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08-26-2019, 11:58 AM
Gazette has a story coming out later today with extensive interviews with the mayor and JoBeth Hamon.

It will be worth reading as much is mentioned about the process.

Good job Pete. I’m glad to see that someone is doing this.

08-26-2019, 12:01 PM
While I have the same beef, the reality is that there are number of places surprisingly not even served by streetlights that should have them.

We absolutely need more streetlights and protected bike lanes. Yet another senseless death that could have easily been avoided:

Family, friends remember local magician fatally hit by OKCPD patrol car (

08-26-2019, 12:51 PM
MAPS package (
All 16 projects with formal presentations at special meetings were included in the MAPS 4 package that will be voted on Tuesday.

Oklahoma City council and mayor vote on a MAPS 4 slate tomorrow that includes all 16 proposals with formal presentations at the special meetings.

Allocations are based on an estimate that the temporary 1-cent sales tax will generate $978 million in revenue. If passed by council, the package goes to a Dec. 10 vote for OKC residents. If passed by residents, the tax begins April 1 and would last eight years.

“I think everything we’ve done here is certainly transformational. You always wish you could do more with everything, but we think we’ve definitely created a package here where everything is funded at a level where it can dramatically change that particular subject area that it’s addressing in our city,” mayor David Holt said. “You have a package here that’s very broad, that meets a lot of different priorities in the community. I think it falls into four buckets really: it’s neighborhood needs, human needs, quality of life and it’s jobs.”

The State Fair Coliseum, Innovation District, Chesapeake Arena and multipurpose stadium allocations account for 29.24 percent ($286 million) of the total estimated funds. Collectively, the other allocations ($692 million) make up 70 percent.

“That’s a total paradigm shift, but I think it’s responsive to where the people of Oklahoma City are in 2019,” Holt said.

The highest allocation of funds is $140 million for parks, followed by $115 million for Chesapeake Energy Arena upgrades and then $110 million for youth centers.

Throughout the process, Holt has repeatedly stated that he wanted MAPS to be inclusive and transparent. In an Oct. 11, 2018 video, Holt requested ideas for MAPS. Though the results were never explicitly revealed to the public, Holt said during his January State of the City address that they had received over a thousand submissions. He listed about 20 ideas that had “even the base level of credibility,” though at that point Freedom Center and Diversion Hub were not mentioned but a “world-class aquarium” downtown was.

“As I went through the spring, I was listening, listening to the public and listening to the councilmembers most of all,” Holt said. “The nine elected officials are ultimately the decision makers at every step of the way, and so I worked up this presentation schedule that seemed to me to reflect the council’s priority. Ultimately, that was their choice to adopt it — our choice, I should say, as an elected body to adopt it as we did in an open meeting. … Things that didn’t really have sufficient support on the council to move forward just didn’t move forward.”

Holt said it “was fairly heavily implied” that projects not formally listed as agenda items on any of the four special meetings were going to have a “hard time” making the package. He said he wanted everything in the final package to have that level of public vetting.

“I could play with the numbers like anybody else could. I mean, I could see that that was possible, you know, like it was mathematically possible that they could all get in, but I also knew that they needed to withstand public scrutiny,” he said. “I think everything made its point. I found it was interesting that even things that maybe had a segment of the community that were naysayers sort of, at least partially, won them over through their presentations.”

One of the projects that didn’t have a formal presentation was a downtown aquarium proposal, which he listed in January as still being a part of the MAPS conversation. Holt said the idea did not really have any big advocates on the council or from the public, so it didn’t advance.

“It did not get a lot of traction with council and really with the public,” Holt said. “I don’t know that there’s any specific moment where you could say it didn’t move forward, but it never seemed to have the support necessary from any elected official or from the public at large to be a part of MAPS.”

Though it did not have a formal presentation, Ward 7 councilwoman Nikki Nice had someone present the project under the item “other items brought forward by councilmembers” at the final meeting Aug. 6.

