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01-04-2023, 03:40 PM cool!

01-04-2023, 04:21 PM
Yeah... the Scissortail pond shape is rather unfortunate to look at from an aerial view.... I can't unsee it.

The aerial view of Chisolm Trail Park in Yukon is amazing.... I have walked all over that park and never realized what it looks like from above until I looked at it on Google Map one day.,-97.7477365,329m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en

I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed the Scissortail pond shape lol

Roger S
01-04-2023, 09:35 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed the Scissortail pond shape lol

The thing I find funny about that pond is that I'm almost 100% certain the engineers had to of seen it on the plans..... And possibly laughed about it.

And I say that speaking with almost 30 years of experience in civil engineering and having laughed at a few ponds I've seen on plans over those years.

01-12-2023, 03:01 PM
It looks to me like they did use old football turf. looking at that pattern made my eyes

Found the turf! Kickapoo High School in Springfield, MO.

01-25-2023, 09:23 AM
They open Feb. 8th:

01-25-2023, 09:48 AM
I am going to enjoy this place.

01-25-2023, 10:39 AM
nice river shed.

very nice river shed!

01-25-2023, 10:58 AM
Their huge outdoor dog play area has no shade; no trees at all.

And that artificial turf will get hot during the summer -- I used to have it in my backyard in California.

01-25-2023, 01:59 PM
Their huge outdoor dog play area has no shade; no trees at all.

And that artificial turf will get hot during the summer -- I used to have it in my backyard in California.

I am going to enjoy this place when the air temperature is 85F or less. :)

01-25-2023, 04:07 PM
Their huge outdoor dog play area has no shade; no trees at all.

And that artificial turf will get hot during the summer -- I used to have it in my backyard in California.

The lack of shade is a massive oversite. They really need to consider adding trees or some sort of overhangs/tents to make the outdoor area more useful during the summers.

01-25-2023, 04:36 PM
Apologies if it's been discussed upthread but don't remember seeing it, but does anyone know if the dog park portion will be supervised by staff? Or will the dog owners need/have to be out there. Have been assuming the latter but wasn't certain and plays into the shade discussion a bit (at least for customers).

01-25-2023, 06:27 PM
The obvious reuse of some random high school's artificial playing surface is a great summarization of the overall lack of effort put into this project. (IMO)

01-26-2023, 08:26 AM
The obvious reuse of some random high school's artificial playing surface is a great summarization of the overall lack of effort put into this project. (IMO)

super agree--they got almost a million in TIF and this is all the could produce? like they didn't even paint that last shipping container they just threw out in the middle lol

i respect the hustle on their part, a bit embarrassing for the city

01-26-2023, 09:19 AM
This is...gross

I think it's actually a good use of the area to have a dog park/bar here, but the aesthetics are just horrible. I know that's in the eyes of beholder.

01-26-2023, 10:27 AM
750K in TIF and monthly rent that is cheaper than the average 2 bedroom apartment in the city.

I am all for recycling something that is for dogs to pee on and tear up, but they couldn't even paint the turf to be uniform? And people here have been mentioning the shade before construction even started, but this place will be unusable during the day after May.

I agree TIF is needed in this district to get the ball rolling, but IMO the river front design approval process failed here.

02-08-2023, 07:25 AM
After a year and a half of construction Bar K celebrates its grand opening today (Wednesday 2/8) at 9AM.

The new facility is a blend of a 2-acre outdoor dog park, several bars, a full restaurant, event space and a 10,000-square-foot indoor dog park as well.

Dogs are supervised by trained doghandlers throughout the park and their entrance requires either a $10 guest pass or an annual membership. There is no charge for humans.

There will also be live music events, adoption events, breed-specific meetups, Puppies Night Out and more.

Bar K is open every day at 9 AM; closes at 8 PM Sunday through Thursday and 9 PM Friday and Saturday. The grand opening celebration will continue throughout the week.

The physical address is 901 SE 5th in Oklahoma City.

02-08-2023, 02:30 PM
While I like the idea of a place like this, I do agree with others on here when they say that not having any shaded areas is very much of a head-scratcher.

April in the Plaza
02-08-2023, 04:23 PM
While I like the idea of a place like this, I do agree with others on here when they say that not having any shaded areas is very much of a head-scratcher.

I think the operating hours are odd. Closing at 9 on the weekends seems awfully early.

