Dan, 10/10. Thank you for sharing. Well the singer and original lyrics, the ending with the supporting cast took away from it. How like this one?

07-01-2020, 11:05 AM
Today's update:

Cases: 355
Hospitalizations: 33
Deaths: 2

07-01-2020, 11:21 AM
Today's update:

Cases: 355
Hospitalizations: 33
Deaths: 2

And total recoveries at 520 today. This number always gets not mentioned by many as the active total cases is important as well
While the new cases is Still higher hopefully we can get that to go down and these recoveries from the last two weeks of high numbers start coming in making the total active cases drop drastically again
I think the next 7 days are critical. If current cases stay flat or start going down we are better off. But if cases keep going up we need to evaluate

Jersey Boss
07-01-2020, 11:36 AM
And total recoveries at 520 today. This number always gets not mentioned by many as the active total cases is important as well
While the new cases is Still higher hopefully we can get that to go down and these recoveries from the last two weeks of high numbers start coming in making the total active cases drop drastically again
I think the next 7 days are critical. If current cases stay flat or start going down we are better off. But if cases keep going up we need to evaluate

The reason it is not mentioned is the criteria for being recovered. The state defines it as those hospitalized or dead 14 days after onset. It has nothing to do with actual recovery.

07-01-2020, 11:55 AM
Today's update:

Cases: 355
Hospitalizations: 33
Deaths: 2

Hopefully yesterdays numbers were just the weekend back log catching up. Today was consistent with end of the last week. Obvious need bigger time span of data to make a determination if the delta has stabilized.

07-01-2020, 12:00 PM
One key metric I look at is deaths week by week, for the country.

From CDC website, the date is the end of that week data. Total deaths are all deaths in US not just Covid:

Week / CV Deaths / Total Deaths
4/11/2020 15,712 77,604
4/18/2020 16,370 74,992
4/25/2020 14,133 71,268
5/2/2020 11,705 66,180
5/9/2020 10,788 64,140
5/16/2020 8,843 60,913
5/23/2020 6,789 57,238
5/30/2020 5,658 54,302
6/6/2020 4,279 51,959
6/13/2020 3,047 47,305
6/20/2020 1,451 36,035
6/27/2020 229 16,520

The trend has been going down week by week. Lets hope that continues.

07-01-2020, 12:01 PM
The reason it is not mentioned is the criteria for being recovered. The state defines it as those hospitalized or dead 14 days after onset. It has nothing to do with actual recovery.

And OK defines "recovered" differently than the CDC recommends (gosh, I'm shocked). Here's the text from a post by Oklahoma Source on FB (no account, so I can't link, but it was posted on 4/21.

For those touting Oklahoma’s recovery statistics, here is an explanation. The criteria that the state is using to determine who has recovered is vastly different than the recommendations from the CDC. Oklahoma is considering someone to be “recovered” when they are not hospitalized or deceased 14 days after their positive test. That criteria is listed on the executive reports published on weekdays.

The CDC criteria for recovery lists several conditions that must be met. One definitive condition is two consecutive negative tests taken at least 24 hours apart. Other criteria if testing is not available is that a patient must meet all three indicators: 1) At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications 2) Improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath). 3). At least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.…/2019-ncov/hcp/disposition-in-home-pat…

Unless the Oklahoma State Department of Health is calling and checking in on every patient who is on home isolation, the recovery numbers they are listing on their website are only assumptions. There are varying reports from around the globe of some people who are symptomatic for 3-6 weeks after diagnosis. Likewise, studies have varying information on just how long someone is actually contagious.

Just some things to keep in mind when you see the “recovery” numbers OSDH is releasing.

Here at Oklahoma Source, we are just doing our best to provide our readers with clear data in a consistent manner. Other than adding death information to our maps and graphs, we have kept our graphics consistent for easy comparison. We always link the state website for those who wish to pursue additional information.

07-01-2020, 12:46 PM
Today's update:

Cases: 355
Hospitalizations: 33
Deaths: 2

hate to be a party pooper but it looks like 233 cases just for from OKC not good

07-01-2020, 12:49 PM
Holt has a presser at 2PM today.

He's been emphasizing that OKC has not been trending up...

That has clearly changed so will be interesting to see what he says this afternoon.