Ward 6 councilwoman JoBeth Hamon said her experience with the project has not been as open and transparent as it has been made out to be. Around April or May, Hamon said she was presented with a rough sketch of what the numbers would look like for “pretty much all of the projects that got onto” the special meetings’ agendas.

“Since that point, the only numbers that have kind of shifted around have been those numbers that are kind of at that neighborhood and human needs bucket,” she said. “As it relates to the number for the [Chesapeake] arena, the multipurpose stadium and the State Fair arena, those numbers haven’t really changed since the original numbers that were presented for me. So my concern is we talked about having a truly open and transparent process when that’s just not totally been my experience.”

Holt has also repeatedly stated that MAPS is a compromise, which Hamon agrees with. But she believes neighborhood and social needs suffered through that compromise much more than things like the multipurpose stadium.

“Every democratic process involves compromise, but to me, the folks that compromise before they even got to the negotiating table were the sidewalks, the transit, the housing proposal,” Hamon said. “The power dynamic between the State Fair Arena or the Chesapeake Arena are not the same thing as the dynamics of compromise for affordable housing or transit.”

Despite touting transparency, a Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce poll gauging the popularity of the MAPS projects has never been made public. Holt reconciles his calls for transparency with a private poll because he said polls don’t determine everything.

“To me, polling is interesting, and I’m not saying it’s irrelevant, but it’s not like you just poll everything and you just pick the 16 most popular things,” Holt said. “I don’t think anyone would ever say that a decision was made in its totality based on a poll. … In this context, things that didn’t move forward and aren’t in this package were ultimately viewed as not important and critical to the future of our city as the things that are. Or maybe they’re not a good fit for MAPS for any reason.

“I don’t think the polls, polling and people getting to see polls as if there’s some, I don’t know, mythical formula that is calling the shots — I don’t know. I mean, I don’t have any polls; I just see polls. People like to show the mayor polls, and that’s fine. If I had polls, I’d share them with people, but I just see polls and I say, ‘Thank you,’ and I find it interesting analysis. And I think enough polls have leaked to the public that I think validate polls I have seen that didn’t leak to the public, so I don’t think there’s anything really, you know, that people don’t really know already.”

In an Aug. 22 tweet, Holt wrote that “the proposals made to council scientifically poll very high individually & as a package.”

Hamon said people have expressed their frustration for attending special meetings, which all lasted upward of five hours, and feeling like they were pointless. She was told in personal conversations with the mayor and other councilmembers that they didn’t want to give people a false sense of hope. Despite not seeing the chamber of commerce’s poll herself, Hamon said they did base decisions on their popularity. Holt communicated any polling to her, and she said “even that was still fairly selective.”

“There were other things that weren’t polling as well, but we asked them to present a smaller number, and so they were still included,” she said. “That’s the piece where it did feel like a certain extent like, ‘OK, these are the projects that are going to get included at some level.’ … I can say when we originally talked about the transit number and brainstorming, we were really talking more in the [$120 million] range, and that got pulled down to [$87 million] after other projects kind of came forward as having a lot of public push and support.”

VOICE hosts a community meeting at 6:30 tonight at Tower Theatre, 425 NW 23rd St., to examine the proposals and propose next steps.

08-26-2019, 01:16 PM
The current thirst for public transit just doesn't scream out. Will we get there, I certainly hope so.

Depend on public transportation for 3 - 5 days as I did, your perspective will change.

08-26-2019, 02:18 PM
Fair ground arena must be equipped with ice making equipment for minor league hockey. Not just a horse barn. If just a horse barn I will vote no.

08-26-2019, 03:04 PM
Exactly why I’ve added Election Day to my calendar to not forget to vote no. MAPS has been modified to cover what should be done by other entities or by normal municipal means.

Social movement doesn’t elevate the city above others; but outstanding projects result in the increase of sales tax to fund those extras from general operations.

