08-31-2021, 06:58 PM
Parks and Rec was spot on with their town halls…
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d-usa 08-31-2021, 06:58 PM Parks and Rec was spot on with their town halls… https://youtu.be/areUGfOHkMA soonerguru 08-31-2021, 09:12 PM The political cowardice of Councilman Stonecipher and others on this matter is breathtaking. Why even choose to be a civic leader if you cannot take simple, principled stands on protecting the public? I can't imagine the shame and embarrassment I would feel allowing psychotic bullies like the Hefners scare me into voting a certain way on such an important matter. Bits_Of_Real_Panther 08-31-2021, 09:32 PM I did a covid test last Tuesday morning at the corner pharmacy, I believe it was processed by DLO. Results back within 36 hours. Negative fortunately. I'm feeling like hunkering down again, after the spiking numbers the last week or 2. Once I read the news about the metro hospitals being at capacity, and the denial and lack of leadership by multiple levels of government, I mean, what else can one conclude than we are on our own during a storm that is inundating us? Mott 08-31-2021, 09:46 PM The political cowardice of Councilman Stonecipher and others on this matter is breathtaking. Why even choose to be a civic leader if you cannot take simple, principled stands on protecting the public? I can't imagine the shame and embarrassment I would feel allowing psychotic bullies like the Hefners scare me into voting a certain way on such an important matter. If it’s going to be a sport, then let em get COVID-19. And not take up hospital space from those that are vaccinated. Bunty 08-31-2021, 10:04 PM I started to feel that way last summer when I was real active in the fight for a mask mandate in Edmond, after sitting through all the crazy council meetings... until I started seeing videos from other states and I realized that crazy and ignorant isn't limited to geography. The only thing that really made me feel better is that I noticed it was the same, very loud, very obnoxious dozen or so anti-science nuts at all the meetings. They're probably being stirred up like silly by leading anti mask and anti covid vaccine fanatics on the Internet. The things they say go over the top unbelievably. As I have mentioned before, I hope they can be subject to bankruptcy causing civil lawsuits for causing needless sickness and death. Freedom of speech that causes all that shouldn't come without serious consequences. runOKC 08-31-2021, 10:04 PM The guy that owns Bedlam BBQ had some serious crazy eyes as he was blabbering on. Dude was big mad. dankrutka 08-31-2021, 10:12 PM The political cowardice of Councilman Stonecipher and others on this matter is breathtaking. Why even choose to be a civic leader if you cannot take simple, principled stands on protecting the public? I can't imagine the shame and embarrassment I would feel allowing psychotic bullies like the Hefners scare me into voting a certain way on such an important matter. So many "leaders" are far more influenced by social pressures (or misinformation) than doing the right thing. As MLK said in his Letter from Birmingham Jail, we are morally obligated to follow just laws and we are also morally obligated to disobey unjust laws. I'd rather be fired a few times in my life and live with principle. Being in education, it's been disheartening to see how many principals and other leaders just bow to public pressure even if it risks the mental and physical health of the teachers, students, and community under their care. PoliSciGuy 08-31-2021, 10:18 PM The GOP continues to be a misinformed death cult, right down to the local level. These folks lack critical thinking skills and use violence and misinformation to try to overcome their own ignorance, and the public suffers for it. PhiAlpha 08-31-2021, 10:29 PM The political cowardice of Councilman Stonecipher and others on this matter is breathtaking. Why even choose to be a civic leader if you cannot take simple, principled stands on protecting the public? I can't imagine the shame and embarrassment I would feel allowing psychotic bullies like the Hefners scare me into voting a certain way on such an important matter. I get that you're upset and understand why but it seems as though every time a city or state leader has an opinion that differs from yours, they are automatically a coward, an embarrassment, don't care about the safety of the public or anyone other than themselves, have some ulterior motive, are yielding to bullies, etc. All of them initially voted for a mask mandate with the primary goals of flattening the curve and buying time for the vaccines to be developed while allowing businesses to reopen. I think the extension passed 7-1 or something like that and it was in place for a nearly a year. So I think it's a bit harsh and inaccurate to characterize them as such. Tulsa just decided against a mask mandate as well. Which brings me to the question...which large cities are actually enforcing a mask mandate? Are OK's two largest cities unique for not doing so? I watched press conferences with the heads of the three major hospitals in Tulsa two(ish) weeks ago when the city began revisiting the idea of a mask mandate. When asked if they supported it, one doctor said yes and the other two said they'd prefer