07-01-2020, 01:14 PM
Holt has a presser at 2PM today.

He's been emphasizing that OKC has not been trending up...

That has clearly changed so will be interesting to see what he says this afternoon.

152 cases yesterday 233 cases today and I think the is only for OKC and does not include the metro area. I'm sure he will pull out a 9 day map or something showing cases going down over the last 9 days. SmH

Bill Robertson
07-01-2020, 02:08 PM
Holt is wearing a mask.

07-01-2020, 02:20 PM
Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt puts new health restrictions in place for two weeks starting Friday morning.

- All restaurant and bar employees must wear masks
- Bar capacity lowered to 50%
- Venues with theatre-style seating will return to "staggered seating"

07-01-2020, 02:34 PM
Sounds like Holt isn’t going to do an actual mandate though as he doesn’t think it would be enforceable.

07-01-2020, 02:36 PM
Absolute total complete idiots (verging on the criminal) - this is exactly why America is f***ed.

07-01-2020, 02:37 PM
I feel like this is a "wear a mask" mandate without it being an actual proclamation.

It is funny, since the increase in cases i feel like I have Seen WAY More masks being worn, myself included.

07-01-2020, 02:43 PM
I feel like this is a "wear a mask" mandate without it being an actual proclamation.

It is funny, since the increase in cases i feel like I have Seen WAY More masks being worn, myself included.

Yeah, I've noticed that even Walmart People (granted, this was in Edmond) have been sporting masks at a much higher rate. I think folks -- even on the far right -- have accepted that the CV is serious AF and should be treated as such.

Bill Robertson
07-01-2020, 02:44 PM
I feel like this is a "wear a mask" mandate without it being an actual proclamation.

It is funny, since the increase in cases i feel like I have Seen WAY More masks being worn, myself included.I think you have seen that. I stopped at Homeland on the way home last night. And Lowe’s on the way to work this morning. At both there were probably twice the number of people wearing masks as a week ago. And Lowe’s / Home Depot have been the lowest percentage I’ve seen. I was pretty happy this morning to see more masks there.

07-01-2020, 02:51 PM
Yeah I just got done shopping at Crest at Santa Fe/164th and I'd say at least 70% of folks have masks. Oddly enough it's older men that seem to be the demographic least likely to wear them.

Bill Robertson
07-01-2020, 02:59 PM
Yeah I just got done shopping at Crest at Santa Fe/164th and I'd say at least 70% of folks have masks. Oddly enough it's older men that seem to be the demographic least likely to wear them.I have noticed that also. I wonder why. Older guy machismo?

07-01-2020, 03:06 PM
I have noticed that also. I wonder why. Older guy machismo?

Are you guys serious? This is very clearly a partisan issue now. Just look at the political party demographics. There's your answer.

Sorry, had to log in for this one ...

07-01-2020, 03:11 PM
Sounds like Holt isn’t going to do an actual mandate though as he doesn’t think it would be enforceable.

This is a dumb excuse. Requiring masks will result in more people wearing masks, better health outcomes, and help the economy. Of course, you have to be reasonable about enforcement. You don't have police rounding up non-mask wearers. Still, you absolutely should do it. Pretty big failure in leadership on his part.

Absolute total complete idiots (verging on the criminal) - this is exactly why America is f***ed.

Attending indoor events with a COVID-19 diagnosis absolutely should be criminal.

07-01-2020, 03:27 PM
Apple announced they are closing the Stores in Tulsa and Penn Square Temporarily.

Bill Robertson
07-01-2020, 03:39 PM
Sounds like Holt isn’t going to do an actual mandate though as he doesn’t think it would be enforceable.But he did pass the buck to business owners. Saying the city will back up any business that makes masks mandatory. Really?

07-01-2020, 03:48 PM
But he did pass the buck to business owners. Saying the city will back up any business that makes masks mandatory. Really?

Very disappointing, thought we had some leadership at the local level. We have none at any level now, it's all "personal responsibility" and "freedom", going to turn out just great....

It's stupid to say "masks are mandatory for restaurant and bar employees", and also say "but not for anybody else because we can't enforce it". How are they going to enforce restaurant and bar employees not wearing them, then?