This is kinda my sentiment, though I'm still very undecided as to how I'll vote. There are a ton of good and much needed ideas on this list, but most of these line items are ones that I would expect would be funded from the taxes we all already pay. I'm also quite leery of the conditions that many of these items have on them - i.e. "conditional on the identification of operational funding". For instance, EMBARK is already stretched thin with their budget. Where is the operational funding going to come from for the proposed BRT lines? Unless the intent is to expand EMBARK's budget after the fact (which I would be massively in support of doing, btw), the money earmarked for the BRT lines sounds like it's just going to sit and do nothing to me. There's a lot of that in this MAPS package and I honestly don't know what to think about it.

08-26-2019, 03:20 PM
Not really. Convention Center, Scissortail Park, Streetcar, Riversport Rapids, Fairgrounds bldg, trails, sidewalks, senior centers, and infrastructure. Infrastructure got $47M out of it, so that's not anywhere close to "mostly" (and I didn't dig into how much roads actually got out of that $47M, so it could be even less).

You might be thinking of the Better Streets Safer City thing, which is mostly road-related.

No. I’m referring to the last bond issue. I’m very clear on all of the MAPS initiatives.

08-26-2019, 03:21 PM
If you are upset with the lack of BLC items on the Holt Commission's List, definitely consider dropping a note to your friendly neighborhood councilman or woman. Don't let these Chads get away with passing this Little League City List. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

08-26-2019, 03:31 PM
Reading the Gazette story, I notice it carries Hamon’s comments about human needs being cut without clarifying that Fairgrounds, Soccer stadium, and Innovation Hub all had their budgets cut. To my knowledge only transit had its budget cut in the human needs category. Perhaps Urban Pioneer can add to this because he worked on the transit piece.

08-26-2019, 03:36 PM
Reading the Gazette story, I notice it carries Hamon’s comments about human needs being cut without clarifying that Fairgrounds, Soccer stadium, and Innovation Hub all had their budgets cut.

What she is saying is the numbers for those projects did not change since they were first presented to her in April/May.

08-27-2019, 11:12 AM
The Council passed the resolution unanimously without modification.

JoBeth proposed two motions to modify funding for the housing project and change language around the connections for the Innovation District so that it would clearly include more bridges over I-235. Both motions were voted down.

Ed Shadid also showed up and stated his intent to contest the vote in court as logrolling.

08-27-2019, 11:24 AM
The log-rolling issue will be interesting.

For the last MAPS, to get around a potential challenge over this issue, they re-worded the ballot item to say the money would go into general capital improvements, even though the projects were clearly spelled out and budgeted.

Now, they are talking about just putting the MAPS proceeds in the general fund to try and work around this law.

We'll see if it stands up in court because Shadid seems set on his challenge.

08-27-2019, 11:25 AM
What she is saying is the numbers for those projects did not change since they were first presented to her in April/May.
I thought the Fairgrounds asked for 90 mil. They got sixty-three. Innovation Hall asked for 22 mil but got 10. Soccer wanted 73 mil, but got 37, etc. Regardless, it passed unanimously! Way t go OKC!

08-27-2019, 11:26 AM
It's also interesting to consider how each of these individual items might fare with voters if they were each separate items.

08-27-2019, 11:59 AM
It will be a sad but revealing sight watching Ed Shadid constitutionally challenging an initiative that will help people who rely on bus transportation, whose forgotten neighborhoods will receive important public investment, who suffer from addiction, unaffordable housing, homelessness, and mental illness. But that is the most Ed thing ever. If he were still on council I bet this round of projects would be 90 percent Chamber driven.

Urban Pioneer
08-27-2019, 12:25 PM
What she is saying is the numbers for those projects did not change since they were first presented to her in April/May.

Not that it matters at this point but I think that innovation hub got halved. The bus system and transit didn’t get the minimum but it didn’t get the maximum either. The animal shelter was negotiated down to $37 million from $41 million with a commitment that schedule wise it would be at the front. That extra money was essentially for inflation. Didn’t the soccer folks want $40 or $41? I think they got $37. So no the comments don’t necessarily add up. I’m not sure if it was intentional but she wasn’t very specific either.