to put all their weight behind getting more people vaccinated and were concerned that the negative public reaction and fallout from another mask mandate would vastly overshadow and distract from the vaccination effort and would hurt then end goal of increasing the state's vaccination rate...which based on a small sample size, seems pretty accurate. The city council allowed time to flatten the curve, gradually reopen and now we have at least 3 vaccines but cases are rising again, including an increasing number of breakthrough cases. I think most doctors have resigned themselves to the fact that Covid-19 is here to stay with the primary goal now being to reduce the amount of cases, reduce the severity of infections and improve treatments. The NPR interview with a doctor from Johns Hopkins below is one of several I've seen that says as much. There is no way we're ever going to achieve 100% vaccination so it's going to be some combo of vaccine induce immunity and natural immunity with likely a bunch of holes for unvaccinated people who haven't had the virus. Both natural immunity and vaccine immunity wane over time so whatever percentage of those people don't get booster shots will be more susceptible reinfection as time goes on. Even if we somehow vaccinated everyone, there would still likely be a large amount of breakthrough cases, especially as new variants develop (as the Israeli's are now figuring out). So I guess my question to you is: I know cases and hospitalizations are rising again which obviously isn't good, but what's your end game on mask mandates? Do we wear masks for another year? Two years? Three years? Forever? I'm genuinely interested because everyone in the mask mandate camp seems to be clamoring for the government, at any level, to bring them back then get irate when everyone chooses not to do so, but they don't seem to have any plan besides "we need masks!" I could see the value in doing it in schools until more students are eligible to be vaccinated since especially the younger students are in such close contact, but the rest of the public? https://www.npr.org/2021/08/01/1023393330/what-we-can-glean-from-rare-covid-19-reinfections king183 08-31-2021, 11:23 PM 1707117070 Some of you may recall Ken Reddick, one of the anti-mask and anti-vaccine protest leaders in Tulsa, former Tulsa mayor candidate, and attendee at the January 6 riot at the Capitol. He organized a protest at the end of June, calling vaccine and mask advocates all sorts of vile names. Two weeks later he was in the ICU on the verge of death, infected with COVID. He now likely has permanent lung damage due to scarring. He can’t walk more than a foot without losing breath. He can’t use the bathroom on his own. He can barely speak. He has small children at home, he is self-employed as a roofer, and his wife has been begging for money through a fundraiser to help them get by. This is the tragic consequence of COVID and the arrogant denialism people like Ken Reddick espouse. He didn’t just hurt himself by refusing to mask and get the vaccine; he has put his family in a major bind. They are now dependent on the goodwill of other people—something he was unwilling to extend to others. Who will be the next Ken Reddick in Oklahoma? PhiAlpha 08-31-2021, 11:24 PM Have you gone to a doctor and asked if you should take it? I talked to my doctor about it. His answer (I'm paraphrasing) was along the lines of: "Out of an abundance of caution we recommend that even people who've fairly recently been infected get vaccinated after around 90 days. That said, natural immunity is part of the picture that isn't being discussed or weighed heavily enough and based on what we know currently, you should have fairly strong immunity protection from reinfection for 8-12 months, possibly longer. In under a year, reinfection is very rare. Getting fully vaccinated or at least one dose probably would further reduce your already low risk of reinfection, but the jury's still out as to how much. If reinfection does occur, it generally has been mild. Regardless of whether you take the vaccine you're very unlikely to catch it again within 8-12 months of when you had it so if you don't get vaccinated now, check back in around that time." Doing the math, right now I likely have around a 1% chance of being reinfected with a very mild case if I do nothing and according to a study just released by the CDC, that potentially drops to around 0.5% if I get vaccinated. If I go the vaccine route, at minimum...based on everyone I know who has gotten vaccinated and already had Covid, there's a pretty good chance that I'll feel like crap for a day or two, maybe longer, with each dose but the potential exists (however low) for additional side effects. If I don't get vaccinated right now, the potential for any side effects at all is zero and my odds for catching it again are still likely around 1%. It just makes more sense to me to wait until my natural immunity really starting to fall off. Bits_Of_Real_Panther 08-31-2021, 11:35 PM Yeah sure, what you got last winter will protect you against a different strain. I wish I could have poor critical thinking skills PhiAlpha 08-31-2021, 11:39 PM Yeah sure, what you got last winter will protect you against a different strain. I wish I could have poor critical thinking skills Yeah, 60% of the time, being an ass is a lot easier than just reading the results of the study I posted, every time: https://www.science.org/news/2021/08/having-sars-cov-2-once-confers-much-greater-immunity-vaccine-vaccination-remains-vital Plutonic Panda 08-31-2021, 11:43 PM Phi, it sounds to me unless I misunderstood your doctor told you to get the vaccine. I hope you do and stay safe man. God bless. king183 08-31-2021, 11:43 PM Yeah sure, what you got last winter will protect you against a different strain. I wish I could have poor critical thinking skills CDC Study (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm?s_cid=mm7032e1_w): “Being unvaccinated was associated with 2.34 times the odds of reinfection compared with being fully vaccinated.