Jersey Boss
07-01-2020, 03:52 PM
Are you guys serious? This is very clearly a partisan issue now. Just look at the political party demographics. There's your answer.

Sorry, had to log in for this one ...

The GOP in DC is flailing around trying to overcome this stupidity.

Bill Robertson
07-01-2020, 03:55 PM
Very disappointing, thought we had some leadership at the local level. We have none at any level now, it's all "personal responsibility" and "freedom", going to turn out just great....

It's stupid to say "masks are mandatory for restaurant and bar employees", and also say "but not for anybody else because we can't enforce it". How are they going to enforce restaurant and bar employees not wearing them, then?
The guy, sorry can’t remember his name, from the city/county health department said that they can enforce restaurant rules. He even encouraged people to call in violations.

Jersey Boss
07-01-2020, 03:55 PM
Very disappointing, thought we had some leadership at the local level. We have none at any level now, it's all "personal responsibility" and "freedom", going to turn out just great....

It's stupid to say "masks are mandatory for restaurant and bar employees", and also say "but not for anybody else because we can't enforce it". How are they going to enforce restaurant and bar employees not wearing them, then?

How do they enforce "no shoes or shirt, no service"?

Bill Robertson
07-01-2020, 03:58 PM
Holt also finished by saying the city will begin handing over responsibility for COVID rule making to the City Council in cooperation with the City/County Health Department. I wonder how that will go.

Plutonic Panda
07-01-2020, 04:06 PM
I’m glad they aren’t mandating masks. It should be up to the individual. I’m here in Sedona and it’s the same thing and it is working. Most people seem to be wearing masks.

07-01-2020, 04:21 PM
I don’t understand it either. If someone doesn’t wear a mask, you give them a fine. There, now you have your enforcement mechanism. Is there something else I’m not understanding?

I get that some people would still not comply and you’ll never get 100% mask users, but the same could be said for lots of other laws for which people can get a fine.

07-01-2020, 04:27 PM
I love my face shield so much easier to wear. Grant it i don't have to wear it much just a few people in the office until 5 but i could see how it's useful if you going to be near people but not really within the 6 foot zone if you will.. Like a Dollar General that is empty in the morning , a small retail store with very few people. Even though it's up on in the air how well they work i think they have a place. just a thought.

07-01-2020, 04:29 PM
I don’t understand it either. If someone doesn’t wear a mask, you give them a fine. There, now you have your enforcement mechanism. Is there something else I’m not understanding?

Yep, not that hard, and it's not like we'd be the first municipality to enact a mandatory mask ordinance.

07-01-2020, 04:41 PM
I don’t understand it either. If someone doesn’t wear a mask, you give them a fine. There, now you have your enforcement mechanism. Is there something else I’m not understanding?

I get that some people would still not comply and you’ll never get 100% mask users, but the same could be said for lots of other laws for which people can get a fine.

That's sort of the issue. We're right in the middle of a major awakening in this country where there's a lot of awareness and distrust in regards to the police and their interactions with the public. Do we really want to increase this with them going around trying to enforce mask wearing with fines? And when they don't pay the fines, are we going to lock them up? We really don't need to be creating more enforcement opportunities, especially when these activities tend to be applied unevenly against lower income and minority residents.

Fining a business for not requiring masks on the other hand is a little easier, although I can still see the opportunity for abuse.

07-01-2020, 04:45 PM
Could you not create a protocol for enforcement? An officer should offer a mask to someone not wearing one in indoor spaces where social distancing is not possible. If someone is unwilling to leave or does not use the mask provided then they can get a $25 fine. No other action should be taken and de-escalation should be prioritized. I certainly agree that there are concerns with how Black citizens will be treated in such a situation.

I'll also say that just putting the mandate on the book—even without any meaningful enforcement—will likely result in more mask wearing, which is the goal. Crises always show what leaders are really about and it just feels like we're seeing through Holt right now.

07-01-2020, 04:56 PM
Could you not create a protocol for enforcement? An officer should offer a mask to someone not wearing one in indoor spaces where social distancing is not possible. If someone is unwilling to leave or does not use the mask provided then they can get a $25 fine. No other action should be taken and de-escalation should be prioritized. I certainly agree that there are concerns with how Black citizens will be treated in such a situation.