08-27-2019, 12:27 PM
Not that it matters at this point but I think that innovation hub got halved. The bus system and transit didn’t get the minimum but it didn’t get the maximum either. The animal shelter was negotiated down to $37 million from $41 million with a commitment that schedule wise it would be at the front. That extra money was essentially for inflation. Didn’t the soccer folks want $40 or $41? I think they got $37. So no the comments don’t necessarily add up. I’m not sure if it was intentional but she wasn’t very specific either.

Do you have first-hand knowledge of the full budget that was presented to JoBoeth and the council in April?

08-27-2019, 12:32 PM
Do you have first-hand knowledge of the full budget that was presented to JoBoeth and the council in April?

No. I’m basing my comments on what was asked for in the public presentations.

Urban Pioneer
08-27-2019, 12:33 PM
I have first hand knowledge on the things I mentioned in my comment.

08-27-2019, 12:35 PM
It's also interesting to consider how each of these individual items might fare with voters if they were each separate items.

Every single one would fail. The only reason Maps works is because all get something, nobody gets everything.

and LOL at Hamon complaining. 70% of the package is non BLC items. That's a dramatic reversal from previous Maps. She says she understands compromise, but then complains it didn't go exactly the way she wanted.

Take the W and be quiet.

08-27-2019, 12:38 PM
I have first hand knowledge on the things I mentioned in my comment.

You mean the Mayor met with the council and you were in attendance in one of those meetings?

Urban Pioneer
08-27-2019, 12:54 PM
I’m pretty sure he met with people individually. Pete, if you’ve got a list of what did or didn’t change from Hamon, feel free to post it. From my observations and discussions the commentary about this her comments are pretty ambiguous. She voted for MAPS 4 so I guess it doesn’t matter. Count me out of the discussion the next few days.

08-27-2019, 01:00 PM
Watched the whole meeting online. Didn't see a single soul get up and gripe about why no aquarium, so I guess that's that.

08-27-2019, 01:42 PM
It will be a sad but revealing sight watching Ed Shadid constitutionally challenging an initiative that will help people who rely on bus transportation, whose forgotten neighborhoods will receive important public investment, who suffer from addiction, unaffordable housing, homelessness, and mental illness. But that is the most Ed thing ever. If he were still on council I bet this round of projects would be 90 percent Chamber driven.

This post is disingenuous and speculative. Ed is not challenging any one project he is challenging logrolling. You personally seem to have a beef with him so are speculating how the public might perceive him if he goes through. My understanding is he doesn’t like the logrolling based on our state constitution wording. To him (and others) its like blackmail by saying you have to agree to all or none.

I think its important for at least one of us to come to his defense when he is attacked like this. His interpretation has a lot of merit but yet some posters now try to paint him as someone who is against the downtrodden and thats uncalled for. This post was a personal attack on him when his beef is constitutional.

08-27-2019, 01:45 PM
I guess this will be first MAPS defeat. Thank you Mayor Holt for doing nothing.

08-27-2019, 01:47 PM
Keep in mind, the anti-logrolling (single subject) measure is part of the Oklahoma constitution as it is in 40 other states.

And it's exactly why when we vote on general obligation bonds they are separated out into distinct categories (roads, sewer, etc.) and voted on individually.

AND, the city keeps changing their wording on these MAPS ballot measures specifically to circumvent this law.

So, this is hardly just grinding an ax. If it is indeed not an issue, then the courts will say so.

Ross MacLochness
08-27-2019, 01:53 PM
I guess this will be first MAPS defeat. Thank you Mayor Holt for doing nothing.

we shall see, but I seriously doubt it.

08-27-2019, 02:15 PM
Dream small should have been the slogan put out by the mayor.

08-27-2019, 02:20 PM
This post is disingenuous and speculative. Ed is not challenging any one project he is challenging logrolling. You personally seem to have a beef with him so are speculating how the public might perceive him if he goes through. My understanding is he doesn’t like the logrolling based on our state constitution wording. To him (and others) its like blackmail by saying you have to agree to all or none.

I think its important for at least one of us to come to his defense when he is attacked like this. His interpretation has a lot of merit but yet some posters now try to paint him as someone who is against the downtrodden and thats uncalled for. This post was a personal attack on him when his beef is constitutional.