“ And the study was done before Delta was widespread. Also from Phi’s own link: The researchers also found that people who had SARS-CoV-2 previously and received one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine were more highly protected against reinfection than those who once had the virus and were still unvaccinated. PhiAlpha 08-31-2021, 11:48 PM They will literally talk themselves into anything. CDC Study (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm?s_cid=mm7032e1_w): “Being unvaccinated was associated with 2.34 times the odds of reinfection compared with being fully vaccinated.“ And the study was done before Delta was widespread. It was widespread enough in Israel to do a study on it and draw a conclusion. The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19. The new analysis relies on the database of Maccabi Healthcare Services, which enrolls about 2.5 million Israelis. The study, led by Tal Patalon and Sivan Gazit at KSM, the system’s research and innovation arm, found in two analyses that never-infected people who were vaccinated in January and February were, in June, July, and the first half of August, six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus. In one analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher. https://www.science.org/news/2021/08/having-sars-cov-2-once-confers-much-greater-immunity-vaccine-vaccination-remains-vital And yes, I've read that CDC study and the part you mentioned in my article...I mentioned both above. Reducing my risk of reinfection from around 1% to between 0.4% and 0.5% isn't all that significant . Plutonic Panda 08-31-2021, 11:50 PM I just know even into June my doctor in LA sat me down and talked to me. I said, look man, I went through the whole pandemic without getting sick, my immune system is good, the vaccine is stupid and I don’t need it. He responded, Campbell, I love you but you’re being an arrogant jackass. I spent 10 years of my life studying and becoming a doctor learning about the human body and using science every step of the way to save people’s lives and you want to tell me how it works? That’s like you telling a climatologist climate change isn’t real, or a physicist the earth is flat… I walked out to my car, thought about what he said, and went back into to the building and got the vaccine. I felt like a complete ass for being arrogant and having took so long to get it. I can only pray I didn’t infect anyone else with it. I will get the booster ASAP. Plutonic Panda 08-31-2021, 11:53 PM It was widespread enough in Israel to do a study on it and draw a conclusion. https://www.science.org/news/2021/08/having-sars-cov-2-once-confers-much-greater-immunity-vaccine-vaccination-remains-vital And yes, I've read that CDC study. Reducing my risk of reinfection from around 1% to between 0.4% and 0.5% isn't all that significant. It also says this being updated: *Clarification, 28 August, 1:20 p.m.: This article has been updated to reflect that in an analysis involving previously infected people who received one vaccine dose, not all people received that dose after, rather than before, becoming infected. It has also been updated to clarify that the vaccinated people in the other two analyses had never been infected prior to being vaccinated. Also says multiple times that getting the vaccine is vital. PhiAlpha 09-01-2021, 12:01 AM I just know even into June my doctor in LA sat me down and talked to me. I said, look man, I went through the whole pandemic without getting sick, my immune system is good, the vaccine is stupid and I don’t need it. He responded, Campbell, I love you but you’re being an arrogant jackass. I spent 10 years of my life studying and becoming a doctor learning about the human body and using science every step of the way to save people’s lives and you want to tell me how it works? That’s like you telling a climatologist climate change isn’t real, or a physicist the earth is flat… I walked out to my car, thought about what he said, and went back into to the building and got the vaccine. I felt like a complete ass for being arrogant and having took so long to get it. I can only pray I didn’t infect anyone else with it. I will get the booster ASAP. That's certainly understandable. If I hadn't had the virus yet and had no idea how my body was going to react to it, I would've done the same thing. Probably would be lining up to get the booster as well. PhiAlpha 09-01-2021, 12:04 AM It also says this being updated: Also says multiple times that getting the vaccine is vital. Yes it does. Primarily in reference to the uninfected and unvaccinated and for the idiots who inevitably will use the study to say "screw it, I'll just catch covid on purpose instead of getting vaccinated" The study demonstrates the power of the human immune system, but infectious disease experts emphasized that this vaccine and others for COVID-19 nonetheless remain highly protective against severe disease and death. And they caution that intentional infection among unvaccinated people would be extremely risky.