02-08-2023, 04:24 PM
While I like the idea of a place like this, I do agree with others on here when they say that not having any shaded areas is very much of a head-scratcher.

After just one of our summers, I'm betting they'll be adding a shade canopy ASAP

02-10-2023, 10:45 AM
I love the concept of these places, but just like with Solo at Chisholm Creek, the access/membership fees kill it for me. If they at least gave free access with food/drink purchase it would be killer.

02-10-2023, 11:52 AM
I love the concept of these places, but just like with Solo at Chisholm Creek, the access/membership fees kill it for me. If they at least gave free access with food/drink purchase it would be killer.

very much this!!!!

Edmond Hausfrau
02-10-2023, 12:50 PM
I love the concept of these places, but just like with Solo at Chisholm Creek, the access/membership fees kill it for me. If they at least gave free access with food/drink purchase it would be killer.
This threw me too at first, but the fee is for the dog. Considering that they watch the dogs for you, similar to a doggy day care it's an incredibly reasonable fee.
No dog, no fee. Humans don't pay any entrance fee (same for Solo Pup)
The ones I don't understand are the private dog parks with zero amenities, like the one on Grand Blvd, where you pay a fee to basically have a yard available, nothing else.

02-10-2023, 01:00 PM
One good thing about the fee for dogs is that it screens out a lot of irresponsible dog owners.

They evaluate your dog and if it doesn't get along with other pups you don't get to return.

As a huge dog lover, I tend to stay away from dog parks. I love the idea, but it's a lot of people who don't have much/any yard for a dog and/or don't get them out much. I've seen too many fights and bad scenes to subject my dogs. In fact, I had a bad incident at the Midtown dog park right after I moved back here and that was pretty much it for me.

Fortunately, I have a huge backyard and even with a chucker I can barely throw a ball from one end to the other.

But, I'm considering trying Bar K on a $10 day pass because I absolutely love dogs and like dog people. I'm glad to pay for a place that is supervised and where they quickly weed out any trouble. If it works out, I'll gladly pop for the annual fee.

02-11-2023, 07:58 AM
One good thing about the fee for dogs is that it screens out a lot of irresponsible dog owners.

They evaluate your dog and if it doesn't get along with other pups you don't get to return.

As a huge dog lover, I tend to stay away from dog parks. I love the idea, but it's a lot of people who don't have much/any yard for a dog and/or don't get them out much. I've seen too many fights and bad scenes to subject my dogs. In fact, I had a bad incident at the Midtown dog park right after I moved back here and that was pretty much it for me.

Fortunately, I have a huge backyard and even with a chucker I can barely throw a ball from one end to the other.

But, I'm considering trying Bar K on a $10 day pass because I absolutely love dogs and like dog people. I'm glad to pay for a place that is supervised and where they quickly weed out any trouble. If it works out, I'll gladly pop for the annual fee.

Everything you said is spot on and is exactly why I bought a membership for my dog as I can definitely see myself working from there at times and it’s a cool place to grab drinks friends. They have 5-10 people out there watching the dogs at all times that pick up after the dogs in situations where the owners don’t see them go, play with the dogs, and generally try to head fights off before they happen. You’re basically paying for a fairly low cost dog daycare and it’s a massive facility that I would imagine is not cheap to operate, maintain and staff so the seems pretty reasonable to me all things considered. And as you said, it definitely helps screen out the some of the irresponsible owners who bring their completely unsocialized dogs to dog parks and seem to have zero awareness that it’s an issue.

02-13-2023, 08:04 AM
I made it out there this past Friday evening with two of our dogs using the single visit method ($10 for the first dog, $5 for the second) and I was extremely happy the entire time that I was there, I feel that this place is terrific ! Any trouble that I had at the front desk was on my end, trying to wrangle two leashed dogs and get out my phone to show my barcode was met by two extremely helpful attendees who happily took a hold of both of my dogs and kept them calm while I checked in.

$15 for two dogs giving them the chance to socialize for an unlimited time (we were there for three hours) while the dogs are being watched by handlers inside and outside that really seem to enjoy being around dogs, several bars and live music on that night is money well spent. And as a bonus, if you like other people's dogs as I do you get a chance to interact with those as well. Oh, and you get to meet their owners which can be pretty fun as well. Only one trip in and I am considering purchasing a yearly pass.

11-07-2024, 08:20 PM
I finally took my dog to Bar K; she's the yellow Lab in the first photo.