The only part of my post that is speculative is the part about him still being on Council. And, it also proves that people who said he is anti-MAPS were correct. And for the record I like Ed and think he is generally a nice guy.

08-27-2019, 02:23 PM
Dream small should have been the slogan put out by the mayor.

This will be, by far, the largest MAPS project in terms of $, the majority of which goes toward human-centric projects people asked for. Is your apparent axe to grind seriously just over this aquarium?

08-27-2019, 02:58 PM
Human-centric programs should not be address through MAPS. Fair ground new arena should be a multiple function arena for a variety of sports, not just a horse barn. The aquarium would have brought in tax money, instead of giving away money on social programs that are no more than handouts.

Plutonic Panda
08-27-2019, 03:21 PM
This will be, by far, the largest MAPS project in terms of $, the majority of which goes toward human-centric projects people asked for. Is your apparent axe to grind seriously just over this aquarium?
To be fair, it could be argued many of these projects are half assed. Transit should have gotten more funding. The park cap over I-235 was completely butchered. The fair grounds arena should be bigger and grander to compete with the new one in Fort Worth. The "beautification" aspect leaves the two most important freeways through the city(I-35 and I-40) untouched.

I'm on the fence with this MAPS. I support it though I wish the aquarium was included, I think it will make the city better overall. That said if it fails I don't think it will be a big loss. It could even better long term forcing the city to either a) find new funding for these things which should have more proper funding than a 'temporary' sales tax and/or b) come back with a bigger and better MAPS 4.

If the former happens they could either increase the scope or do what OKCGuy suggests and break it down into 2-4 year cycles. Though it seems things that are really transformative like that just don't happen in OKC much.

08-27-2019, 03:29 PM
instead of giving away money on social programs that are no more than handouts.

Bingo. How often does that actually work?

08-27-2019, 03:48 PM
This will be, by far, the largest MAPS project in terms of $, the majority of which goes toward human-centric projects people asked for. Is your apparent axe to grind seriously just over this aquarium?

They got the majority of what they wanted to go before the voters. Now comes to process (if approved) of collections and what gets built first. Interesting to see how this plays out.

The Aquarium is doable with using just a portion of the 1/8 cent sales tax revenue (Zoo receives $12-14 million annually; use $4 million a year) the Zoo receives which could be stretched out over a 20 - 30 year period and/or added to MAPS 5 as the first items on the agenda to pay the Aquarium off so that it become debt free.

And for the record, I'm voting yes...

08-27-2019, 04:08 PM
There's not a whole lot of difference with the $978 million MAPS 4 package if you were to add $80 million for a Zoo Aquarium (1.6 billion) and extend it to 9 years instead of 8.

If the Zoo wanted a larger Aquarium they could stockpile some of the funds they receive from the permanent sales tax. This doesn't have to be a binary choice.

Ross MacLochness
08-27-2019, 04:20 PM
Bingo. How often does that actually work?

Have you read the report?

The funding goes to building facilities contingent on finding an operator and funding from other sources to run said facilities.

08-27-2019, 04:54 PM
Oklahoma City Council approves MAPS 4 package, special election to be Dec. 10

Have you read the report?

The funding goes to building facilities contingent on finding an operator and funding from other sources to run said facilities.

Good reminder, some of the projects are tied to benchmarks they will need to fulfill.

08-27-2019, 05:24 PM
Have you read the report?

The funding goes to building facilities contingent on finding an operator and funding from other sources to run said facilities.

I meant that as a reference to the efforts and financial efforts on the west coast where it has done nothing and the problem as gotten worse. I believe it is Seattle where the city has spent $100,000 per homeless resident and it has accomplished nothing.

08-27-2019, 05:27 PM
Have you read the report?

The funding goes to building facilities contingent on finding an operator and funding from other sources to run said facilities.

Why read the details when you case baselessly cast aspersions instead?

08-27-2019, 06:30 PM
This will pass easily

08-27-2019, 06:36 PM
Definitely had an opportunity to build some Dubai type sh!t while we still have oil and gas money flowing in, but, instead, we’re going to blow it on down payments for homeless folks and then stick the tax payers with the mortgage payments when they inevitably default.