“What we don’t want people to say is: ‘All right, I should go out and get infected, I should have an infection party,’” says Michel Nussenzweig, an immunologist at Rockefeller University who researches the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and was not involved in the study. “Because somebody could die.” Anonymous. 09-01-2021, 08:31 AM You can't argue with stupid people and convince them to get vaccinated, we need to stop trying. However, stupid people will line up for free money all the time. Pay people to be vaccinated, it is the only way before they all die. catcherinthewry 09-01-2021, 08:49 AM The guy that owns Bedlam BBQ had some serious crazy eyes as he was blabbering on. Dude was big mad. I'm never going to eat there. Outhunder 09-01-2021, 08:55 AM "Jeff Watts, the owner of Bedlam BBQ, called much of the pro-mask support for health concerns “lies” and then said, “I rebuke those lies in the name of Jesus Christ.” TheTravellers 09-01-2021, 09:38 AM 1707117070 Some of you may recall Ken Reddick, one of the anti-mask and anti-vaccine protest leaders in Tulsa, former Tulsa mayor candidate, and attendee at the January 6 riot at the Capitol. He organized a protest at the end of June, calling vaccine and mask advocates all sorts of vile names. Two weeks later he was in the ICU on the verge of death, infected with COVID. He now likely has permanent lung damage due to scarring. He can’t walk more than a foot without losing breath. He can’t use the bathroom on his own. He can barely speak. He has small children at home, he is self-employed as a roofer, and his wife has been begging for money through a fundraiser to help them get by. This is the tragic consequence of COVID and the arrogant denialism people like Ken Reddick espouse. He didn’t just hurt himself by refusing to mask and get the vaccine; he has put his family in a major bind. They are now dependent on the goodwill of other people—something he was unwilling to extend to others. Who will be the next Ken Reddick in Oklahoma? This is going to be sooooo common, unfortunately. The drag on the economy and healthcare by the long-COVID people is going to be huge, similar to veterans returning from all our absurd overseas wars in the past few decades that are missing limbs, brain-damaged, psychologically screwed-up, etc. LocoAko 09-01-2021, 09:55 AM Yesterday's city council meeting was quite embarrassing, but a) these anti-mask fanatics exist everywhere these days and b) the loudest, most vocal folks are always the ones that show up to speak. Parts of it were hard to watch without wanting to audibly scream at my computer screen at the sheer amount of misinformation, lies, and conspiracy theories that were being spewed. (A quick calculation showed that the cited 179 trillion discarded masks per month amounts to 852 discarded masks per person per day across the planet. K.) The mask mandate was never going to pass, especially as an emergency, and frankly at least in my part of town I've been encouraged by the number of people opting to mask and OKC's vaccination numbers (which aren't what they should be, but are significantly better than the rest of the state). I think Holt is doing the best he can be expected to do in the political environment he's in. That said, and I apologize if this is too political, but I was pretty disgusted by Councilman Carter's conduct. While the rest of the council sat through the nonsense as best and politely as they could regardless of how they felt, Councilman Carter was spreading conspiracy theories about vaccines and COVID tests and then acted extremely condescendingly toward the Director of the OCCHD, openly questioning his credentials and getting patronizing and sarcastic with him when he didn't agree with his conspiracy theories, seemingly all for the show of the crowd who jeered and hollered their support for Carter. I can deal with the usual crazies who show up to speak at these things, but seeing one of them on the council act in such a rude manner toward our local health experts was truly disappointing. catch22 09-01-2021, 10:03 AM Did people bring milk jugs full of pennies and quarters to shake around to aid in their hootin’ and hollerin’? I haven’t watched the video and don’t plan to, but I can picture it in my mind quite well. soonerguru 09-01-2021, 10:04 AM Sadly, I've decided to sell my OU season tickets. My wife and I were looking forward to the season. We assumed more Oklahomans would take advantage of a free, life-saving shot to end the pandemic, and that we would be able to attend a packed football stadium in the Fall. Yet, here we are. We do not feel at all comfortable going to the games. Hit me up in private message if you're interested in some very good West Side Upper Deck tickets. soonerguru 09-01-2021, 10:07 AM "Jeff Watts, the owner of Bedlam BBQ, called much of the pro-mask support for health concerns “lies” and then said, “I rebuke those lies in the name of Jesus Christ.” I will never spend another dime there. Sad, because their food is good. I literally got takeout from there two weeks ago. No mas. jedicurt 09-01-2021, 10:09 AM I will never spend another dime there. Sad, because their food is good. I literally got takeout from there two weeks ago. No mas. they must have changed how they cook their food then, or we just like different bbq. because i have had their bbq about 4 times over the past 10 years, and it has never been good. always bland and tasteless. also, i heard a rumor this morning that Bedlam BBQ is banning people from wearing masks inside? any truth to this? or just people saying things? Anonymous. 