I'll also say that just putting the mandate on the book—even without any meaningful enforcement—will likely result in more mask wearing, which is the goal. Crises always show what leaders are really about and it just feels like we're seeing through Holt right now.

+2 (one for each paragraph).

Enforcing mask mandates for restaurants/bar employees is definitely easier as they're at that physical location during their shift, so easier to track down, as it were, rather than the PD getting notified that a customer isn't wearing a mask, and then getting there after they've left. Also, restaurant/bar employees not wearing masks should be prioritized over customers/citizens because they come in contact with so many people during their shift.

07-01-2020, 04:59 PM
Could you not create a protocol for enforcement? An officer should offer a mask to someone not wearing one in indoor spaces where social distancing is not possible. If someone is unwilling to leave or does not use the mask provided then they can get a $25 fine. No other action should be taken and de-escalation should be prioritized. I certainly agree that there are concerns with how Black citizens will be treated in such a situation.

I'll also say that just putting the mandate on the book—even without any meaningful enforcement—will likely result in more mask wearing, which is the goal. Crises always show what leaders are really about and it just feels like we're seeing through Holt right now.

I agree that just putting the mandate out there would be a benefit. I'm pretty sure that's how most places are doing it (not enforcing in any real way). I was really just speaking up to the enforcement issue, because it's not as simple as just fining people.

One suggest I saw that makes the most sense to me is putting that enforcement on the businesses. Then folks are trespassing if they refuse to wear a mask or leave. And it's the businesses themselves that would get fined if they refused to enforce. That makes more sense to me as well as something more clearly within the powers of city government.

07-01-2020, 04:59 PM
Could you not create a protocol for enforcement? An officer should offer a mask to someone not wearing one in indoor spaces where social distancing is not possible. If someone is unwilling to leave or does not use the mask provided then they can get a $25 fine. No other action should be taken and de-escalation should be prioritized. I certainly agree that there are concerns with how Black citizens will be treated in such a situation.

I'll also say that just putting the mandate on the book—even without any meaningful enforcement—will likely result in more mask wearing, which is the goal. Crises always show what leaders are really about and it just feels like we're seeing through Holt right now.

Nah. Holt has--very obviously--been an empty suit for awhile now. He just had a lot of people fooled because he's excellent at The Twitter and Instagram game.

07-01-2020, 05:03 PM
I'm just not sure about the whole wear a mask thing for employees. The people eating and drinking at the bar won't be wearing one. So I'm just not sure how effect this can really be. Bars should be outdoor seating only or something to that effect. Restaurants seating has to be 6 feet apart.

07-01-2020, 05:08 PM
I'm just not sure about the whole wear a mask thing for employees. The people eating and drinking at the bar won't be wearing one. So I'm just not sure how effect this can really be. Bars should be outdoor seating only or something to that effect. Restaurants seating has to be 6 feet apart.

Nothing needs to be 100% to be effective and beneficial.

If even 10% of the people wear a mask, that's better than 0%. 50% is even better. 100% would be great. But this isn't an airlock. A little leak doesn't invalidate the whole thing. Since the employees are going around and interacting with customers, and entering their "zone" then yeah, them wearing masks help. It would be BETTER if the customers did too, but it's less likely the employees will be passing around the germs to multiple people if they're wearing masks.

This is the same crazy thinking I see when people go "it's not worth OKC to have restrictions if other cities don't". Do folks think other cities are going to INCREASE their spread just to offset whatever measures OKC takes?

Jersey Boss
07-01-2020, 05:11 PM
I'm just not sure about the whole wear a mask thing for employees. The people eating and drinking at the bar won't be wearing one. So I'm just not sure how effect this can really be. Bars should be outdoor seating only or something to that effect. Restaurants seating has to be 6 feet apart.

The mask is not meant to protect the wearer as much as it is to protect others. It protects the patrons, not the employee.

07-01-2020, 06:04 PM
How this country survived rationing and restriction in WW2 is beyond me...

07-01-2020, 06:27 PM
How this country survived rationing and restriction in WW2 is beyond me...

Once upon a time, people had respect for one another................


Bill Robertson
07-01-2020, 06:52 PM
Once upon a time, people had respect for one another................

