View Full Version : I-40 Service roads in Midwest City & Del City

09-09-2019, 02:13 PM
I-40 Service roads in Midwest City & Del City are around 57 years old they need rebuilt made one way. Also I-40 should be 8 lanes. Last I heard it would at least 2025. Need SPUI's at Sooner Rd., Sunny Lane Rd. Post Rd. along with Douglas Blvd

09-09-2019, 02:30 PM
The I-40 bridges in this area need attention in the worst way!

Roger S
09-09-2019, 02:34 PM
The I-40 bridges in this area need attention in the worst way!

I propose we relocate I-40 and then years later build a Mid-Del Boulevard where the old I-40 was. We could even build intersections around the U-Hauls in Midwest City & Del City and move them after they've been built.

09-09-2019, 04:15 PM
I propose we relocate I-40 and then years later build a Mid-Del Boulevard where the old I-40 was. We could even build intersections around the U-Hauls in Midwest City & Del City and move them after they've been built.
Hell yes! Parallel to Reno and then redo Reno - it will be awesome.

Plutonic Panda
09-09-2019, 06:12 PM
I agree I-40 needs to be reconstructed and widened as well as service roads reconfigured. The new road should be built below grade in some areas to allow for park caps. This stretch of I-40 is scheduled for a widening to 8 lanes but it will be awhile as it isn't even in the 8yr plan. I believe in the next year or so there will be major construction here to reconstruct parts of the highway. The widening of the highway will likely be a very expensive project eclipsing the cost of the crosstown relocation.

OkDOT needs more money. One major thing I've noticed in my visit here over the last few weeks is how full the freeways have become. Traffic in OKC is going to hit Austin levels much quicker than people think, IMO. Unless a major slowdown in the economy happens, kiss little traffic congestion in OKC goodbye.

09-09-2019, 09:15 PM
The I-40 bridges in this area need attention in the worst way!

The bridges over Sooner Road, Crutcho Creek, and SE 15th are all scheduled to be rebuilt in 2020. Sunnylane isn't scheduled until 2023

09-10-2019, 08:33 AM
I think i would liken widening I-40 to what we saw with I-44 in Tulsa. It's going to be CRAZY expensive with all the property they're going to have to buy up. It will be a HUGE disruption to businesses as well. There are some sections that there just isn't enough room to do it either (between Tinker and 29th). I almost think that in areas like that, they may need to stack it to get the lanes. If 635 in Dallas can do it for that monster, why not a few miles here?

09-10-2019, 08:42 AM
The bridges over Sooner Road, Crutcho Creek, and SE 15th are all scheduled to be rebuilt in 2020. Sunnylane isn't scheduled until 2023
That's good to know.

Plutonic Panda
09-10-2019, 12:21 PM
I think i would liken widening I-40 to what we saw with I-44 in Tulsa. It's going to be CRAZY expensive with all the property they're going to have to buy up. It will be a HUGE disruption to businesses as well. There are some sections that there just isn't enough room to do it either (between Tinker and 29th). I almost think that in areas like that, they may need to stack it to get the lanes. If 635 in Dallas can do it for that monster, why not a few miles here?
I think this will be a much a bigger project than the I-44 one in Tulsa. OkDOT also needs to six lane I-240 from I-40 to I-35. I could not believe how much traffic was on it the other day though I am usually not in this area so maybe it was just crowded that day.

The bridges over Sooner Road, Crutcho Creek, and SE 15th are all scheduled to be rebuilt in 2020. Sunnylane isn't scheduled until 2023

This is the project I was referring to. I couldn't quite remember what it entailed. Thank you for the information. I remember something about service roads being involved with the project... is that not the case?

09-11-2019, 07:57 AM
I dont disagree. The EOC traffic has filled up I-40 and that 4 lane section is jammed packed. It's not abnormal...just the average day.

The good news is, east of Midwest Blvd, there's PLENTY of room to add those lanes. It's the sections between Sunnylane and Midwest that are the problem. It's extremely desnse with everything butting up to the highway. The most problematic part I can see is between Air Depot and Midwest. 29th and Tinker are just feet from the lanes. There's barely a shoulder worth of room there. They'd have to buy Uhaul, Chedders (maybe), Mathis Brothers, David Stanley, and the Sherrif's lot to be able to make room for the extra lanes. That's why im wondering if they could pull a TXDOT and do like Austin or Dallas. One direction up top, one direction down below. Then they can go ahead and build that bridge for 6 lanes in each direction, even if they dont need it right now. EOC will continue to build and you'll just see more traffic. And that turnpike isn't going to help as much with bypassing as they think it will....mark my words.

09-11-2019, 08:30 AM
I would think it would be cheaper to just buy the ROW as expensive as it will be than try to do what Texas did. That was a turnpike mixed with an interstate wasn't it?

Plutonic Panda
09-11-2019, 02:06 PM
I would think it would be cheaper to just buy the ROW as expensive as it will be than try to do what Texas did. That was a turnpike mixed with an interstate wasn't it?
Which highway? Generally those are called HO/T lanes. High occupancy tolled lanes. They allow for HOV commuters(usually 2+ sometimes 3+) to use for free and solo commuters a pass for a toll.

And that turnpike isn't going to help as much with bypassing as they think it will....mark my words.I agree. I think that this turnpike will need to fully connect to south and north I-35 ends for it to fully function as a bypass.

09-11-2019, 06:29 PM
Which highway?

I-635. The interstate up top is virtually the same as it always was, but they added underground tolled "express" lanes from I-35 and extending west toward Garland. They sign it as I-635 Express.

Plutonic Panda
09-11-2019, 08:26 PM
^^^ I would like to see I-35 from DTOKC to I-240 preemptively widened to 14 lanes and then into Norman 12 lanes to Main Street. The setup would be 5-2-2-5 then from 240 5–1-1-5

Then from Norman to Oklahoma state line a minimum of 3-3. It would be nice to see I-240 widened as Bomber suggested. 240 to I-40 needs the 10 lane treatment ASAP.

jonny d
09-11-2019, 08:30 PM
^^^ I would like to see I-35 from DTOKC to I-240 preemptively widened to 14 lanes and then into Norman 12 lanes to Main Street. The setup would be 5-2-2-5 then from 240 5–1-1-5

Then from Norman to Oklahoma state line a minimum of 3-3. It would be nice to see I-240 widened as Bomber suggested. 240 to I-40 needs the 10 lane treatment ASAP.

Dang, 14 lanes? Go big or go home!

Plutonic Panda
09-11-2019, 08:37 PM
dang, 14 lanes? Go big or go home!
lol ;) I don’t do heroin just freeway lanes