09-01-2021, 10:12 AM I am not sure what your and your wife's health situation is. But personally I would feel safe being at an outdoor event while vaccinated. In fact, I have attended several already this summer. Also I am seeing many events requiring vaccination or negative test requirements. By Thanksgiving, the only people who won't be out doing things will be the ones refusing to get vaccinated. soonerguru 09-01-2021, 10:12 AM I just know even into June my doctor in LA sat me down and talked to me. I said, look man, I went through the whole pandemic without getting sick, my immune system is good, the vaccine is stupid and I don’t need it. He responded, Campbell, I love you but you’re being an arrogant jackass. I spent 10 years of my life studying and becoming a doctor learning about the human body and using science every step of the way to save people’s lives and you want to tell me how it works? That’s like you telling a climatologist climate change isn’t real, or a physicist the earth is flat… I walked out to my car, thought about what he said, and went back into to the building and got the vaccine. I felt like a complete ass for being arrogant and having took so long to get it. I can only pray I didn’t infect anyone else with it. I will get the booster ASAP. Man, my respect for you has gone through the roof. There's nothing more human than admitting you are wrong about something and changing your mind. It is a strength, not a weakness. soonerguru 09-01-2021, 10:16 AM I am not sure what your and your wife's health situation is. But personally I would feel safe being at an outdoor event while vaccinated. In fact, I have attended several already this summer. Also I am seeing many events requiring vaccination or negative test requirements. By Thanksgiving, the only people who won't be out doing things will be the ones refusing to get vaccinated. We have done a ton of things this year: trip to Chicago, Foo Fighters, indoor concerts, restaurants, etc. But think: how many people at the OU games will be unvaccinated? I'm going to guess at least 50%. And, of the unvaccinated, how many will be wearing masks? My guess is like 25% to be generous. Now, how many of the people there will be carrying and spreading Delta. If Oklahoma's positivity rate is, say, 20%, that would mean approximately 17,000 people will be screaming "Boomer. Sooner" into the air. They will be crowding the bathrooms and crowding the lines for concessions. They will be standing two feet from you talking loudly after guzzling beer while you stand in the queue to get into the stadium. I am not discouraging anyone else from attending. I am not. And if you want my great tickets, they are for sale. soonerguru 09-01-2021, 10:18 AM they must have changed how they cook their food then, or we just like different bbq. because i have had their bbq about 4 times over the past 10 years, and it has never been good. always bland and tasteless. also, i heard a rumor this morning that Bedlam BBQ is banning people from wearing masks inside? any truth to this? or just people saying things? Man we got some ribs from there that were as good as any I've had in town. Wonderful pink meat. Juicy with nice bark. Wonderfully seasoned. Maybe it was just a good day but my wife and I were pretty blown away by them. Regarding the masks, I wore mine, but no one who works for the restaurant was wearing one. TheTravellers 09-01-2021, 10:19 AM Man, my respect for you has gone through the roof. There's nothing more human than admitting you are wrong about something and changing your mind. It is a strength, not a weakness. Yep, props to PluPan again, he's changed his stance on the death penalty too, so yeah, definitely deserves respect for actually hearing and processing data and acting on new information. jedicurt 09-01-2021, 10:23 AM Man we got some ribs from there that were as good as any I've had in town. Wonderful pink meat. Juicy with nice bark. Wonderfully seasoned. Maybe it was just a good day but my wife and I were pretty blown away by them. Regarding the masks, I wore mine, but no one who works for the restaurant was wearing one. ok. so probably just a rumor. thanks. and glad you were able to get some good food out of that place. it was really close to my work for a few years, and i kept trying it because i love bbq... and sadly it never was good. Pete 09-01-2021, 11:08 AM 2,538 new cases today. Last several Wednesdays: 2,534; 2,360; 2,105; 2,160; 1,474; 1,203. 