Sounds sick, Comrades!

08-27-2019, 06:51 PM
I meant that as a reference to the efforts and financial efforts on the west coast where it has done nothing and the problem as gotten worse. I believe it is Seattle where the city has spent $100,000 per homeless resident and it has accomplished nothing.

It's actually gotten worse here. But that has more to do with liberal governing/enforcement (or lack thereof) than it does about the city helping the homeless (which I fully support). The homeless here are violent, very expressive, and get away with everything from public drunkenness, public urination/defecation, nudity, screaming/yelling, purposeful playing chicken with vehicles to actual drug dealing/consumption and criminal street crime (and all of this downtown btw). I don't think OKC has or will have Seattle's problem.

OKC is LONG behind other big cities with regard to municipal support for the homeless - this will help catch up a bit ($50M/2500 = $20,000 per homeless should go very far in OKC, esp when enhanced by private services (which Seattle has very little/none))..

08-27-2019, 07:06 PM
Definitely had an opportunity to build some Dubai type sh!t while we still have oil and gas money flowing in, but, instead, we’re going to blow it on down payments for homeless folks and then stick the tax payers with the mortgage payments when they inevitably default.

Sounds sick, Comrades!

I’ve been involved with a number of projects in Dubai. We NEVER have had that kind of development capital or interest in doing so. May as well compare us to Paris for culture.

Our support of the challenged in OK is embarrassing for a developed country.

08-27-2019, 07:11 PM
Sure, Oklahoma City needs to address its homeless population as does every city. There's always something our city could do; let's not put all of this on the city.

Homeless have to have a will to improve their own individual situations. Any structure we provide should be monitored for upkeep, hold those who benefit accountable for better living standards or you're just building a project that offers a temporary solution to a long-term problem.

jonny d
08-27-2019, 07:13 PM
i’ve been involved with a number of projects in dubai. We never have had that kind of development capital or interest in doing so. May as well compare us to paris for culture.

Our support of the challenged in the USA is embarrassing for a developed country.

08-27-2019, 09:20 PM
Sure, Oklahoma City needs to address its homeless population as does every city. There's always something our city could do; let's not put all of this on the city.

Homeless have to have a will to improve their own individual situations. Any structure we provide should be monitored for upkeep, hold those who benefit accountable for better living standards or you're just building a project that offers a temporary solution to a long-term problem.

In the current economy, the vast majority of homeless are addicted, mentally challenged or ill, physically challenged or undocumented. Few people simply can't find work to the extent they need to beg for money or live the homeless life. Cities generally have multiple organizations to help those who want help. My point is, until the laws allow those who dont want or can't help themselves to be forced into treatment, the problem will never be solved. The law protects homelessness as a choice and begging as speech. I'd far rather see that $100k/homeless money used for mental care and treatment than just a handout.

08-27-2019, 10:23 PM
Not everyone will qualify for the homeless programs. Select those who can benefit the most.

While driving the street next door east of the Jesus House, saw a man (last year or two) wrapped in blankets & cardboard (snow on the ground), it occurred to me the guy could possibly freeze to death. Returned and stopped in front of the Jesus House, talked with security about what I observed--he stated 'sometimes people make a choice, he can't follow rules so he lost privileges.'

Many of these people are ill, minds are badly warped. Maybe it started with drugs or brain injury, who knows. The longer they're out on the streets the more likelihood they will encounter more physical and/or mental trauma. I realize, we can't save them all--save as many as you can.

08-28-2019, 02:04 AM
Where is the “handout” argument coming from? This package includes no “handouts.”

08-28-2019, 06:06 AM
Keep in mind, the anti-logrolling (single subject) measure is part of the Oklahoma constitution as it is in 40 other states.

And it's exactly why when we vote on general obligation bonds they are separated out into distinct categories (roads, sewer, etc.) and voted on individually.

AND, the city keeps changing their wording on these MAPS ballot measures specifically to circumvent this law.