I was really impressed. You pay $12 for your dog to enter ($15 on weekends) or you can buy a monthly or annual membership. I like that it's not cheap; it filters out a lot of the irresponsible dog people.

I went at 4 PM on Thursday as I wanted to introduce my dog to the scene without it being mobbed. By the time I left around 6, I'd say there were about 30 dogs. I'm sure they get much busier on weekends.

They have quite a few dog handlers who keep close watch over the rampaging pooches and step in if there is any bad body language or scuffles. They definitely know what they are doing and take that responsibility seriously.

Every dog that enters gets a color-coded tag on their color. My pup got a green tag since it was her first time. I think default is yellow. I saw a couple of reds which probably indicate those dogs need a particularly close eye on them.

The outdoor space is huge; a couple of acres covered in that used synthetic turf. You are supposed to clean up after you own animal but I saw the dog handlers scooping lots of poop.

There is a big outdoor patio that connects to the main bar through roll-up windows. You can order food and drink but no dogs are allowed inside the bar. You can bring your dog to the patio but they have to be on a leash. No food is allowed in the main outdoor dog area. You can take your drinks into the park and on nice days there is another big outdoor bar.

There is also a big indoor play space.

I don't know why I waited so long. Dog people are good people and everyone is friendly. You can also just leave your dog for a while to go inside to get something to eat and know the handlers are on top of things.




floyd the barber
11-07-2024, 09:05 PM
They need one for cats.

Dogs are too much work.

11-07-2024, 09:31 PM
They need one for cats.

Dogs are too much work.

Go to Don't Stress Meowt.

I love cats too and it's pretty great there.

11-08-2024, 07:48 AM
Been a member since their opening weekend, and I take my dog almost every Saturday and/or Sunday morning. From the staff to the people there with their dogs, it is really a great experience. I have even made friends there with whom I now occasionally hangout outside of Bar K.

11-08-2024, 08:46 AM
I don’t even own a dog and I’ve been there a number of times, just to hang out, have a beer and pet OTHER people’s dogs. There’s no cover charge for people; only for the dogs. It’s a great place for dog lovers (I count myself as one) who currently just don’t have it in the cards to own a dog themselves, for whatever reason.

11-08-2024, 08:55 AM
I don’t even own a dog and I’ve been there a number of times, just to hang out, have a beer and pet OTHER people’s dogs.

There are tons of DILP's (dog's I'd like to pet).

11-08-2024, 08:59 AM
I hone in on big dogs and especially Great Danes. Fortunately there’s someone there with a Dane pretty often. I grew up with labradors and other large dogs, but about 20 years ago I had two Great Danes. Best temperament of any breed, hands down. I miss my girls, and enjoy occasionally getting to recharge my Dane nuzzle battery.

11-08-2024, 09:24 AM
Interesting to know !
I have been planning on stopping there after a bike ride with my kids, but I was not sure how dog free people would be welcome.
I am sure they ll be happy to see all those dogs running around while I’m having a beer.

11-08-2024, 10:06 AM
I hone in on big dogs and especially Great Danes. Fortunately there’s someone there with a Dane pretty often. I grew up with labradors and other large dogs, but about 20 years ago I had two Great Danes. Best temperament of any breed, hands down. I miss my girls, and enjoy occasionally getting to recharge my Dane nuzzle battery.

We have 3 great danes with a 4th one currently on a rescue transport from a kill shelter in California. He should arrive tomorrow. We avoid dog parks as small dogs seem to like to challenge them. They are well trained but can be reactionary if threatened.

11-08-2024, 10:46 AM
Yeah, that was my experience fairly often taking my girls to the dog park at Hefner. People who should have kept their small dogs on the small dog side were notorious for yelling when they got trampled by the bigger dogs, and Danes stick out like sore thumbs (and can be energetic and clumsy). They were often targeted for complaints despite being incredibly gentle and friendly to absolutely everyone. And some small dogs can get aggressive when confronted by something many times their size. It’s a bad mix.

The thing I like about Bar K is that the employees actively monitor and police those interactions. I’ve never seen anything get out of hand there.

11-08-2024, 01:09 PM
There are tons of DILP's (dog's I'd like to pet).

This might be the best acronym I've seen in a long time. Love it!

11-08-2024, 01:19 PM
There are tons of DILP's (dog's I'd like to pet).

I am very glad you defined your acronym... my immature mind was questioning.