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09-18-2024, 09:57 AM
Interestingly, the City has not reworked the 13th/Classen/Western intersection as was originally planned.

It was to be done in conjunction with the new OnCue, but that project is now well along and the idea seems to have been scrapped.

09-18-2024, 10:07 AM
Man Starbucks is taking over. Just about every small town has one. i40 for example, Elk City, Weatherford, El Reno, Yukon to Shawnee has one lol.

09-18-2024, 10:59 AM
Pete, Any clue what's going on just to the east of the new Starbucks on Memorial and Rockwell. Went yesterday and looks like some ground work is being done.

09-18-2024, 11:17 AM
Pete, Any clue what's going on just to the east of the new Starbucks on Memorial and Rockwell. Went yesterday and looks like some ground work is being done.

No permits of any kind thus far and the land hasn't been sold.

09-18-2024, 12:17 PM
I know it's off topic but I really like that view of Downtown, Pete. It's not often you see St. Anthony and that other white mid-rise in a skyline shot.

09-18-2024, 01:47 PM
^ and all of the multifamily in/near SOSA. From the angle you can also see Omni - Looks very built up city, and will be once these are complete.

09-18-2024, 01:51 PM
Man there are way too many really nice coffee places around. I hope they lose their lunch money at this location with their $6 coffees.

09-18-2024, 01:54 PM
That is my favorite skyline angle as well. I liked it so much I rented a place in SoSA with almost that exact view from my deck. It's one of the few perspectives where you see Leadership Square.


09-18-2024, 04:00 PM
Indeed. My cousin lives in SOSA and has the same view. From the inner NW is the best direction to see the skyline. The one posted with the arrow for the Starbucks is perfectly positioned to show both City Place and FNC. (And the addition of the other two I mentioned is what kind of grabbed me about the shot). Really, every downtown building with any height at all is visible, and the buildings in midtown speak to density and obvious residential.

Look guys, it's a real city! :)

09-18-2024, 04:26 PM
Another Starbucks for the core; this time at NW 12th and Classen, very near Scooters and the new OnCue.




In the past a coffee shop would want to be on the "going to work" side of the street, so in this case on Classen Boulevard, on the west (southbound) side of Classen. This is not. Has that old practice gone by the wayside?

09-18-2024, 05:48 PM
Man there are way too many really nice coffee places around. I hope they lose their lunch money at this location with their $6 coffees.

Their drip coffee is not $6, it's probably right in line with all the other restaurants and coffee shops at $2-3. Their *specialty* coffee drinks are $6+, just like all the other coffee shops around ($12.06 for 2 half-moon lattes at Summer Moon, for example). I'm not a *$ fan, only ever go there if we have to or have a gift card, but wanted to set the record straight.

09-19-2024, 06:46 PM
kind of disappointed in the design, 13th and Classen is extremely car focused, sure, but more could have been done to promote foot traffic from the neighboring apartment complexes to it's east. It's also immediately next to a (poorly) semi protected bike lane, more than exclusively car traffic coming here is to be expected, right?

09-20-2024, 04:54 AM
I’m Surprised they haven’t announced a location at Oak yet.

09-20-2024, 08:23 AM
Their drip coffee is not $6, it's probably right in line with all the other restaurants and coffee shops at $2-3. Their *specialty* coffee drinks are $6+, just like all the other coffee shops around ($12.06 for 2 half-moon lattes at Summer Moon, for example). I'm not a *$ fan, only ever go there if we have to or have a gift card, but wanted to set the record straight.

To be fair, I just looked online: Starbuck's short (8oz) Caffe Americano (this looks to be their most basic coffee) is $3.85 while Wendy's small (assume 8 oz, but doesn't say) hot coffee is $1.19. This does make Starbucks 224% more than Wendy's (McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts wouldn't tell me the price without the app). Panera was $2.79 for a regular (16 oz), so 38% more for twice as much.

09-20-2024, 08:32 AM
To be fair, I just looked online: Starbuck's short (8oz) Caffe Americano (this looks to be their most basic coffee) is $3.85 while Wendy's small (assume 8 oz, but doesn't say) hot coffee is $1.19. This does make Starbucks 224% more than Wendy's (McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts wouldn't tell me the price without the app). Panera was $2.79 for a regular (16 oz), so 38% more for twice as much.

McDonald's medium 12oz coffee is $1.39 and 20oz is $1.59. Dunkin's medium 14 oz coffee is $2.19. These numbers are from their respective Apps ordering at Edmond locations.

09-20-2024, 08:38 AM
To be fair, I just looked online: Starbuck's short (8oz) Caffe Americano (this looks to be their most basic coffee) is $3.85 while Wendy's small (assume 8 oz, but doesn't say) hot coffee is $1.19. This does make Starbucks 224% more than Wendy's (McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts wouldn't tell me the price without the app). Panera was $2.79 for a regular (16 oz), so 38% more for twice as much.

americano is a mixed coffee .... just drip coffee at starbucks .. (8oz) is 2.55 .. mcdonalds is 1.00 dunkin is 1.89 (for smalls at each)

09-20-2024, 09:28 AM
americano is a mixed coffee .... just drip coffee at starbucks .. (8oz) is 2.55 .. mcdonalds is 1.00 dunkin is 1.89 (for smalls at each)

Thanks. I do not like coffee at all, so was not familiar with Americano (McD's has it also and it looked like the most basic at both websites). I also checked Scooter's (seem to be a specialized coffee shop like Starbucks) and their small brewed coffee is $1.00.

It does look like Starbuck is the most expensive coffee around (at least of the "readily available" places).

09-20-2024, 09:33 AM
To be fair, I just looked online: Starbuck's short (8oz) Caffe Americano (this looks to be their most basic coffee) is $3.85 while Wendy's small (assume 8 oz, but doesn't say) hot coffee is $1.19. This does make Starbucks 224% more than Wendy's (McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts wouldn't tell me the price without the app). Panera was $2.79 for a regular (16 oz), so 38% more for twice as much.

An Americano is made with an Espresso shot, most places do two shots. You are not paying for drip coffee when you order an espresso shot or an Americano. Drip coffee will always be super cheap because it costs little to nothing to make.

09-20-2024, 09:47 AM
We just buy Starbucks Cafe Verona dark ground coffee at Sam's and make it at home. Starbucks coffee in the stores will be higher priced than other brands.

01-23-2025, 06:12 PM
Noticed today that they have a construction fence up and started ground work on this location.

01-23-2025, 06:39 PM
NW 12th and Classen.

01-23-2025, 07:22 PM

Thank you.

Holy cow, that spot will be very popular and I hope they have plans to stop traffic from backing up onto Classen.

01-23-2025, 10:40 PM

Thank you.

Holy cow, that spot will be very popular and I hope they have plans to stop traffic from backing up onto Classen.
The whole intersection is already a nightmare. Between the Scooters, new On Cue and people now making a left turn into it from NB Classen, the bike lane and the BRT.