So, this is hardly just grinding an ax. If it is indeed not an issue, then the courts will say so.

i am on the record that i will vote no for this Maps (although in reality i am moving so i won't get to vote)

but one could just as accurately say that the city changed the words of the ballot to COMPLY with the law ...

this ballot language change was to allow for the operational funds (not just capital imporovements)

just like the last MAPS3 the voters are only voting on a single subject ..

Ed knows full well the council can do whatever they want with the money he tried lots of times to vote to move maps 3 money around to other projects

08-28-2019, 06:10 AM
Where is the “handout” argument coming from? This package includes no “handouts.”

it has a bunch on "social programs" that are not and should not be city gov business .... and the idea that throwing money at some of the problems they are trying to solve is going to "fix" them is laughable ..

seattle spends 90mil a year to "fix" homelessness ... and guess what the problem continues to get worse..

08-28-2019, 06:21 AM
It’s worth the try but I’m deeply skeptical we’re gonna fix an issue like homelessness, little old okc isn’t magically going to crack the code.

If it fails I want city leaders to be open to the idea that it can’t be fixed, instead of putting the city on a we just need more money treadmill that’s working like a dream in SF and Seattle.

08-28-2019, 06:21 AM
He gave lots of interviews in the past that MAPS “is just a vote for a tax” and nothing else and that nothing binds anything to the proposed projects.

08-28-2019, 06:50 AM
i am on the record that i will vote no for this Maps (although in reality i am moving so i won't get to vote)
Are you just moving out of OKC or out of Oklahoma?

08-28-2019, 06:53 AM
Are you just moving out of OKC or out of Oklahoma?

just out of okc proper

08-28-2019, 07:12 AM
Again, one can argue that these investments are bad ideas, or won’t work or whatever, but nothing I’ve seen in any of the proposals is a handout.

Ed Shadid
08-28-2019, 11:11 AM
Again, one can argue that these investments are bad ideas, or won’t work or whatever, but nothing I’ve seen in any of the proposals is a handout.

How about up to $12.42 million for the Thunder Practice Facility at 9600 N. Oklahoma Ave? That's a handout in my book.

08-28-2019, 11:17 AM
How about up to $12.42 million for the Thunder Practice Facility at 9600 N. Oklahoma Ave? That's a handout in my book.

Just got to throw the word "Multipurpose" in there somewhere, and that makes it totally fine! Definitely not a handout if it's a multipurpose facility, right? :)

08-28-2019, 11:19 AM
How about up to $12.42 million for the Thunder Practice Facility at 9600 N. Oklahoma Ave? That's a handout in my book.

The Thunder financial impact on OKC far outweighs $12.42 million. Last report I saw was around $ 1.5 million per game economic gain. At 41 games per season (more if in playoffs) then this one time training facility payout will be one of the better investments made for MAPS4.

Ed Shadid
08-28-2019, 11:52 AM
The Thunder financial impact on OKC far outweighs $12.42 million. Last report I saw was around $ 1.5 million per game economic gain. At 41 games per season (more if in playoffs) then this one time training facility payout will be one of the better investments made for MAPS4.

And the increase in value of the team since the purchase has increased from its purchase price in 2006 of $350 million to something like $1.5 billion today (429% return in 13 years). Everyone needs to get up off their knees and stop acting like the financial benefit goes one way (from benevolent oligarchs who own the team to the people of OKC). How about the people of OKC get an equity position in the team ala the Green Bay Packers.

08-28-2019, 12:25 PM
And the increase in value of the team since the purchase has increased from its purchase price in 2006 of $350 million to something like $1.5 billion today (429% return in 13 years). Everyone needs to get up off their knees and stop acting like the financial benefit goes one way (from benevolent oligarchs who own the team to the people of OKC). How about the people of OKC get an equity position in the team ala the Green Bay Packers.

And they ponied up and bought it. No one gave it to them. OKC gets the benefit of this group going out on a limb. I have no problem with infrastructure upkeep on city owned property.

You ever watch ESPN ? Few knew where OKC was until 13 years ago. We finally have a positive identity.