7-day average 2,796. Compared to the same period last week, new cases are +1,538. Hospitalizations are 1,566 (+27). ICU is 441 (+7). Bunty 09-01-2021, 11:20 AM "Jeff Watts, the owner of Bedlam BBQ, called much of the pro-mask support for health concerns “lies” and then said, “I rebuke those lies in the name of Jesus Christ.” Good lord, people like him ought to shut up and be thankful that the state or city didn't want to go back to closing businesses like his. dankrutka 09-01-2021, 12:38 PM You can't argue with stupid people and convince them to get vaccinated, we need to stop trying. However, stupid people will line up for free money all the time. Pay people to be vaccinated, it is the only way before they all die. I'm about as pro-vaccine as it gets, but I do not understand how these types of posts are helpful. I am guessing message boards are just the place where some people can let out their frustrations. There's a ton of studies that show that unvaccinated people are pretty diverse and only a minority of them are hateful and harmful anti-vaxxers conspiracy theorists. Many are mis- or uninformed. Others legitimately have access challenges. I disagree with PhiAlpha's conclusions (it seems like their doctor clearly said to be vaccinated to reduce risks), but PhiAlpha is at least sharing the reasoning for decisions. Does name calling help in a case like this? I appreciate those who made their argument in a way that is far more likely to be effective. And, if we're going to be angry, it should be at policy makers (e.g., the council, governor) and anti-vax activists who have a far larger impact on the course of the pandemic. catch22 09-01-2021, 12:57 PM I'm about as pro-vaccine as it gets, but I do not understand how these types of posts are helpful. I am guessing message boards are just the place where some people can let out their frustrations. There's a ton of studies that show that unvaccinated people are pretty diverse and only a minority of them are hateful and harmful anti-vaxxers conspiracy theorists. Many are mis- or uninformed. Others legitimately have access challenges. I disagree with PhiAlpha's conclusions (it seems like their doctor clearly said to be vaccinated to reduce risks), but PhiAlpha is at least sharing the reasoning for decisions. Does name calling help in a case like this? I appreciate those who made their argument in a way that is far more likely to be effective. And, if we're going to be angry, it should be at policy makers (e.g., the council, governor) and anti-vax activists who have a far larger impact on the course of the pandemic. Agreed. Really there are 3 groups, pro-vaccine, anti-vaccine, and vaccine-hesitant. I work with a lot of people and see all of them. I'd say it's about 50% pro, 20% firm anti, and 30% hesitant. The hesitant people are very likely to get it, begrudgingly. While the anti-vaccine group are about to get terminated and they are proud of it. I have no major concerns with the hesitant group, except for "what's the hold-up, man?". A guy I work with is waiting until the last minute (appointment 9/6 to receive the first dose of Pfizer to comply with our fully vaccinated or terminated deadline of 9/27), just because he wants to push it as far as it goes. But talking to him he says he is not against it one bit, just doesn't want to do it. I personally think that's ridiculous but there are many like him, and they will ultimately get it. I think PhiAlpha may fall into that group. I have no words for the anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists.... soonerguru 09-01-2021, 02:11 PM Ooh I have some words.... Bill Robertson 09-01-2021, 02:23 PM Ooh I have some words....If your words are like mine though they get you time outs from most forums. TheTravellers 09-01-2021, 02:52 PM The lab leak theory is falling apart (https://www.alternet.org/2021/09/lab-leak-theory/) Bill Robertson 09-01-2021, 03:13 PM The lab leak theory is falling apart (https://www.alternet.org/2021/09/lab-leak-theory/)I'm just asking. Maybe trying to learn something. 18 to 21 months into this thing depending on when it really started does it really make any difference where it started. Except for academia. Anonymous. 09-01-2021, 03:23 PM I'm about as pro-vaccine as it gets, but I do not understand how these types of posts are helpful. I am guessing message boards are just the place where some people can let out their frustrations. There's a ton of studies that show that unvaccinated people are pretty diverse and only a minority of them are hateful and harmful anti-vaxxers conspiracy theorists. Many are mis- or uninformed. Others legitimately have access challenges. I disagree with PhiAlpha's conclusions (it seems like their doctor clearly said to be vaccinated to reduce risks), but PhiAlpha is at least sharing the reasoning for decisions. Does name calling help in a case like this? I appreciate those who made their argument in a way that is far more likely to be effective. And, if we're going to be angry, it should be at policy makers (e.g., the council, governor) and anti-vax activists who have a far larger impact on the course of the pandemic. Well I wasn't trying to come across as hateful. Perhaps saying stupid people is too harsh on my part. I just am having a hard time understanding how anyone can see the data and still decide to not get vaccinated. Let me rephrase and say that I personally think it is stupid to get sick and die of Covid when there is a free and easy way to dramatically reduce the chances of that. TheTravellers 09-01-2021, 03:23 PM I'm just asking. Maybe trying to learn something. 