STAY SAFE WEAR A MASKTrue. What we are seeing from many right now is just how prevalent the lack of caring about others and the “I can do whatever I want and to hell with you” philosophy is. I’m 99.9% sure that’s not what our founding fathers had in mind when they created a free country. This attitude is scarier than the virus is.

07-01-2020, 08:20 PM
I've deleted a bunch of posts.


Bans are coming if this persists.

07-01-2020, 08:49 PM
We have known for quite some time that individuals take multiple tests. My coworker trated positivein mid-March, had horrific symptoms despite no underlying conditions, and then proceeded to spend hu of dollars on tests, to ensure she was clear. She personally took five tests, so it us obvious that people will take multiple trats. Maybe this explains the discrepancy in your numbrts woth actual health professionals who do this for a living.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here. There has never been a question that some people have taken multiple tests. It was not until I studied the EORs in more depth that I realized the new daily numbers are, in fact, new and *distinct* cases. I have to go by summary data, not individual data points.

07-01-2020, 09:11 PM
48,000 new cases in the U.S. today, yet another daily record.

Fauci said yesterday that we could reach 100K cases a day in the near future.

Also eclipsed 130,000 American deaths.

07-01-2020, 09:37 PM
48,000 new cases in the U.S. today, yet another daily record.

Fauci said yesterday that we could reach 100K cases a day in the near future.

Also eclipsed 130,000 American deaths.

If people want more graphs I found this site has good countrywide information.

This is just sad.

07-01-2020, 09:56 PM
How this country survived rationing and restriction in WW2 is beyond me...

Thank you!. This has been on my mind for quite a while now. Back then this country had the resolve to get the job done. Everyone pitching in and doing their part. We no longer have that resolve. The farther we get away from the Depression and WWII generation, the more we are losing the values that got them through it.

07-01-2020, 10:00 PM
Rezman you are spot on.

Plutonic Panda
07-01-2020, 10:02 PM
I've deleted a bunch of posts.


Bans are coming if this persists.Pete, my bad man, but it is fairly easy to forget which thread is which when we have like 5 of them. I’ll try my best but an honest mistake is an honest mistake.

07-01-2020, 10:15 PM
Pete, my bad man, but it is fairly easy to forget which thread is which when we have like 5 of them. I’ll try my best but an honest mistake is an honest mistake.

If you use the "Latest Posts" button at the top of every page, you'll only see threads outside the Politics Forum.

Plutonic Panda
07-01-2020, 10:20 PM
If you use the "Latest Posts" button at the top of every page, you'll only see threads outside the Politics Forum.
I always use that 16203

Why is mine different?

Idk why it’s blurry but I click on latest post and politics shows up unless I’m doing something wrong,

07-01-2020, 10:34 PM
Serenity Now.

Roger S
07-02-2020, 08:08 AM
Pete... I get politics threads (which I avoid like Covid*) when I click Latest Posts also.... If I click New Posts then the politics are filtered out. It's been that way for me for a few years.

*Formerly the plague

07-02-2020, 08:40 AM
Pete... I get politics threads (which I avoid like Covid*) when I click Latest Posts also.... If I click New Posts then the politics are filtered out. It's been that way for me for a few years.

*Formerly the plague

So something I saw for me...

There's a setting under "general settings"...


It works backwards for me, so it may be for other people too. What this means is, if I select to exclude the "politics" from "what's new", the political forums actually show up under "what's new" but are hidden from "latest posts". Which is how I prefer it (I use "latest posts" mainly). If I set it to exclude "none", then "what's new" no longer shows political posts, but they DO show up under "latest posts". So it's some sort of binary switch in the logic somewhere.

07-02-2020, 11:04 AM
427 new cases today.

6 more deaths.

And 62 additional hospitalizations, which is by far the most for one day.

07-02-2020, 11:05 AM
But at least total hospitalizations are down by 6 and the 7 day average decreased a bit.

07-02-2020, 11:29 AM
Over 10,000 new cases in Florida today. 10K in one day in one state!

Texas yet to release #'s but they set a record yesterday and Arizona is also raging out of control.

07-02-2020, 11:42 AM
If you use the "Latest Posts" button at the top of every page, you'll only see threads outside the Politics Forum.

I can also verify that I see political posts in "Latest Posts" and have for a while now.