02-17-2020, 12:45 PM
Someone in the Lyons Park neighborhood informed me that they're demolishing that neighborhood's Will Rogers Event Center today. (3401 NW 34th Street)
Anybody have the scoop on what they're going to do there, if anything?
Someone in the Lyons Park neighborhood informed me that they're demolishing that neighborhood's Will Rogers Event Center today. (3401 NW 34th Street)
Anybody have the scoop on what they're going to do there, if anything?
Yes, there has been a demo permit issued recently.
I suspect that little facility was a holdover from before the freeway and it's now just stranded on its own.
I'll see if I can find out what the plans are but my gut tells me it was just too much of a hassle to maintain.
I called Parks & Recs and they said there is no immediate plan to replace it.
They also said it was one of the least used rentals of all their properties in the park system; like one use every 2 months.
So, I suspect it wasn't worth maintaining.
As a side note, I referred several people to that facility because most people don't know it's there; it was reasonable and usually available. (Too available, as it happens)
02-17-2020, 02:32 PM
We rented it for the Lyons Park Neighborhood Night Out a couple times, but you're right. It wasn't heavily used at all. That's a shame. Thanks for the information, Pete!
02-17-2020, 09:00 PM
What was the driving need to demolish it though? Did it pose a safety concern for inhabitants? Seems like a missed opportunity with more park funds possibly available soon-ish.
02-17-2020, 11:40 PM
It wasn't in bad shape, but I'm really not surprised. It's in a weird spot. I do hope they leave the parking lot, though. When there are tons of soccer players out there, or people sledding, that parking lot is a blessing.
02-18-2020, 07:29 AM
Agree about the weird spot. I just don't understand spending the money to demo if it still brings in _some_ money, is not in bad shape, etc. I feel like them not getting enough events is more about marketing. At work we have a business event center and we get at least 3 calls a week to have baby showers or weddings there. And we're not marketing for that.
What's done is done I guess.