18 to 21 months into this thing depending on when it really started does it really make any difference where it started. Except for academia. I would say you're on target with academia, or for future pandemics. If they know where it started, they can figure out how it got into humans, and then maybe figure out a way to not let that happen again. Lots of things to discover and possibly explore if they find out where it started... TheTravellers 09-01-2021, 03:28 PM Main thing in this story is the list at the bottom of companies that now have vaccine mandates. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9947423/Opposition-vaccines-crumbling-just-fifth-adults-say-wont-shot.html d-usa 09-01-2021, 07:44 PM https://www.yahoo.com/news/think-immunity-youre-one-nearly-165357278.html Regarding immunity after recovery. dankrutka 09-01-2021, 08:48 PM The lab leak theory is falling apart (https://www.alternet.org/2021/09/lab-leak-theory/) Much better source: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/25/opinion/coronavirus-lab.html It’s unlikely we’ll ever know the origins of COVID considering the lack of cooperation from the Chinese government. soonerguru 09-02-2021, 12:29 AM Well I wasn't trying to come across as hateful. Perhaps saying stupid people is too harsh on my part. I just am having a hard time understanding how anyone can see the data and still decide to not get vaccinated. Let me rephrase and say that I personally think it is stupid to get sick and die of Covid when there is a free and easy way to dramatically reduce the chances of that. My former colleague's husband has been against the vaccine, and seems prone to visiting disinformation sites to reinforce his belief. Unfortunately, he seemed to have a problem with his wife getting one, too. Seems weird but that's true. As a couple, they were definitely not Covidiots or anti-maskers, but they are the kind of people who would promote taking zinc and vitamins to "ward off" Covid. I have been pleading with her all year to get her shot. Unfortunately, her husband contracted it and got very, very sick and is definitely not out of the woods. Of course, when things got rough, what did he do? He called 911 to go to the hospital. No beds at the inn but he visited one of the satellite ERs. His wife mentioned how costly this will be financially and they are very scared. He is having not only the chest congestion, but also the serious mind-f*ck symptoms that come with the neurological cases. Can't sleep, nightmares, drenched in sweat, struggling to breathe. Apparently he goes up and down from thinking he is going to die to feeling better, but then when he gets up he is dizzy and his symptoms come roaring back. They were told that if he had to be admitted he would have to be transported out of the state, because there is no one who will take him. I am not going to lambast the hesitant, but it is time to set hesitancy aside, now. It's also time to dispense with the BS theories you may have cooked up in your head telling you that you'll be OK or you will dodge this. You won't. if you haven't gotten the vaccine Delta is coming for you. And you will pay with your life or you may be bankrupted. Employers are realizing they cannot afford the liability of the unvaccinated. I spoke to a CFO of a prominent automotive business and they said one case of a person led to a million in hospital bills. For companies that self-insure their employees, this is a non-starter. Forget smokers. it's not like they smoke a pack and die in a month. This is a financial train wreck waiting to happen. Pete 09-02-2021, 11:10 AM 3,274 new cases today; last several Thursdays: 4,152; 2,502; 2,468; 2,342; 1,806; 1,203; 705. 7-day rolling average now 2,671. Compared to same period last week, new cases are +660. Hospitalizations are 1,581 (+15). ICU is 448 (+7). PoliSciGuy 09-02-2021, 01:59 PM Edmond schools now mandating masks, per email from the superintendent. BoulderSooner 09-02-2021, 02:15 PM Edmond schools now mandating masks, per email from the superintendent. did they talk about the opt outs? in the letter? jn1780 09-02-2021, 02:27 PM Edmond schools now mandating masks, per email from the superintendent. Yeah, The main reason listed was to reduce quarantine requirements from 6 feet to 3 feet. So yeah it is basically being used a crutch to keep people at school no matter the cost. The teachers especially. I know they are having a hard time finding subs. TheTravellers 09-02-2021, 02:38 PM Yeah, The main reason listed was to reduce quarantine requirements from 6 feet to 3 feet. So yeah it is basically being used a crutch to keep people at school no matter the cost. The teachers especially. I know they are having a hard time finding subs. https://oklahomawatch.org/2021/09/01/oklahoma-starts-year-with-most-emergency-teachers-on-record/ Teachers (and nurses/healthcare workers) apparently saying "screw it", this country is going to suffer with the lack of people in those two fields from now on, most likely. FighttheGoodFight 09-02-2021, 02:57 PM did they talk about the opt outs? in the letter? "The requirement will remain in