View Full Version : The Pharmacist on Netflix

02-19-2020, 11:09 AM
If you like documentaries (or not) it would be worthwhile to watch this short series on Netflix. Incredibly insightful as well as tragic to see the impact of prescribed drugs in this county. Wow.

02-19-2020, 11:11 AM
I started it.

Thanks for the reminder to go back and finish.

02-19-2020, 11:14 AM
Pete -for me it started a little slow but by the end of the series I found myself in unbelief how difficult this issue is. You'd mentioned how difficult cigarette addiction can be. This series reminded me to gain compassion for those who are in a very difficult and addictive circumstance.

02-19-2020, 11:21 AM

Opioids are ridiculously addictive.

I've only had Vicodin once, after a painful shoulder surgery. I was only given 4 pills (by then the addictive nature led responsible physicians to be very careful) and they took me from extreme pain to euphoria within minutes.

It was the first time I understood how people get so easily hooked, and it scared the crap out of me.

02-19-2020, 11:30 AM
The toll this problem on families is tragic, tragic. After watching the series I saw on the news this week in Columbus, Ohio some 28 people overdosed on opioids. 28 in one week!! Heartbreaking.

02-19-2020, 02:23 PM
for me, the best part was when he saw on dateline in Illinois (I believe I watched it several weeks ago now) took down a pill mill. and then it cuts to him saying so the next morning I called him. And I was like of course you did. guy was relentless. I really liked it.

02-19-2020, 02:29 PM
The toll this problem on families is tragic, tragic. After watching the series I saw on the news this week in Columbus, Ohio some 28 people overdosed on opioids. 28 in one week!! Heartbreaking.

What makes it even worse is that usually, it's the some of the poorest people who get addicted and they don't have the resources necessary for rehab and recovery, which tend to be very expensive services.

Something just has to change with our country's healthcare. The system is completely broken.

02-20-2020, 10:51 AM
I binge-watched the rest of the series last night.

It was amazing and incredibly sad at the same time.

Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family will go down as some of the biggest villains of the modern age.

02-20-2020, 11:07 AM
for me, the best part was when he saw on dateline in Illinois (I believe I watched it several weeks ago now) took down a pill mill. and then it cuts to him saying so the next morning I called him. And I was like of course you did. guy was relentless. I really liked it.

Right, that dude was a complete badass. And no doubt he has saved hundreds of lives.

One aspect I found really interesting is how he kept going to the DEA and FBI and they kept telling him they had it under control and he should stand down. Yet, it turns out, they could not get the DA to prosecute and it took Danny calling the prosecutor in Illinois to finally figure out how to build a case.

I can relate to this a bit because I've talked to law enforcement through the course of some of my reporting and while I understand there are things they can't tell you, it's incredibly frustrating to share important information then have it just go into a black hole for years on end. And sometimes, absolutely nothing is done; or at least no charges are brought.

02-20-2020, 12:00 PM
I binge-watched the rest of the series last night.

It was amazing and incredibly sad at the same time.

Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family will go down as some of the biggest villains of the modern age.

True! What a example of how far greed and no compassion for human beings can take you. Tragic.

02-20-2020, 03:36 PM
Right, that dude was a complete badass. And no doubt he has saved hundreds of lives.

One aspect I found really interesting is how he kept going to the DEA and FBI and they kept telling him they had it under control and he should stand down. Yet, it turns out, they could not get the DA to prosecute and it took Danny calling the prosecutor in Illinois to finally figure out how to build a case.

I can relate to this a bit because I've talked to law enforcement through the course of some of my reporting and while I understand there are things they can't tell you, it's incredibly frustrating to share important information then have it just go into a black hole for years on end. And sometimes, absolutely nothing is done; or at least no charges are brought.

He really was. He wasn't going to stop until he shut her down and saved as many lives as he could in the process.

02-20-2020, 03:46 PM
I know Netflix wanted this all tied in a little bow but there were a lot of things left unanswered:

1. How did the son get addicted in the first place? I get the family was devastated but the son's addiction led him to a really bad place and put him at great risk... How did he get there if he was such a model kid? (this was the only side portrayed)

2. Why was he killed??? How was that question not even asked? They interviewed the killer extensively on camera.

3. Why not reveal the owner of the pharmacy that not only greatly profited from the ridiculous amount of expensive prescriptions, but purposely ignored all warnings from the pharmacist?

4. Why did Danny have to do the job of the DA?

5. Where there any consequences regarding the New Orleans police that abetted this pill mill?

6. Why not directly address the extreme lack of justice where the pharmacist was able to help send to jail a poor, black man but the rich owners of Purdue have merely been fined after literally hundreds of thousands of people have died due to their drug and purposely misleading tactics? Why not push for their criminal conviction? Even after the fines, they were still made to be billionaires by the drug that killed so many and is still wreaking havoc all over the world.

IMO the series was slanted to seem like there had been resolution (because that's what viewers want) but the much bigger questions are still very much left open.

Still, credit to Danny the pharmacist. He had to work his ass off for years just to get some small amount of movement on what is now a huge problem.