View Full Version : Parking Tickets ... In the wee hours.

10-04-2019, 07:29 AM
A couple of my neighbors received parking tickets by OCPD yesterday morning between 4:00 and 5:00 am in our neighborhood. My neighbor across the street received hers at 4:01am.
Two of the citations were for "parking on the sidewalk". It seems that while their cars were completely in their driveway, the tail ends were hanging out over the sidewalk path. Another neighbor received a citation for parking in the street facing the wrong direction.

has anyone else had this taking place in their neighborhoods Â… at these hours?.

10-04-2019, 07:49 AM
Is your objection more to the ticketing or the time of day?

10-04-2019, 08:10 AM
Its happened in our hood before. sometimes for cars popping up on curb or having tire off the drive into the grass.

10-04-2019, 08:10 AM
A couple of my neighbors received parking tickets by OCPD yesterday morning between 4:00 and 5:00 am in our neighborhood. My neighbor across the street received hers at 4:01am.
Two of the citations were for "parking on the sidewalk". It seems that while their cars were completely in their driveway, the tail ends were hanging out over the sidewalk path. Another neighbor received a citation for parking in the street facing the wrong direction.

has anyone else had this taking place in their neighborhoods Â… at these hours?.

More than likely, they were responding to complaints. Maybe somebody that walks early in the mornings

10-04-2019, 10:18 AM
Yea that sounds like a neighbor with too much time on their hands. But the cars blocking the sidewalk easement across driveways is really annoying for anyone who is trying to use the neighborhood properly. There is tons of households that have too many cars and not enough parking, so the problem is super common. I would say the only reason to ever get a ticket would be an extremely bored officer or a complaining neighbor.