effect until Oct. 13. Exemptions will be available for eligible students for medical, religious or “strong personal reasons.” " Bill Robertson 09-02-2021, 03:14 PM KFOR today said rural Oklahoma hospitals, already full with COVID patients, are seeing large numbers of people ODing on Ivermectin. I hate to feel this way but I'm inclined to think they should just be turned away. There's ALL kinds of data showing Ivermectin to be worthless against COVID and a horrible idea for humans to take. PoliSciGuy 09-02-2021, 03:22 PM Apparently only 0.5% of OKCPS students opted out. Hopefully Edmond has similarly low numbers, as there's really no reason to opt out. Bellaboo 09-02-2021, 03:30 PM My former colleague's husband has been against the vaccine, and seems prone to visiting disinformation sites to reinforce his belief. Unfortunately, he seemed to have a problem with his wife getting one, too. Seems weird but that's true. As a couple, they were definitely not Covidiots or anti-maskers, but they are the kind of people who would promote taking zinc and vitamins to "ward off" Covid. I have been pleading with her all year to get her shot. Unfortunately, her husband contracted it and got very, very sick and is definitely not out of the woods. Of course, when things got rough, what did he do? He called 911 to go to the hospital. No beds at the inn but he visited one of the satellite ERs. His wife mentioned how costly this will be financially and they are very scared. He is having not only the chest congestion, but also the serious mind-f*ck symptoms that come with the neurological cases. Can't sleep, nightmares, drenched in sweat, struggling to breathe. Apparently he goes up and down from thinking he is going to die to feeling better, but then when he gets up he is dizzy and his symptoms come roaring back. They were told that if he had to be admitted he would have to be transported out of the state, because there is no one who will take him. I am not going to lambast the hesitant, but it is time to set hesitancy aside, now. It's also time to dispense with the BS theories you may have cooked up in your head telling you that you'll be OK or you will dodge this. You won't. if you haven't gotten the vaccine Delta is coming for you. And you will pay with your life or you may be bankrupted. Employers are realizing they cannot afford the liability of the unvaccinated. I spoke to a CFO of a prominent automotive business and they said one case of a person led to a million in hospital bills. For companies that self-insure their employees, this is a non-starter. Forget smokers. it's not like they smoke a pack and die in a month. This is a financial train wreck waiting to happen. I took a screen shot of this and sent out to hopefully convince a few. This should strike home to the fence straddlers gopokes88 09-02-2021, 03:50 PM My former colleague's husband has been against the vaccine, and seems prone to visiting disinformation sites to reinforce his belief. Unfortunately, he seemed to have a problem with his wife getting one, too. Seems weird but that's true. As a couple, they were definitely not Covidiots or anti-maskers, but they are the kind of people who would promote taking zinc and vitamins to "ward off" Covid. I have been pleading with her all year to get her shot. Unfortunately, her husband contracted it and got very, very sick and is definitely not out of the woods. Of course, when things got rough, what did he do? He called 911 to go to the hospital. No beds at the inn but he visited one of the satellite ERs. His wife mentioned how costly this will be financially and they are very scared. He is having not only the chest congestion, but also the serious mind-f*ck symptoms that come with the neurological cases. Can't sleep, nightmares, drenched in sweat, struggling to breathe. Apparently he goes up and down from thinking he is going to die to feeling better, but then when he gets up he is dizzy and his symptoms come roaring back. They were told that if he had to be admitted he would have to be transported out of the state, because there is no one who will take him. I am not going to lambast the hesitant, but it is time to set hesitancy aside, now. It's also time to dispense with the BS theories you may have cooked up in your head telling you that you'll be OK or you will dodge this. You won't. if you haven't gotten the vaccine Delta is coming for you. And you will pay with your life or you may be bankrupted. Employers are realizing they cannot afford the liability of the unvaccinated. I spoke to a CFO of a prominent automotive business and they said one case of a person led to a million in hospital bills. For companies that self-insure their employees, this is a non-starter. Forget smokers. it's not like they smoke a pack and die in a month. This is a financial train wreck waiting to happen. Yeah not true if you've already had Covid. https://www.timesofisrael.com/study-covid-recovery-gave-israelis-longer-lasting-delta-defense-than-vaccines/ BoulderSooner 09-02-2021, 03:53 PM Apparently only 0.5% of OKCPS students opted out. Hopefully Edmond has similarly low numbers, as there's really no reason to opt out. Okc didn’t have the general opt out. Edmond does. 20% of my kids class has already indicated they are opting out and the we just got the opt out form an hour ago |